Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 54: Johnny Utah

On June 27th, at the New York Yacht Marina, Yang Cheng kissed Miranda Kerr goodbye, and sent away the last wave of guests, taking a long breath.

   The night before, we departed from New York and headed south. After a day of partying in Miami, we returned overnight. The guests returned happily, but Yang Cheng tiredly leaned on the Audi S8 and asked Allen for a cigarette to light it.

   "Aren\'t you not smoking?" Allen climbed up on the tires and sat down on the engine cover of his Cavalier XV. The head of the car suddenly sank. This big fat man was quite flexible.

   Hansen and Andrew automatically dispersed left and right, guarding at a position about 10 meters in Yangcheng\'s radius. The wharf is flat and has a wide field of vision. Any unexpected situation can be seen at a glance.

   Yang Cheng took a mouthful of cigarettes, and then spit out after turning around in his lungs. The skillful movements were not at all jerky than smoking infrequently.

   "I learned it when I was in college, but I rarely smoked it. This thing is bad for your health, so don\'t smoke it." Yang Cheng took two more bites and threw it on the ground with a half and stepped on it.

   Allen nodded, he prefers smoking cigars, or the mellow aroma of cigars, than cigarettes.

   "Oil prices continued to decline in the past two days, approaching the $70 mark. If this line breaks, $50 is just around the corner."

   Yang Cheng looked overjoyed. There is nothing better than making money to eliminate fatigue, "You counted it? If we close the position at the expected price, how much can we make?"

   "I didn\'t calculate it carefully, because we increased leverage in the later stage. According to the expected price of $55, if all positions are closed, the profit should be about $2 billion..."

   "Only 2 billion US dollars?" Yang Cheng was a little dissatisfied, and only made 2 billion US dollars after a big meal? This amount of money was barely enough for him to repay Yuanshan Capital for his purchase of Delta Air Lines shares. After adding the funds required for the acquisition of Forum Publishing Company, he had spent the money before he got it. It was so painful. . .

   Allen didn’t know Yang Cheng’s plan, and was stunned as if he saw the water monster. "Fuck, 2 billion is not too small? How much is that too much? 200 billion?"

   "Idiot, I don\'t have much money."

   Yang Cheng dislikes Ellen’s problem very much, who dislikes too much money?

   "You\'re an idiot. You went to the street to inquire about and gave away 2 billion US dollars. Who is too little?" Allen jumped out of the car unconvinced, and the earth trembled.

   "Nima, hurry up and lose weight. If you get so fat, the FBI should detain you. The whole earthquake source is walking."

   and Alan were blowing the morning sea breeze, talking about the mountains, and each got in the car and went home. . .

  . . . . . .

Allen can go home to sleep, but Yang Cheng can’t. Johnny Utah, the owner of the video store renting the storefront of Yang Cheng, suddenly called last night when Yang Cheng exchanged body fluids with Miranda Kerr and said yes. To discuss matters, ask him to come to the store to tell.

   Last night, Yang Orange went to his brain and didn’t think about it. Looking back now, Johnny Utah’s voice was very excited. Did he hit the powerball again?

   Damn, luck is not so good, right? It makes him want to buy a few lottery tickets. The fact is that he is lucky. After all, he is also a lucky person.

Half an hour later, the dark green Audi S8 stopped in front of a Turkish restaurant on 46th Street in the morning. Andrew got off and bought breakfast for the three. Yang Cheng ordered a box of kapsalon (a vegetable salad with a combination of French fries and Turkish barbecue. Very delicious, recommended by Xiaopang\'s family!), after a few bites in the car, Yang Cheng asked Andrew to go to the front to park first, and walked to the video store with Hansen. In the past two days, he was either sitting or lying down. Some are stiff and less flexible.

   walked forward slowly, while doing stretching exercises, and stretched his hands backwards. Yang Cheng clearly heard the sound of ‘chucking’ caused by the friction between the muscles and bones near the tired muscles of the shoulders. I can always hear similar sounds recently.

   moved a few times, a little bit sorrowful, and sighed secretly, "but don\'t get frozen shoulder at a young age."

New York is close to the vast Atlantic Ocean and is deeply infiltrated by ocean water vapor. The climate is mild and humid. However, because of its location on the leeward side of the Appalachian Mountains, the impact of the winter monsoon stops on the Central Plains. In addition, the Gulf Stream of Mexico has increased New York City. The temperature is increased and the precipitation is relatively uniform throughout the year, and there is no obvious rainy or dry season.

   is about to enter the Big Apple City in July, the temperature is rising, the precipitation is gradually increasing, coupled with the influence of the heat island effect, walking on the streets of New York in summer will always give people a feeling of hot and humid.

Yang Cheng did a few sets of exercises, and felt that the muscles were no longer stiff and stretched a lot. He exhaled and turned to talk to Hansen, "Hansen, do you have any suitable fitness methods for your troops? A certain amount of exercise can be achieved."

   Hansen tilted his head and thought about it. This requirement is really difficult. How can there be a fitness method that is neither tiring nor effective? If anyone invents a kind of absolutely profitable.

   And the purpose of military training is to squeeze the potential of every soldier, so that you can get tired and get down without letting you stand.

However, Yang Cheng is a boss, and he is not good at complaining. He thought about it carefully. Not to mention it really reminded him of a kind. Once in an exchange forum, a man was born in Israel’s Mossad, that is, Israeli intelligence and Retired agent of the Special Mission Bureau.

