Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 464: New opponent

In the warm sunshine, the white ferrar glowed with a dazzling pearl-like light, looking extremely holy and noble, but like a horse with white mane galloping on Rodeo Drive, bohemian.

   Yang Cheng held the steering wheel with one hand, but did not pay attention to the road, his head was full of the news that Xiao Mazi had just said.

The White House blatantly interfered in Venezuela’s political changes, vowing to bring down the current zf and replace it with an obedient president. Of course, if this is the case, it seems that Yang Cheng has no need to worry. After all, Venezuela is far away on the southern coast of the Caribbean Sea. , Has nothing to do with Yang Cheng for half a dime, and he doesn\'t bother to bother with it.

However, the last time the old stocks came up with the protection fees that they paid to the business community, it became the White House\'s handle on American entrepreneurs. Once they were put out as scapegoats, their reputations would be stinking for thousands of years. How will they continue to be international? mix?

According to Xiao Mazi, this may have a high chance of becoming a reality. Facebook has powerful data collection capabilities around the world. When Venezuela is still the wealthy Caribbean pearl, Facebook is their country’s largest social network. On the platform, it is very easy to find some intelligence in Venezuela. Therefore, Yang Cheng did not doubt the authenticity of the news.

In addition, Xiao Mazi told Yang Cheng about this news because he wanted to contact the people who attended the meeting of the old stock gods and protested to the White House together. Regarding this, Yang Cheng\'s view was more conservative, or rather smooth, he decided to look at the old stock gods. Acting on the face, if the old stock **** agrees and is willing to join the team of joint protests, then he naturally has no reason to refuse.

   On the other hand, if the old stock **** chooses to shut up, then he will not join Xiao Mazi\'s team. The young people are vigorous, but will those old foxes who survived can not tell the pros and cons?

  Since the old stock gods have no ability to resist, relying on Xiao Mazi and Facebook alone, in the end, they will only be cleaned up.

   Yang Cheng suddenly remembered the previous Facebook information leak, and couldn\'t help but think darkly, is this the White House\'s revenge on Facebook?

   shuddered with a bad cold, this is a world full of conspiracies.

  . . .

The headquarters of New Era Pictures is located in a 12-story building in Santa Monica. Of course, this is only leased as a temporary place. The real headquarters has already begun to plan. Yang Cheng and the others finally decided to buy land and build the building by themselves. No matter how it is calculated, it is the most suitable. It is just that Los Angeles is so expensive that a suitable commercial land is not so easy to find.

In the CEO\'s office on the top floor, Yang Cheng saw Donna Lande again. Unlike when he was in New York, Donna Lande, who was in the office, had a serious face and showed the characteristics of a strong woman to the fullest, even when hugging Yang Cheng. The smile just flashed past.

   "The weather in Los Angeles is still good." Yang Cheng said with emotion.

   Donna Rand has lived in Los Angeles for almost 30 years and could not help but retort, “I don’t think so. In the summer, Los Angeles is hot and dry, but New York is more comfortable.”

   Yang Cheng spread his hands and did not continue to argue about the climate issue in Los Angeles. After all, this is not the focus of today. "How is the box office?"

Donna Lande pulled out a copy from the stack of folders on the desk without saying a word, glanced at it to confirm that she was going to take it, and passed it directly to Yang Cheng, "As of today, it happens to be the fifth day of the screening, after the first weekend. The box office will inevitably fall sharply during working days, but it is still stable above 10 million U.S. dollars. At present, the cumulative box office in North America has exceeded 100 million, and the total box office worldwide has exceeded 200 million. According to the current decline, it is expected that the final The global box office will inevitably exceed 500 million U.S. dollars and hopefully reach 600 million."

Yang Cheng did not look at the specific figures. Donna Lande’s words gave him full confidence that he was sure to make money. In addition, the sales of peripheral products that became more and more popular, and the sale of various late-stage copyrights, would definitely make the new era film. Knowing this is enough to make a big profit.

   At present, he is more worried about the copyright issues of the Premier League in North America. This is the most important project related to the future of cw, and no mistake is allowed.

However, when he asked about this, Donna Lande sent a very bad news, "I\'m sorry boss, according to the news I received, this time the competition for the copyright of the Premier League North American live broadcast, we will not only face Nbc, a powerful opponent, as well as Fox Sports and Ben, have been coveted for a long time, and have applied for negotiation to the Premier League and officially joined the competition."

   Yang Cheng patted his thigh annoyedly. He knew that he should have settled directly with Richard Skodamore. Now there is nothing wrong with those few houses!

   There is also this Fox Sports. In just a few days, the second time I heard this name that made him angry. Didn\'t that **** young reporter Angus work for Fox Sports?

   stood up, walked back and forth in Donna Lande’s office with arms akimbo, suddenly raised his head and asked, "Don’t these two new competitors always focus on nfl? Why are you suddenly interested in the Premier League?"

