Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 493: Earn 1 building

"Anyway, President Reagan\'s gimmick is really good, why should we bring them? Isn\'t it good to shoot directly?"


Donna Land was speechless in surprise, but then let out a laugh again, "So are we going to fight the Reagan family?"

"Yes, from the beginning of the filming to the end of the screening, this is very good publicity, and we won the lawsuit. We have never heard of the story of a dead person and buy the copyright from his family. At most they can only Prosecuting us for infringing on President Reagan’s reputation is not a major issue. Compared with the benefits in exchange for a gimmick, a little reputation loss compensation is just drizzle!” Yang Cheng’s damage trick Donna Lande is not impossible to think of, but it’s just not going in that direction. Think about it, after all, getting what you need is the purpose of Hollywood.

But when it’s time to make money, Donna Lande will never be soft, and she will immediately accept it, “Good boss, I will do this properly. In addition, it may require the cooperation of the New Era Media to win the lawsuit. Public opinion must have the upper hand, and it will more or less affect the decisions of the judge and the jury!"

Yang Cheng waved his hand, this is not a problem, "Although I will contact, I will greet the media company and fully cooperate with your request."

Donna Lande has a happy face. Working in the New Era Film Industry is much more comfortable than Universal. After all, here only needs to be accountable to Yang Cheng. At Universal, not only do we have to face frequent censorship from the board of directors, but also often receive those ambitious Lower-level employees, challenge from time to time, the entire global career can be summarized in two words-heart tired!

But in the new era, the film industry is different. The company is brand new, or it is integrated by her. The upper and lower are very united, and there is not much intrigue. Her orders can be conveyed in the fastest and most efficient way. The company is well funded and never loses the chain at critical moments. So far, Donna Lande can’t find anything wrong. If nothing happens, it’s not a problem to retire in the film industry in the new era, and it can be regarded as a drawing for her career. A consummation full stop.

"By the way, after "Fifty Shades of Grey" achieved great results during its first weekend, it continued to lead the North American box office with a drop of less than 50% for the second full week. The total box office in North America has reached 143 million U.S. dollars and more than 60 overseas. It has been released in all countries and regions. The overseas box office has exceeded 300 million U.S. dollars, and the total global box office has reached 443 million. It is expected to exceed 500 million U.S. dollars next week. Success is imminent!" Donna Lande suddenly remembered that the business has not yet been reported, and quickly drew out the freshly released box office. The report was handed to Yang Cheng.

Hearing that, Yang Cheng is overjoyed. This means that the box office alone can reap the profits of the New Era Film Industry. Generally speaking, the ratio between Hollywood producers and theaters is not fixed like Country Z, but It depends on the specific agreement reached between the film company and the theater.

Of course, this depends on how strong the movie company itself is. For example, the Big Mac Disney Company has opened up numerous lions, directly biting down two-thirds, and asking the theater to turn in 65% of its box office revenue.

In fact, in the more distant era, North American film companies were quite strong. 90% of the box office of a movie during its premiere week went into their pockets. The revenue of theaters mainly came from the sales of popcorn and beverages. .

But in the coming weeks, the proportion of theater revenue sharing will increase. Generally speaking, in the fourth week of the movie\'s release, the producer\'s income will gradually drop to about 50%, and the share of theater income will rise to 48%. The proportion of accounts is different every week, which is a tiered rule of accounts in North America.

However, with the bankruptcy of a large number of cinema chains in the early 21st century, the overlord clause of film companies was subsequently abandoned.

Nowadays, for a Hollywood blockbuster, whether it is the first few weeks of the movie’s screening, the ratio of the theater chain’s share has a relative standard to follow. As a result, more and more film companies hope that their films will be in the first few weeks. The filming week will be able to win the top spot to maximize profits, so they greatly increase the number of film arrangements, allowing more audiences to enter the theater.

For a typical big production, the number of films scheduled during its premiere week would generally reach 4,000. In the 1980s, the number of films scheduled was only a few hundred. Of course, this is also related to the progress of economics and technology. After all, it used to be film copies. , Now it’s digital screening, and it’s not the same in terms of distribution costs.

Moreover, unlike film producers in Country Z, where the accounts are relatively small, generally speaking, if a movie has a high box office in Hollywood, the proportion of the profit shared by the movie company is often higher than that of the theater.

For example, for a film with a box office of 300 million US dollars, the film company can allocate up to 60% of its revenue. However, for some films with poor box office performance, the theater chain must also protect its own revenue. For a $10 million film, the film company can only take 45% of its revenue.

Although Hollywood film companies are very strong now, they should not overly squeeze the theater chains, otherwise if they are boycotted by the theater chains, it will not be so fun.

