Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 407: Bid for Tottenham’s new stadium?

"I\'ll withdraw first, you can find a way to figure out why he bought the Glencore oil storage business!"

"OK!" William simply replied the message.

Soon, Yang Cheng simply ate a few bites of the special dish-charcoal grilled mackerel with pickled cucumbers. To be honest, the shape was exquisite enough, like a work of art on a dinner plate, which made people unbearable to destroy. The taste is the same thing. It is neither comparable to the rich layering of Z meal, nor does it highlight the ultimate pursuit of taste in traditional French cuisine. The so-called pioneer cuisine in Yangcheng’s mouth is purely waxy, and it can’t be said that it is not good. It\'s too ordinary for Yang Cheng who has eaten countless okay.

Yang Cheng, who was not satisfied with the dinner, just found an excuse to retreat ahead of time, leaving room for William and two of them. After Yang Cheng\'s "training", the dignified Prince of England has the potential to transform into a big flicker.

In fact, tonight Ian Ayre invited Tottenham’s executive chairman Danny to meet at a nearby restaurant to talk about Harry Kane’s transfer. Originally, Yang Cheng didn’t need to show up, but from Alain Ducas Restaurant After I came out, I wondered, there was nothing wrong with it anyway. Why not come out and talk to Danny Levy in person. Maybe you don\'t need Joe Lewis to get things done?

After making a decision, I didn’t take the car, wrapped in a windbreaker, and walked in the cool breeze to Ian El’s restaurant, a Spanish restaurant. The enthusiastic red signs attracted Yang Cheng’s eyes far, and looked better than Alando. The Cass restaurant is more eye-catching, at least the faint fragrance is quite attractive.

However, before he could enter the restaurant, the crowd at the entrance of Hyde Park not far away attracted Yang Cheng\'s attention. He watched more than a dozen cameras, lighting panels, radio microphones, and various props. Yang Cheng immediately judged that there was a film crew shooting the scene here, but why did it look messy, and even faintly heard noisy sounds? Not only that, the prop car parked on the side of the road looks like a Lionsgate logo.

"Could it be the crew of Lions Gate Pictures?" Yang Cheng thought.

Yang Cheng, who was caught by curiosity, made a stab at the bodyguard and asked him to step forward to inquire about the situation.

The bodyguard took off his sunglasses, took off his suit jacket, and loosened his tie, which made him look a little rushed. When he was ready, he took out a cigarette and trot over, pretending to be an office worker looking at the excitement, and ran across the road. Stopped a staff member, handed a cigarette over and mumbled inquiring about something.

Not long after, the bodyguard ran back and reported to Yang Chenghui, "Boss, this is the crew of Millennium Pictures, and they are making another movie called. When they were shooting, somehow, the actress of this movie suddenly When there is a dispute with the director, the louder the noise becomes."

Yang Cheng murmured, "?" He had the impression of this movie, a medium-low-cost Hollywood blockbuster film, although the final word of mouth was not very good, but at least it generated profit, which is considered a success in Hollywood’s understanding. It also means that the sequel can be produced, but why is there a Lionsgate prop car present?

"What\'s the matter with that Lionsgate van?" The bodyguards all know what industries Yang Cheng belongs to, so it\'s not surprising that Yang Cheng\'s problem.

The bodyguard who just came back to report, ran back and stopped another crew member for a long time for questioning in the same way, and then came back and replied, "Boss, the staff member said that this movie has the investment share of Focus Films. Upon completion, it will be distributed by Lionsgate Pictures."

It is not difficult to understand that this kind of disaster action film has always been the type that Lionsgate Films likes to publish, and this habit has been well maintained after being acquired by Yang Cheng.

Since this drama has its own company involved in the production and distribution, Yang Cheng naturally can\'t just ignore it, can he get it if he delays making money? Besides, the chaos of the crew is like this, which also proves that the abilities of the producers and directors are too poor. What kind of climate can even the crew be unable to control? At this time, he had already regarded this movie as his own, and left Millennium Pictures behind.

A cold snorted and told the bodyguard, "Go and stare, and when they are over, bring the actress to the restaurant to see me."

"It\'s the boss." The bodyguard turned around without hesitation to perform the task assigned by Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng glanced at the direction of the crew again and ignored it, pushing the door into the restaurant.

"Boss, aren\'t you coming?"

Ian Air\'s position was just right to see the door, and Yang Cheng brought in the bodyguards menacingly. It\'s not surprising that it was not noticeable.

With his back facing the door, Danny Levy, turned his big bald head and looked at Yang Cheng in surprise. The two attended the Premier League joint meeting yesterday morning, and they were standing in the same camp with their enemies. They actually met today.

Yang Cheng waved his hand to let Andrew and the others find a place to order their own food, and greeted Ian El to the table between him and Danny Levy, "Danny, I didn\'t expect us to meet again soon?"

