Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 367: Inexplicable four hundred and nineteen

(Thank you for all the tickets, the flight back to Dalian tonight, do you want to continue to add more changes tomorrow? ~\\(≧▽≦)/~)

"With less than 3%, the valuation is approaching 5 billion so quickly?"

Amanda is also dissatisfied with this result, but at least she can barely accept it, "Look at the next round of financing if we can take a bit more share. After all, the country Z’s special car market is now in a three-pronged situation and needs to burn money to supplement it. Users, subsidized drivers, and the founder’s shares are bound to be compressed."

Yang Cheng thought for a while, "This investment is just as we make a quick cash. After the listing, there should be a wave of upswing, and we just sell it when it is high."

He is still not optimistic about the long-term development of this industry. The ceiling is too low, and you can easily hit the bottleneck. After one or two, there are three or four bottlenecks waiting for you. But now is the era of fast-moving internet. , All pan-Internet companies with novel concepts, huge business scales, and certain benefits can receive widespread attention from the stock market, so that they can use this channel to raise large amounts of funds and then transform into the capital sector, which almost forms a fixed mode.

But everyone in the industry knows that this model is quite dangerous. As the sun shines brighter, the probability of bursting is greater. It is better to withdraw decisively when the bubble is most beautiful.

The two chatted while enjoying the food. After a perfect dinner, they drove to Broadway Avenue, which was once the entertainment center of New York for a century. In the era without Internet or even TV, Broadway Avenue is like Hollywood\'s perfection. In general, there are dozens of theaters on both sides of the street. The theaters on Broadway from 44th to 53rd are called Inner Broadway, while the theaters on 41st and 56th Streets on Broadway are called Outer Broadway.

The inner Broadway staged classic, popular, commercialized dramas, and the outer Broadway staged some experimental, unknown, low-cost dramas, but this distinction became more and more diminished, so it appeared again. "Outside Broadway", its views are of course more novel and pioneering.

After Yang Cheng got out of the car arm in arm, there happened to be mounted police patrolling on the street in front of the theater on tall horses. Some tourists who came with their children asked for a group photo. The mounted police were also there. What appears here is more similar to a characteristic landscape in New York, with more functions than traffic police.

Without staying at the door, the two walked into the theater side by side. The internal structure of the theater was similar. The semicircle wrapped the stage, and the symphony orchestra was reserved in front of the stage. Yang Cheng’s reserved position was the second floor box in the front row. , The field of vision is very good, the whole stage has a panoramic view, and it will not be bothered by the huge accompaniment of the symphony orchestra.

In fact, "Beauty and the Beast" has always been the bottom of the classic Broadway operas, but there are too many audiences who can\'t hold back the hearts of girls, which leads to the enduring performance of this opera.

The opera officially opens at 8 o\'clock. At the same time, there are classics from other theaters, such as the "Phantom of the Opera" at the King\'s Theatre. In fact, Yang Cheng wants to watch this one, but Amanda is almost vomiting.

Before the two came here, they went to the lv flagship store and changed their formal attire. Yang Cheng’s is okay. Amanda didn’t know what was wrong, so she chose a set of British retro tutu skirts and started walking. It\'s very troublesome to come. Yang Cheng pays attention to her feet from time to time, for fear that someone inadvertently stepped on her skirt and let Amanda put on a scene more wonderful than opera in front of everyone.

Fortunately, the accident did not happen, the two arrived in the box smoothly, and the performance began immediately.

With the sound of the symphony orchestra’s tacit accompaniment, all the audience unconsciously held their breath and entered the atmosphere created by the musicians. The stage changed complex and ingenious scenes, switching between forests and tree houses from time to time, and the sound reverberated throughout the entire The theater, like the scenes in the play, shows that the stage design makes full use of high-tech effects.

In the box reserved by Yang Cheng, as long as it is a person with normal vision, it is not a problem to see the faces of the actors. Although the important charm of the opera is reflected in the voices of the actors, the facial expression is not weak at all, even in order to make the audience feel empathetic. The actors\' acting skills are not much better than those of Oscar winners.

Audiences who are immersed in the charm of the opera do not even need time for the intermission, and sit in their seats eagerly waiting for the arrival of the second half. However, this is for ordinary audiences or tourists from outside, like Yang Oranges, the New York natives, really grew up playing on Broadway. Every play is precious, and there are even powerful people who can even recite their lines.

Of course, on Broadway, which has spread for a hundred years, the actors of various classic dramas cannot continue to perform. Therefore, after a new batch of young actors are replaced in each drama, there will always be a wave of fans returning to GC. Each actor\'s expressiveness is different. Just like a human fingerprint, it can’t be copied, so whenever it’s time for a new cast, the old audience can always find a different side of the repertoire that they are familiar with. I have to say that sometimes, this is also a kind of joy in life. You are still growing, but the repertoire will always remain fresh.