In general, for the local box office of an American movie, the film company\'s share is about 40-55%.

Today, when they increasingly rely on a large number of announcements in exchange for the box office, Hollywood studios still rely more on overseas box offices in exchange for profits or recovering losses. From another perspective, if a film loses at the box office in the United States and sells globally, this For a film company, is it a box office success?

In fact, it depends on the situation. But generally speaking, the local market for Hollywood movies is relatively important, because film companies tend to account for a larger proportion of local box office revenue. For a Hollywood movie, the production company\'s share from the overseas box office is only about 40%, and due to the constant changes in the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar, collecting overseas box office share has become a seemingly simple, but actually difficult thing.

At the same time, ZF\'s levy of tariffs will also reduce the share of film companies. Therefore, the real income of film companies still depends on the full-scale outbreak of local and overseas box offices.

However, in recent years, Hollywood companies have increased their attention to overseas markets. This is a general trend, especially the overseas market led by the Z country market. When the movie box office loses in the local market, it can often make a big explosion in the Z country market. Such an amazing consumption power , Hollywood companies must attach great importance to it.

Take the 3D masterpiece "Avatar" that James Cameron returned in 2010 as an example. At that time, "Avatar" created an astonishing $2.7 billion box office myth. No movie has surpassed this record yet, but its local box office only accounts for At 27% of the total box office, this is enough to illustrate the importance of overseas box office.

In addition, some movie stars rely on export blockbuster films to gain popularity around the world. Compared with those famous movie stars only in the United States, film companies need such people to help them further expand overseas markets.

In the two weeks since "Fifty Shades of Gray" was released, the outstanding performance in the North American box office has basically completed the task of returning to the capital, and the share of the full-scale outbreak of overseas markets will all be converted into figures on the financial report. For profit.

According to the current box office performance, New Era Pictures will at least get a net profit of not less than 100 million US dollars on the film "Fifty Shades of Gray", plus the surroundings~~

For a large-scale production, the profit from DVD rental, streaming media rights and derivative sales business can reach 60 million to 100 million US dollars, and the share of the film company from the digital media business such as DVD is far More than what you get from the box office revenue of theaters. This is because retailers of digital images and derivatives do not have the same voice as theaters. On the one hand, theaters have high operating costs. On the other hand, the final decision on what movies to show is The right is still in the hands of the theater itself.

In addition, sales through DVD and derivative channels do not need to pay high promotion costs, which also helps film companies increase revenue.

In recent years, the DVD market has gradually shrunk under the impact of streaming media, but it is still profitable to distribute through DVD. Movies with specific themes, such as horror films, independent documentaries, and art films, are quite eye-catching when they are sold on DVD. The DVD version of "Dark Grey" is one of them. After all, some scenes of the DVD will be more complete and more enjoyable than those seen in the movie. The length of the movie has reached 3 hours! Basically it is a small H film!

Of course, if a movie happens to have a strong IP and a considerable number of fans, then sales expectations will be even more optimistic. The Hunger Games of the year was won in the first week of its Blu-ray DVD release. 3.8 million copies sold. Therefore, if the film itself is attractive enough, the film company can still make a fortune through DVD distribution.

After a few simple glances, he let it go after knowing it, "How is the surrounding situation?"

Donna Lande seems to have long been waiting for Yang Cheng to ask this question. Annunciation is the most willing thing for every subordinate to do. “Thanks to our sufficient stocking volume, the overall peripheral sales reached a peak last week. Blu-ray, DVD and The sales of copyrights on other TVs and Internet platforms, including small umbrellas and various love~qu toys, have made us more than 10 million US dollars in net profit. To be honest, I regret dividing several of them with manufacturers."

Not greedy enough to swallow the elephant, Yang Cheng is quite content, unexpectedly, the profits generated around it will almost catch up with the net profit at the box office. "This is the first time I have no experience. Isn\'t there two more follow-ups in the plan? Just be determined. This route, with this series, we can make money for a headquarters building."

Donna Lande also complained happily. Of course, she would not really stay up all night for this. She smiled and echoed, "Yes, no matter what, our line is right, as long as we keep going."

"The final box office division is that you are a professional, I won\'t say much, I\'ll just one word, hurry, don\'t give the theater the chance to default."

Donna Lande\'s face shrank, "Of course, the theaters are still looking forward to the next two movies to continue to work together to make a lot of money, how dare we not pay our share?"

"That\'s good. Actually, I\'ve been thinking about whether I can control a North American cinema chain in disguise in some way?" Yang Cheng asked thoughtfully.

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