Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 46: Confluence Ellison

While Yang Cheng was fighting with Eddie on the sea, Sunny still wanted to discuss Yang Cheng\'s suggestion with Li Xiuman when she returned to her parents\' house. However, before that, she had to pass the two sisters.

   "Shun Kyu, who is the boy in the hospital just now?" Sunny\'s second sister Li Yin Kyu was the first to ask.

   Poor Sunny was tied to the sofa by the two older sisters one by one. She could only look at her parents and brother-in-law for help, but she was naturally disappointed.

   "Yeah, O\'Neill, first of all, it\'s only the third time I met Yang Cheng oppa."

   Before he could even breathe, he was interrupted by Li Yingui, "Who did you lie to? Hug and hug at the third meeting? Even oppa was called."

  Sunny almost didn\'t suffocate to death, and directly exploded her hair like a lion cub, "Where did you hug?"

   "Don\'t admit it yet? We all saw it, right?" Li Yingui clenched his fist and drilled on Sunny\'s head, not forgetting to pull in the eldest sister Li Jingui to help out.

   "Well, youngest, you should recruit from the truth." Compared with the active second sister, the eldest sister has a more gentle temperament, but it is all born of a mother, and the naughty genes are indelible.

"Yeah, that\'s true, I said, I have nothing to do with Yang Cheng oppa for half a dime, but I can talk very much. People just come to the hospital to see my aunt, so don\'t think about it." Sunny struggled while being wronged. \'The complaint of grievances.

   "Also, let me go quickly, and I have to discuss the transfer of my aunt with my uncle." Helpless, Sunny can only pull out the aunt on the bed as a cushion.

   Sure enough, as soon as it heard it was a matter of business, the two eldest sisters didn\'t want to mess around anymore, and quickly let go of sunny, "Transfer? What\'s the matter, Shun Kyu, hurry up and say, I am anxious." Li Yingui urged impatiently.

  Sunny immediately rolled his eyes, and anxiously killed you.

"Uncle, Yang Cheng oppa said he can help contact the medical center, where the treatment of tumors is very famous, what do you think? Do you want to transfer the aunt?" Sunny jumped out of the shackles arranged by the two sisters, came to the restaurant, and was talking with her parents. Asked Li Xiuman who was speaking.

   "The medical center? Can it be effective? The doctor said that your aunt is already..." Li Xiuman\'s eyes lit up, but it went dark immediately. Obviously, he didn\'t think that a miracle would happen when changing a hospital.

   "How can I know if I don\'t try? Maybe the experts there have other ways? It\'s good to let my aunt stay for a few more years." Sunny didn\'t understand Li Xiuman\'s stubbornness and didn\'t care about etiquette, so she shouted directly at Li Xiuman.

   "Shun Kyu, how do you talk to uncle?" Sunny\'s mother came over and patted Sunny\'s head lightly.

   Li Xiuman waved his hand to show that he didn\'t care, but whenever there was a glimmer of hope, he would work hard for his wife. He was just worried that his wife\'s condition was not good and could it withstand the bumps of transfer.

Sunny’s relationship with Li Xiuman is not good, but it’s not bad. It’s just a bit of fear in my heart, so I rarely have a relationship with Li Xiuman, but her relationship with her aunt is very deep. When Girls’ Generation was the most difficult time, because the family was in the United States , Only my aunt often came to see her and encouraged her. She had already accepted the incurable result of her aunt, but now Yang Cheng gave her one more choice, and she immediately ignited a fire of hope, no matter the result is good or bad, always have to try. .

   "Jason really said he could help? I wanted to take your aunt there at first, but there was no bed."

"Since oppa has spoken, there must be a way. Uncle, you agree? I will call oppa now." I don\'t know why, Sunny still trusts Yang Cheng, and without waiting for Li Xiuman to nod, she took out her phone and found it. Yang Cheng\'s number was dialed out.

   Listening to the busy tone coming from the mobile phone, Sunny was a little nervous. Once Yang Cheng couldn\'t help it, what should I do if I broke my promise?

  . . . . . .

   At this time, Yang Cheng was immersed in the pleasure of catching the first fish, big-eyed erythema, a common fish in Europe and America, sashimi or steamed is the most delicious.

   The fish caught by Yang Orange is about 60 cm long. It is an adult fish. It is rare in the coastal waters. It seems lucky.

   Removed the red spot from the hook, weighed it, and proudly said to Eddie, "It is estimated that there are 50 pounds, you have to cheer Eddie."

   Place the fish directly to the waitress to send it up for weighing, and then let the chef make sashimi, the seafood has to be eaten fresh.

   was preparing to string new bait on the hook, and when he was lucky enough to take advantage of the victory and pursue the victory in one fell swoop, Andrew walked over with Yang Cheng\'s phone.