Introduced a set of warm-up exercises suitable for use in small spaces or behind enemy positions. This set of exercises was originally developed to allow agents who are active behind enemy lines to keep their bodies warm at all times and recover as quickly as possible after injuries. Restore motor function.

   was gradually extended to Mossad and even the wild boy special forces as a basic movement for learning fighting skills.

   To give a simple example, like how many sets of broadcast gymnastics done by the students of country Z, they are actually derived from the military physical boxing, and the military physical boxing is the basis of the various close combat skills taught by the military.

Briefly describe this set of movement theory to Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng was very interested after hearing it. It sounds like the movement is not difficult and it is not as complicated as yoga. As long as each movement is in place and time is sufficient, the effect will be brought. No worse than sweating for an hour in the gym.

   decided to go back and find a time to learn from Hansen. Before, I always wanted to exercise. After quarreling several times, I didn\'t take any action. I didn\'t take any time. . .

   Well, it’s actually because of laziness and tiredness. It’s better to hold a woman to exercise during that time. Anyway, it’s all exercise. It’s all sweating. What’s different.

   Turning the corner, is Johnny Utah’s video store. Usually it opens at 10 o’clock in the morning. It’s useless to open early. No one loves music to the point of visiting the video store without going to work early in the morning.

   There is a sign of suspension of business hanging on the glass door, but the mechanical anti-theft door has not been put down. Through the window, one can vaguely see people walking around inside.

   Without hesitating, Yang Cheng pushed the door directly in.

   "sorry, it\'s not business hours...oh, it\'s you jason, good morning"

   Johnny Utah heard the sound of opening the door and thought it was a customer who hadn\'t seen the sign. As a result, Yang Cheng walked in in a shorts and shirt beach outfit.

   "Good morning, Johnny, I just got off the boat and came here by the way. I thought you hadn\'t come yet." He casually explained the reason why he came early, and picked up a Beatles record and turned it over.

  Perhaps the reason is that it is not yet open. There is no music in the store, and the empty lobby looks a bit quiet. Johnny’s loud voice echoes every word he says.

   "Do you like the Beatles?" Johnny took a rag, wiped his beloved record personally, and walked over and asked.

   Yang Cheng seemed to have heard the news of the UFO\'s arrival, and leaned back exaggeratedly, spreading his hands, "comeon Johnny, who doesn\'t love the Beatles?"




   The two looked at each other and laughed, bumping their fists.

   Johnny Utah let out a sigh of relief, and suddenly sighed, "Unexpectedly, there are still young people who like the Beatles now, and suddenly found that you are not that hateful, Jason, you are a great guy at this moment."

Yang Cheng can understand that 50 years ago, in the era when there was no mobile phone, no Internet, and TV was still not popular, how much joy the appearance of the Beatles brought to people, as well as the endless memories nowadays, these are not felt in the fast food era. The fun of chasing stars, I can\'t feel the kind of moving by the simplicity of creation.

   put down the record and flicked his hand across the cover. . .

There are always people who compare Michael Jackson with the Beatles. Who is greater than the Beatles. In fact, it’s not necessary. Michael Jackson gives people more sensory stimulation, screaming, arrogant twisting, subversive spacewalking, etc. Human adrenaline soars.

   And beatles can bring people\'s spiritual resonance even more, writing simple lyrics into the soul and singing into the heart.

   Just like at the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics, Paul McCartney made his final appearance and drove 80,000 people to sing heyjude in unison. The shocking scene has stirred people\'s hearts today.

   Maybe Paul McCartney, in his 70s, no longer has a clear and loud, but the touch that he brings to people has not been reduced by one point.

Putting away the memories, Yang Cheng looked at Johnny Utah. It seemed that compared to the last time we met, this guy is not so sharp. Although this Spartan-like figure can never be described implicitly, it may be taken away from him. Regarding the turban, I felt that there was no such strong contrast last time. Without the turban, the pirate aura on Johnny\'s body has been weakened a lot.

   "Johnny, do you look like you are ready to go on?" He went straight to the subject without circumstance.

   "Hey, Johnny baby, are you here?"

   Johnny hadn\'t answered yet, but the sudden voice made Yang Cheng feel numb, and goose bumps surfaced.

   buttoned his ears, no hallucinations, right?

  Johnny Baby"?

  WTF, who has such a heavy taste?

   Then, a wave of vibration came from the soles of Yang Cheng\'s feet.

   "咚咚咚......", from far to near.

   A sense of sight of Allen rushing over.

   Turning back with a trembling heart, a black woman with a visual inspection of 240 kg ran over from the other side of the shelf like a tiger. No way, the bear rushed out of the cage to Johnny Utah.

   Have you seen the animal world? It’s the same as the Alaskan brown bears waking up from hibernation, their fat burned out, and seeing trout jumping in the river drooling into the water to hunt.

  MD, Yang Cheng\'s two thick abalone-like lips were entangled together, making strange noises from time to time, and the undigested breakfast in his appetite was tumbling.

   Yang Cheng covered her eyes, as if she was frightened by watching a horror movie. No wonder Johnny was a little different.

   After a long period of trouble, it\'s springing up.

   But why does Yang Cheng think that black lady is more suitable for Allen?