Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 403: Opportunity to acquire CW

"Richard, tell me the truth, where did you talk about the contract renewal with NBC?"

Richard Scudamore, who was full of helplessness, turned his head and saw Yang Cheng with a sly smile. He couldn\'t help but was taken aback. The negotiations with NBC were absolutely confidential to the outside world, but Yang Cheng was a member of the Premier League interest group. , Obviously there is no need to hide anything from him, he hesitated and replied,

"As I said before, the new contract for this renewal negotiation lasts for six years, and the total contract price may exceed $1 billion, but the renewal negotiation has just started, and our main energy is still on the local Premier League live broadcast with Sky Sports. There will be no rapid progress in copyright negotiations for the time being."

Yang Cheng was thinking, tapping his thigh with his fingers, and the loud sound of the meeting room could not hinder his brainstorming.

After a while, when Skoda Moore was inexplicable, he opened his mouth and said, "I wonder if the Premier League has considered finding a new partner in North America?"

Richard Skudamore just envisioned multiple possibilities, but he never thought that Yang Cheng would join the fight for the rights of live broadcast in North America.

"Uh~Mr. Yang." Skodamore hesitated.

Yang Cheng raised his hand, "Call me Jason."

Skodamore spread his hands, "Well, Jason, as far as I know, New Age Media doesn\'t seem to have any TV station assets, right? Are you referring to network broadcasting? If so, we welcome it naturally."

Yang Orange smiled and shook his head, "How is it possible that there is only one network copyright value when I speak in person? What I want is the copyright of all platforms in North America and the Premier League\'s strategic partners in North America."

Skudarmore secretly marveled at Yang Orange’s ambitions, and at the same time was considering the feasibility of this plan. There is no doubt that New Era Media has the strength to become a strategic partner of the Premier League. After all, the prevailing trend in the industry nowadays, New Era Media It has become the fourth largest media group after the three major media giants: Viacom, Comcast and News Corporation.

This is recognized by most people in the industry. Of course, the time for the rise of media in the new era is too short, and the foundation is not deep enough. In the coverage of media resources, it is still far away from the traditional three. This is an indisputable fact. , But no one dares deny the potential of the new era media and its strong position in the industry today.

So Richard Scudmore\'s doubts are not about strength, but about Yang Cheng\'s attitude. Does he really want to become a Premier League partner? Even at the expense of a big price to compete with NBC for the rights of the Premier League North American live broadcast.

Or does Yang Cheng have any unknown purpose?

In fact, it’s not to blame for Skoda Moore’s thinking. It is that the timing of Yang Cheng’s proposal was too coincidental and unexpected. There was no precursor or foreshadowing at all. Skoda Moore suddenly put forward such a big plan, and Skoda Moore broke into cold sweat.

When he hadn’t decided how to reply to Yang Cheng, he just heard Yang Cheng say again, “Forgot to say, New Times Media is starting to acquire CW TV station. You should know that this is the fifth largest TV station in the United States and can also cover the entire United States. With the addition of New Era Media, TVB, regardless of hardware technology or financial strength, and full involvement of New Era Media in publicity, the Premier League’s brand-building capabilities in North America will not be weaker than NBC’s."

Perhaps because one card was not enough, Yang Cheng didn’t give Skudarmore any time to breathe and played the second card. “Also, I’m about to join Sky TV and become the second largest shareholder of Sky TV, and News The power of the group is combined, and the energy that the United States can generate in our home field is not comparable to that of an NBC."

This kind of half-truth, Yang Cheng opened his mouth. Anyway, it is a fact that he joined Sky TV. After the official announcement, the whole world knows. As for whether the cooperation with News Corporation is really in-depth, who can know, do you have to call and ask? Old Mo?

Sure enough, Yang Cheng hit the king and almost stunned the Premier League CEO. Although the NBC backed by Comcast is a veteran force, and the two sides have cooperated for many years, they have a deep understanding of each other, but they can’t stand the news. The momentum of the group and New Times Media is coming, and choosing Yang Orange does not mean that the alliance has suffered a loss. The broadcast fee should be paid.

Although Richard Skudarmore’s inner balance has slowly tilted towards Yang Cheng, he has been in the British football for dozens of years. How could he be easily fooled by Yang Cheng with a few words? Before the comparison and investigation, it was absolutely impossible for him to draw a conclusion.

Of course, you still have to reveal some of the talk, otherwise it will make Yang Cheng think that he has been smashed, "jason, let’s do this, the Premier League’s local live broadcast rights negotiations are about to end, and a new contract will be signed at the end of this month. At that time, I hope to meet the negotiation team from New Era Media before meeting the NBC team. I believe there will be a very pleasant exchange between us."

