Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 465: Redemption project

"Anyway, nbc has enough ace shows, and it\'s not bad this one!" Yang Cheng thought calmly.

The rise of cw TV station has an even greater impact on the media of the new era. It not only helps the media of the new era to rise to the same position as the four major media groups, but also allows Yang Cheng to say no to Richard Debin. After all, he has not forgotten why he bought cw TV station so easily.

   "By the way, boss, there is something to report to you, Jeffery suggested to us to lay off the animation studio."

   Just as Yang Cheng left the sofa and was about to leave, Donna Lande suddenly stopped Yang Cheng and said.

   "Jeffrey? He is also involved in the operation of DreamWorks Animation?"

After the acquisition of DreamWorks Animation at that time, Yang Cheng invited Jeffrey Kasenborg to stay as the creative director. He continued to shine, just wanting to use his talent and ability in the field of animation, but not to keep him in charge. The company\'s, with Jeffrey Cassenberg\'s prestige in DreamWorks animation, if one day he has a whim and is ready to go it alone, Yang Cheng and the others really have no good way to stop it.

"That\'s not true. DreamWorks Animation is completely under my control. Boss, what you worry about will not happen. Jeffery is for the sake of the company. After the layoffs, the new DreamWorks Animation will get rid of the burden and go into battle easily. It is beneficial to private, so I decided to report to you after considering it." Donna said.

Yang Cheng frowned, "It\'s not necessary to lay off staff. Does the special effects studio we set up need a lot of manpower? All the extra staff from the animation side are transferred to the special effects studio. After a little training, they all make special effects. A good player, you can\'t let it go to strengthen the enemy."

   Donna Lande thought for a while, and felt it made sense, and immediately nodded and said, "I see, I\'ll coordinate with Jeffrey on this matter."

  Yang Cheng said, this one went away in no hurry, and simply sat down again and asked about the current status of DreamWorks Animation, "What are the projects they are currently working on?"

The answer was printed in Donna Lande’s mind, and she replied without hesitation, “According to the original plan, the projects currently in production are: Kung Fu Panda 3 and Magic Hair Wizard. These two projects are over half of the process and are expected to be released next year. This year, DreamWorks Animation has only one big movie to be released. Yes, according to our plan, we decided to be the first to be released in North America at the end of next month."

   Yang Cheng nodded. He is not interested in big animation movies, and he rarely sees them, but the name of Kung Fu Panda is still heard. After all, this should be regarded as the most successful project among the Hollywood Z elements.

   Donna Lande added, "It hasn\'t started yet, but the new project has been scheduled for 2020. The boss does not have to worry that they have nothing to do."

   "Very well, what can I do to worry about you controlling me." Yang Cheng did not hesitate to praise Donna Lande.

   Regarding this, Donna Lande said that she had listened too much and was numb, but praise always makes people happy, doesn\'t it?

   "This is my part-time job, boss, there will be an Oscar award this weekend, I have an invitation letter, do you want to go to the scene, boss?" To avoid embarrassment, Donna Lande quickly changed the subject.

   "Oscar? Is this year\'s awards season coming to an end? Time flies so fast." Yang Cheng couldn\'t help but sigh.

"Indeed, but this year\'s nominated film is very niche, and it is estimated that the ratings will hit a new low." Donna Lande thinks of the annual Oscars and feels a lot. This year may be her easiest year, because she has been in the past. When she was in the world, every year, she selected a batch of potential films to impact Xiao Jinren. This year, she changed her working environment and came to a new era of film industry. This work was temporarily put down, so she can use it very easily. Attitude to tease this year\'s Oscar.

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "The old-fashioned group in the college should have a headache again this year. Forget it, I won’t go, and we don’t have our own movie nomination. Why do we join in the fun? But I still have a little bit of the dinner later. interest."

   Donna Lande was speechless. Sure enough, the actress is a drug addiction that Hollywood bigwigs can never quit.

The conversation turned, "However, we cannot be absent from next year’s Oscars. New Era Pictures has just been established. It needs some records and awards to gain a reputation. It has already put our company into the sight of the people, and Oscars can raise our compelling standards. Regardless of whether the Oscar has deteriorated, as the world\'s most authoritative and high-end film award, we cannot ignore its existence."

Donna Lande thinks so deeply, "Yes, I also have this intention, and the operation of awards is one of the six must-have knowledges in Hollywood. Fortunately, my experience is quite rich, and I have a good relationship with the great masters of the college. , As long as there is financial support, we will definitely not lose to Harvey\'s stinky rascal."

Yang Cheng laughed dumbfounded. It seems that Harvey is already notorious in Hollywood. Even Donna Rand can\'t help cursing. It\'s no wonder that his affair was revealed later. No one in Hollywood spoke for him, so the blame is on his own. .

   "So, you already have a goal?"

With a deep smile, Donna Lande drew a stack of documents from the safe and handed it over, "Led by director Thomas McCarthy, he has directed and other famous works. This script is adapted from real events. For the project, he originally contacted Openroad Pictures Investment, but I was cut off.

   is mainly about the 2002 focus group collecting evidence, investigating and reporting a series of cases of priests sexually assaulting children in the Boston area.

   The typical story line of freedom of the press against social authority, the investigative team is under heavy pressure, and the protagonist still abides by professional ethics and ethics when tracing the truth.

The script is written in depth, conveys universal emotions, uses images to expose the scandals of the year again, and shows the behind-the-scenes heroes working silently behind the news. This kind of socially sensitive film that changes real events is definitely the most favorite of the college. Type, with targeted public relations, it is not difficult to win one of the four major awards. "

   After listening to Donna Lande’s remark, Yang Cheng couldn’t help frowning, “Wait, where did Openroad Pictures come from? Why have I never heard of it?”

   "It is a joint venture company between Emperor Cinemas and AMC Cinemas. It focuses on distribution and production. There is nothing worthy of a big book. There are countless such companies in Hollywood." Donna Lande explained.

"Since the cost is only 10 million US dollars, even if it is worth a gamble, there is no hesitation. You can set up the project." Yang Cheng decisively agreed to the project. In fact, Donna Lande can be the master of the new era. The ceo, she has sufficient authority to deal with the project, unless it is a large investment of more than 100 million U.S. dollars, it must be signed and approved by Yang Orange to start the project.

   And now I have informed Yang Cheng, but it is out of respect for him. ...