Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 396: Free 1 glass of milk

"Don\'t rush to refuse. Since I found you Jason, I must have done enough investigations. The current head of Glencore Oil\'s business, the British Alex Bilder, is very good friends with Prince William."

Yang Cheng pinched her eyebrows and really wanted to ask, "You tm are a spy? You know everything. Could it be possible that you can find out what color underwear you wear today after the little master hit the sky a few times?"

The boring thought did not last long, Yang Cheng confirmed, "It\'s just an introduction? No other issues involved?"

Zheng Jiaxuan nodded affirmatively, "Just to introduce, success or failure has nothing to do with you!"

Yang Cheng asked thoughtfully, "However, it may be difficult to pay back if you only purchase the oil storage business?"

He has a rough estimate of this acquisition. The total value of Glencore\'s oil storage business is at most US$2 billion. He is not sure whether Zheng Jiaxuan or the power he represents is preparing for a wholly-owned acquisition? Or just a strategic shareholding.

But no matter what kind of possible investment is by no means a small amount, and it should be understood that from the business itself, it is not a high-profit project, but the victory is stable and the risk is low. M&A case analysis, the acquisition of Glencore\'s oil storage business is completely inconsistent with previous high-yield investment goals.

Unless this is an M&A to fill the needs of its own industry, it will take at least ten or two decades to recover the cost, during which no catastrophic war can occur.

So what industry does Zheng Jiaxuan work in? Or on whose behalf is he running this project? Is the oil-related industry one of the three barrels of oil? No, because of the urination of these people, they should be disdainful of asking their own ABC for help!

Zheng Jiaxuan smiled slightly, but said faintly, "Thank you for reminding me, I have my own consideration."

The other party didn\'t say anything, and Yang Cheng couldn\'t use a knife to force people to say that there were too many secrets recently, and Yang Cheng felt a little tired and didn\'t bother to explore it.

The most important thing is that Zheng Jiaxuan happened to pinch his "soft underbelly". He desperately needed Sky TV shares. He really couldn\'t find a reason for rejection before he knew that the other party might harm his own interests, but why was he forced to do so? The feeling of the execution ground? As bitter as after eating Huanglian, he sternly said, "I will fly to London in 3 days. You can follow me all the way."

After speaking, he picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, this was to see off the guests.

Zheng Jiaxuan, who came from China, was naturally familiar with this set. He didn\'t say much, nodded with a smile, and pulled Zheng Yuhan, who still didn\'t have a good face to Yang Cheng, to say goodbye.

After Susu sent them to the elevator, she came back and explained to Yang Cheng, "Before you came back, I advised them several times that you would not meet without an appointment, but they just wouldn\'t listen."

Susu pouted her little mouth and was aggrieved, causing Yang Cheng to blame her, "Well, I didn’t say that you did something wrong. I will give you a few assistants in the future. If this happens, you will Take the next piece and blast people out, okay?"

"Um~ Are you going to start work? I\'ll get you the briefing." Susu happily responded, and turned to get the documents.

But Yang Cheng just gave birth to a sulky stomach, so she is not in the mood to work. If she doesn\'t get angry, she will hurt her body. She stands up with a smirk and pulls Susu\'s lotus root arm not to turn around. "No hurry, let me give You check your body."


. . .

More than half an hour later, the wavy eyes and the peach-faced Susu came out of the lounge staggeringly. The moist skin seemed to have been washed by the spring rain. As he ran, he did not forget to turn his head and said, "Big bad guy, can\'t come again. I have to work~"

After a few minutes, Yang Cheng walked out cross-armed. The suit was long gone. She changed into a house suit, with wet bangs on her forehead, her body still exuding the fragrance of shower gel.

(Sapo rolling and asking for votes!~\(≧▽≦)/~)

Rubbing the back of his head, it’s been a long time since he had a haircut, and his hair has grown a lot. The vent just now finally relieved his depressed mood. The **** Zheng Jiaxuan came to him to add blockage, so don’t blame him for turning around and planing your ancestral grave. Anyway, it was a relationship of mutual exploitation. The person surnamed Zheng used him twice, don\'t say anything to pay the price, Yang Cheng paid real money for the shares of Sky TV in the two times!

"The surname is Zheng, don\'t you play mystery with the little master? Then the little master will let you be mysterious to the end." Yang Cheng thought overly.

Yang Cheng\'s bad stomach water started to bubble again, and there was definitely something to watch on the trip to the UK three days later. . .

He took a sigh of relief, let go of his knot, sat back on his boss chair refreshed, blew a whistle through the open door, and teased Susu, "Bring me a glass of milk in. I lost too much. Make one up."

"Cracking~" The sound of the cup falling on the floor caused a person who had just eaten milk to send in another cup, which shows how boring Yang Cheng is.

After shouting, Yang Cheng calmed down and started the vagrant briefing. The user growth curve of Toutiao app is very beautiful. Toutiao that is already on the right track does not need Yang Cheng to give him any more thoughts. He will move forward steadily according to the established plan. When the time comes, Just arrange the listing.

However, when he returned to the analysis page, after reading it for a while, he couldn\'t help showing a smug smile, because one of the important reasons for the recent significant increase in Toutiao app users was the full explosion of MS short videos.

