Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 406: Double acting

In the evening, Yang Cheng and William arrived at the Dorchester Hotel next to Hyde Park by car. Yang Cheng specially reserved the Alain Ducas restaurant in William’s name. This Michelin three-star restaurant is owned by the famous French chef Alain Ducas. One of the many high-end restaurants under the established group. Although Alain Ducas himself has already moved his work from the back kitchen to the office, his culinary philosophy is deeply imprinted in each restaurant, from taste to quality. The most picky.

Of course, in order to be worthy of the best taste and the most demanding quality, Alanducas Restaurant also has prohibitively high prices. It is often included in the list of the world\'s most expensive restaurants, and the per capita consumption can exceed 400 pounds. Of course, it’s not Yang Cheng’s treat tonight. This power has to be handed over to Zheng Jiaxuan. Who will ask him to do things?

To be honest, when Yang Cheng entered the Alanducas restaurant, she was a little disappointed, warm with elegance, elegance and low-key luxury. The warm yellow atmosphere lights render the entire restaurant with a lot of wood colors. The table and chair door panels, and the white gauze curtains falling from the ceiling, always feel that they are not worthy of the price of 400 pounds per capita, which is at least a far cry from the decoration style of the brother restaurant "Louis XV".

However, the main purpose of tonight is not to eat, but to talk about things. In recent years, the West has also learned the "fine tradition" of people in Z people who like to talk about things at the dinner table. Many important projects are finalized after a meal.

Zheng Jiaxuan arrived at the restaurant early and waited at the reserved position. Seeing the arrival of the invited target tonight, he got up and had a courtesy with William.

After the three of them were seated, the specially trained waiter served a pre-dinner appetizer for the three of them. The dinner had to wait a while before it could be served. Taking advantage of this time, Yang Cheng and William acted in a tacit understanding.

"Mr. Zheng, although Jason is there to help you speak, I\'m afraid I can\'t help with my job." William was righteous at this time, and he justly refused.

Zheng Jiaxuan was unmoved, and asked indifferently, "Why? This is harmless to His Royal Highness."

"First of all, I have never been an intermediary before; secondly, this kind of thing is not good for our royal family\'s reputation; finally, even if Alex Bilder has a good relationship with me in private, he will never be because of the interests. My sentence regressed, not to mention that Glencore is not that simple.” The last sentence seemed meaningful, but it was quickly covered up by William.

After a pause, she shrugged and looked sorry, "So I can\'t help you with this."

At this time, Yang Cheng jumped out and sang red face, "William, Mr. Zheng is a very good elder brother of mine. Is there really no room for maneuver? This project is very important to him."

The tone was sincere, but not excessive, and Zheng Jiaxuan couldn\'t help being fooled with the right amount of manipulation, thinking that Yang Cheng was taking his benefits and doing things for him with heart, and couldn\'t help expressing gratitude.

William’s acting skills exploded, and the embarrassment and helpless emotion on his face was not too suitable for the scene at this time, and he fell into deep hesitation, "Jason, you really gave me a big problem."

Yang Cheng smiled slightly, but while Zheng Jiaxuan was not paying attention, he glared at William fiercely, meaning, "You\'re almost done, and you\'ll be over again."

As a result, William stared back and slammed Yang Cheng\'s foot under the table again, meaning, "What a hurry, the heat hasn\'t arrived yet."

Yes, this silent communication between the two is a breakthrough in human imagination. It turns out that they can communicate briefly without using words, just relying on eyes and movements.

Zheng Jiaxuan naturally did not see the small gesture of the two people on the opposite side. He took the initiative to say, "Your Excellency William, I heard that you have been committed to charity. This is the greatest work of mankind and deserves everyone’s admiration. It just so happens that I am also very concerned. Things in the philanthropy field, but because there is no way to shine, why don’t I invest the money in Princess Diana’s fund? I also counted as a contribution."

William suddenly came to his spirits. This is to give him money. He smiled brightly and said, "That\'s really great. As you said, people who are willing to devote themselves to charity can be called great. I believe God will take care of you. of."

Zheng Jiaxuan’s smile was even greater, “I dare not be it, but I am really willing to do something that will give back to the society and benefit the society, but people’s greed will never end. In the face of donations, there are always so small people who are in trouble. Mind, so my charity work has not started, but I was fortunate to meet with His Excellency William today. I believe that with His reputation and character, this money will not be wasted, right?"

William made an awe-inspiring promise, "Of course, I swear in the name of the royal family that every penny of the foundation is used where it should be used ~ ~ where should it be used? Isn\'t it the way William said it?

"Two million pounds. In view of our first cooperation, I will invest two million pounds first. If we cooperate happily, we might not be able to cooperate with Princess Diana Charity Foundation in our company\'s philanthropy in the future." Zheng Jiaxuan\'s happy performance made William very happy. People from Country Z are still generous.

"On behalf of the disadvantaged groups, I would like to express my gratitude and the highest respect to Mr. Zheng. Believe me, I will make the best use of this money to help more people."

William said beautiful words, drank a drink, and then said, "Mr. Zheng’s spirit is very precious. Since Mr. Zheng’s business is in trouble, I can’t sit back and watch. I will try to communicate with Alex Bilder. I will try my best to fight for the acquisition opportunity for Mr. Zheng. Of course, I can\'t guarantee the success. I hope Mr. Zheng will understand."

This shameless act of not seeing rabbits and distributing eagles really made Zheng Jiaxuan helpless, but he couldn\'t say anything. He had to follow the words and said happily, "This is natural. Nothing in this world is 100%. Your Excellency William is willing. Help, I can\'t thank you enough."

Yang Cheng shook his head vaguely, and signaled William not to mention the conditions now, which would arouse Zheng Jiaxuan\'s suspicion.

"I will try my best to give me some time. Alex Bilder\'s character is not generally strong." William followed Yang Cheng\'s instructions without mentioning any conditions. Instead, he repeatedly emphasized the difficulty of the matter. Ask for a high price to pave the way.

At this time, the waiter brought a pre-dinner snack, and Yang Cheng said, "Let’s eat first, and talk about other things after dinner."

When greeting the waiter to serve the food, Yang Cheng took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to William, "I will withdraw first. You can find a way to figure out why he bought the Glencore oil storage business!"