   The bell was still screaming, Yang Cheng handed Andrew the fishing rod and asked him to help string the bait.

   "Hello, sunny, call me right now, did your uncle make a decision?" Yang Cheng glanced at the caller ID to connect to the open.

   "oppa, yes, my uncle decided to transfer to hospital. I have troubled oppa to help, but my uncle said that the beds in the medical center are very tight, I don\'t know..."

Yang Cheng noticed that Sunny\'s voice was trembling, and he looked at Eddie who was almost sitting in the sea, and chuckled, "Don\'t worry, leave it to me, I\'ll call and arrange for President Li to go to the hospital to sign the transfer procedures. Right."

   "Is it really okay?" Sunny confirmed again.

   Yang Cheng was speechless, but couldn\'t get angry, so she had to patiently answer, "No problem, trust me."

Then Yang Cheng asked about Sunny’s personal information carefully, then hung up the phone, edited it into a text message and sent it to Old John, who was responsible for contacting him. The Yang family’s three members are high-achieving students. Over the years, the Yang family’s own charity foundation , Has always paid back to his alma mater. The main donation is the medical cause. The medical center is the focus of the foundation. Therefore, the medical center has always reserved an honorary director seat for the Yang family.

This position has no real power. It is really just a reputation. It sounds good. It does not interfere with the operation of the medical center or pays dividends. However, it is still privileged to arrange a patient to receive the best treatment in the medical center, otherwise every year. Isn\'t it a waste of money?

   After getting the affirmative answer from Old John, Yang Cheng sent Old John’s mobile phone number to Sunny, asking her to contact Old John directly, so that he didn’t send any further information.

  While he was busy contacting the transfer, Eddie also got some results. He didn\'t recognize a salmon and another small fish, Yangcheng. Looking at his colorful body, it looked pretty good.

   The red spot that Yang Cheng fished just now weighed 54 pounds. Eddie\'s salmon didn\'t need to be weighed. It was not as heavy as Yang Cheng by visual inspection. He knew it by himself. Besides, he put on a new bait and flicked the rod again.

Yang Cheng is not so anxious. He can sit on the Diaoyutai and watch the changes, and take another untouched hamburger to Eddie\'s hand, "Eddie, hurry up and eat something, don’t be in a hurry at this moment, watch you This posture seems to have to beat me? I wonder, did you really like that painting? Or do you not want me to buy Forum Publishing Company?"

This time I was not rejected. I asked the secretary to come over to help watch the fishing rod, took the burger, took a vicious bite, then shook his head and said vaguely, "No, no, after reading your plan, I am very moved. If you really The success of the acquisition is a good thing."

   Yang Cheng became more confused, "Why is that?"

"Humans, we still have to keep a little childlike, right?" Eddie blinked, as if he had succeeded in a prank, drank a cold beer, hiccuped comfortably, and raised a glass to Yang Cheng. "Cheers, I won\'t give up easily."

   Yes, feelings, this is an old naughty boy, Yang Cheng suddenly remembered the penguin expression, it was the one who covered his face and smiled with tears. It was too vivid to use on his face.

   Eddie hurriedly swallowed the burger, probably without taste, moistened his throat with beer, took the fishing rod from the secretary, and shouted at the sea like "comeonbaby."

   Yang Cheng really doesn\'t want to be in the same way as him, and feels that he has been lowered IQ, so it\'s not a good idea to be a child? How did this guy become the CEO of Forum Publishing Company?

   And if Eddie really won because of the bet and went to oil painting and didn\'t help Yang Cheng persuade the board of directors, then Yang Cheng could only wish the Forum Publishing Company to go bankrupt as soon as possible. It would be for his own benefit and the CEO who disregarded the overall situation of the company.

  . . . . . .

In the evening, in the waters near Long Beach, two superyachts docked side by side. The luminous atmosphere lights on the Emerald were all lit up, and the colorful colors alternated, lighting up the night sky. The deafening dance music heated the air and the two yachts rose. On the diving platform, young people kept jumping somersaults, screaming everywhere.

   "Jason, what did you talk about this afternoon? If you don\'t come again, I will return."

   Yang Cheng had just won the bet and arranged for a speedboat to send Eddie away, and then he contacted David Ellison’s Musashi to come to the meeting coordinates.

   After the two super boats were successfully connected, Ellison rushed to the Emerald with the Spice Girl in his arms.

   "Forum Publishing Company CEO, Eddie Harveystein, have you ever heard of it?" Yang Cheng and Ellison clinked glasses, half lying on the sofa, the comfortable and warm sea breeze made Yang Cheng moan unconsciously.

   "Eddie Harveystein? I only know Harvey Weinstein!"

