Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 365: Jack Ma’s Dream (big

(Negotiating is becoming a dog, and the days have not passed! Thanks to the "June FLY" brothers for the reward, the old iron is still stable! Double-click 666! Thank you all for your votes, thank you very much! It\'s boring. I just happened to talk about related topics at work. I unconsciously coded a chapter, and there was no chapter, so I posted it together! I can go home in two days and give me a good code word. Come on!)

"Let this go ahead. I heard that you came to New York specially this time to talk about Alipay\'s entry into the United States?"

Yang Cheng waved his hand and re-exported and changed the topic. Compared to the search engine company that is not a shit, he is more concerned about whether Alipay can successfully land in the United States. There are huge benefits here.

“Indeed, Alipay’s entry into the United States is a general trend. As the second largest market in the world after country Z, the United States is one of the difficulties that Ari’s globalization must overcome. Taking advantage of the steadily rising stock price, it has accelerated its cooperation with US financial services. The cooperation process of the company was a plan we had made well before the listing." Jack Ma couldn\'t help but start his Fudge Dafa.

Yang Cheng, who has long been accustomed to it, does not eat this set at all. "Trust me, once you announce that Alipay has officially set foot on the American mainland, there will be countless congressmen who will come out and complain that you have caused a crisis to the national security of the United States. It is difficult to achieve this on your own. Cooperation."

Jack Ma frowned. "But I believe our efforts will not be wasted."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Jack, didn\'t you learn the Western way of thinking when you were learning English? You are now in the United States, aside from ZZ, you are just an ordinary businessman, and someone else will go to your turf. What will you do if you eat? You must give the most powerful counterattack. The same applies to the Americans. Now you suddenly rush into their homes and grab prey from the natives. Do you think they will spare you?

Since ancient times, the United States has claimed to be second to the level of shamelessness. No country in this world has dared to claim it. Therefore, if you are not ready for bloodletting, I suggest you wait for a few years. "

"I was also invited by the First Information Group this time. You should have heard of this financial service company?" Jack Ma asked in a deep thought when he was uncomfortable with Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Of course, FirstData, the well-known, the largest merchant acquirer in the United States, has more than 4 million merchants in the United States. They actively invite you to cooperate?"

"Well, I think this is a good opportunity. First Information Group can be regarded as a local snake in the United States. Even for their own interests, they will try their best to implement Alipay." When Jack Ma said this, the past was gone. I feel a little bit weak when I hear it.

Yang Cheng smiled and couldn\'t help showing the fox tail, "In fact, why don\'t you consider cooperating with me?"

Jack Ma was surprised, "With you? Does New Era Media operate a physical store?"

"Your thinking is somewhat limited, why must it be a physical store? Isn\'t it possible for banks?"

"Bank? That\'s okay. Are you going to buy a banking group?" Jack Ma just murmured and thought of a possibility.

Yang Cheng took a biscuit and threw it in his mouth. Kazkaz simply ate, "As you guessed, the bank is already in preparation. I dare not say anything else. After the formal establishment, it will not be possible to cover the entire Chinese community in North America. The question is, the new bank is willing to cooperate with ma~yi~gold in the field of online payment. Of course, how to cover the merchants and facilitate the use of users in their lives. I can’t help you. Look, but I think it’s more difficult."

Jackma’s iconic smile appeared on his face, “If you can cooperate with familiar people, it would be great. Didn’t expect that it has only been a few months since our last meeting? Your strength has expanded to the point of intervening in the banking field. It’s unimaginable."

Yang Cheng didn\'t pay much attention to Jack Ma\'s praise, and attributed everything to luck, and instead asked, "How is our theater line laid? I have been too busy lately to pay attention to domestic progress."

"You are also big-hearted. You have invested hundreds of millions of dollars. You are so indifferent, and you are not afraid that we will swallow it for you?" Jack Ma half-joked.

"You can swallow it is also your ability, and even more of my incompetence. No one can complain. Besides, I don\'t care about it completely. Someone is watching for me. If you really want to do something against me, I will be the first. Time knows, and I have to say that if you Jack Ma become greedy for such a small business, your pattern is not worthy of Ari’s development." Yang Cheng took a sip of the cold coffee and frowned. Said the head.

Jack Ma patted his forehead, "Well, we must have a good drink tonight with this sentence."

"Forget it, I\'ll spend the great night with a beautiful woman. Drinking with you I\'m worried about having nightmares at night." Vaguely complaining about Jack Ma\'s appearance, completely treating the opposite person as a friend.

Jack Ma didn’t mind. It’s not the first time. His looks have been ridiculed by the people all over the country. He is already used to it. He touched his head and said with emotion, “It’s good to be young. When I was your age, it was hard for me. I’m stuck in my own home to start a business. By the way, when it comes to cinema, I really have something to ask you for advice."

Yang Cheng said hurriedly, "Don\'t dare to ask for advice, talk about it, let\'s share information resources."

