Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 47: sort out

"Hey, I said buddy, do you want me to cooperate?"

   At this time, the night is deep, and the music on the yacht is still ringing, but the noisy sound can no longer be heard. The men and women with firewood searched for rooms and started primitive sports.

  Only Yang Cheng and Ellison, who had been drinking for three rounds, switched to the Musashi spa pool, each occupying a corner, sitting opposite each other, with their heads on the side of the pool, looking up at the stars.

   Yang Chengben was about to fall asleep because of the massage, when he heard Ellison\'s whispering question, he couldn\'t help but look over.

   "What did you say?" He did not hear clearly.

   Ellison still looked at the sky, "I said you want to work together?"

"What kind of cooperation do you mean? I don\'t understand movies, I only watch." Yang Cheng thought Ellison was looking for her own investment. Although Ellison was not short of money, he also knew how to score and take risks. With his $200 million venture fund, which is nicknamed pocket money, relying on a madness, he broke into Hollywood so bluntly and almost got out of it.

   Unexpectedly, Ellison shook his head, sat upright, the pool overflowed, "It\'s not a movie, it\'s a forum publishing company."

   Yang Cheng\'s face sank, "You want to grab it from me?"

   "No, it\'s cooperation. My Tianwu Film Industry just needs a voice platform to wave the flag, and the Forum Publishing Company is a good choice." Ellison slowly explained the reason.

But Yang Cheng did not buy it, "Impossible, I don\'t need a strong person to challenge my position on the board of directors." Yang Cheng has already regarded Forum Publishing Company as something in his bag, and Eddie Harveystein is the acquisition. The crucial link, now that this link has been opened up, the group of shareholders and directors who only value interests can be solved easily. It is nothing but money.

   "Oh, comeon, jason, you are misunderstood, I just bought a share, and I want a board seat to protect my interests, and will not participate in the company\'s specific operations." Ellison exaggerated his grievances.

   Yang Cheng didn’t eat this set, and sneered, “David, don’t play tricks with me. You have improved a lot in your acting skills in Hollywood over the past few years. Do you plan to appear in a movie yourself?”

Although the habit of eating alone is not good, no one doesn’t like eating alone, especially this group of sons who have been spoiled since childhood and have nothing they want. They never share the things they value with others, at least at this age. Learn not to share.

Ellison is a top-notch brother, Yang Cheng is not bad, and even his New York is the base of American wealth, which seems to be much more than Ellison. In the eyes of New Yorkers, California\'s new technology billionaires are just a group touted by Wall Street. It\'s just the soil buns that came out.

  Who doesn\'t know who is in a circle? Even if you fart you know what he ate last night, and you want to hide Yang Cheng\'s eyes? They are all foxes on the mountain, what are you talking about?

"Ohmygod, jason, you make me so sad, okay, okay, this is the end of the matter, just as I haven\'t mentioned it, the big deal, I will find another one, the problem that money can solve is not a problem." Ellison continued With his acting skills.

   Yang Cheng clapped his hands lightly and applauded him, "Well said, I wish you success."

He regrets it very much now, and can\'t wait to smoke his two big mouths, why do you tell Ellison about the Forum Publishing Company so much? It’s not that he doesn’t know how cunning the Ellison family is, for the sake of profit. For 300 rounds of Oracle vs. Microsoft, if someone didn’t reconcile it, with Larry Ellison’s **** personality, he would have to go shirtless with Bill Gates. The mouse’s son would make holes. What kind of old man has what kind of son. .

   Alas, still young. . .

The tentative conversation between the two was considered unhappy. After that, Yang Cheng returned to the Jade, and she was still in the mood to talk to beautiful women. He didn’t believe that David Ellison would give up so easily. If he didn’t hurry up Arrange it and let Ellison kick it horizontally, and that’s the cry without tears

   Regardless of the late night, the phone directly called home.

   "Hello, this is the Yang family." Old John who answered the phone.

   "Old John, it\'s me, is my father asleep?" Yang Cheng spoke a little fast, and Old John could hear Yang Cheng\'s anxiety.

   "Yes, I went to bed 1 hour ago, do I need to wake him up?"

   Yang Cheng held his mobile phone and stood by the window. There was a breeze on the sea at night, and the boat swayed along with it, but the amplitude was small and did not affect people\'s activities.

"No, that\'s the case. I talked to Eddie Harveystein of Forum Publishing Company in the afternoon. He has promised to persuade the board of directors for us to accept my acquisition. But when I met with David Ellison in the evening, I accidentally Speaking of this matter, he actually became interested in Forum Publishing Company. I am worried that things will change. My father gets up tomorrow morning. You will tell him the matter as soon as possible. Let him send an acquisition team to contact Forum Publishing Company and discuss it as soon as possible. Proper cooperation."

  Using quick and concise language, summarize the matter to Old John.

After pondering for a moment, he continued, "I have two acquisition plans. One is 70 million U.S. dollars. We will be responsible for the debt and acquire 100% of the equity. Second, we spend 2.1 billion U.S. dollars, but the debt will be passed on to the shareholders. I am not responsible. By choosing this plan, I can reserve 10% of the shares for them and the right to follow up with them when I increase my capital.

   I told my father and the acquisition team of my two plans. This is the bottom line. The specific figures are up to them to discuss. "

   "Okay, I understand, I will inform as soon as your father gets up."

   "Thank you, old John, for your hard work."

   "This is what I should do, Jason."

   After saying goodnight to each other and hung up the phone, Yang Cheng slowly let go of her heart, rubbing her temples, and sorting out the chess pieces she had fallen since her rebirth.

   First of all, Delta Air Lines, the top priority, is a project to establish his status in the arena. The progress is a bit slow, but within his acceptance range, rush is useless.

Secondly, the South Korean entertainment company, named CY Entertainment Group by Liu Jianjun, is to reverse the initials of Yang Cheng’s Hanyu Pinyin. This flattering Yang Cheng rolled his eyes and has now won the megabox, the third largest hospital in South Korea. Line under the auspices of Liu Jianjun, the handover was carried out in an orderly manner.

After NEW has seen the strength of CY Entertainment, the balance in its heart has completely fallen to CY Entertainment. Judging from Liu Jianjun’s report, it is expected to complete the acquisition at a price of US$270 million. The current negotiation is stuck in the final On equity distribution.

Several major shareholders of NEW hope to retain 5% of the shares and corresponding equity, so that CY Entertainment can only hold 65% of the shares. In addition, CY also needs to set aside 10%-15% of the shares. To manage the various forces, CY Entertainment is an outsider after all. Liu Jianjun understands this rule, and Yang Cheng understands better that if CY holds about 50% of the shares, it is not so safe.

   What should I do? CY’s interests must be protected. Liu Jianjun naturally understands that Yang Cheng will not make concessions in this regard. What’s more, in his opinion, the value of those shareholders to NEW is not as great as they think, and they are reserved for each of them 2 %, it\'s the best of all your benevolence. To know that to buy their shares at a price of 270 million US dollars, these shareholders will each receive at least 14 million US dollars in cash. Is this rare?

Yang Cheng is not worried about the breakdown of the negotiation. The role of the negotiation is to balance the interests of all parties in the constant quarrels. Moreover, the big boss Yang Cheng has not yet appeared. At a critical time, Yang Cheng will come forward in person and will play a role. The role of the final word.

In addition to NEW company, Liu Jianjun still has the heart to acquire an actor agency company with a complete set of three generations of actors and actresses. If the plan is successful, CY Entertainment will complete the small ecological closed-loop and remain invincible for the future to the surrounding areas, such as To expand to the music industry as a solid backing.