Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 83: On TV? (over

"What do you mean?" Yang Cheng wanted to know what the Americans or the rich class had towards Trump without the perspective of God. He had read a lot of essays in his previous life, and his comments were polarized. Some said that Trump was deep. He is loved by the people, and some say that the people hate him, but the rich regard him as a treasure.

Yang Sen smoked a cigar again, leaned on the bookshelf, and began to teach his son. "Aside from Trump’s character, he has an advantage over others in running for president. He has a reputation. This is very important. Many people who have votes Citizens actually don’t care about politics. They just listen to a few candidate speeches when it’s the turn of the general election, and choose whoever they think the policy promised by the candidate is in line with their wishes. Even more, they don’t even listen to speeches. At this time, the reputation of the candidate is very important."

  Yang Cheng nodded and expressed his understanding that this is also the drawback of democratic elections. The key votes that really determine whether to reach the top are not in the hands of ordinary people. Then Yang Sen said again,

"Fame is one aspect, and Trump himself is a rich man is another advantage. His own wealth means that he does not need to be bothered by donations like other candidates, and his connections can easily get a vote. An elite supporter, this also means that he can use a big knife to win over voters, especially the disadvantaged groups who value practical interests. For example, he can spend his own money to repair street lights in a relatively poor area."

   took a breath, poured a glass of whiskey and cigar, and continued,

   "Finally, Trump is a businessman. What he is best at is the exchange of interests. As long as he can give all parties satisfactory benefits and get the support of, for example, Wall Street, his chance of being elected will at least double."

   Yang Cheng cocked his legs and asked puzzledly, "Then he started the layout sooner?"

   Yang Sen shook his head, "It\'s not early at all. You have to decide on a feasible campaign theme and slogan? You have to write speeches and manuscripts of policy positions? These manuscripts are not formed at once, and have to be revised several times.

You have to fight for the official support of influential individuals and organizations; recruit full-time staff and volunteers; hire pollsters and consultants; create opportunities for yourself to show your face, win the favor of the media, etc., all these tasks are almost done. It\'s time to announce the election. "

   After thinking about it, I added, "You can\'t wait until you have announced your candidacy to do this work. There are only a few experienced campaign public relations teams. If you don\'t make a reservation first, you will be snatched away by others."

   Yang Cheng’s head is big when he hears it. Running for president is really not something ordinary people can play. This is just a matter of fact. I can’t even think of how dark and fierce the political confrontation is.

   "So you are optimistic about Trump being elected?" Yang Cheng finally asked the question he most wanted to ask.

Yang Sen laughed, put down his cigar, and stretched his waist. "I don\'t think it matters. There are not a few of those popular campaigns that are turned over at the last second, and if the Yang family does come in, they must win. We only have one chance. !"

He patted Yang Cheng on the shoulder, "Go and rest first. I have to think about it. I can\'t decide with a pat on the forehead. If Jerry Kushler finds you again, just drag it. Don\'t agree or refuse, we It\'s also a trick to avoid the rabbits or scatter the eagles. As long as the benefits are in place, why don\'t the Yang family fight with him?"

   After speaking, Yang Sen yawned and walked out of the study, only the cigar on the ashtray was still light and dark. . .


On the first day of August, God’s mood was not very good. It was dark and heavy. In the morning, Yang Cheng was awakened by the thunder. Before his eyes were fully opened, a bolt of lightning pierced the sky. After a while, it was raining heavily with soybeans. Falling from the sky, hitting the glass with crackling noises.

This kind of stormy weather, thunder and lightning, and violent storms, even if you are sitting at home, you can feel the shaking of the earth and the mountains, especially the upper floors of the Yang family. The thick black clouds are like thousands of troops and horses coming under the city. Above the head, the breathtaking momentum made people feel tight, and the big trees in Central Park were toppled and toppled by the wind.

   I checked that the time was only 7:30, and I wanted to go to bed again, but I couldn\'t sleep because of the thunder and lightning, so I just lifted the quilt and stopped sleeping.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I didn’t wipe my hair. I walked out of the bedroom with water droplets wearing underwear and pajamas. The Yang family’s three pajamas have the same style, and each has several different colors. Yang Cheng is now wearing green, um, Dark green, no hat!

   Coming down the stairs, Old John hurriedly walked out of the laundry room holding a dry-cleaned black suit, "Morning, Old John."

   "Early Jason, today\'s weather is terrible." Old John stopped and waited for Yang Cheng to go to the restaurant together.

   "Yes, it\'s a bad day, what are you doing?" Yang Cheng nodded and asked, pointing to the suit.

   "Oh, there is a stain on the suit, and the house is not clean, so you have to send it outside to clean." When Old John explained, the two had already arrived in the restaurant.

   "Good morning, mom and dad." Yang Cheng asked early and sat next to Liu Yun, wiping her hands with a warm and damp napkin.

   "Morning, won\'t you go out today?" Liu Yun was also wearing pajamas, sipping coffee lazily, still graceful and dignified without face up.

   Yang Cheng looked at a breakfast table and shook his head, "If you don’t go out, what anniversary is today? Make so many breakfasts?"

