Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 404: Joe Lewis' preferences

As for another problem, Yang Cheng didn’t think of a better solution for a while. After all, the donkey party’s call and possible control are in the future, which is far too far away compared to the current tangible benefits. Therefore, there are only two roads before Yang Cheng. One is to take the c TV station and take off by the wind, and the other is to keep a distance from the donkey party for the sake of safety and not touch the sweet bait thrown by the other party for the time being.

This multiple-choice question does not seem to be difficult for Yang Cheng to choose. At least he is a utilitarian. When the actual interests are in front of him, there is no need to think about the future. Now I will eat what I can get. I will talk about the other things later. When arriving at the bridge, Yang Cheng still believes very much in the wisdom passed down from his ancestors for thousands of years.

In the end, this joint meeting was like Yang Cheng envisioned, anticlimactic, until the last moment, these big rich people did not fight for a reason, but Yang Cheng\'s words still played a role, at least everyone has a clear idea to maintain the English league. The completeness and competitiveness of the company, so that there is an opportunity to discuss the distribution of benefits, otherwise, let alone the distribution, I am afraid that there will be no benefits.

After bidding farewell to the club owners, at the invitation of Mansour, Yang Cheng and Abu boarded his 147-meter-long class yacht named "Topaz".

Like Abramovich’s Eclipse, it is difficult for the Topaz to sail into the Thames inland section due to its hull. It can only stop at the estuary of the Thames, and the three people descended from the sky on the yacht’s own helicopter.

There are 8 decks on top of the Topaz, of which 6 living decks have the same area as the Eclipse. After all, the hull has a width of 215 meters, which provides ample living space for every passenger.

There is nothing to say about the interior decoration. The designers of almost every class yacht have all conceivable, practical, and impractical functions in this sea palace. Of course, thanks to the famous master of Topaz, With Leshun Shipyard\'s first level of urgency, this class yacht must be equipped with the most powerful and advanced security defense system in the world. Even with Mansour’s power in the UAE, it is not necessary to get some military anti-missile systems. What is difficult.

The three people went through the elevator to the fourth floor of the main deck. As soon as the elevator door opened, three enchanting and exotic young girls waited outside. When the three of them walked out of the elevator one by one, a close-knit maid followed each other. Yang Cheng didn\'t bring Anna over, otherwise the girl must be jealous. This kind of look is the existence of the bed-warming girl, Hong Guoguo\'s threatening Anna\'s status.

"Roman, jason, you can sit as you please, or you can just stroll around. There is no secret for you. Please allow me to go back to my room and change clothes. If you neglect, just ask your personal maids if you need them. They will satisfy you. Everything is required." Mansour led Yang Cheng to the main meeting room, and said gracefully and apologetically. Finally, he did not forget to wink with Yang Cheng, meaning that the man understood.

Yang Cheng and Luo Man smiled ambiguously, and signaled to Mansour to be casual. They each ordered a cocktail and sat on the handmade silk sand. Their maid intimately massaged the two with their delicate hands. Warm service Yang Cheng couldn\'t help but close her eyes, enjoying the infinite style of Arab girls.

After pressing for a while, Yang Cheng suddenly remembered that there was nothing to ask, so he closed his eyes and asked, "Roman, do you know Joe Lewis? I want to borrow a player from his Tottenham."

Roman, who was also enjoying the massage, opened his eyes slightly when he saw Yang Cheng\'s beautiful face, he curled his lips and replied, "Jason, I suggest you give up this unrealistic idea. I have joined the UK for more than ten years. , I have lived in London often, but the number of times I have dealt with the old Joe Lewis is counted with both hands. This is a typical businessman. Others take a dime from him unless you are willing to spend a lot of money. It\'s like Real Madrid pried Bale from him."

After a pause, he said curiously, "Who do you think you are after?"

The Arab girl’s lush fingertips pressed his temples just right, and he couldn’t help but shen~yin~ to come out, "Harry Kane, you know that my team’s main center is reimbursed for a serious injury for the season, and urgently needs additional support. I\'m going to fall out of the championship team."

Abramovich first responded with sympathy, then showed a funny face and joked, "Why, jason, are you still not giving up? Delusion to compete with Chelsea? I persuade you to give up, I will be the British champion this season."

Yang Orange opened his eyes when he heard the words, and went back very unceremoniously, "Roman, there is a saying on the table that no one can guarantee victory before the cards are opened. The same words are given to you, the football is round. No one can predict the final result until the last whistle sounds."

Abu spread his hands, "Well, Jason, I like this kind of excitement, otherwise this champion will be too easy and it will make me dull."

Yang Cheng pursed her mouth and murmured, "This sentence is really 13"

"For the sake of our friendship I remind you that Joe Lewis is a guy who is very obsessed with art. If you can show his favorite art, there is no one in the Tottenham team. What\'s not for sale." Abu hesiped for a while before he gave useful suggestions.

"Art? Oil painting? Sculpture?" Yang Cheng frowned and asked.

"Then I don\'t know, you have to investigate by yourself, but there are dozens of master paintings on his yacht. Maybe he has a preference for oil painting?" Abu is also uncertain, so the words are full of uncertainty. .

Yang Cheng nodded, "Ok, thank you for your reminder, I will invite you to drink."

The two chatted for a while, Mansour changed into Arab robes and came back. There is a constant temperature system in the yacht, so you don\'t have to worry about catching a cold by the cold sea breeze.

I also ordered a cocktail, sat opposite Yang Cheng, and asked with a smile, "What are you talking about?"

Roman patted the hand of the Arab girl behind him and signaled that he did not need to press it. He raised his glass and signaled to Mansour, "Jason wants to buy Harry Kane from Joe Lewis. I gave him some suggestions. Your Excellency Mansour, thank you. invite."

Mansour toasted back, "You are welcome, Roman, we are friends, if you two are fine, we can go south, it\'s too cold here."

Yang Cheng shrugged, "I have no problem. I have nothing to do in these two days. I just try your yacht. I also want to order a class yacht with Le Shun."

Abu, who is also a class yacht enthusiast, became interested when he heard it, "You should have ordered a jason long ago. Would you like a 2oo meter long one?"

Yang Cheng was so scared that he almost spewed out a cocktail, "Roman, please spare me. I am not Mansour, a big tyrant in charge of trillions of dollars in assets. I should go begging for a 2oo-meter yacht in a few years."

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