Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 454: Reporter

Prokhorov’s sincere speech brought a successful conclusion to his work at the Nets. With the blessings of eager anticipation, it also made the fan representatives specially invited by the team applaud. The reporter No matter how reluctant, we had to stop the work at hand and slap in cooperation, but the slap was to be rewarded. One hand was raised high, trying to ask Prokhorov questions.

Upon seeing this, the team’s official spokesperson hurried to appease, “My friends from the journalists stay calm, and will set aside time for questions later. Now, let’s invite the new boss of the team, Mr. Yang, chairman of New Times Media, to speak. ."

There was another round of applause at the scene. Compared with Prokhorov, although Yang Cheng is a minority in the United States, but the local favorability in New York is still quite large, the fans are also very happy with his arrival.

"Friends from the journalists, and representatives of the fans, good morning, I didn\'t expect to meet again so soon." Yang Cheng has a unique experience in dealing with the media, and said calmly.

"As a loyal sports fan and a kid from New York, I feel very honored to join the Nets management and the NBA family. I was born in New York and live in New York all the year round. This city is not only my hometown, but also Always occupying a special place in my heart, this opportunity to join forces with Conrad to acquire the Nets is considered to have fulfilled my dream since childhood.

Before the acquisition, I had a chat with Prokhorov, team CEO Brett Yomak, general manager Sean Marcos, and the coach. During the chat, I learned that we have common ideals and goals. I look forward to becoming this A member of an excellent team.

This is a wonderful and pleasant acquisition. While completing an outstanding investment, I also received many like-minded partners. This is my luck.

Here, I would also like to thank Mr. Adam Silver for his help and efforts in this acquisition. Basketball is a global sport. NBA is one of the most recognized brands in the world. For the development prospects of NBA, I am very excited. I hope to join my friends and introduce the NBA and Nets to fans all over the world. Thank you! "

Adam Silver looked at Yang Cheng unexpectedly behind him. He didn\'t expect this young man to speak so well. He placed the alliance in a high position when he came up, and expressed his willingness to cooperate with the alliance in depth. It seems that he had worked before. Nothing was done in vain.

Yang Cheng didn\'t know what Adam Xiaohua thought. He was quite satisfied with his compelling speech, leaning back in his chair and smiling confidently at the countless cameras below.

Later, Adam Silver welcomed the arrival of Yang Cheng on behalf of the entire league and expressed his expectation for the new Nets to set sail. Today\'s protagonist is not him. After playing the role of a notary, he can watch the performance with peace of mind. Time for media questions.

"I would like to ask Mr. Yang, this time you and Mr. Konrad Koch jointly acquired the Nets, what is the specific investment ratio and equity allocation? Can you tell me? I think the fans must be very interested in understanding."

This press conference did not arrange their own reporters, but everyone is a veteran in the industry. The first question should not be too embarrassing. It is a bit sharp and does not have any targeted questions. It can lay the foundation for the next questioning session. Atmosphere, there is a good atmosphere, so that the protagonist being interviewed can have a good mood and be willing to answer more questions, so that the reporters can go back for business. This is all causal.

Yang Cheng approached the microphone and had already made eye contact with Konrad Koch and Prokhorov, and they signaled that Yang Cheng could talk casually without keeping it secret.

"No problem, this is not a secret. This time our team valued the Nets at 2.2 billion US dollars, including the ownership of the Barclays Center and its surrounding land, which was included in the transaction. My 4D space company invested 12 Conrad contributed 1 billion US dollars in his own name. As for the equity allocation, because I am responsible for daily management and operation, I occupy 55% of the shares and the corresponding equity, and Conrad holds 45%. We will take each in the future. Part of the stock is used to motivate management and those who make significant contributions to the team."

As soon as Yang Cheng’s voice fell, there was an uproar in the press room. They were all reporters who were in charge of sports and the NBA. They had a clear understanding of this number. Last summer, Ballmer’s acquisition of the Los Angeles Clippers cost $2 billion, just half a year later. , The Nets set a new NBA team transaction record.

"Mr. Prokhorov, why did you suddenly choose to sell the Nets? Is there a problem with your funds?" Another reporter ignored the etiquette and didn\'t want a microphone, so he stood up and asked.

Prokhorov smiled, approached the microphone and replied, "I don\'t deny that my capital chain is a bit tight, but it is not necessary to sell the team to alleviate the wilting of the capital Me and Jason and Kang Ladd has known each other for many years and everyone is a friend. Many years ago, I knew that he was very passionate about sports. Last year he bought the Premier League club. I have always been concerned about it. He did a good job in the UK, which gave me a lot. I believe that he can do better at his doorstep, and that I can use this opportunity to liberate the pressure of funds and kill two birds with one stone. Why should I refuse?"

"Mr. Yang, why don\'t you buy NFL teams like the New York Giants or the New York Jets? Don\'t you like football?" The reporter just set a bad example, and another reporter rushed to stand up and asked loudly. .

Yang Cheng glanced at the official spokesperson of the team with some dissatisfaction. Wouldn\'t this kind of unruly reporter stop speaking out? But now is not the time to lose your temper. He stared sharply at the reporter who asked the question, and said in a relaxed and witty tone, "It seems that you have gone to the wrong venue. This is the NBA conference, but since you asked. I will also answer, why not buy the New York Giants or the Jets? This question shouldn’t be asked to me, you should ask the holders of the two teams, why don’t the Mara family or the Johnson family sell the team!"

"Haha~" Everyone heard the irony in Yang Cheng\'s words, and laughed at his colleagues mercilessly. Sure enough, it was Chi Guoguo\'s hatred between them!

Konrad Koch is notorious for being willing to use reporters. How can he let go of the opportunity and help out, "My friend, if you don’t know them, I can help introduce them. I have a good relationship with John Mara. At that time I asked him why he was holding onto the New York Giants! Are you worthy of the fans?"

The scene suddenly turned into a sea of ​​laughter, and the two billionaires personally went off the court to attack the reporters. This scene was much more interesting than the press release! ()

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