Since the Toutiao app has added the function of MS short video, it has completely stimulated the imagination of users. All kinds of funny joke videos are uploaded by young people. After the key care of the screenwriters, the speed is almost rocket-like. People became popular on the Internet, and YouTube’s click-through rate remained high. Many users said that they had been poisoned by MS short videos and there was no cure.

Many new users said that they noticed the Toutiao app only after paying attention to the popular videos on YouTube. As a result, it was out of control and drifted away on Toutiao\'s long road.

Yang Cheng looked through the analysis report with a smile, and praised her inspiration at the time. She was so smart.

As a result, after a while, the facts told him what it means to be happy and sad.

With a loud "bang", Yang Cheng slapped the table on the table and yelled at the door, "Call me Eddie!"

Susu didn’t know what happened to Yang Cheng\'s sudden anger, but it was not a good thing. He quickly called the landline No. 3, which is the exclusive line for the CEO of New Times Media. Considering that Eddie was very good to Susu in the past, the little girl reciprocated. On the phone, he revealed some wind, telling Eddie to be ready to be scolded, the boss volcano erupted.

Summoned by the angry boss, Eddie didn\'t care about "advanced age", and dreamed of regaining his youth overnight. After climbing up the stairs in less than 2 minutes, an old face rushed into Yang Cheng\'s office with an extremely pale face.

After breathing for a few breaths, waited for him to breathe well before looking at Yang Cheng\'s expression on the gloomy weather outside, he snorted in his heart, and asked nervously, "Boss, you call me?"

Yang Cheng stared coldly at Eddie, who didn\'t dare to take a mouthful, and sneered, "Yes, I\'m still worried that if I haven\'t come to the company for a few days, you will be shaking the sky!"

Eddie\'s old heart suddenly fell to the bottom, and when it was over, all such heavy words were said. What a big problem this is.

While crying secretly in his heart, his head swiftly moved, wondering if any of the little Wang Ba Laozi deliberately picked the boss to give him eye drops when he came back, and if he made a mistake, he would have to wipe their buttocks at his age.

"Let me ask you, whose proposal was for the splitting of MS short video?" Yang Cheng didn\'t wait for Ed to answer, grabbed the briefing folder on the table, and smashed it over, of course, the target was on the ground. More than 50 years old, the regeneration energy can\'t insult people.

Eddie was taken aback. He immediately bent over to pick up the folder and flipped through it for a while, only to figure out the reason why Yang Cheng was angry, and his heart was slightly put down. He looked at Yang Cheng\'s anger before and thought who had stolen the company. What about the money.

But then he wondered again, is this worthy of Yang Cheng\'s anger?

Yang Cheng didn\'t know Eddie\'s psychological activities. He only saw that his capable cadre was puzzled, with a trace of wronged grievance, so the anger did not come out.

Suppressing his anger, he tried his best to make his voice appear calmer, but he didn\'t know that such a voice was more pervasive, "I don\'t ask who you made such an NC proposal, I just want to ask you to sign and agree What are your thoughts? Tell me about it?"

Eddie hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said truthfully, "I think MS Short Video can be an independent product operation. It already has a basic user group. If it can go out independently, the head office will fully support MS Short Video from mobile terminals to web pages. Platform expansion, it won’t be long before we can create a video service software that breaks the oil pipeline’s monopoly."

Yang Cheng took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He didn\'t want a gap between himself and his subordinates, and asked in a discussing tone, "Then you tell me what the profit model of MS Short Video is?"

Eddie opened his mouth to talk about advertisements, but this long English vocabulary could not even produce a single sound when he reached his lips. UU reading was suddenly at a loss and thought about this in his head. The question, yes, how does MS short video make money? Advertising is indeed possible, but how to implement it? How to allocate with users? This is all a problem. He didn\'t even think of this problem. How did he get his mind and sign and agree to this proposal? He even presented it to Yang Cheng without knowing it.

Seeing Eddie’s mixed expression, Yang Cheng knew that he was originally a smart CEO. He figured out the key to the problem. The anger that had been suppressed before could no longer be covered, and he burst out in an instant, pointing at Eddie Dog Bloody cursed,

"Are you tamed? You feel like you have reached the pinnacle of your life, and the Toutiao app has become like Facebook and Google? Or do you think that my boss is no longer in your sight, ready to usurp the throne and declare your existence? sense?"

This is not unimportant, but Eddie really can’t afford any disgust, because he has self-knowledge. This time, he made a nearly devastating strategic error. Once the MS short video was split by him, In the end, he died on the road because he couldn’t find a way to make a profit. It would be equivalent to ruining an arm of the Toutiao app. To sever his arm is tantamount to self-destroying one’s future. Having made such a serious mistake, he would be scolded no matter what. Not an exaggeration.

For two full minutes, Yang Cheng sprayed for two minutes without stopping, and the saliva almost spurted out of a pot. Fortunately, there are no outsiders here. The office door was closed before coming in. The sound insulation effect is very good. Eddie does not have to worry about face. After Yang Cheng vented the fire, she persuaded with a wry smile, "Boss, I accept this mistake, and I will punish what I should be punished, but this problem must be solved. Is MS short video really only a headline? The auxiliary existence of the app?"

Genius remembers this site address in one second:. Mobile version reading URL: