Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 87: Work progress (large

Wu Hanyang shook his head awkwardly.

"You guys are acquainted, let alone Hong Feng, I was the first to kill you." Yang Cheng deliberately mentioned this in front of so many people and it is not aimless, mainly because there are so many unplanted now. Men don’t want to recruit themselves to struggle to make money. They just want to be rich. They do everything for the woman’s money, such as making a big woman’s belly and making her family helpless.

"Also, don\'t be happy too early. This first level is not so easy for you to pass. I will arrange for someone to investigate you to see if what you said is true and whether your performance in college is worthy of our Yanran. I told you in advance that it was for your own good, and don\'t have any grudges in your heart."

   Yang Cheng is like an old hen, guarding Situ Yanran behind her, telling others so frankly that I want to investigate you, and saying that it’s good for you that Wu Hanyang can\'t get angry even if she wants to get angry.

After Yang Cheng, the Situ family bombarded Wu Hanyang in turn, and in the end they did not leave the birthday party for Situ Yanran. It seemed a little unkind, but he left the whole Situ family unhappy, so he could only wrong him. .

  . . .

   At the dinner, Situ Hongfeng drank without taste, and asked Yang Cheng who was sitting next to him, "Xiaocheng, do you have someone in London?"

Yang Cheng was eating an authentic Chinese meal prepared by a super chef. Situ Hongfeng asked abruptly. After a few seconds, he reacted and replied, “Oh, Dubai Crown Prince Hammandan seems to have graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science. It\'s okay to help inquire about the individual."

   "How do you know the Crown Prince of Dubai?" Situ Hongfeng put down his wine glass and started chatting.

   "I met in Rio and watched the World Cup together. He has a good relationship with the two British princes and Anthony Arnott. After a few conversations, they exchanged contact information."

Yang Cheng sandwiched a chicken wing with glutinous rice with imperial concubine. The chicken wings were deboned and stuffed with glutinous rice sausage and other ingredients. After the steps of steaming and frying, they were cooked with imperial concubine chicken wings. The sauce was made with homemade wine. The tenderness and the mellow aroma of glutinous rice, together with the rose-colored sweet sauce wrapped around the outside, is a very hot dish that even Yangcheng, a big man who eats less sweets, can\'t praise it.

   "Okay, Yanran is that you bother, in fact, our Situ family is most optimistic about you two being together, the result..."

   Yang Cheng Yun Cai, come again?

"Uncle Hong Feng, don\'t mention this. When I was a child, I played with Yanran and always treated her as a younger sister. Later, you also know what I went through. This is good now, at least you don\'t have to worry about Yanran being bullied by marrying others. "

   Situ Hongfeng didn\'t answer the conversation either. He drank a glass of wine. It was the same mentality as a father with a daughter, especially when he raised his daughter beautiful and smart, and finally made a poor boy cheap.

   Yang Cheng didn\'t dare to laugh at fifty steps, and he would have a daughter after he said that he didn\'t know how to look at him.

   I stayed at Situ’s house for two days and chatted with Grandpa Situ for a long time. From the perspective of business, Yang Cheng feels that there is a treasure in a family like an old man.

   Finally, when the information of Wu Hanyang came from Hamandan, nothing was found for the time being. Except for no money, Yang Cheng left.

   August 4th.

Bringing Wu Hanyang back to New York, at this time, the Forum Publishing Company entered the 7 Bryant Park Building one by one. Then there will be a series of events, such as holding press conferences, holding charity dinners, etc. This relocation of headquarters is equivalent to reopening. There can be no less procedures to go.

  On the way out from the airport to the company, Yang Cheng looked at Wu Hanyang, who hadn\'t spoken all the way, "You are studying law in the UK. Can you get a license in the US? I don\'t understand it very well."

  Wu Hanyang is now completely immersed in the sadness of being unable to meet Situ Yanran for three years, and Yang Cheng feels greasy when he sees it.

   "It\'s okay, but it\'s best to study for a local master of law. After all, the laws are different in different places." Finally, when Yang Cheng was impatient, he remembered to answer Yang Cheng\'s question.

"Well, then you will work for me while you are studying for a master\'s degree, and get the license test early, just because I need a legal adviser by my side." Yang Cheng thought this thing was no more difficult than a driver\'s license, saying it was very easy, Wu Hanyang deliberately retorted , But remembering that Yan Ran was still waiting for him, she had to bite and promised, "I see."

At 4 pm, Yang Cheng and his group of 6 people appeared in the lobby on the first floor of the 7 BryantPark building. The assistant Lin Susu officially took office. She had been notified a long time ago. She was wearing the professional attire that Yang Cheng bought for her that day and standing with a stack of documents in front of her chest. At the front desk, chatting with the newly recruited front desk lady, I haven\'t seen good English proficiency for a few days.

   "Boss", Susu saw Yang Cheng appear, jogged up to meet him, and his chest seemed to be equipped with a suspension device, up and down, learning the name of foreigners and colleagues, and he screamed.

