Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 75: Trump son-in-law

"Boss, where are we going now?"

Since Susu agreed to be Yang Cheng’s assistant, there is no need to report again, but Yang Cheng still asked her to send an email explaining the reason for not reporting, so as not to stain her future files. Very important to personal credibility.

   "To participate in a small auction, have you had any contact before?" Yang Cheng replied, looking up Susu\'s side face.

He sent a message to Hansen just now, and after Susu left to investigate her background, he didn\'t want to be a romantic ghost who died under the peony flower. Not long after the car accident, who knows if this woman is a set by the opponent , To come to a beauty or something, this is completely different from how he feels that she is a good girl.

   "Is it auctioned? I have studied relevant cases, but I have not personally contacted them."

   Yang Cheng is still wary of Susu, and Susu hasn\'t completely let go of his vigilance. There is a alert mind beneath her pure appearance.

   The car quickly drove into the Four Seasons Hotel on 59th Avenue on Fifth Avenue. The auction was held at 1pm in the banquet hall of the Four Seasons Hotel, which was temporarily converted into an auction venue.

   Yang Cheng took the newly recruited assistant to the restaurant for lunch, and asked Hansen to order the food, while he held the phone to talk to his father.

   "Dad, are you busy then?"

   "Oh, I\'m not busy, what\'s the matter?" Yang Sen\'s voice sounded a little tired. Recently, the pressure from the board of directors is getting heavier and he feels exhausted and breathless.

   "I have arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel. The auction will start one hour later. Are you sure that the 7 Bryant Park Building will not take the name of the company?" Yang Cheng touched the round neckline, only to find that he was out in a hurry this morning and did not wear formal clothes.

   "Well, didn\'t you say that you want to run the forum publishing company yourself? Moving the headquarters to New York has no place, it\'s just cheap for you." Yang Sen half-joked and gave a positive answer.

Yang Cheng didn’t say any words of nasty thanks. The father and son didn’t need these. They drank ice water and said, “Well, I heard that there were a lot of hungry wolves at the auction this afternoon. Everyone seemed to love the 7BryantPark Building. A soft spot."

   Hansen pointed to the menu and was ordering. Yang Cheng thoughtfully pointed his finger at two dishes that were suitable for the ladies\' taste, and he took good care of the new assistant.

   "The other homes don\'t matter, you can\'t take out that much cash, you only need to pay attention to Jerry Kushler." Yang Sen reminded.

   Yang Cheng changed his ears to listen to the phone, and put his arm on the back of the plain chair beside him, acting a little frivolously, "Jerry Kushler? Trump\'s son-in-law?"

   "Do you know him?" Yang Sen was surprised.

"I don’t know, I’ve heard that the famous Jewish prince of New Jersey married our New York princess, ha ha." The reason why Yang Cheng heard of this name is that after the big-mouthed president of the previous life came to power, the whole family was taken by the United States. Netizens picked it up again and again, as the man of the first princess, Jerry Kushler\'s name also flowed into the minds of countless envy and hatred dicks.

   "That\'s it, you\'ve heard it before, I don\'t know how good the kid is, but his father is not easy to deal with, they are Jewish."

   "Well, dad, don\'t worry, I will be careful."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng looked at her arm and then at Susu who was sitting in the front half of the chair less than one-third of the area. He shook his head and laughed, "Sorry, I\'m used to calling. Besides, for a while After dinner, let Andrew take you to buy a professional outfit and put it on."

   "Oh, it\'s okay, boss." Susu probably didn\'t expect Yang Cheng would bother to explain to her, and replied flattered.

After eating a sumptuous and hasty lunch, the group went to the shopping mall inside the hotel. Yang Sen and Susu each changed into business suits, and took the elevator to the banquet hall. Susu\'s invisible ravine, hot and humid nasal cavity, wiped it with her hand, but fortunately there was no nosebleed, really.

   This girl has a huge body. Wearing a black and white professional dress is a crime. Yang Cheng sordidly thought in her heart, "Sisters don\'t want to wear ladies\' clothes in the future."

In front of the banquet hall, Yang Cheng ignored the surprised Susu, and took her weak boneless hand and placed it in her bent arm. This girl probably rarely wears high-heeled shoes. She suddenly changed to the 8 cm tip Yang Cheng chose for her. The head and high heels are very uncomfortable. If Yang Cheng hadn\'t fallen down so many times if he hadn\'t walked up the road, of course, Yang Cheng would never admit that he was deliberate.

   "Don\'t be nervous, you don\'t need to talk, just follow me." Yang Cheng touched the softness of Susu\'s armpit with her elbow, prompting like a gentleman on the surface.

"Oh, I know the boss." No matter how smart and careful Susu is, it can\'t match the cunning of the big bad wolf. Yang Cheng won\'t feel ignorant when she touches her, but in the kind-hearted view of her, the boss is not intentional, but She kindly pointed her out for fear that she would make a fool of herself, and this was the first time she participated in such a major occasion. She was nervous and completely forgotten her vigilance, and replied softly like a bag of shame.

Yang Cheng’s smirk flashed, and he walked into the venue holding Susu, and handed the invitation letter to the welcoming staff, who was led by someone to sit down in the seat with the nameplate, Hansen and Andrew each brought a new bodyguard After following up, he spread out left and right, watching every move in the corner of the venue.

It’s also a coincidence that Yang Cheng’s seat is in the middle left of the first row, while Jerry Kushler’s seat is right in the middle. There is only an unnamed chair in the middle. This is specially arranged by the organizer. Is it?

After sitting down, while the auction hadn’t started yet, Yang Cheng couldn’t easily let go of Susu, letting it go, holding her jade hand in the palm of her hand, and pretending to be concerned, the banquet hall turned on the air-conditioning early~ The temperature is a few degrees lower than the outside temperature, and it is not deliberate, so Susu blushed and bowed his head like sitting on pins and needles.

   "jason?" After teasing big Lolita for a while, Yang Cheng heard someone calling herself, and she was disturbed and dissatisfied, but it didn\'t happen. She changed her standard manners and looked back.

   "Sorry, you should be Mr. Jerry Kushler?" Yang Cheng pretended to be unfamiliar and unrecognized, and asked when she got up.

"I’m Jerry Kushler, you’re welcome, just call me Jerry." Jerry Kushler is Jewish. Different from the international chapter’s gossip boyfriend Vivi, Jerry is well integrated into American society. Born here since childhood, he speaks authentic American English with a little New Jersey accent.

   Don\'t know what\'s going on, Yang Cheng inexplicably equates him with Jerry in the cat and mouse cartoon.

"Jerry, it\'s nice to meet you, you know, you are the public enemy of our New York men." Yang Cheng wanted to casually say a few words without spitting, but after thinking about it, this man is deeply loved by Jewish leaders. In the future, his old father-in-law can finally reach the summit, which is absolutely inseparable from the strong support of the Jewish community. This kind of person has to make a good relationship even if he is bored. The upper class is so hypocritical, and all the tears of crocodile shed!

   "Haha, marrying Yiwanka is the greatest luck of my life." Jerry Kushler said with a proud chin.

   MMP, why do you hear these words so familiar? Seems to do what her husband said?

   "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the auction held by our company..."

   At this time, the voice of the emcee presiding over the auction sounded, eliminating the compliments that Yang Cheng hadn\'t thought of.

   and Jerry nodded, and returned to their positions to sit down, and the auction would begin soon~