Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 84: CEO Ritz Khan

(The background notification was blocked in Chapter 83 because it involved sensitive content. The author will contact the editor tomorrow to discuss the revision. If only the name is changed, if the plot of ZZ cannot be touched at all, then the book cannot be written. It has been revised once before. The outline will be completely messed up if you change it again! It\'s really broken, the codewords are all messed up today!)

   On TV, Miranda Kerr is wearing a black camisole and a long printed skirt with her chest wide open. Yang Cheng caught the two protrusions under the black fabric at a glance.

   curled his lips, "Sao girls don\'t wear underwear."

   It may really be that society is progressing. After entering the 21st century, European and American women especially praise the liberation of the breast. They believe that a large part of the reason why women get adenocarcinoma is due to wearing underwear.

Especially Hollywood actresses are the most impatient. Sometimes Yang Cheng thinks again, it’s better not to wear clothes. Unobstructed contact with the air is true freedom. Get two pieces of rags to cover two points, and the outlines are all exposed. Outside, even those with rich imagination can take a shot at this photo.

   dressed like the ones sold out to the street to take pictures of paparazzi, don’t you want to be red?

After the host Jimmy Feilun asked Miranda Kerr’s childhood questions, he suddenly raised a photo with a smirk. It was a scene of Yang Cheng and Miranda walking off the yacht holding hands in Miami. In the photo, Miranda Kerr was one. She looked at Yang Cheng sweetly, and Yang Cheng loved Miranda Kerr and stroked her hair disturbed by the sea breeze. The photo was frozen in that moment.

   The photo was also shot on the screen. Yang Cheng poked his head closer and looked at it for a while, then smacked his lips, "This **** paparazzi photography technique is pretty good."

   Indeed, anyone who looks at the man and woman in the photo will think that they are a couple in love.

In the screams of the audience, Jimmy Feilun joked to Miranda Kerr with a shy look, "Let’s see this handsome young Asian guy, Miranda, or you can introduce him yourself. ?"

   There was a burst of laughter in the audience. Miranda kept fanning the wind with her hands to cool her face. Jimmy Feilun asked and answered, "Well, she can\'t speak now, let me introduce it."

   Miranda covered her face and did not dare to look up.

   "This is Jason Yang. This name must be very strange to everyone. To be honest, I haven\'t heard of it unless I went to Google to check it.

   However, he is the heir of Yuanshan Capital. This Chinese family has a wealth of more than tens of billions of dollars, and Jason Yang is the only child in the family. "

   Simply and rudely pointed out that Yang Cheng’s biggest advantage in her life is money. After putting away the photos, she asked a question that appealed to the audience, "Miranda, are you in love?"

   The audience coaxed, Miranda put her hands on her hot cheek, her big eyes flickered, and when the voice fell, she smiled and said, "We never talked about this topic, but we came together naturally."

   This answer was extremely clever. It didn\'t clearly say that she was in love, but it also gave the outside world unlimited imagination.

   "Wow, it sounds very romantic, how did you meet?" Fei Lun continued to ask, this is all the points that can increase the ratings.

   Miranda blinked playfully. "At the party he threw in New York."

   "So it\'s love at first sight?" Fei Lun exaggerated and exaggerated his eyes widened.

   Miranda just blinked at the camera and laughed.

When Yang Cheng saw this, she no longer had the desire to watch. He picked up the phone and hesitated for a few minutes. After writing several messages over and over again, the message was not sent out. Finally, he threw it discouraged. If there is any follow-up development for Ke\'er, she used her to speculate on hot spots as compensation for her.

   He was just about to wait for a press conference to be held after the headquarters of the Forum Publishing Company was relocated. Miranda also unintentionally built a reputation for himself, so as not to be embarrassed when no one knew him at the conference.

   turned off the TV and lay down again. Under the dim light, the sound of rain falling, like soothing hypnotic music, gave rise to sleepiness.

  Who knows that when he closed his eyes for less than 2 minutes, he seemed to be asleep when he was asleep, old John walked slowly over and patted Yang Cheng.

   "jason, jason, Mr. Ritz invited by Mr. Yang is here."

   Being disturbed when you are about to fall asleep is the most depressing. He muttered uncomfortably, "It\'s really not time to come."

   Poor Ryze Khan didn’t know it, because he came too early, which caused Yang Cheng to lower his score from 80 to 60 in his mind, not knowing how to choose the right time is a taboo in the workplace.

   One of the biggest grievances in the world is that you have been sentenced to death and you still don’t know it.

   "Bring him in." Yang Cheng shook his head and went back upstairs to change into home clothes and re-off. She looked disrespectful in her pajamas.

When he returned to the living room again, Old John was directing the servant to serve coffee. The guest who seemed to have a complexion between light brown and black, with big eyes and a big mouth, should be Ryze Khan, who looked mixed. Only the genes for the figure are mixed, but the looks are not mixed.

   "Mr. Ryze Khan, this is Jason Yang, please call me if you need to." Old John introduced Yang Cheng to Ryze, then retired and left the living room to Yang Cheng.

   "Hello Mr. Khan, just call me jason. It is a bit abrupt for my father to call you during the weekend break. Wouldn\'t you mind?" Yang Cheng stretched out his hand and smiled cordially.

  Ryze Khan held Yang Cheng\'s hand with both hands, and said respectfully, "No, this is my job, I don\'t know if Jason asked me to come?"

   is still a straight Yang Cheng secretly said.

"That\'s it. My father spoke highly of your ability and management talent. I was just about to set up a holding company to focus on the assets under my personal name. I need a capable and responsible CEO to replace him. I was in town and my father recommended you to me."

   Yang Cheng sat on the solo sofa, turned Erlang\'s legs sideways to Ryze, and quickly explained his intention to come, then took a sip of the coffee and waited for the answer from the other party.

  Ritz nodded clearly, did not rush to ask, but after analyzing the pros and cons in his head, he asked, "May I know what work will be done if I agree?"

"Of course, there is nothing to hide. The most important task at the moment is to reorganize the Forum Publishing Company and help them settle in their new headquarters in New York as soon as possible. Of course, you mainly play a supervisory and auxiliary role in this part, and you still have to entrust them with the execution. Editor-in-chief Eddie Harveystein, after all, you are not an expert in newspaper media, are you?"

  Ritz was stunned, and then nodded, "Yes, professional matters should be done by someone."

   "After that, I need you to send someone to follow up on Lionsgate\'s projects. I negotiated with their chairman Marklaces, and he will help me acquire some of the directors’ shares, um..."

Yang Cheng thought for a while, and then groaned, "I can give you some insights about this project. I look down on the Marklaces, and I will kick him out after finishing the holding of Lionsgate. Grasp the pace of the negotiation and don’t rush. Lionsgate recently released a blockbuster movie. According to the news I received, basically no one is optimistic that the movie will sell well, that is to say..."

   Ritz chuckled and continued, "That is to say, we can drag the film to the box office failure and buy the bottom from the stock market?"