   "Well, how are you getting used to these days?" Yang Cheng kept walking and asked with concern.

"Very good, everyone takes good care of me." Susu changed her hair style today, and her long hair was cut short, which will be over her shoulders. The original slightly curly hair was also straightened, and a ponytail was tied. Change to a cute style and become professional.

"That\'s good, you must ask if you don\'t understand. I won\'t tolerate your frequent mistakes after formal work." Yang Cheng maintained an unsmiling expression. This is the first day at the company, the big boss\'s. Majesty must be erected.

Susu nodded obediently. After wearing high heels for a few days, she still didn’t get used to it. Yang Cheng had big steps, but she could only step on small steps to follow. Because a certain part was too heavy, her center of gravity was unstable. The appearance of a fall.

   After passing the front desk, Yang Cheng showed a handsome smile to the two front desk ladies and walked straight to his exclusive elevator.

   "Wow, this young Chinese is our big boss, isn\'t it?" A beautiful brown-haired woman patted her partner\'s arm in excitement.

   The partner looked a little arrogant. He looked at the beautiful brown-haired woman with disdain, and hummed, "Yes, don\'t be so excited. I really want to attract the attention of the big boss to unbutton all the buttons. It is not enough to just open 3 buttons."

   "I can\'t think about it? Besides, they have Miranda Kerr. That\'s a supermodel. How can I look at Cinderella like us." The brown-haired beauty is very simple, she didn\'t hear her partner\'s tone, she said to herself.

   "Don\'t take me, I\'m not Cinderella." The partner combed her hair with a comb, disdainful of the appearance of the little brown-haired beauty, and showed all the characteristics of the scheming bitch.

   The elevator went straight to the top floor of the building. After two days of emergency layout, the originally empty office was only simply decorated. After processing and adding some points in Ritz Khan, it was decorated according to Yang Cheng\'s requirements and it was completely new.

   Yang Cheng came out of the elevator, facing Lin Susu\'s desk. She will set a checkpoint for Yang Cheng here to block all those who have not made an appointment.

   Going to the left is the entrance to the office, and to the right is a large conference room, as well as some functional rooms, such as the office for Yang Cheng\'s bodyguards to rest and watch, and a small kitchen.

The office space belonging to Yangcheng occupies two-thirds of the top floor. The office area, meeting area, leisure and entertainment area, and a bedroom no less than the presidential suite of the hotel, there is a large enough room to accommodate 3 people. Big tumbling bed.

   After pushing the door and entering the office, the first impression is that it is wide. From the doorway, Persian carpets are laid out. Of course, not all of them are made by hand. It is not that prodigal to cover such a large area with handmade carpets.

   There are several small-sized oil paintings hanging on the wall. It should be a series of stories, and Yang Cheng didn\'t take a closer look.

   Sitting behind the desk, turned on the Apple computer on the desk, let Wu Hanyang visit casually, beckoned to Susu and said, "Call Ritz Khan and Eddie Havestein to come up."

   "It\'s the boss." Lin Susu entered the state quite quickly.

This made Yang Cheng\'s evil taste a little weaker. She wanted to find a big Lolita to put her eyes on her side, and help her warm up the bed by the way. Who would have thought that she was an all-rounder in the hall and the kitchen. Of course, Xiao Bai When the rabbit gets to the mouth, how can the big bad wolf let it go?

   10 minutes later, Ryze Khan and Eddie Harveystein walked in one after another under Su Su\'s leadership.

   "Sit down, Ryze, the office is well-dressed, thank you for your hard work." Yang Cheng first thanked Ryze.

   "This is a small matter, boss."

"Okay, let\'s talk about business, Eddie, how long will the relocation work take?" Yang Cheng turned his eyes to Eddie. Compared with the last time they met, he felt a bit old cucumber painted with green paint. Eddie\'s formal clothes were no longer sloppy and gray. The hair has also been taken care of carefully. I think it\'s because the forum publishing company got out of the trouble, and people also have energy.

   Eddie pushed the glasses, "It will take another week. Currently, the network department and the administration department have been stationed in the headquarters. According to the plan, the editor-in-chief will be stationed in groups. If they move in at the same time, it will affect the normal distribution of the newspaper."

   "Well, take your time according to your plan. When will the press conference be held?" Yang Cheng turned his pen and continued to understand the progress of the work.

   "The plan is this Friday, and then a charity dinner will be held that night, followed by a small auction, and the money raised will be used to fund out-of-school children." These activities are all arranged by Eddie, and no one knows better than him.

   Yang Cheng is not at ease. This is the first time he has started a business in his past and present lives. He will always be nervous, "Is the guest list ready? Give me a copy?"

   "Okay, I will send it to your assistant later." Eddie agreed.

   "Ryze, are all the administrative staff recruited?" Yang Cheng nodded and asked Ryze Khan again.

   "Not yet, Manhattan does not lack relevant personnel, but I don\'t want the company to have useless people, so I have to screen carefully." Ryze replied truthfully, he will not lie just to flatter the boss.

