Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 50: Miranda Kerr (1)

The night lights are illusory and flashy, after all, they are a bit more misty than the Big Apple City in the daytime.

It is 8 o’clock in the evening. If an aerial camera is aimed at the major streets of Manhattan, you will find countless supercars roaring and gathering in the same direction, just like countless small streams flowing down the mountain and finally converging into one. river.

   Theboomboomroom nightclub, located on the top floor of the standard hotel in the meat packaging area of ​​Lower New York, has been occupying one of the top ten nightclubs in the world since it opened in 2009, with famous models, celebrities and famous designers coming in.

It’s not like here. Whether you’re eligible to enter depends on your relationship with the guard. First of all, you have to be a person. Second, you are lucky and full of people. Even if you are a top star in the world, don’t even want to go in. It’s so urinary. , And because of this, it attracts more and more celebrities here, and celebrities also have temperaments. The less you let me in, the more I have to find a way to get in.

   This 18-story loft-style nightclub is a heartbeat. The first floor is the main venue of the nightclub. There is nothing to describe. It is similar to the small difference, and the lighting and sound facilities are the best.

The focus is on the second floor. A huge triangular bathtub is placed in the middle of the second floor. It is steamy and smoky. It is the best place for underwear parties. When the guests go crazy, the light is dimmed and there is only the water in the bathtub. With a gurgling sound, a pair of men and women who were aroused wildly came to the window overlooking the Hudson River, and then. . .

  Tonight, theboomboomroom was completely blocked due to Yang Cheng\'s summoning order. Only two types of people can enter the venue, one is a beautiful woman, but also someone who has an identity and can find the file.

Take the model, for example. After Yang Cheng finished the phone call in the afternoon, the entire Big Apple City model agencies all acted to release all the top cards with the best looks, clean foundations, and no bad records. Both the agency and the model themselves It is clear that as long as you participate in tonight\'s party, you will have no worries about food and clothing for at least the next two years. If you are lucky enough to be taken into account by a young master, the little house sparrow will become a phoenix overnight.

   For example, celebrities in the city usually come in groups. Compared with ordinary models, they know how to dress themselves in such occasions, because this is their job.

Wake up naturally in the morning, eat a rich and nutritious brunch, and then do Pilates or yoga exercises, this is to build a perfect figure, go to the star hotel in the afternoon, eat exquisite desserts, have a cup of afternoon tea, rest Enough, I asked some superficial girlfriends to go to the luxury shopping street to start shopping.

Dinner can be eaten or not, the next highlight is the luxury party with various themes, pajamas, swimwear, vampires, etc., all kinds of strange, splurge on youth under the stimulation of alcohol, and look for prey at the party to take home to spend A night of spring supper, Hunting is never exclusive to men.

And the second type of people is naturally the wealthy family headed by Yang Cheng. Today, because of the venue, in order to control the number of people present, the threshold has been raised again and again. At the beginning, Allen’s idea was that ten million dollars of wealth can be bought. But then I thought about it, don’t count Manhattan, just yell on Wall Street, 10 out of 10 are multimillionaires, the Boomboomroom absolutely cannot accommodate.

Yang Cheng set the threshold to hundreds of millions. The number of people with a net worth of more than 100 million is not so many. But when he started to send messages, he realized that 90% of his address book had a net worth of more than 100 million, plus these wealthy sons. Bringing friends, even if the venue is large enough, I feel that there is no space for activities and accidents are easy. This time there is such a big disturbance, once there is an accident, he will not want to hang out in New York in the future.

In the end, he and Allen together, don’t increase by one hundred million and one hundred million. Add a 0 at the end. Either you have a personal net worth of over one billion, or your Laozi has a net worth of over one billion. Only on the premise of information can you enter the venue. In order to prevent people from fishing in troubled waters, it is mainly to prevent the all-pervasive paparazzi. There are also two checks, whether there are text messages and whether they are on the invitation list. Each invitee can bring up to 2 people. Admission to relatives and friends.

In this way, the enthusiasm of the New York boys cannot be stopped. Take a look at the super sports car team on West 13th Street and HSD Street. Not only are they parked on both sides of the street, but even the long queue spreads to the streets and lanes. Ferrari 458 and Lamborghini Mavericks are low matches. , Porsche 911 drivers can only go to the streets as obstacle cars to prevent ordinary vehicles from mixing into the fleet.

This group of young men who are afraid of the world will be proficient at this. Before Yang Cheng was on the scene, a few spontaneously organized a formation, parked in different areas according to the car brand and model, and finally pressed the car. Value, centered in front of the hotel’s main entrance, parking on both sides in turn.

People walking along the Hudson River saw this scene and took out their phones to take pictures of this rare and spectacular scene. Even the four major international auto shows cannot gather so many supercars of different brands, different styles and different models at once. Sports car.