Donna Lande leaned on the desk, folded her shoulders, thought for a while, and guessed, "If I guess it’s correct, the two may be playing sports events around the clock. After all, the Premier League’s broadcast time can be To fill the gap of professional events on weekend mornings in US time, many people now rely on chuang on weekends, usually turning on the TV and choosing a sporting event to kill the weekend time.

The most important thing is that everyone has seen the hot scenes of the Premier League and even football in the United States in the past two years. They are all bloodthirsty sharks. There is no reason or dispute that they will give up their food. If they grow stronger, others will hurt their heads. Yourself. "

   Yang Cheng nodded thoughtfully.

Donna Lande didn’t know what she had remembered. After turning back to her desk, she turned on the computer and said after a while, “However, our focus does not need to be shifted. NBC is still our worst enemy. Compared with nbc\'s ambition, Fox Sports, which has obtained the right to broadcast in the Bundesliga, is not determined and hesitant. They must consider the conflict between the Bundesliga and the Premier League start time.

   You must know that, as the leader of the American sports media industry, espn gave up competing for the Premier League broadcast rights to broadcast college football and nfl highlights.

   As for ben, which is affiliated with Al Jazeera, there are currently only 18 million subscribers. Due to the limitations of their own platform, they can only seek cooperation with other TV networks, which inevitably restricts their performance in bidding. "

Yang Cheng gritted his teeth, "Directly declare to Richard Scudmore the price of US$175 million for the season. The contract is 6 years, plus an upward clause. If our ratings are higher than that, we can go up in the last two years. %, and besides the live broadcast, the extra cooperation with the Premier League is another. I still don’t believe that nbc is willing to pay this price. Even if it is taken out, it cannot be decided in a short time. The cumbersome board of directors is enough to drag them down!"

The price he opened, calculated on the basis of the 6-year contract, even if the floating amount is not included, the total price will easily exceed 1 billion US dollars and approach the 1.1 billion US dollars mark. This is definitely a joy for the Premier League. Crazy new contract.

   Since Yang Cheng dared to open this price, he would have enough confidence to make a profit or even make a small profit. Although based on the current situation, the ratings data of the Premier League in the United States still cannot be compared with the four major professional sports leagues in the United States.

But if you plan properly, coupled with the nbc\'s training of American fans in previous seasons, this event is attracting more and more attention from young Americans, and the promotion of Toutiao, a powerful weapon, is confident Yang Cheng On this basis, the Premier League has become the most popular event in the United States, second only to the four major sports leagues.

   Of course, with such a high investment, the Premier League will eventually benefit from the acquisition of the Premier League’s North American live broadcast rights.

   Not long ago, the Premier League has just announced that it has signed a new 3-year domestic broadcast contract with Sky Sports and bt Sports with an annual value of 1.8 billion pounds and 2.5 billion US dollars.

Looking at this figure alone, I’m afraid it’s just a surprise for people to open their mouths. There is no real concept. If you compare it horizontally, this figure has exceeded the current annual average live broadcast copyright fee of mlb in the United States-1.55 billion. The US dollar is even comparable to the 2.6 billion US dollars of the NBA, and of course it is far inferior to the US’s favorite football, the 4.95 billion US dollars of the nfl.

   Therefore, as long as the Premier League continues to explore foreign markets and further appreciate overseas copyrights, the record total copyright fees will continue to refresh.

But this account can’t be calculated like that. It’s not enough to just see the Premier League making money. ~ Winning the North American broadcast rights of the Premier League has a far-reaching impact on cw TV, New Times Media, and even Yang Cheng himself. .

Let’s talk about the TV station first. Cw TV station will have its own trump card program, because the Premier League games are usually on weekend mornings or mornings in the US local time, and they will not "crash" with nfl games or college football. As a fan, there is nothing like Wake up on a weekend morning to watch the live broadcast more attractive things.

According to the optimistic estimation of the data released by nbc, if cw TV station grabs the rights of the Premier League’s North American live broadcast, cw TV station will attract more than 36 million viewers from the 380 Premier League games throughout the season. 36 million will bring more than just TV stations. The cost of subscription also means more advertising volume. Snobbish advertisers only look at the ratings. As long as the ratings are guaranteed, advertising fees are nothing at all!

Taking advantage of the timing of the Premier League broadcast, cw TV station can completely open a morning news section that focuses on styles and sports. You must know that people who watch the game will usually remember for a while, and will not be so eager to switch channels. Within this time difference, watch for a while. Relaxing news content, or eating brunch comfortably while watching entertainment and sports news, and starting a new day, this is completely feasible.

   In other words, winning the live broadcast rights of the Premier League is tantamount to opening an upward channel for cw TV station, catching up with the other four major TV stations at a high speed, and becoming one of the five major wireless stations worthy of the name!

  With such an important existence, the Premier League live broadcast copyright Yang Cheng is bound to win.

   "Anyway, there are enough ace shows in nbc, and this one is not bad!" Yang Cheng thought comfortably. ...