Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 52: Miranda Kerr (2)

Hearst Group is one of the largest diversified media groups in the world and a giant in the American media industry. Its main business involves 15 daily newspapers, 34 weekly magazines and more than 300 magazines and publications worldwide (including Harper’s Bazaar, Fashion , Mr. Fashion, ELLE and Oprah Magazine, etc.);

   29 local TV stations covering 18% of American households; A+ENetworks and ESPN and other cable TV networks; in addition, it also involves commercial publishing, e-commerce, TV production, newspaper distribution, and real estate.

And Amanda Hirst, who is about to join the Hearst Group, is the great-granddaughter of the founder William Randolph Hirst and the heir to his mother Anne Hirst’s $8.7 billion family property. Naturally, he is not incompetent. Amanda from the university, wisdom and beauty coexist. She is well aware of the troubles in the industry. In fact, she went to Yuanshan at Morgan, and then did not continue to sell at other homes, so she began to pay attention to the actions of Yuanshan and even Yang Cheng.

   Yang Cheng went to Los Angeles, including the sea meeting with Eddie Hardstein, personally led the acquisition team to talk with the management of Forum Publishing Company in Chicago, all exposed to Amanda\'s nose.

   Of course Yang Cheng didn\'t know anything about it. If Lydia Hirst hadn\'t drank too much, he hadn\'t realized that his actions had attracted the attention of interested people.

  . . . . . .

   With the presence of Lydia Hirst, a high-wattage electric light bulb, Paris Hilton, who had the heart to tease oranges, felt boring and went looking for prey.

On the DJ stage, several second generations took advantage of the wine boom and threw green knives. This is a trick they are used to playing in nightclubs. Yang Cheng didn\'t understand it. He appreciated that the people below were fighting for their own money, except for the brain damage. With a low level of education, there is really no other word to describe this behavior.

   The models who have seen the world are okay, that part* is not so reserved.

   Lydia drank a few cups with Yang Cheng, just as lonely as Paris was and left the deck.

   Yang Cheng was so happy, he was a little tired after greeted by a circle, and asked the cat girl to bring the agave.

   At this moment, the deck on the right of Yang Cheng suddenly heard a "crack~~~" sound, like the sound of glass breaking.

   turned around instinctively, wanting to see what happened.

   was blocked by a human head, and could only vaguely hear someone cursing, and from time to time there were women screaming.

   After thinking for a while, he put the phone that he had just pulled out back into his trouser pocket, and decided to take a look. As the host, he least wants guests to have any accidents in his place.

   The deck on the right surrounded a group of people, and most of them came to watch the excitement after hearing the sound.

   "Sorry, I borrowed..."

   "Let me pass, thank you."

   "Hey, how are you playing?"

   "I\'m sorry, I will solve it, it will be fine in a while."

  . . .

   squeezed all the way in, apologizing to someone he knew.

   finally squeezed in, as tired as climbing the Alps, before he had time to relax, he quickly looked at the scene in front of him.

   Crystal glass cups broken into scum, wine bottles with red liquid left on the table, and fruit snack residues all over the floor.

A black man with small dirty braids and a skull-like appearance was pointing at a cat girl and yelling. Yang Cheng frowned after hearing a few words, and turned his head to ask the guy watching the show what happened. , It’s nothing complicated. The black man was so mad, he moved his hands and feet to a cat girl, but he didn’t accept it, so he threw the cup and started rushing.

Yang Cheng whispered a word of bad luck, stood up in front of the cat girl, lost focus on the black man who lost focus on his eyes, and said to the black man who was stepping on cotton steps, "My friend, I had a good time tonight? Who did you bring me? Let him take you home?"

The guests he personally invited tonight are all friends in the circle or family business partners. Even if they are unfamiliar, they have met each other. Although he did not see his face clearly, he should not know him, but vaguely felt familiar, maybe Who is a public figure who often appears on TV and was brought to play by a friend tonight.

   First courtesy and then soldiers, Yang Cheng has inherited the fine traditions of the Chinese very well.

"Boy, who are you tm? Haha... Cometodaddy! (Come to Dad When the black man said this, he deliberately took a few steps forward, his face full of arrogant provocation, but Yang Cheng recognized the identity of the other party. , No wonder it\'s familiar, isn\'t this the black rapper who sang seeyouagain fire?

   What is called Wei?

   Yang Cheng was sullen at the moment, and there was no time to think about what this person was called, and shouted in the direction of the crowd, "Andrew..."

   "Boss, I\'m here." Andrew suddenly emerged from behind like a shadow.

   gave Andrew a nasty look, not knowing that he was dark and scary.

   When I go back, I will find him to settle the account. I still have to fix this bastard.

   "This friend\'s mouth is not clean, you go to help him clean and clean his mouth." Yang Cheng took the heroine who had happened and took a few steps back, leaving the stage for Andrew to perform.

This guy is probably suffocating. Hearing Yang Cheng\'s instructions, he screamed and rushed forward without saying a word. It was a whip kick on the person\'s head like a pumpkin. The sound was crisp, don\'t People who say that taking drugs can be confused, even normal sober men can\'t react.

What kind of rapper flew upside down and fell on the sofa of the deck. Andrew\'s movements were not finished. He strode up and took the opponent\'s collar and nailed it to the wall, where he slapped it like a puff fan. Zhang skull face.

  Don\'t say, wait until Andrew gets tired, and then look at that face, it looks a lot fleshy, so it\'s not that annoying, and it\'s a little cute.

  噫~~~ This thought is so cold. . .

   "Boss, let me rest for a few seconds before coming back." Andrew seemed to have not been so enjoyable for a long time, trotting to Yang Cheng\'s side, grinning with his big white teeth.

