Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 80: Lions Gate Pictures

Marcraces leaned on the other side of the couch, sat opposite Yang Cheng, patted his tired cheeks, and sighed heavily, "I did encounter some trouble, mainly due to funding. The problem, as you know, Lionsgate has not done anything but a Hunger Games in the past few years, and several major production investments have suffered losses..."

Speaking of this, Mark himself can’t talk about it. In fact, these issues are not considered trade secrets. As a listed company, there are no secrets that can be concealed, unless a global giant like Apple and Microsoft has huge amounts of cash overseas. reserve.

Lionsgate is just a company that emerged in Canada. It has a place in Hollywood with its flagship horror production label. In the early days of its establishment, it did release a lot of good films. It has a super high status in the independent film circle, but the key point is that it was founded. Lionsgate is a group of movie lovers from Wall Street investment banks.

Why do we need to name the founders’ background? Because they knew from the beginning what route Lionsgate should take. All operations such as issuing horror films and being close to the independent film circle were all to gain fame, and they merged shortly after their founding. BeringerGoldCorp, a Toronto listed company, successfully listed Lionsgate Entertainment.

   After going public, I avoided a single structure and continued to initiate mergers and acquisitions. In 2010, I even hit MGM’s idea, but people didn’t pay attention.

In 2011, he aimed his guns at another independent production company, Peak Entertainment, and successfully acquired them. They have "The Hunger Games" and "Twilight" movies that seem to be made by the six major Hollywood companies. IP.

From the very beginning, the intention of these so-called movie lovers to create Lionsgate was not to make movies, but to make money. Therefore, looking at the history of the rise of Lionsgate, it is not difficult to find that luck is the main factor in their success. When luck runs out, Going downhill naturally.

Successive investment failures caused Lionsgate Pictures to run out of funds, and the stock price fell. The directors had no financing channels and were unable to support large-scale production investments. If this vicious circle continues, I am afraid that only bankruptcy is the only way to go. The scene of Chez making a phone call with a sad face.

   It is said that Lionsgate is expected to be among the top six in Hollywood, and even in the box office rankings, it once surpassed 20th Century Fox and ranked fifth in Hollywood.

But everyone knows that the six major film companies, like Disney with a market value of 150 billion US dollars, don’t mention them, as well as 20th Century Fox under News Corporation; Warner Bros. under Time Warner; and Comcast. Universal Pictures; Paramount, which belongs to Viacom, does not have a media giant to do its backing, only Lionsgate is playing a stand-alone.

  In today\'s era of resource integration, investing in the arms of giants to form economies of scale seems to be the only way out for Lionsgate.

   "So, Lionsgate is looking for predators to buy shares?" Yang Cheng asked, shaking his glass.

   Marklaces didn\'t answer, it\'s acquiescence.

   "Why not sell it directly? I think your shareholders have no intention of supporting it." Yang Cheng asked again.

There was a touch of unwillingness on Mark’s face, “I’m not reconciled. Lionsgate’s achievements today are earned by working more than 14 hours a day. Those **** vampires only know how to make money. They don’t love movies at all. , Lionsgate is like my child, who will sell his child?"

"CNM, I hate you the most for a guy who takes all the credit and takes all the credit on himself and takes credit for it. It is so refreshing and natural. Without the group of directors from investment banks, where would you get the money to make movies? Kidney!" Yang Cheng didn\'t listen to Mark\'s words at all, and the expression in his eyes changed when he looked at Mark, cursing in his heart.

  He didn\'t hold on to the injustices for those directors. In fact, a great company can never be achieved by one person. Is Jobs great? Great! But can Jobs take care of all the design and even manufacturing aspects of the iPhone alone? Can\'t! Therefore, only great teams, not great individuals, create a great company.

   Otherwise, why does Jack Ma carry the partner system in Ah Li? It\'s all the same.

No matter how fierce I was, I still echoed, "This is the truth, how about this, you help me contact the directors of your company, I intend to invest in the acquisition of shares in their hands, and then I will re-inject capital into Lionsgate. You continue to be chairman, after all I don’t know how to make movies."

   Did not notice Yang Cheng\'s poor eyesight, Mark sat up eagerly, "Really? Are you willing to invest in Lionsgate?"

   Yang Cheng spread his hands, "Of course, the premise is that I want the position of the major shareholder."

Mark’s face changed. This was the last thing he wanted to hear. In fact, there are not a few large companies interested in Lionsgate. There are two large companies on the other side of the Pacific that intend to acquire. One of them still controls nearly 20% of the global hospital. Line giants.

   "Excuse me for not agreeing, this condition is no different from others."

Yang Cheng shook his index finger, put the wine glass on the side table, and said sternly, "The difference is very big. They are pursuing a controlling stake. They want a wholly-owned acquisition to delist Lionsgate and drive you out of the company. The status of shareholders, the company is still controlled by you, this is essentially different."

   After a pause, I adjusted my sitting posture and said, "Moreover, I have a forum publishing company in my hands, which is an important channel to improve Lionsgate’s publicity capabilities. Lastly, I am an American. You don’t have to worry about government intervention."

