Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 49: Make money!

"Amir..." Yang Cheng winked at Sunny, and chased Amir.

   "Jason, what\'s the matter?" Amir responded.

   Yang Cheng nodded and thanked the two experts, and deliberately pulled Amer to the side. When the two experts saw this, they wisely left.

   "Amir, is that medicine reliable?" Yang Cheng asked bluntly when there were no others around.

   Amir pushed his glasses. He knew that Yang Cheng’s problem was not that he did not trust him, nor did he have the weird temper of a scientist, as if others questioned his research results as an insult to him.

   "I can honestly say that at present, the effectiveness of the theoretical data of the new drug is very impressive, but the efficacy has not been shown in clinical trials. It may be that there is not enough time and the efficacy of the drug has not yet been developed."

   Yang Cheng lowered his eyes, pondered for a moment, and then asked, "But the patient suffers a lot, right?"

"You are still so smart. That\'s why I don\'t approve of patients using this program. Compared with the illusory hope, it is better to spend the remaining half a year happily." Amir is also getting older, standing for a long time. His waist was sore, and when he was talking, he stretched out his hand behind his back and kept beating his waist.

   "The two experts are from AbbVie?" Yang Cheng asked this because it was obvious that the two experts first proposed this plan, and they had to suspect that they had ulterior motives.

"That\'s not true. They also hope that this drug can really work. This is a great boon for cancer patients around the world. The heart is good, but they are a little anxious. The research and development of every specific drug is not A day, two days or even a year or two." Amir explained for his subordinates.

   Although Yang Cheng doesn\'t understand some tricks in the pharmaceutical field, he can guess the truth, but it doesn\'t break.

Those two experts should be employed by AbbVie, and try to recommend this drug to patients, so as to collect more data samples for their company to analyze and improve. Experiments are just looking for bugs and applying patches. , In order to achieve the most perfect state to be marketed.

"You just said that the patient will suffer incomprehensible pain, I don\'t quite understand." Yang Cheng did not hold on to the problem, but respectfully held Amir on the bench in the corridor, asking Amir to help him solve his confusion. , These words can only be answered by him.

   Amir found a cushion to put on her waist, sighed with relief, chuckled and asked, "Is that girl your girlfriend just now?"

   Answering the wrong question, Yang Cheng was taken aback and laughed, "It\'s a female friend, not a girlfriend."

"Oh, I understand, it\'s still in the ambiguous stage, don\'t forget the old man, I also came here when I was young, no wonder you are so obsessed, is it the first time you come back after graduation?" Amir joked with a clear look .

Yang Cheng was unable to explain and could only change the subject, "Really not. You are not the first person to ask me this. Do you think that a girlfriend who has a formal relationship with my personality will not admit it? I have already told the world. ."

   "Speaking of business, you haven\'t answered my question yet, Amir."

"That\'s, okay. Regarding your question, I can only say that so far, none of the patients in our hospital who have chosen to receive new drugs can survive. The one who has lasted the longest is only 4 He chose to give up treatment after a few months." Amir nodded in agreement, then said with a solemn expression, seemingly painful.

Yang Cheng secretly smacked his tongue, how painful it was. Generally, cancer patients suddenly learned that there are medicines that can bring the dead back to life. No matter how hard they are, they will stick to it. Willpower is not what ordinary people can imagine, but the longest. It\'s only been 4 months, no wonder Amir seemed so hesitant when he came up with this treatment plan.

   After a few more chats, Amir had to go to the round, Yang Cheng went back to Mrs. Li\'s ward observation room. As soon as he came in, he was surrounded by the Li family.

   "Jason, thank you so much, although I don\'t know what I can help you, I have written down your great favor, Li Xiuman." Li Xiuman, as the head of the family, stood up and held Yang Cheng\'s hand and thanked him solemnly.

   "Chairman Li is too polite. Sunny is also my friend. Her relative is seriously ill, so naturally I won\'t stand by."

   Yang Cheng did not give Li Xiuman the opportunity to continue his politeness, "Have you made a decision?"

   Yang Cheng\'s question caused the Li family to look at each other, no one responded, so they had to look at Sunny.

   "oppa, we don\'t know how to choose. It\'s natural for my aunt to live, but we can\'t bear to let her suffer pain, so I hope you can give us some suggestions."

  Sunny\'s words represent the views of the whole family. Even Li Xiuman, who is domineering and decisive, can\'t make a cruel decision for a while.

   Of course, Yang Cheng would not be so stupid to make a decision for the Li family. What joke, he is not relatives, what if the Li family regrets his decision afterwards?

   He is neither hypocritical nor afraid of taking responsibility. This is a matter of principle. With such a major choice, apart from the patient herself, only her closest family members are eligible. Not to mention Yang Cheng, even Sunny, his niece.

  Retell the answer just asked from Amirna to Li Xiuman without any subjective judgment and emotions, and then decisively left the ward, leaving time and space to their family members to discuss slowly.

   "oppa..." This time it was Sunny\'s turn to follow Yang Cheng\'s footsteps.

   "Oh, sunny, how come out?"

   "Nothing, I just want to..."

"Stop, don\'t say thank you anymore. For me, it\'s just a matter of effort, and we are friends. I have said it many times. I am not afraid that I am really angry?" Yang Cheng quickly stopped Sunny\'s thanks. He listened to these words. Up.

  Sunny stepped forward and tightly wrapped Yang Cheng\'s waist, leaning her head against her chest, at this moment, the silence was better than the sound, everything was silent.

   rubbed Sunny\'s small face with his big hands, lowered his head and said in a soft voice, "Okay, I think your performance in variety shows is not like such a small woman."

