Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 455: Malicious reporter

The two billionaires personally end up attacking reporters. This kind of unexpected drama is more interesting than a boring press release!

However, the team’s official spokesperson didn’t know if he drank the fake medicine or didn’t wind his head. He even said at this time, “Well, reporters, please follow the rules of the press conference and raise your hands to ask questions! Next!”

This idiot, didn\'t you see that Xiaoye was so happy? Don’t say when you should talk, and when you shouldn’t, you just jumped out and deliberately opposed the little master, right? Damn, what\'s the use of such a short-sighted employee? Go ahead as soon as possible!

The official spokesperson who was missed didn\'t know yet, because of his own words, the new boss was going to be regarded as the target of murder.

The press conference continued. This time it was finally the turn to ask ESPN reporter Kevin Perason who had complained about the delay of the press conference. After receiving the microphone from the staff, he opened his mouth and opened his mouth unkindly, "Mr. Yang, may I ask you? What is the transaction method for the acquisition of the Nets? Where did the funds come from? As far as I know, New Times Media may not be able to provide such a large amount of funds for the time being!"

The scene was silent for a moment, and everyone looked at this stunned green with speechless eyes. Damn, is this something you should be concerned about? Is it because sports reporters are not working now, and are now working on part-time finance and economics?

It makes sense for them to be unhappy. Everyone knows that this question will make Yang Cheng unhappy, so the next question will definitely not go too smoothly. It is obvious that things that add to the block can make them happy?

Kevin Perason, who was next to the young reporter, stretched out his hand and pulled his shirt, trying to help him make up for the mistake. At this time, I apologized and sat down. There is still room for recovery. Unfortunately, I don’t know if this young reporter wants to be famous. ? Someone deliberately arranged to make trouble, and was not moved at all. They stared at Yang Cheng triumphantly, seeming to think that Yang Cheng\'s question had been asked, and Yang Cheng\'s weakness was found.

As expected, Yang Cheng’s expression became gloomy with visible changes. Dozens of cameras and camera lenses were all aimed at Yang Cheng’s face, waiting for his speech. No matter how uncomfortable you are, everyone knows that this is a very Good news broke, and the headline was thought of, "The Nets New Boss Press Conference angers young reporters!" How? Isn’t it attractive?

After a long silence, Yang Cheng finally spoke up, sneered and asked, "Which media reporter are you?"

The young reporter straightened his chest and said loudly, "I\'m from Fox Sports."

"Oh, don\'t you say that I thought you were from the FBI, why? You know all about the financial status of my company?" Yang Cheng\'s reply made everyone shout beautifully in their hearts, just like a textbook. Counterattack.

Everyone smiled in cooperation. The young reporter seemed to have not heard the meaning, and still asked honestly, "Mr. Yang, please answer my question directly!"

Yang Cheng didn’t accept the call at all. The young reporter was still too tender. “I think you should answer my question first. How did you know that my company has no money? If you don’t answer, I have reason to suspect that you tried, no, yes. We have stolen the business secrets of our company, and we can only meet in court by then!"

Yang Cheng’s refusal to answer is a manifestation of a guilty conscience in the eyes of the young reporter. Not only did he not feel weak, but he put on a face of a villain more confidently and asked, “I’m just guessing, if there is no problem, why not Mr. Yang? Ken replied directly, but was making a bend?"

I have to say that shameless villains are far more difficult to deal with than hypocrites, because hypocrites care about face at least and must ensure their perfect personality, but shameless villains never have a lower limit unless you shoot him down. Obviously, Yang No matter what the urge, Orange didn\'t dare to shoot anyone in public.

However, this little trick can’t help Yang Cheng and smiled contemptuously, “This reporter friend, what color bra did your wife or girlfriend wear today? Or did you chuang last night? Posture? I’m curious! Don’t worry, I’m not spying on your privacy, just guessing!"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted to Yang Cheng\'s intentions, and burst into laughter. This move was too detrimental. Now, the whole audience turned their eyes on the reporter from Nianyang to see how he responded.

However, to everyone’s disappointment, the young reporter blushed and shouted at Yang Orange on stage, "You are insulting me!"

Yang Cheng looked very relaxed and shook his finger, "No, no, you have misunderstood. I am discussing fashion and health issues with you. Please answer me positively, and I will answer your questions truthfully afterwards!"

After a pause, facing the camera, he continued to solemnly say, "In my opinion, what color nei clothes your partner wears or the **** between you is as important as my company’s financial status and has the same confidentiality significance. , We’re here to exchange each other’s secrets, isn’t it fair?”

Yang Cheng finally opened his hand and looked directly at the young reporter again. With a powerful aura and full firepower, he would never let this young man who dared to challenge himself in public in front of the reporter and the media easily let it go, just so careful!

Not only that, but after the press conference, he will send someone to investigate this young reporter. He doesn\'t believe that this young reporter is a pure stunned youth + idiot. There is definitely an instigator behind him. You have to find out who was bewitched.