   Yang Cheng rolled his eyes, how dare you let him fight again, did you foam up without seeing it? He just asked Andrew to teach this rude fellow, and didn\'t want to kill him.

   "Okay, check if this person was brought here, take it away quickly, don\'t disturb everyone\'s interest."

This little disturbance in the deck did not involve the people on the dance floor who were swaying wildly with the music. People gathered around here to watch the excitement and saw that Yang Cheng had solved the problem, and then they disappeared. At this time of drinking, what you need most is not the excitement. , But the opposite sex.

Before long, Andrew walked over with Jay-z. Yang Cheng signed a check for $10,000 and handed it to the cat girl as compensation. The girl with dark eyes and black hair looked like an Asian, tearful of grievance. This is the first time I have received such a grievance when I came out part-time as an adult.

Let Hansen take the little girl to find the manager of the boomboomroom. Don’t bother her afterwards. This is Yang Cheng’s best effort. If you change to someone else, I’m afraid she’s a little waiter with no power and power. Would like to offend guests. . .

"Jay, is this the friend you brought?" Yang Cheng lay out on the sofa, the black man with filthy face puffed up his mouth. Just after being beaten by Andrew, he vomited all his food and drink, but there was nothing left. Picked up clean by one\'s own face.

  Jay-z glanced lightly, and said disdainfully, "Sorry, I\'ve troubled you, but Wiz didn\'t want to bring him here because of this virtue, but he couldn\'t hold back his pleading."

When jay-z said this, Yang Cheng remembered that this person was called Vizkalifa. After listening to seeyouagain in his previous life, he also searched for this buddy’s song to listen to it. The lyrics were full of money, drugs, and women. The typical blacks who came out of the slums, there are countless rappers, NBA players, and rugby players similar to this situation in the United States.

Yang Cheng shrugged his shoulders. He would not be stingy and anger jay-z. Compared to his black compatriots, jay-z is a clever person. He belongs to the kind of black skin and white heart. He tries his best to break into white people. This is the best proof of the upper class society. He once invested in the New Jersey Nets. It is said that he also joined a consortium with several celebrities to acquire the Ace of Spades Champagne. He is a very business-minded black man who knows how to turn his reputation into profit.

   "This is a trivial matter, don\'t worry about it, did you bring someone here? Or should I arrange for someone to take him away?"

   "I asked the bodyguard to send him off, you don\'t need to worry about Jason."

   Watching Jay-z\'s bodyguard stand Wyz away, Yang Cheng invited him back to his deck for a few drinks.

   "Jason, are you interested in basketball?" After the two of them took their seats, Jay-z hugged the young model who had just hooked up and provoked the topic.

   Yang Cheng sent a text message to Miranda Kerr, asking her to come down to find herself, and casually took the topic, "It\'s okay, I don\'t like it, but I watch it occasionally, what\'s wrong?"

   "Do you know that I was once a shareholder of the Nets?"

   Yang Cheng gave a hum, waiting for his next words.

"Later it was sold to Mikhail, the current owner of the Nets. Recently I heard that Mikhail\'s business in Russia was in trouble and urgently needed cash flow. I want to buy it together with a few like-minded friends. Since the Nets moved. In Brooklyn, the value has doubled several times, and I think there is still potential for appreciation."

   Yang Cheng raised his head to kill a cup of tequila, and he happily hiccuped, just as Miranda Kerr found it at the same pace as Victoria\'s Secret.

   "Miranda, here." Yang Cheng raised his hand and greeted.

Jay-z\'s big hand was climbing the peak. Following Yang Cheng\'s movements, he saw Miranda Kerr coming over, blew a whistle, blinked, and gave a thumbs up, "Dude, you are still awesome... ."

Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows triumphantly, and stretched out her hand to pull Kerr into her arms. There had been a negative distance contact before, but now the two of them are not holding back. Lang Youqing\'s concubine pretended to be serious, Yang Cheng coveted Kerr. My Miranda values ​​Yang Cheng’s identity and takes what he needs. Anyway, neither of them has a long-lasting idea. Humans shouldn’t be too simple and die easily.

   The two kissed like no one next to them for a while, and then they separated with Jay-z\'s cough.

   "Ahem...Speaking of business, isn\'t that Mikhail spotted?"

   thoughtfully smoothed Kerr\'s hair, then poured her a glass of wine, and picked up a glass to touch jay-z, suspiciously.

"It should not be. I heard that the actual output of the gold mine under his name did not meet the expected target, which broke the funding chain. He is still in New York. If he is under investigation, I am afraid that he can\'t leave Russia?" Jay-z thought After a while, he shook his head and analyzed.

Yang Cheng nodded non-committal. He just asked casually, “To be honest, the Nets’ audiences naturally hinder the team’s value-added space. In business, I don’t despise Brooklyn. The people living there are now rich. Get up, it’s no longer the notorious slum before, but the outside world’s perception of that is difficult to change in a short time."

  Jay-z comes from Brooklyn, and he has deep and complicated emotions there. Yang Cheng\'s words make his face a little ugly, but he can\'t refute it because Yang Cheng is talking about the facts. They are discussing business, not about friendship.

   "What you said makes sense, so you are not interested in acquiring an NBA team?" Jay-z quickly sorted out his emotions and didn\'t let his emotions dominate his rationality, but he still asked without giving up.

   Yang Cheng didn\'t answer immediately, but played with Miranda\'s curled up hair. The smell of perfume on her body seemed to have an aphrodisiac function, constantly stimulating Yang Cheng\'s nasal cavity.

   After a long while, Yang Cheng replied after careful consideration. . .