Yang Cheng remembers that Ari and Wanda’s intention to acquire Lionsgate was reported at this time. In the end, he did not know what did not happen, but he understood the style of overseas acquisitions of Z-funded enterprises. They were not bad for money, but had no idea. It is impossible for people like Mark who have a perverted possessive desire for the company to accept the owner of a wholly-owned acquisition.

   snapped his fingers to invite the waiter and asked for a glass of juice. After so long, the mouth became dry.

"Jason, I admit that your terms are very attractive. I am willing to connect you and the directors. As for the shares in my hand, you can dilute it by injecting capital to help you gain the position of a major shareholder. I hope that after you enter the company It can deliver on promises."

Mark really wanted to wait until the Expendables 3 was released before making a decision, but he couldn\'t wait. This was a big production that brought together the world\'s best action actors and was highly expected by the company. The feedback received in the internal preview was not satisfactory. , Not to mention what kind of evaluation professional film critics will give.

  He worried that he would negotiate with Yang Orange after the official release, and the unsatisfactory box office would lower the Lionsgate’s bargaining chip.

   Yang Cheng smiled and nodded, but she sneered in her heart, "Promise to count as a fart, I will kick you out first after I enter the field."

   And he is not ready to organize manual negotiations immediately. He is also waiting. In his previous life, he deliberately watched the Expendables 3 in the cinema, except for Stallone\'s usual Cannon subwoofer that made him complain. There was no flash in the whole movie.

   To tell the truth, the production level of the film is at the level of Hollywood, and it can be regarded as a good popcorn movie. It is a pity that movie fans don’t buy into this popular style of punch to meat 10 years ago.

In my impression, the global box office of this film is only a little more than 200 million. This is the result of the film party winning a vote in the country Z under the name of Li Lianjie. It is necessary to know that the production cost of this film is only 100 million US dollars, plus the announcement. The cost is a commission from the theaters. As the producer and distributor, Lionsgate does not need to consider the issue of making money, but should consider how much to lose.

   When the news of the loss is reflected in the stock price, Yang Cheng is ready to buy the bottom of the fund, and then buy some of the directors\' shares, Lions Gate Pictures will be within easy reach.

   With a film company, you can do things. When it comes to such an interesting thing on the Hollywood Red Sofa, Yang Cheng believes that it is necessary to sacrifice oneself for others to personally test it. The unspoken rules can always stimulate men\'s desire for destruction.

After confirming the acquisition of Lionsgate, Yang Cheng is considering whether to set up a head office to control the industry under his own name to facilitate centralized management, and as he enters various fields, he also needs a professional team to share Work, otherwise you have to borrow someone from Yuanshan every time, worrying about someone chewing your tongue behind your back, so don\'t mess with Dad at this time.

   It seems that we need to recruit some professionals as soon as possible, and the preparation of the new company should be handed over to special personnel.

   I took this matter in my heart, took back his thoughts, and saw Marklaces staring at himself, seemingly waiting for an affirmative answer?

"Sorry, thinking of something distracted, believe me, as long as you don\'t make the mistake of principle xing, the chairmanship will never change." Yang Cheng gave an ambiguous answer, but added in his heart, "The original unprincipled return It’s not that I have the final So you are here? I’ve been looking for you for a long time." Jerry Kushler sprinted from behind Yang Cheng, and took a sigh of relief and sat down on the coffee table to find that someone was there. , Looked at Yang Cheng, "Are you talking about things? Didn\'t disturb you?"

"Oh, no, Mr. Kushler, we have finished talking, let\'s say goodbye." Mark replied wittily for Yang Cheng, shook hands with Yang Cheng and left the sofa area with a glass of wine. Yang Cheng exchanged contact information.

   Watching Mark leave, Yang Cheng tilted Erlang\'s legs and asked curiously, "Jerry, what is so anxious?"

   Jerry Kushler switched to the sofa, "It’s okay. Didn’t it happen yesterday that I said I’d like to have a good chat? A few of my friends were also there. Let me introduce you to me and see if there is a project that we can work together to make a fortune."

"Okay, I like to make friends, where are they?" Yang Cheng has nothing to do with it. He is idle and idle, and 80% of Jewish friends are Jewish. They have a good relationship with the Jewish gang and belong to every American businessman. Compulsory course.

"follow me."

Jerry led Yang Cheng out of the bar, across the dance floor, and returned to the restaurant. Paris and Amanda, the ladies, probably went hunting on the dance floor due to the unbearable turmoil. Only a few people in the restaurant might be hungry. Now I am supplementing my physical strength here.

As the host, Jerry greeted all the way, asking this to eat more, that one had fun, just walk in a circle, it’s strange that hundreds of millions of brain cells don’t die, the English vocabulary itself is monotonous, and you have to change the way. .

   finally came to the end of the restaurant. This is also next to the window. The bottom should be 56th Street. I don’t know which company is located on the opposite side. With the lights on at this late hour, many employees in uniforms walked around the office.

   "Miha, Eliza, Georgina, have you waited a long time?"