When the time was approaching 8 o\'clock, when Yang Cheng drove his ghostly Pagani zondaF to the stage, under the dispatch of a good thing, all the supercars blasted the accelerator and bombed the street on the spot, stepping the tachometer to the bottom. , To welcome the arrival of the party host.

   "Om~ Om~ Ang~~~" like the sound of dragons and tigers roaring, fascinating!

A single supercar blasts the street, the sound of acceleration is very attractive, it is exciting, but when more than 100 sports cars step on the accelerator at the same time, the volume of the explosion can definitely burst people’s eardrums, skyscrapers on both sides All of the glass curtain walls shivered and screamed under the decibels like missile bombing.

   It didn\'t last long to blow up the street again, only two or three seconds. When Yang Cheng stopped the car and walked off, looking at the boy who arranged everything silently, he silently mourned for himself for a second.

   MMP, it\'s big tonight.

   Do you want to seek refuge in Los Angeles or even South Korea?

   He has already seen Ms. Liu Yun waiting for him at home with a killing stick.

  . . . . . .

   On the 18th floor, the ladies who enter the venue first are divided into three groups: ordinary models or compensated dating girls, socialites and daughters, and supermodels or stylistic stars who often appear in entertainment news headlines living in the spotlight.

   Among them, occupies a favorable position by the window, and the ladies dressed in gorgeous fashions are talking about the lively scene downstairs with the mentality of watching the theater.

Paris Hilton had a **** breast-wrapped aqua-blue tulle skirt with a golden crown elf outfit. He walked to the window with champagne on high heels, and said, "Jason is in the limelight tonight... Haha "After finishing talking, he covered his mouth and smiled.

This **** talk all trace of pro-Italian.

   "Paris, you don\'t want to provoke Jason? Aren\'t you afraid that Ms. Liu will tear you up?" Lydia Hirst, the blond beauty beside her, gave Paris a very disdainful glance, and struck.

As one of the richest and most powerful members of the Hearst family in the United States, he has inherited the crazy genes of the Hearst family and has bold words and deeds. Like her sister Amanda Hearst, she has never looked down upon the Hilton sisters since she was a child. Secretly, in order to fight for the title of "the first lady in New York", they are in intrigue with the Hilton sisters and will never miss any opportunity to hit each other.

   "Huh? Why are you afraid? We are just playing around." Paris\'s voice is very thin, with a charming accent, which sounds a bit seductive to a man.

   "Playing? Not necessarily? Ha ha ha..." Lydia deliberately curled up her blonde hair tonight, revealing her white and flawless swan neck. As she lowered her head and smiled, she didn\'t know how many young boys who had just grown up fainted.

At this time, Yang Cheng has taken the sons into the stage. This is not a formal dinner. Naturally, there is no need for a speech from the host. The originally slow-paced jazz came to an abrupt end with the arrival of the last guests. The DJ on the stage took over the right to broadcast the music. Heavy drum beats in people\'s hearts, announcing the official start of the carnival.

   Today is destined to be a sleepless night. A glass of champagne spirits that sell for tens of thousands of dollars is delivered to the guests by a cool blonde girl wearing a cat ear headdress and swaying her waist.

   Yang Cheng did not stay too much on the first floor, and simply greeted the familiar guests, wishing them a good time tonight, and went straight to the second floor.

   "hey, jay, thank you for coming."

  As soon as Yang Cheng arrived on the second floor, he noticed Jay-z, who was dressed up as a hip-hop all year round, standing by the stairs to tease his sister.

   "Ohman, I should thank you, the atmosphere tonight is great." Jay-z turned his head, banged his fist with Yang Cheng, and shouted close to Yang Cheng\'s ear.

"Of course, don’t rush to go at night. After midnight, let’s move. I rented Paul Allen’s Octopus and walked all the way down the east coast to Miami. Then you can let your good buddy LeBron call on the yacht. Let\'s play together." After a toast with Jay-z, he told him about the arrangements for tonight.

   "Wow, fuck, jason, you are so great, I will follow you tonight."

   put jay-z to continue bragging with the black hot girl, Yang Cheng squeezed inside, there are still too many guests tonight, and she can barely move around.

   "Jason, jason, what\'s your situation today? Make such a big move?" A handsome white guy who looked familiar but couldn\'t remember his name stopped Yang Cheng from going.

   Yang Cheng didn\'t bother to think about it, and said casually, "Of course tm has made money. Have fun, guys. I have enough drinks tonight."

   After speaking, the person who pretended to be acquainted hammered the opponent\'s chest, and walked away.

   "hey, jason..."

   "Hello, have fun."

   "Thank you..."

   "Man, thank you..."