Yang Cheng scolded the old fox secretly, but still put on a happy smile on her face, "Okay, then it\'s settled."

The two reached an intention privately when everyone was arguing. This was something no one expected. When they returned their attention to the court, Yang Cheng was stunned. I don\'t know when, headed by Danny Levi. The Premier League Six Bears and the other 10 teams are clearly divided into two factions, including Mansour, who have personally left the field to participate in the "debate", and a few of the Premier League mid-range teams have started to watch and sit like Yang Cheng. Silence in place.

Yang Cheng was still at a loss. I didn\'t know where everyone had reached the discussion, so he was called by name and asked to express his opinions.

"Jason, it\'s up to you to speak. What do you think about our six clubs leaving the Premier League to form the Super League on their own." Abu rushed over aggressively, dragged Yang Cheng up and asked, not forgetting to remind Yang with his eyes. Which side should Orange speak.

And Richard Skudarmore, who is next to Yang Cheng, is already speechless. Why did he just talk to Yang Cheng for a while, this good Premier League is about to disband, then he, the CEO, is still running a **** what?

Yang Cheng touched her nose in a jealousy, stood up and looked around the entire conference room. The scene was quiet and compared. After pondering for a long time, until someone showed an expression of impatientness, he barely figured out a way that was not a solution. Putting him on fire will cause dissatisfaction in others. Of course, he doesn\'t care, but he just joined the Premier League and set up too many enemies for his club. If he let his players know whether he will be angry.

Fortunately, he has a omnipotent tactic of dragging the word. Anyway, he just didn\'t get it right. He just got into the mud. Anyway, he thinks that today\'s meeting will not produce any results. He smiled bitterly, "To be honest, leaving the Premier League is one thing. With a double-edged sword, the Premier League itself will suffer from the damage caused by the tearing. Our six clubs will also bear the reputation of saboteurs. Moreover, whether we can form a league alone or jointly organize a league with other European giant football clubs has a lot of itself. Big uncertainty."

After a pause, amidst the surprised gaze of the people at the small club and Abu\'s dumbfounded expression, he continued, "Moreover, leaving the Premier League is not so easy to speak. I think everyone should be more pragmatic and refund the cost of broadcasting copyright. In one step, we will come up with a plan that is relatively acceptable to all parties. It is the kingly way for us to make money from outsiders together."

No way, what else can Yang Cheng do without saying that? When there is no money, everyone will be in peace. Once there is more money, disputes will follow. This has become an iron law, and the whole world is the same.

At the beginning, the largest market for the Premier League was in the country, and the contribution of overseas markets was minimal. At that time, everyone’s mentality was normal, so they defaulted to the equal distribution mechanism. However, with the year-on-year growth of overseas broadcast income, especially Z When the Asian market headed by China has risen and overseas income has gradually become nearly one-third of the club\'s annual income, disputes naturally arise.

It is difficult to comment on the right and wrong sides of this conflict of interests, but there must be greed in it.

The strong team hopes to have more points, but the weak team hopes to maintain the status quo, because this is best for them.

It is possible that this controversy cannot change anything, because from the perspective of maximizing profits, a club exclusive is the best, but this is obviously impossible, because a club cannot support a league The result must not be the most beneficial result for whom, but a result of compromise between the strong and the weak in a perfectly competitive market.

It is based on this view that Yang Cheng chose not to help each other. Of course, this is contrary to his idea before entering this building. This is because he has focused on higher interests-the North American market of the Premier League, which makes him disdain. At this point, petty little Lee is arguing like a shrew, headache!

Think about it, if he succeeds in winning the Premier League’s North American live broadcast rights and event partners, it will not only give him a little more confidence in acquiring CW TV, but also establish the new king status of the new era media. After all, he has his own ace program. , CW TV station has the capital to compete with several other major wireless stations, and with the addition of such CW TV station, the strength of the new era media will get a qualitative leap.

For example, although there is no TV station in front of the New Era Media, although it has a tyrannical strength, it is always difficult to use one leg. However, the addition of a brand new CW TV station is equivalent to curing the lame leg and becoming a healthy one. People, coupled with their original strength, can the burst of energy be the same?

Of course, the idea is good, but Yang Cheng didn’t agree to Richard Debin’s proposal at the beginning. There were two reasons for refusing to buy CW TV station. One was that CW TV station did not have the resources to produce, and TV drama production was inferior to HBO. The news gathering ability is not the opponent of the three major stations, it can be said that there is no characteristic at all.

Now, with this opportunity, if he can grab food from NBC and grab the rights of the Premier League, he will have his own ace program and the basis for attracting viewers. Wait for him to think of some good ideas and make some The first problem he worried about was no longer a problem when he filed a boutique program.

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