   "Puff..." Yang Cheng was amused by Ellison\'s cold joke, and the wine he hadn\'t swallowed spurted out. This guy, if you don\'t know it, you don\'t know it, so much nonsense.

  Of course, in the ears of those hot girls, this sentence is a joke. Only Yang Cheng can understand the pride of the Ellison family after laughing. Who is Eddie Harveystein? Are you qualified to let me know?

"The Los Angeles Times always knows, right?" Yang Cheng asked the waiter to change to a classic cocktail and a screwdriver. This cocktail made from vodka and lime juice and grapefruit juice blended the aromas of wine and fruit. , Can bring a slight drunkenness instantly.

"I know this, the largest newspaper in the west, oh, I know it when you say that, Forum Publishing Company, eh... it seems to be a Morgan-based media group?" Ellison suddenly slapped his forehead, like a dream. When he woke up, he was indeed a little drunk. Before meeting with Yang Cheng, his party had been open all afternoon.

   Yang Cheng didn\'t care about the drunk cat either, and nodded, "Yes, it has been managed by Morgan."

   "You want to buy?" Ellison\'s upper body was straightened, and he suddenly became sober. This is the quality that the top dude should have, and he will never let alcohol paralyze his thinking.

   Yang Cheng held up the wine glass and shrugged, showing a natural expression on his face.

"Yuanshan is going to enter the media industry?" David Ellison subconsciously regarded Yang Orange\'s actions as a signal for Yuanshan to enter another field. He had to pay attention to it. This is a cascading effect. Although Oracle is the world\'s largest enterprise-level Software companies, but the revenue from media advertising also accounts for a considerable proportion. If Yuanshan enters the market, even if Oracle is not in the center of the whirlpool, it will inevitably be affected by the wind. Once it involves his own industry, can he sit still?

   "No, I bought it myself."

   "Huh..." Ellison let out a long sigh of relief, like a balloon blown by a needle.

As long as it is not acquired in the name of Yuanshan, it will not cause tensions. In other words, Yang Orange\'s deterrent power is not enough to arouse the vigilance of predators. If Yang Sen is sitting here, the scene will be completely different. , Regardless of the surname Yang, can the explosion effect of one equivalent TNT and ten equivalent TNT be the same?

   "I said buddy, why do you want to enter the media industry?" Ellison shook his head to the drum, curiously asked.

Yang Cheng put his legs on the coffee table, put his hands on his head, turned his head and smiled, "You think too much, I just need a platform that can speak for me at a critical moment. Didn\'t you read the news on TMZ a while ago? "

   Ellison nodded and shook his head immediately, "What\'s the matter? Have you been on gossip headlines? I haven\'t heard of which actress you have a leg with."

   Ellison, who lives in Hollywood, is naturally familiar with the gossip leader TMZ, and joked with an ambiguous smile.

   "Fuck off, I\'m not interested in women with liberating nature." Yang Cheng smiled and grabbed a handful of potato chips and threw it over.

   "Comeon, isn\'t it for you to get married and have fun? The purpose of being a actress is for that sense of accomplishment, understand?" Ellison cried out, hugging the hot girl with an ass.

   "Uh. UU reading It makes sense, I was speechless." Yang Cheng was shocked and developed a sense of identity, because he was also a non-model before.

   "Don\'t be nonsense, talk about business, you really didn\'t see the news about me?" Chewing corn flakes, no wonder Mexicans like to eat this, it\'s really delicious and addictive.

   Ellison curled his eyebrows and thought for a while, "No, I saw the latest news that Xiao Lizi has changed his girlfriend again."

   "That tm is also called news? Please, are you kidding me? When does he just love one person, that\'s news."

   spit out, and continued, "I was a little British model that I had a while ago, and broke the news to TMZ that I was severely ill, or infectious, fuck, a bitch."

"Hollyshit? Is that **** dying?" Ellison could understand Yang Cheng\'s anger and empathize with him. He did not rarely encounter this kind of woman who made up news for the sake of fame, so that he could stay in the outside world. It\'s not good, and there is no need for exposure, and there are very few moral kidnappings here in the United States. As long as you have decent results, no one will pay attention to your derailment.

The big cousin’s photos have spread all over the world and have made a huge contribution to the toilet paper company. The popularity has not fallen but increased. On the other hand, the innocent lady in HK, it is really unlucky. People just talk about a boyfriend. If you didn\'t get involved, you didn\'t cheat, why are you nailed under the pillar of shame and can\'t come?

Public figures in the United States will not be criticized by the whole people unless you have made political mistakes, such as racial discrimination, support for war, anti-Semitism, etc., but it will not or be difficult to resist forever. Keep a low profile for a few years and find a way. Fry a cold meal, get a work with good grades, how to be happy and happy.