   Yang Cheng understands this truth. Since Ryze has been hired, he has to trust him. You don\'t need to bother yourself with such trivial matters.

I took out two prints from the drawer and put them on the table and slid them to two capable officers. "This is the evidence I got to let Elizabeth Holmes investigate, Eddie, can we make a name for ourselves after the press conference? It\'s up to you."

   Eddie hurriedly picked it up and quickly browsed, grabbing the news in an instant, and the corners of his mouth raised. Yang Cheng, the new boss, really gave him a big surprise.

   "Boss, give it to me, Elizabeth Holmes is from Silicon Valley, so let\'s use the Los Angeles Times to shoot?" He did not doubt the authenticity of the information.

   Yang Cheng shrugged, "This is your job."

Ryze\'s reading speed is not as fast as professional Eddie. After Eddie and Yang Orange discussed for a while, they put down the document and put forward a different view, "Boss, I think such good news does not necessarily have to wait until after the press conference. ."

   "Oh? What do you think? Just let me hear it?"

   Yang Cheng is quite open-minded in dealing with the advice of his subordinates. Subordinates are brave enough to make suggestions. He is still willing to listen, as long as it is for the good of the company.

   "The genius and the rich are actually fraudsters; Forum Publishing Company, one of the three largest newspaper groups in the United States, has changed its owner; the new boss is suspected to be the boyfriend of supermodel Miranda Kerr."

After a pause, Ryze saw that Yang Cheng’s expression remained unchanged, and then said, “Three consecutive days of breaking news are enough to maintain the company’s popularity. As long as the two major newspapers headed by the Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune can maintain the news. The freshness of the news, coupled with the recent explosion of Budweiser InBev’s black material, advertisers have already visited. If there is another wave of GC, it is expected to sign long-term contracts with advertisers."

Look at Eddie, then look at Yang Cheng, "Of course, the\'headline\' app plan proposed by boss is our top priority. The prospects are promising. It is best to launch it before this wave of enthusiasm can save us. A lot of promotion expenses."

   Yang Cheng and Eddie looked at each other and smiled, "Boss, I think Ritz is more suitable for the position of CEO of Forum Publishing Company."

  Ritz waved his hand humbly, "This is just a little bit of operational advice. If I want to manage so many newspapers, my head will blow."

Yang Cheng leaned back in the chair, the big swivel chair trembled, and laughed teasingly, "Eddie, Ritz is the CEO of the head office. You asked him to manage the forum publishing company for you. Isn\'t that demoted? He is willing I still disagree."

"Yes, then I followed Ritz\'s suggestion? By the way, is there anything you can\'t write about hyping your relationship with Miss Kerr?" Eddie smiled in favor, and then cautiously asked Yang Not everyone likes to be famous for Orange\'s bottom line, he doesn\'t know enough about Yang Orange.

   The pen head nodded on the table and made a "Gada Gada" voice, and after pondering for a while, he said, "Try to use vague words and don\'t let the romance sit down."

   "I understand, boss, I will master this degree." Eddie understood Yang Cheng\'s meaning.

"Ritz, did you find the novel I asked you to check?" Yang Cheng stood up, took out a few glasses from the wine cabinet behind, hesitated and picked a bottle of 2000 Margaux wine, and opened it. Cork did not sober up, and poured a glass for himself and two of his men.

"Fifty shades of gray? This novel is too I heard that the global sales in the first half of this year exceeded 100 million." Eddie also heard about this. When it comes to literature, he is an expert. I have read this book, otherwise why is the expression so wretched.

   "Yes, it\'s a pity that we started late." Ryze shook his head with some regret, picked up the glass and shook it.

   Yang Cheng put the cork back into the bottle and asked with a frown, "The right to edit was bought? That\'s right, Hollywood will not let go of such a hot novel."

"Not only that, the movies have already started! With the content of this novel and the accumulated book fans, if the movie produced is not too nonsense, don\'t discuss issues such as human nature, the box office explosion is expected. "

   Ritz took a sip of red wine, and the words were full of regrets. As the CEO of the company, it is more uncomfortable to not make money with a knife than to kill him.

   "Filming started?" Yang Cheng was surprised. He really couldn\'t remember the specific release time of the movie.

   still insisted, "Which company bought it?"

  Ritz thought for a while, his tone was uncertain, "It seems to be called Focus Films. There are no one thousand and eight hundred similar small studios in Hollywood."

   This is full of contempt. If the copyright is in the hands of Big Six, or companies like DreamWorks, he would not have any ideas, but which dish is the focus? It is a waste of money for them to earn.

   "Focus business? How much is it worth?" Not only Ritz, Yang Cheng also had the same idea. He is now "poor" and crazy, and he doesn\'t want to let go of a dollar of profit.

   How fast Ritz reacted, put down the wine glass, picked up the phone on Yang Cheng\'s desk, and ordered, "Go and check the asset valuation of Hollywood Focus, come on!"

   In the evening, the setting sun sprinkled with gold, and the whole building seemed to be covered with golden gauze like cicada wings, like a dream. . . . . .