Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 492: 1 and a half minutes

"Don\'t forget that we still have a follow-up. The second part is about the assassination that hit the world; the third part is about the misery of my father in his later years!"

Donna Lande didn\'t quite understand, and asked curiously, "The miserable old age?"

Patty nodded, "Yes, as we all know, my father suffered from Alzheimer\'s in his later years and he couldn\'t take care of himself. Nancy took care of all his life, but she firmly controlled the financial power and refused to give her father medicine. For treatment, no friends of the father are allowed to come to visit, even if it is our holiday, we can only see my father."

Donna Lande knew that President Reagan’s illness was aroused, and the actions of his children were also revealed. Now Patty’s remarks wanted to earn sympathy for a while, and he wanted to wash herself. White, people\'s faces are really thick!

Putting down the script, she didn\'t talk about the script at all. She was afraid that she could not help but licking their big mouths. Instead, she sneered and asked about the most important issue of distribution of benefits, because she also recognized the faces of several people. , It is impossible to personally come to the door for the copyright fee of hundreds of thousands at most 1 million US dollars.

"What do you think of the project investment budget? What is the investment distribution ratio? What is the profit sharing?"

Patty and the two brothers showed joy in an instant. They thought that Donna Lande had agreed to the establishment of the project when he took the initiative to talk about the distribution of benefits, so they immediately changed their attitude and said with an arrogant expression, "I think so, the idea of ​​the project It is ours, the copyright belongs to us, and the script has been written, and only needs to be refined. From these three perspectives, we want 50% of the total box office not to be excessive, right?

As for the specific investment, I don’t understand, but the first movie does not require a big scene or special effects. Even if it is to invite first-line stars to appear, the budget of 50 million US dollars is enough, what do you think? If you can\'t be the master, wait until your boss comes back to decide! "

Donna Lande feels that she hasn\'t been so angry in some days. The anger is not because of Patty\'s contempt, but because they should speak like a lion. Really, the Hollywood company is a shantang? If you open your mouth and share 50% of the box office revenue, you might as well just ask New Era Pictures to pay for it! This can make her feel better!

It is important to know that the proportion of Hollywood producers and theaters is not fixed. Among them, dvd and other derivatives account for the bulk of the film’s overall revenue. In general, for the local box office of an American movie, the film company gets The ratio is about 40~55%.

And this 50% share does not guarantee the profit of the producer. The follow-up of many series of movies is where the profit is! Patty is very clear about this, otherwise he would not dare to come up with a trilogy plan in one go!

However, other aspects are pure rhetoric. With a budget cost of 50 million US dollars, the local box office must reach at least 200 million US dollars to ensure that the film is basically not at a loss.

Generally speaking, Hollywood film companies are very reluctant to disclose the specific production cost of a film. Even if it is revealed, it is only a mixed figure, because the actual cost of a film may far exceed the disclosed figure. In addition to production costs, there are more important promotion and marketing costs.

The promotion fee of a movie can be very staggering. Taking a small-cost movie of 20 million US dollars, the promotion fee may even be higher than the cost of the film itself. This is because the subject matter of small-cost movies is generally romantic comedies. Or children’s movies, which don’t require huge production costs, but when it comes to promotion costs, it’s not that simple.

A movie with a production cost of 35 million to 75 million U.S. dollars, its promotion fee is likely to reach half of the production cost. The 3D animation film "Super Badass" released in North America in 2010, has a global box office of 320 million U.S. dollars, and its production cost is 145 million U.S. dollars, and the promotion fee has reached 65 million U.S. dollars. If it is a big production, the promotion fee will be even higher. In order to recover costs, film companies often put a lot of advertising.

If Patty’s US$50 million filming cost is used, even considering Reagan’s own name, there is no need for excessive hype, and the publicity cost will also be US$25 million. As a result, the total production cost will rise to US$75 million. Can money be guaranteed not to lose? More than 200 million is just a conservative estimate!

Don’t forget that this is a biographical film. Patty himself also said that the first film will be relatively plain. Don’t think about the box office explosion. If the local box office can exceed 100 million, it is already a high reputation. Give 50% to Patty and the others, and the rest is the income of the producer and the theater. mmp, even if Donna Rand has Alzheimer\'s, he would not agree to such a share! Does this want them to lose all their pants? There is no such division ratio in the entire galaxy!

So Patty just got angry and lost his anger. It\'s not worth it. It\'s useless to talk to a few idiots, and he was a little grateful that she had an ambush in advance and didn\'t let Yang Cheng hear it. Orange doesn’t know much about it. Once he hears this insulting percentage on the spot, I’m afraid he’ll turn his face on the spot and send someone to beat the three white-eyed wolves from the top floor all the way out. This is not enough. He has to chase all the way. He slapped and scolded, and wanted to let the whole Los Angeles know the ugly face of this family.

God knows where these idiots whose heads are caught in the door are so confident that they dare to come to the door to find and scold them. Donna Lande has already sentenced them to death, and doesn\'t want to talk to them anymore, just let the secretary see him off!

As for Patty\'s sordid remarks Donna Lande should not hear, this is her last respect for President Reagan.

. . .

Yang Cheng, who came to the company in a hurry, went directly to Donna Lande\'s office, and missed perfectly with Patty and his party who had been sent out, leaving Yang Cheng speechless for a while, what happened? Are those people waiting impatiently? Shaking face and leaving?

"What\'s the situation?" Yang Cheng was thirsty, asked for a sip of ice water, and asked carelessly, sitting opposite Donna Rand.

Donna Lande smiled bitterly and took out the script that Patty had just given her, and narrated it back and forth. Although he couldn\'t do a word, at least the expression on Patty\'s face was not let go.

Yang Cheng looked ashen after hearing it, fucking, what did she think it was, this is obviously going to the door to beat the autumn wind? Do you really treat yourself as a god? Think you are a son of God? Seeing you, you have to bow down and throw a copper plate at you?

He didn\'t bother to think about why Patty and the others left a few other big companies and didn\'t look for them, but instead found himself. Is it because he thinks he is a soft persimmon?

It doesn\'t matter, you can\'t hold your breath anyway, "You just let them go?"

Donna Lande said angrily, "Why? Is it still delicious and delicious, and promised them?"

After that, she stared at Yang Cheng straightly. Once Yang Cheng said yes, she immediately lifted her **** and left, and she couldn\'t do anything with the idiot boss.

Of course, this situation can never happen!

Yang Cheng sneered, "How could it be possible that I can\'t play with them!"

"What do you want to do?" Donna Lande was really curious now.

Yang Cheng shrugged and said with a playful smile, "Anyway, President Reagan\'s gimmick is really good, why should we bring them? Isn\'t it good to shoot directly?"

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