Thanks for greetings all the way, I walked less than 30 meters from the stairs to the swimming pool. Yang Cheng had already drunk more than 10 glasses of wine, and his body was covered with woman\'s perfume. Of course, he did not wipe the oil, and went through fine and intensive screening. Needless to say the quality of women tonight.

   Since ancient times, nightclubs have been high-income places for 419s. Even if women control their desires, they cannot control the hands of men. Do you want to be taken advantage of playing in the nightclub? (Everyone must be optimistic about your girlfriend, don\'t go to the nightclub, even if you go, you must firmly tie your girlfriend to your side, uh...broad-minded, except for those who don\'t care.)

   Finally, Yang Cheng went to the other side of the swimming pool after nine-nine-eighty-one difficulties. From a distance, she saw Paris Hilton dancing a pole dance around a hunk.

   came up to look for Paris Hilton specifically, not thinking about her, this eldest sister called specifically in the afternoon to ask Yang Orange to come to her after the party started, but did not mention anything.

Yang Cheng didn’t dare to be big. If he didn’t serve the princess, he would have no good reputation in the future. You must know that more than 80% of the gossip in the upper class of New York was passed on by this master. Some are true, but more. They fabricated it for no reason, but if you are upset, my old lady will stigmatize you. I\'m not convinced? Fork me! ! !

I didn\'t bother the **** of this sorrowful lady, I was about to quit and come back for a while, and I didn\'t look behind me. I stepped back as if I had guessed something, and a soft whistle rang behind my ears, knowing if I guessed someone, or Woman, quickly turned around and apologized.

   "Sorry, sorry, I didn\'t pay attention, is it all right?"

The eye is a round face, even the nose behind the ears and the mouth are round, completely inconsistent with the general aesthetics of Europe and America, but this sweet face is not anonymous. Anyone who pays attention to Victoria\'s Secret does not know her. , Has appeared as the finale model of the Victoria\'s Secret show many times, and has a super-popular supermodel around the world. By the way, she is best known as the wife of the fairy prince Orlando Bloom.

   "It\'s okay, jason, I\'m glad to see you again." Miranda Kerr, who was born in New Wales, Australia, has an accent that is unique to Australian English.

   is a deep V light pink hollow long skirt, and the big wave of hair is fluffy to one side, and the whole person is a little lazy and elegant.

   Yang Cheng\'s eyes lit up. If he remembers correctly, this famous scheming **** divorced last year?

"It\'s my honor to see you, Miss Kerr, your beauty has lit up Manhattan\'s starry sky tonight. May I call you Miranda?" Yang Cheng took Miranda Kerr\'s slender jade hand, bent down, her lips Gently attached to the back of the hand.

   Yang Cheng’s undisguised praise made Miranda Kerr, a supermodel who is often praised and wrapped, a little unbearable, but she was overjoyed, “Thank you, just call me Miranda.”

"Miranda, you\'re Australian, right?" Yang Cheng took the opportunity of not hearing clearly, UU reading was close to Miranda Kerr\'s ear and blew warmly and shouted, the big hand even more presumptuously and gently around. Behind him, he was resting on Kerr\'s hip.

   In the eyes of others, the two of them have completely embraced each other.

   Miranda Kerr did not feel uncomfortable, and naturally put her forearm on Yang Cheng\'s shoulder, wearing high heels so that she could almost look at Yang Cheng.

   Probe into Yang Cheng\'s ears, seemingly startled by the bursting music, laughed and screamed, "Yes, I am from Australia and now live in Los Angeles, Jason, what do you do now?"

   "Me? Just do some private investment. By the way, have we met before? You seem to know me?" Yang Cheng just remembered that Miranda said hello when she said that she was very happy to see him again.

   "Did you forget? At the Victoria\'s Secret Dinner last year, Ms. Turney introduced us to us." Keer blinked mischievously and reminded.

   "Yes, that\'s it, look at me, **** it, forget such an important thing." Yang Cheng hung his head in annoyance, and his lips happened to kiss Ke\'er\'s **** and charming collarbone.

   is accidental or deliberate, only Yang Cheng knows.

   A few small chats brought each other closer. There were strange sparks in the two pairs of eyes, fiercely intertwined in the air, Yang Cheng deliberately led Miranda Kerr to a dark corner.

   Thinking of the slender and straight legs that had seen Kerr in his previous life, Yang Cheng\'s lower abdomen was hot.

   At this moment, the lower abdomens of the two are completely attached to each other, Yang Cheng\'s change, Miranda Kerr is not an ignorant girl, so I can\'t feel it.

   pulled Yang Cheng\'s collar back to the corner, Yang Cheng turned his back to the outside, completely blocking the sight of peeping outside, Kerr then glanced at Yang Cheng\'s style, following the dynamic rhythm of the dance. . . . . .