Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 395: Zheng Jiaxuan visits again

Give Zachari to Eiffel to take care of. Yang Cheng, who just returned to her office, was shocked to find that the office was not empty before she sat down and opened the briefing. No wonder Susu was not seen at the door and thought she was going. The bathroom is out.

"Boss, Mr. Zheng and Miss Zheng have been waiting for you for a long time."

Susu who heard the news turned back to report.

Yang Cheng put away his surprise, nodded to Su Su, and shook hands with Zheng Jiaxuan, then smiled and saluted his daughter, and said with a gun and stick, "Sorry, Brother Zheng, you have been waiting for so long, why are you free? Come to play with me? You should tell me in advance and prepare me to entertain you better."

In his visitor list, there is indeed no appointment for Zheng Jiaxuan\'s visit, and depending on the posture, the time for the Zheng family and daughter to come is not short.

Let Susu serve herself a cup of coffee, unbutton her suit, and Shi Shiran sat opposite Zheng Jiaxuan, waiting for the other party to solve her confusion.

Zheng Jiaxuan seems to have not heard the dissatisfaction in the words at all, and his smile is still elegant, "Don\'t say that, it is because we took the liberty to visit and cause you trouble. I would like to thank you for your help with the Chinese TV station."

Yang Cheng stretched out his hand, with a gentle smile on his face, and said very honestly, "We just get what we need, and we can\'t thank you."

"I like your character. Everything is based on actual interests. Even so, I don\'t mean anything. I have been waiting for you for so long. I want to ask you for a little thing."

Yang Cheng frowned. He thought that after the TV station\'s deal, the two would not have met anymore. He didn\'t expect the other party to come to the door again, which made him a little unhappy.

The eldest brother stopped calling and changed to a formal and blunt name, "Mr. Zheng, I think you made a mistake. I am not your subordinate. Last time I saw the ambassador’s face, I helped you introduce it. This has caused me dissatisfaction with some Chinese friends, and I will not do the same thing again."

Zheng Jiaxuan\'s face didn\'t have a trace of irritation, and calmly explained, "I understand your concerns, but when I first came here, when I encounter a problem, I can only think of you as a local snake for the first time. Don\'t worry, someone Zheng understands the rules. , The price to pay will not be less."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "This is not a question of generation and cost. You can\'t always find me every time you encounter a problem? Besides, I have never felt any sincerity in Mr. Zheng, at least I don\'t even know your specific background. , You come to ask for help again and again, which makes me feel very uncomfortable."

"I can understand, but what I can say is that I only represent myself, and this time, only you can really help. For this reason, I have prepared a special gift, please accept it." With Zheng Jiaxuan A share transfer contract was handed over.

Yang Cheng looked deeply at Zheng Jiaxuan and Zheng Yuhan, who was looking out the window with an innocent expression next to him, and took a glance at the contract. It was a 6.9% stake in the German stock market by Sky TV.

"I bought this from Deutsche Bank and signed the name. This 6.9% of the shares are yours. Of course, don’t forget to call me the purchase price afterwards. I don’t have much money and can’t afford to give it so expensive. Gift." Zheng Jiaxuan said jokingly.

Yang Cheng reluctantly twitched the corners of her mouth, thinking that this person is really unfathomable. He can get a relationship with Deutsche Bank and use the market price instead of a premium to win the shares of Sky TV. His energy is really not to be underestimated. People actually need their own help. It sounds like a big joke with him.

Although he is curious about Zheng Jiaxuan’s mysterious background, he also knows that there is a reason why the other party doesn’t say it. He doesn’t need to hold on. Sometimes it’s not a good thing to know too much. Fair trade does not involve other matters.

Press the contract and don’t rush to sign, "Let’s talk about your business first. If it can help, I will laugh at this gift. Of course, the acquisition money will give me some time to mobilize funds."

Zheng Jiaxuan smiled and pushed the gold wire glasses, "It\'s very simple. Help convince Glencore to sell its shares in its oil storage business."

wtf! Yang Cheng couldn\'t help but swallowed. Like the Goldman Sachs Group in the banking industry, in the world of physical transactions, the Glencore Group, the world\'s largest company, which is a private partnership, is ubiquitous, and of course it is also suffering. dispute.

As a company with a higher turnover than Nestlé, Novartis and UBS, its business network covers 40 countries, with more than 2,000 traders, lawyers, accountants and other professionals, and immediately received information about Central Asia Petroleum or South Asia Cane Sugar Various market and political intelligence.

Its young, outstanding employees dominate in their respective markets. The company’s top executives have good personal relationships with Russian oligarchs and African mining giants.

Like Goldman Sachs, Glencore, with its own influence, can get the most favorable terms in all transactions involved. "Rolling Stone" magazine\'s evaluation of Goldman Sachs can also be appropriately applied to Glencore: "a huge vampire squid with a benevolent face".

The most important thing is that Glencore issued 10% of the shares in London and Hong Kong a few years ago, raised more than 15 billion US dollars in capital, and has a total market value of more than 60 billion US dollars. Its turnover is stable at 500. Strong in the top 20, it is no exaggeration to call it the Goldman Sachs in the world of physical trading.

Fortunately, Zheng Jiaxuan named the oil storage business under Glencore, not the entire company. Otherwise, Yang Cheng would have sprayed him with blood.

What makes Yang Cheng even more jealous is that Glencore is headquartered in Switzerland and listed in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong respectively. In fact, it is an out-and-out American rogue company.

Its predecessor was marcrich&, founded in 1974 by the famous billionaire and oil king Mark Rich.

During the Iranian hostage crisis in the late 1970s and 1980s, Mark Rich was accused of illegal crude oil transactions and tax evasion with Iran. During the period of the charges, he lived in Switzerland and never set foot in the United States. territory.

On January 20, 2001, the then-U.S. President Zipton announced the pardon of Mark Rich on the last day of his term.

According to the "New York Times" report, in 1993 and 1994, Mark Rich sold his shares in marcrich& to the company in exchange for cash, and then the company changed its name to Glencore.

Although this giant company is low-key and secretive, it still often encounters various media exposures. It is notorious. In 2005, the American abc radio reported that Glencore had been accused of being in apartheid South Africa, the former Soviet Union and Iran. , Illegal transactions in Iraq during Saddam’s administration.

In 2005, in the investigation of corruption cases in Congo, Glencore was found to be involved in bribery. In a 2005 UN report on the Iraqi oil-for-food scandal, Glencore was also named when it was accused of passing Pay rebates to obtain oil from Iraq.

Where did the oil go? Hehe, you know with your toes, otherwise, why should his former master be pardoned at the last minute?

Knowing how muddy the pool is, Yang Cheng didn’t calmly push back the contract, “I can’t help with this. I don’t know anyone from Glencore, nor do I have the strength to force people to sell their business to you. Brother Zheng should ask another Gaoming."

Zheng Jiaxuan disapproved, and did not touch the contract. He pushed the frame of the glasses and calmly said, "Don\'t rush to refuse. Since you have found Jason, I must have done enough investigations. The current head of Glencore Oil\'s business—— Englishman Alex Bilder and Prince William are very good friends."

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