At 10 o\'clock, the two-hour opera finally came to an end. When the actors came to the stage collectively, Yang Cheng and Amanda had already quietly exited the box and left the theater. It was true that the two dog men and women could not hold back in the box. Maybe It is because of the stimulation of alcohol that infinitely amplifies the * in the body. From the beginning of the body rubbing, to the exhalation of heat in the ears, the four lips are interlaced with each other, and there is no fight on the spot. It is already a respect for the actors on the stage. .

Twenty minutes later, in the private room of the Waldorf Astoria, handmade retro princess dresses worth tens of thousands of dollars were scattered on the carpet very miserably. One of the white high heels was on the porch, the other was missing, and the black ones were hung on the carpet. On TV, men’s black suits and bow ties were laid on the ground along the way to the bedroom. The half-covered bedroom door was completely dark, but the faint rhythm sound still made people imagine.

. . .

The next day, the second day of the new year, Yang Cheng, with sleepy eyes, got up on his back, looking for something, frowned and touched the chuang cushion beside him, feeling the slight cold temperature from his palms, and the folds of his brows. A few more layers.

Sitting up completely, rubbing her messy short hair, wondering if the woman, Amanda, left early, or the sheets should at least be warm.

I took out my cell phone and looked at it. There were a lot of missed calls and text messages, but none of them were from Amanda. I really didn’t understand what the crazy woman thought, so I pulled him up to the chuang somehow, and then secretly left and wondered. I didn\'t think of a reason for a long time, so I just ignored it. Anyway, he didn\'t have any loss. He went to the bathroom to clean himself, changed into a clean suit and sat Maybach to work in the company.

The car was blocked two blocks away from the company. The irritable Yang Cheng took out his mobile phone and browsed the news on his app. Liverpool News, which he paid special attention to, released a transfer news and kicked in Chelsea. The Egyptian winger Mohammed Salah, who is not the main force, transferred to Liverpool for 1200 million pounds. The new contract was signed for four years. The news said that the transfer will provide a strong side for the Red Army. Support, this is a very cost-effective transfer operation.

Yang Cheng remembers that Ian Al called to report the incident a few days ago. At that time, he seemed to be busy with something and just said he knew it. He heard good comments from the media with no ethics, which made Yang Cheng relieved. , At least on paper, Salah’s arrival is helpful to Liverpool, so the money will not be spent in vain.

The only thing that makes Yang Chengxin unwilling is that Salah\'s reputation is not big enough, it seems that he does not meet his previous commitment to the fans, but he promised to bring real meaning to Anfield star.

After picking up a few more related news and reading it for a while, Yang Cheng saw that the car had not moved forward for half a minute, and simply got off the car. It was not far from the company anyway. Under the **** of Hansen and bodyguards, he took out his mobile phone while walking. Called Ian El.

"Boss, have you seen the news?" Ian El asked happily as soon as the call was connected.

Yang Cheng naturally can\'t let his subordinates chill, "Of course, you did a good job. The media has a very high evaluation of this transfer operation. You are worthy of the salary I paid Ian!"

Ian El was praised by the big and he was even more happy, "This is my job boss!"

Yang Cheng said, changing his tone, "So, are our winter transfers over? Only Salah a winger?"

Ian El hurriedly said, “Of course not. We are still secretly contacting Real Madrid’s deputy captain Ramos. The position of central defender has always been a common problem in the hearts of the team’s management and coaches, so we have never given up contacting the world’s top central defenders. We just received Ramos’s contract expiration, and there is still no news of renewal negotiations with Real Madrid, so we are ready to contact the other party to see. Once Ramos has ideas for a better environment, our Liverpool is his The best choice."

Yang Cheng has heard of the famous name of Lord Ramos. This reputation is big enough. If Ramos is taken during the winter transfer period, at least in the first season of taking over the team, there will be enough rewards for the fans. Let’s talk about it now, the money is easy to say, and are we not going to give a unified salary adjustment to the players in the team? Reaching the world’s top level, so Ramos’ arrival should not destroy the salary structure and cause dissatisfaction with other players?"

"It\'s such a boss, but the problem is that there is no doubt that Ramos is sincere to Real Madrid. I am worried that he is taking this opportunity as a means to negotiate a salary increase with Real Madrid." Ian El is not without worry. Said.

Yang Cheng doesn’t understand this, so it is inconvenient to intervene blindly. “How to transfer and negotiate is your job. I am only responsible for signing checks. Anyway, I have only one principle. As long as it is beneficial to the team, I won’t get a point. province!"

When encountering such a trusting subordinate, not expressing opinions casually, and a generous shot of the club owner, Ian Ayre felt that he saved God and his daughter in his last life. Otherwise, how luck was so good, he ushered in a career when he reached middle age. The second spring?