Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 81: Campaign layout?

At a dining table with a clean white tablecloth by the window, there were three people, one man, two women, and a few dessert plates on the table. Obviously, several people were enjoying the dessert after the meal.

"Miha, Eliza, Georgina, have you been waiting for a long time? This is Jason, a young talent in Manhattan." Jerry introduced Yang Cheng to the three of them. The one in the middle looked like Amanda Hirst and General The valiant beauty with blonde hair curled up and dressed in a water-pink tube top short skirt smiled, stood up and walked around the dining table and hugged Yang Cheng intimately.

   "Jason, Jerry said he wanted to introduce a new friend to us. I didn\'t expect it to be you."

Yang Cheng’s palm was gently pressed against the beautiful smooth jade back, and her chest was squeezed, and her heart was shaken. There are surprises everywhere in life. She stared at her dark eyes like an Oriental, and said with emotion, "Georgina, the last time we met was at Uncle Michael\'s inauguration dinner, right? It really hasn\'t changed at all. Did you use some magic?"

   Women like others to praise their youth, it doesn\'t matter how much money is. Georgina Bloomberg, as the youngest daughter of Michael Bloomberg, lacks money. Hearing Yang Cheng\'s praise, he still laughed from ear to ear.

"How can it be such an exaggeration, you know that I like sports. Keeping a good mood will always make people young." Georgina was trapped in Yang Cheng\'s arms, and half of the white rabbit escaped from the cave under pressure and didn\'t care. Jiao Jiao explained with Yang Cheng\'s hard chest.

The big hand slides to the waist and is tightly buckled. Compared with the big-framed women like Ivanka or Miranda, Yang Cheng still likes the exquisite shape. It is best not to exceed 1.7 meters in height. You can feel it when you hug it. It seems that he still follows the fine traditions of men in Country Z. Of course, it depends on the occasion. It is still a big frame on the boat! Deep. . .

"Your youth is dedicated to horse racing. By the way, I bought a ranch in Santa Barbara. If you have time to help me choose a group of good horses?" Yang Cheng suddenly remembered that the ranch he bought was already under White\'s supervision. The next stepped up construction, the cattle and sheep are easy to say, and the grazing horses are also easy to solve, but the pure-blooded horse is a bit troublesome, and when he is worried, Georgina appears, and it is really home delivery.

  Don\'t underestimate this girl, she is an expert on horses and runs an equestrian club.

   "Really? Then I\'m going to play, I\'ll leave the horses to me." Georgina loved sports since she was a child, and had a lively and cheerful personality. Like a boy, when Yang Cheng asked for something, she immediately swept it away.

   "Okay, but I have to wait for next year, the ranch is being rebuilt, but I invested 100 million U.S. dollars to make it a holiday paradise. When the renovation is completed, I will hold a party and call all my friends."

The two chatted happily, but left the others aside. Jerry coughed and jokingly said, "You two are too much, leaving us behind and chatting hot, and Jason, why didn\'t you say you know George earlier? Na."

   Yang Cheng rolled his eyes, "Jerry, you didn\'t say that your friend has Georgina, and I\'m a native of Manhattan. I don\'t need to know anyone, and I have to know Georgina."

  Georgina enjoyed Yang Cheng’s disguised compliment, and said, “It’s Jerry, you blame you for this.”

   Jerry made an absurdly innocent expression, "I can\'t tell you, Jason, let\'s say hello to Miha and Eliza."

   "This is Mikhail Prokhorov, President of ONEXIM, Russia\'s golden tycoon, or the owner of the Brooklyn Nets. I remember to support the Nets when I have time."

   "This beauty, Elizabeth Holmes, works in the medical field. The founder and CEO of Theranos has a net worth of more than 4 billion US dollars. Unlike us, she is a genius from scratch."

   Yang Cheng was stunned. He had heard of these two great cows, but they were only able to meet today.

   I won’t say much about the former. The Russian oligarchs who talked to Jay-z last time at the party he held, didn’t they say that something went wrong and they were all ready to change hands? * Let him go?

   As for the other white and luminous beauty, that must be said, the first woman ever to reach the pinnacle of her life by flickering.

   Yang Cheng can\'t remember clearly. Either next year or the next year, the Theranos problem was exposed by the media, saying that the company\'s tests did not produce accurate results, and most of its blood tests were not performed by Theranos\' own equipment, and tried to conceal this fact.

Since the report was issued, the company, once valued at 9 billion U.S. dollars, has lost its core business and closed one of its two laboratories. The service website has reduced Elizabeth Holmes’ net worth to life. zero.

It is rumored that the reason why this big beauty can create a company with a market value of nearly 10 billion is that she relied on her three mouths to convince several Silicon Valley bigwigs, including Larry Ellison. This is a rumor. Believe it or not, the desolation of Silicon Valley is even worse than that of Hollywood and Wall Street in the east. I will have the opportunity to talk about this alone in the future.

   If this scam is exposed by a newspaper under the Forum Publishing Company, it must be able to instantly grab the focus of society and let the Forum Publishing Company re-enter people’s attention? Yang Cheng thought about the possibility in her mind.

   After all, blood testing is a matter of people\'s livelihood and medical care, and it will get people\'s general attention.

   Elizabeth Holmes thought that she was sitting across from her at this moment, Yang Cheng, the man who met for the first time, had already hit her.

   "Jason, did you have dinner? Would you like to get something to eat?" After Jerry waited for Yang Cheng to take his seat, he casually found a topic and chatted.

"I just ate some sushi, it tastes very good." Yang Cheng praised the master Jerry, then turned his gaze to Mikhail, wearing a gray suit and no tie, sitting there without anger, with amazing aura , What makes Yang Cheng suffocate is, is the hairline designed on purpose? Leave a beautiful tip, um, a man should be called a romantic tip.

   "A few people were specifically called today for one thing."

There was a pause, "2016 is the year of the U.S. presidential election again. I wonder if you have any opinions on the two terms of the Donkey Party in power?" Jerry drank a sip and stopped talking a trace Probing into the subject.

   Yang Cheng has set off a huge wave in his heart. Is this going to be arranged for his father-in-law’s campaign? TMD, I would not come if I knew it! That regret in my heart.

   looked at Georgina vaguely, then looked at the people sitting at this table, the more I thought about it, the more terrifying.

   Mikhail Prokhorov, Russian oligarchs, political and business circles have terrifying influence, the United States and Russia are the two poles of the earth;

Georgina Bloomberg, the daughter of the mayor of New York, represents Bloomberg News, the world’s largest financial information company. Its core competitiveness is that the data terminal system can help customers access and analyze real-time financial market data. The clients of this terminal are mostly the world\'s major central banks and US official agencies. They are kings in the field of big data. Winning the Bloomberg family is equivalent to getting votes from New York, as well as the most accurate and comprehensive data support.

  Don’t forget, Michael Bloomberg is still a big figure in the Jewish community.

   Yang Cheng, look at his skin color without using words.

   It is why Elizabeth Holmes appeared here, which made Yang Cheng a little unintelligible. Is it because she is from Silicon Valley?

   No one answered Jerry’s question. Everyone is a human being. You can guess what Jerry Kushler has in mind after a few more breaths.

However, he was not discouraged. He put on a confident smile. His aggressive eyes flashed from Yang Cheng to Mikhail, and he said again, "I’ll tell you, my father-in-law Mr. Trump intends to participate in the new session. If the dream of the American presidential campaign can be realized, Mr. Trump and the Kushler family will return the richest fruits to the closest friends who have helped us."

   Before the words fell, a chill came out of Yang Cheng\'s bones. . . Damn politics!