   "Ah, oppa, do you know how to speak? Why do you always do this!" Sunny bounced off instantly, as if it was stained with something unclean, she pointed at this guy who always destroys the atmosphere absurdly.

   Yang Cheng pretended to be innocent and spread his hands.

   "Yeah, really, I\'m so mad, so you\'ve seen my variety show?" Sunny walked back with her back neck, her blood pressure rising, and asked in disbelief.

Sunny, who is not wearing high heels, is really short. Yang Cheng deliberately bent down and looked down at Sunny’s small face condescendingly. Chi Guoguo’s fiery gaze held Sunny’s heartstrings until Sunny, a senior entertainer, couldn’t stand the initiative. Avoiding his sight, he answered playfully with his hands behind his back,

   "I really watched your variety show."

   "I don\'t believe it, hum..." Sunny followed Yang Cheng\'s manner with her hands behind her back, humming and walking to the bench, sat down and swayed her calf, wondering what she was thinking?

   "By the way, when are you going back to Korea?" Yang Cheng sat down close to Sunny and asked with a touch with his shoulder.

   "Tomorrow, go back and shoot variety shows, what\'s wrong?"

   "It\'s okay, just ask, I have to go to Korea soon."

   "Really? Then oppa, remember to tell me then, invite you to dinner."

  . . . . . .

   "President Lee, have you decided?"

   Half an hour later, Sunny’s sister came out and called the two in. It was a final decision.

"Jason, please tell Dean Amir that we still choose to maintain the status quo and not adopt a new treatment plan. I\'m sorry." Li Xiuman didn\'t know how many ideological struggles he went through, suppressing his sad emotions, his eyes were dull, no doubt, at this moment Li Xiuman who said this was desperate.

   "You don\'t have to apologize to President Li. In fact, I also approve of your choice. You made a man\'s decision."

   Being a young man who can be a son, said that he had made a man\'s decision. At first glance, it seems ridiculous, but Yang Cheng has this qualification.

  In Yang Cheng\'s eyes, it takes great courage to be able to make such a decision that is equivalent to having a wife\'s life with his own hands. Such a man has nothing to do with his age or identity, and he deserves his admiration.

   Li Xiuman pulled the corners of his mouth hard, but couldn\'t even smile.

   Farewell to Li Xiuman\'s family, Yang Cheng went to the dean\'s office, told Amir of Li\'s decision, and took Hansen and Andrew out of the medical center and went straight to the airport.


   The white horse crossed the gap, the sun flickered, and time passed day by day. It has been more than 10 days since Yang Cheng left Los Angeles.

At noon that day, the sun was scorching, and the summer in New York came very early this year. Yang Cheng’s black shirt was wet with sweat, and an irregular map was printed on his back. She was caught up in the air as soon as she got off the plane and walked out of LaGuardi Airport. The heat wave swept across.

   "Fuck, bad weather..., Hansen, aren\'t you hot?" Yang Cheng raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead, his kidneys were not weak, why did he sweat so easily.

   "Boss, it\'s hot enough this day, Andrew is tanned again." Hansen always jokes about the black Andrew\'s skin color

   "shit, boss, I really want to twist this giraffe\'s neck!" Who said black people have only one tendon? Wouldn\'t it be nice to see Andrew not fighting back?

"Haha, okay, Hansen, this is a joke in private, Andrew doesn\'t mind, don\'t talk nonsense outside." Yang Cheng laughed aside, and did not forget to remind himself of the good man, the master and servant. Feelings are increasing day by day, and I don\'t have so much scruples when talking in private.

   "I understand the boss."

   Seeing Hansen’s solemn answer, Andrew proudly raised his eyebrows at Hansen and laughed, his mouth grinned, his mouth full of white teeth, how many people shouldn’t be scared to death in this dark sky?

   Yang Cheng patted Hansen, UU reads www.uukanshu. When com was about to say no need to be so serious, the phone rang.

"Jason, jason, fuck, the **** oil price has fallen, haha, we tmd sent it, do you know? Jason, we sent it!!! Jesus, God, I want to buy a burger restaurant, I want it all in New York Buy all the burger shops, haha, fuck!"

As soon as I connected, I heard Alan’s incoherent and swearing crazy yelling. Yang Cheng held his mobile phone for a long time before realizing what Alan was talking about. He confirmed in disbelief, "Allen, you Stop yelling tm and tell me clearly, has the oil price fallen? How much has it fallen? Didn\'t you tease me?"

"Fuck, jason, I swear in the name of my dead mother, I\'m not kidding, oil prices have fallen to 78, and the downward channel has been completely opened. Nothing can stop us from making money. The **** Middle Eastern old man can\'t, jason, we make. Big!"

Yang Cheng pressed his excitement in his heart. If not in public, he would also want to yell crazily, louder than Alan, MD, finally waiting for this day, his hands began to tremble involuntarily, and he couldn\'t care about it. What kind of image? I loosened my tie, swallowed a few mouthfuls, and moistened my dry throat, "Allen, didn\'t you close the position?"

   "Fuck, I don\'t have any water in my head. The green Benjamin is getting into our pockets at the speed of a second. You just use the rpg at me and don\'t want me to close the position."

   "Haha, great Ellen!"

   "Stop talking nonsense, Jason, Crazy Allen is going to have a party, call all the hottest girls in Manhattan, who dare not come and kill her with a beautiful knife."

   "No problem, I\'ll make arrangements, I won\'t be drunk or return tonight!"