Of course, this is what happened later. At the moment in the press room, the reporters applauded Yang Cheng with admiration. There was no way. Faced with such a difficult problem, Yang Cheng quickly counterattacked and easily resolved the trap of the problem. You can\'t admire this ability.

In the end, Yang Cheng did not answer the young reporter’s question, because the security rushed to ask him out as a troublemaker. However, it is foreseeable that after the press conference, the confrontation between Yang Cheng and the young reporter may be a hot topic. Will surpass the news of buying the Nets.

The next press conference was tepid. Several people answered some unsatisfactory questions, and then ended the press conference in a hurry. Yang Cheng was not in the mood to stay to socialize and had a chat with Konrad Koch. He greeted him and said to the club CEO Brett Yomak that he would meet with the club tomorrow to discuss in detail, and he quickly left the Barclays Center.

Sitting on the Maybach, he sullenly dialed Eiffel\'s phone, "Boss, what\'s the order."

"Well, give you a task, did you just watch the live broadcast of the press conference?"

"Look, did you let me check that reporter?" Eiffel guessed the key without waiting for Yang Cheng to speak.

The Toutiao app specifically broadcast the press conference. It seems that you don\'t need to take the trouble of other reporters. The unpleasantness at the press conference will spread throughout the United States in less than an hour. Yang Cheng can also be regarded as an interesting talk for people after dinner.

"Yes, this reporter is very strange. Keeping a firm grip on the financial situation of our company makes it hard not to make people suspect that he has ulterior motives." Yang Cheng affirmed.

"I know the boss, I\'ll do it now." Eiffel didn\'t talk about it. His daughter has settled down in New York. He has no worries. He is learning new knowledge every day to enrich his methods. Yang Cheng must also be required to become almighty in handling personal affairs. Learning during this period is a bit boring. It happened that Yang Cheng assigned him tasks so that he could go out for activities and show his skills!

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng dialed Eddie again to let him pay attention to the situation on the Internet, and don\'t let anyone take the rhythm.

After a few phone calls, he threw away the phone exhausted, massaged his temples, and caught up with this kind of mess when he came back, Yang Cheng somewhat suspected that he was the reincarnation of the catastrophe.

. . .

Yang Cheng arrived at the company early the next morning. After a month’s absence, the company didn’t seem to have changed much, but it’s not difficult to find out that apart from adding some new faces, the mental outlook of the old employees has undergone a qualitative change. , They became more confident and calm, no longer complaining about the complicated work, no longer see the frowning face, replaced by a confident smile.

This kind of smile seems to be infected by Yang Cheng, and it spreads to the whole company a little bit. Because the company\'s strength grows a little bit and its social influence gradually rises, employees naturally empathize with each other. When a person goes everywhere, they are affected by others. When you’re envy and respect, that self-confidence from the inside out will be produced, and after the precipitation of time, it will be transformed into the confidence that makes people walk straight.

For this kind of change, Yang Cheng is happy to see it happen. After all, a company is composed of hundreds of employees. When employees become confident, their own talents can better affect the company. In some ways , This can be regarded as a kind of corporate culture cultivation.

When the elevator reached the top floor, Susu had already received a call from the front desk. She was waiting by the elevator. Before Yang Cheng stepped out of the elevator door, she said with a standard smile, "Good morning boss, CW TV President Mark Pedewitz and Donna Ms. Lande has arrived, and I arranged for them to wait in the reception area."

Yang Cheng raised his hand and touched Mo Susu\'s smooth little, which caused a dizzy eye, "Make me a cup of tea."

I walked into the office and went straight to the meeting area. The office that had not been popular for a month seemed quite deserted.

"Good morning, both of you, I\'m sorry I\'m late." Yang Cheng strode to the front, her vast eyes like black holes, deep and energetic.

"Morning boss, we ate breakfast nearby, and we came up early." Donna stood up and hugged Yang Cheng to face each other, and explained by the way that it was not that Yang Cheng came late, but they arrived early.

Then she raised her hand to indicate that the man next to Eddie was about the same age and had a temperament quite similar, but the man without glasses, introduced, "Boss, this is Mark Pedewitz, the president of CW TV. He is very capable. Strong, but the head office rarely provided financial support before, and he was powerless. Now with our help, everything will develop in a good direction. I believe Mark can do a good job."

Yang Cheng listened patiently to Donna Lande\'s introduction, with a friendly smile on her face, and shook hands with the slightly formal Mark, jokingly, "Mark, don\'t be so nervous, I am also a human being, not a monster."

Mark Pedewitz knows that today’s meeting with Yang Cheng will determine his future, whether he will retire early or continue to shine. Based on Yang Cheng’s words, he has lived for most of his life and cannot suppress his inner tension. He didn\'t even listen to Yang Cheng\'s joke. He just smiled dryly. The temples have been wet with sweat. You must know that New York is only sub-zero today. Even if there is a constant temperature system in the room, it will not be hot and sweaty.

Yang Cheng, who saw this scene, was speechless, and at the same time posed a big question mark on Donna Lande\'s evaluation of him. He didn\'t want the person in charge of his microphone to be a coward. ()

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