Danny Levi got up and shook hands with Yang Cheng, with an inexplicable smile on his face, and said sarcastically, "Jason, you did give me a big surprise. This is the second time I meet to dig the corner of Tottenham, some not authentic."

Fortunately, this is a four-person table. You don’t need to add more chairs. Sit down. He doesn’t care about Danny Levy’s sarcasm at all. He smiles lightly, “The Premier League is an extremely commercialized and market-oriented league. Any player movement. It\'s all normal, and I\'m not grabbing a penny for nothing."

He made a joke and responded to Danny Levy\'s run, and then asked, "Where did you talk? Danny, what do you think about Liverpool\'s proposal to buy Harry Kane?"

Ian Al came back after ordering Yang Cheng\'s meal. He happened to hear Yang Cheng\'s question and then answered, "We have just started talking, and we haven\'t talked about it yet."

Danny Levi nodded, "Jason, if you don\'t come, I think I will reject this proposal very firmly, because now is definitely not a good time to talk about the transfer of the Tottenham star. Believe me, if this happens at this time. Li Kane transfers to Liverpool, the **** Tottenham fans will rush to my house and shoot. I am still young and don\'t want to die so early."

Yang Cheng tilted his head to look at Danny Levy\'s iconic bald head and the pair of happy ears, and asked with a smile, "Then what do you think after my arrival?"

Facing Yang Cheng’s questioning, Danny Levy responded calmly, “I know Jason, you are not an idler. Since you personally come forward for this transfer, you must have confidence in Harry Kane. Well, I do not hide it from you. My boss is also Tottenham’s major shareholder, Mr. Joe Lewis. He has always wanted to sell Harry Kane to ease the financial pressure, because Mr. Joe Lewis is preparing to build and abandon the aging White Hart Lane stadium for Tottenham. Build a most advanced home stadium for a century."

Yang Cheng\'s breathing was stagnant, and his eyes flashed with long-lost green light. He didn\'t expect to join the conversation with unexpected surprises.

"So, has the new home stadium been planned and put on the agenda?" Yang Cheng asked impatiently.

As for Harry Kane\'s affairs, he seemed less anxious.

Nonsense, buying a player needs to spend money out of his wallet. On the contrary, if he can win the construction and development project of the new stadium, it is stuffing money into his pocket. When comparing the two, which is more important?

Danny Levi was really not as young as he himself said, at least in terms of his thinking jump, he could not keep up with Yang Cheng\'s rhythm.

He hesitated for a moment, and said truthfully, "The new home stadium plan is still in the process of site selection, including the design and planning has not yet officially opened."

Yang Cheng smiled and said with an extremely friendly attitude, "I think you should have heard the news that the construction company of Yuanshan has officially entered the British market and is responsible for the Anfield Stadium and base renovation projects?"

As early as a few days into 2015, the Liverpool Club and the Far Mountain Capital UK branch held a press conference at Anfield Stadium, announcing the expansion of Anfield, the reconstruction of Melwood Base, and the construction of a local feature in Liverpool. Five-star hotels and many other plans.

In fact, when Yang Cheng acquired, the British media had predicted that they would naturally not miss this opportunity to show their foresight, just like the collective GC, the next day and after In the news for a few days, Yang Cheng\'s business blueprint was hyped up.

Among them, the reporters in the finance and economics section were the most excited, but because they couldn’t find Yang Cheng, the master, they could only focus their firepower on Ian Air. In those days, Ian Air had a miserable life. He wants to vomit now when he sees the flash.

Of course, no matter how hot the news is, there is not much staying power. After all, Yang Cheng is not British and has nothing to do with ordinary British people. Just a few days of fun and fun.

However, there are always exceptions to everything. For example, the local citizens of Liverpool can’t help it. Football is the symbol of the city. The weight of the Liverpool club in the hearts of the locals is too high. Anything about Liverpool can cause an uproar here, not to mention. Is the club’s new boss once again offering such a big deal?

Among other things, the expansion of Anfield Stadium alone is enough for Yang Cheng to gain a good reputation in Liverpool. Those fans who struggle to buy tickets every time have finally found an emotional outlet. On social media, the praise of Yang Cheng by changing the law is almost to be grateful to him.

There are even a few idle fans who are not screaming in their own turf, and they went to another club, the official media of the arch rival Manchester United, to leave messages and provocations, so that the fans of Manchester United at the time were sleepwalking collectively and did not notice this. , Or you have to make a big mess!

Anyway, after a few days of turmoil, there were new news breaking points that diverted the attention of the British people. But how could Danny Levy, the chairman of the Tottenham club, not know or forget?

So he nodded, guessing in his mind, "Jason, don\'t you want to bid for Tottenham\'s new stadium, do you?"