   Yang Sen put down his fork and covered his face with his hand to prevent his mother from seeing his expression, and replied silently, "Your mom is in a good mood today. Please have the whole family eat breakfast."

   "Puff..." Yang Cheng said with a smile, "Mom, you are too picky, and you finally have a visitor, so please have breakfast?"

Liu Yun picked up a piece of cake toast, teared it off and put it in her mouth, humming with an expression of successful conspiracy, "Huh, today is the weekend and it’s not good. The chef has taken a leave of absence and is too lazy to cook. Let’s invite the three of you. One meal."

   Yang Cheng is also drunk, mom, this is a big weekend to have fun.

   just picked a lunch box and opened it, "Oh, the Ritz-Carlton’s Vanilla Maple Ham Eggs Benedict."

   opened another box, "Oh, Mandarin Oriental\'s porridge with shrimp and fish paste, siu Mai."

   "God, Reggie\'s smoked herring steak."

   Yang Cheng, like a cross talk, opened a box and reported a box of dishes. Finally, he took a sip of porridge and belched comfortably, "Mom, did you round up the entire Manhattan breakfast?"

"So much nonsense, why don\'t you tell me that I picked it up? Eat yours." Liu Yun stuffed the half-eaten cake in Yang Cheng\'s mouth, stood up and hammered her waist beautifully, "I\'m full, your lord The two ate slowly. After a while, they asked someone to do the spa. Don’t bother me if it’s okay. By the way, I’ll have Japanese food at noon.”

   Mom groaned comfortably and went back upstairs. Yang Cheng continued to fight at the dining table, while eating and chatting with Yang Sen, "Dad, are there any people in Yuanshan who don\'t need it now?"

   "Why don\'t you use it?" Yang Sen didn\'t understand, and the improper use of Yang Orange caused misunderstandings.

   waved his hand and swallowed the siu-mai, "I was wrong, I mean whether Yuanshan has a strong person, but there is no room for talent, let me use it."

Yang Sen chewed the salad in his mouth, his pupils moved upwards, and he waited for two minutes before he patted the table, "Well, let alone there really is one named Ryze Khan, 37 or 8 years old, a mixed Indian. , Has outstanding talent in management, does not have a suitable position in Yuanshan, and currently serves as the deputy leader of the second investment group, Qu Cai."

   Yang Cheng is interested, "Indians?" Now it is very popular for world-renowned multinational companies to find Indian or Indian CEOs to manage the company. The CEOs of companies such as Unilever, MasterCard, McKinsey, Pepsi, etc. are all Indian.

   Why are Indian executives particularly popular?

   One is that their mother tongue is English. Well, some people are going to laugh at the curry accent, but in fact, their English is Western style. This is a gap that people who grew up in Z country can hardly cross;

   The second is India’s unique bureaucratic system, which allows senior executives to practice adaptability. In other words, they are extremely adaptable and can adapt everywhere. They will not complain about the local environment, but use similar methods to integrate.

  The third is that their ambitions are relatively small, and the board of directors can easily be controlled, that is, they are obedient, let them do whatever they want, and don\'t think they are making moths.

So as soon as Yang Cheng heard that he was of Indian origin, he first raised his score to 80. It would be no problem to get Yang Sen’s appreciation The rest is to meet and see if it is Yang Cheng’s. By the eye, he doesn\'t want to have an executive who looks unpleasant to take care of his assets.

   "Can you call him here?" Yang Cheng couldn\'t wait, as if the people would fly away after a second delay.

   "What are you doing? So anxious? You don\'t look at the weather now." Yang Sen asked inexplicably.

   Yang Cheng turned his head subconsciously, and the rain fell on the glass curtain wall in a line, almost forming a waterfall.

   "I am going to set up a holding company to centrally manage the projects I have invested in." I haven\'t encountered this bad weather for a long time, and it\'s useless to be anxious.

   Yang Sen agreed, "Well, that\'s a good idea. I\'ll call Elena and ask her to arrange for Reziyu to come home."

  . . .

At noon, the Yang family ate light Japanese food according to the instructions of the Queen Mother Lafayette. Yang Cheng was quick to pay the bill. In the words of his mother, the owner of the family had to pay for the big meal at night. Have fun and enjoy family happiness.

   This gusty shower did not last long. The amount of rain slowly decreased, the wind weakened, and the dark clouds dispersed, but the father-in-law did not appear, the sky was dark, and the drizzle of drizzle fell with the breeze.

   Yang Sen and Liu Yun both went upstairs to take a nap, only Yang Cheng lying on the sofa in the living room dialing the remote control boredly.

   just dialed to nbc, and the Jimmy Tonight Show is being replayed on TV, and the interview guest in this issue is Miranda Kerr, who has spent many fancy nights with Yang Cheng.

   At the same time, from the photo shot by the program group in the upper right corner of the TV screen, Yang Cheng suddenly understood why so many passers-by looked at themselves with strange eyes when they were exercising in Central Park the morning before.

   "I\'m on TV like this?"