Jack Ma nodded Yang Orange, "Little slippery, this is not since the establishment of Alibaba Pictures in August last year. It has been fighting for the issue of equity until now. It has finally balanced the interests of all parties and is ready to set sail. The strategic focus is to expand international business. I have also arranged special personnel to travel to major entertainment countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and South Korea to form a business team for content production.

At present, there are many films that have come into our sight and are preparing and participating in investment, such as "Mission Impossible 5: Mysterious Nation", "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Out of the Shadows", "Star Trek 3: Beyond the Stars" and other Hollywood movies. For blockbuster films, there are also several Korean movies such as "REAL", and Tianwu Pictures with hello brother David Ellison is expected to jointly invest in a World War II theme film "Flying Tigers" and so on.

However, all of these are not what I want. What I want to do most is to make a blockbuster by myself, an international blockbuster that can be based in Country Z and go to Hollywood. You know, I have no interest in just investing and making money. It’s better to run Ari with peace of mind, but I know myself. I know that with the current conditions and environment, money alone cannot make an excellent film, so I would like to ask you if it is possible to acquire a well-established producer A capable Hollywood film company, let the domestic team sent by us concentrate on studying for a few years, and wait for the teacher to complete my dream. "

When Yang Cheng heard Jack Ma talk about the movie, he couldn\'t help but think of the super bad movie that he accidentally spent 5 yuan in his previous life and watched it on the Internet. What is the name "Gong Shou Tao"? It should be called "Jack Ma and his celebrity friends pretend to be 13 Magical Adventures".

It seems that Lao Ma really likes movies. It hasn’t been a day or two for me to have this idea. This is not the first time Ari was on the market, but he was thinking about making a movie. Fortunately, he didn’t say that he wanted to star, otherwise Yang Cheng would spray his coffee on his face. .

In fact, it’s a good move to analyze it from the perspective of channels and ecological chain. After all, it can make full use of the advantages of its entire industry chain. Various businesses include Internet publicity, online ticket sales, Ari has been involved in theater services, theater operations, and entertainment e-commerce systems, etc. This is equivalent to a person with a net worth of tens of billions of dollars from birth. Why do you still learn this and that? Just play and enjoy it, there are so many moths, that\'s nonsense!

As for Jack Ma’s ambitious entry into international overseas investment, it’s not to mention that it is no longer a new topic in the entire film industry. The rapid growth of the box office in the country Z market in the past two years has made the country Z market more attractive to foreign film companies. The attractiveness is increasing rapidly. For example, Paramount’s parent company has repeatedly publicly disclosed the idea of ​​introducing State Z capital, and Sony has also opened the door to cooperation with Wan Da Group before.

And for foreign films, due to the vastness of country Z and the dispersion of the market, the most important thing is the closedness of policies, making it difficult for them to manage the distribution work in this area, for example, there are very few Hollywoods. The film can be successful in Tier 1 and Tier 2 and Tier 3 and 4 cities at the same time. Therefore, under these conditions, the importance of the distribution company in Country Z has emerged.

In this context, it is not difficult to understand the logic of Ari Films or Jack Ma’s seeking overseas investment. Among the current four major businesses of Ari Films, the weight of international business has always been quite high. This business From the very beginning, it started before the content production business. At the beginning of its establishment, Ari Films hoped to actively promote cooperation with Hollywood companies and participate in the investment and global accounting of Hollywood blockbusters.

Yang Cheng had heard about this for a long time. When he joined the investment project of Mission Impossible 5, David Ellison, as one of the main investors, introduced to Yang Cheng the intentions expressed by Ari Films in the negotiations. Of course, the results of the negotiations should be enough to satisfy Ari Pictures. If the box office of Mission Impossible 5 remains unchanged, according to the results of the negotiations at the time, this film will bring Ari at least 60 million RMB. Net profit is definitely a high-return investment.

Not only that, the parent company backed by Ari Films is itself a strong e-commerce gene. The endorsement of the two major e-commerce platforms of TB and TM means that the sale of derivatives will be a predictable income. For many film studios, it is an attraction that cannot be ignored. From this perspective, it seems that Ari Films’ overseas strategy is very successful, so Jack Ma had already anticipated the success and proposed to enter early. Is it in the content manufacturing field?

Yang Orange asked curiously, "Jack, your goal is just an ordinary film company with perfect production technology? Or is it one of the top six with a strong copyright library and global advertising capabilities?"

"Big Six? I want to buy it, but people don’t sell it. I heard from my friends that Spielberg is going to cooperate with a former DreamWorks friend in a company again. I think this is a good opportunity. I want to use Jewish shrewdness. , I don’t mind introducing the capital of Country Z to pave the way for them to enter the world’s second largest film market.” Jack Ma said helplessly.

Yang Cheng suddenly, if this is the case, it is not without the possibility of operation, "So, you are asking me the feasibility of this operation?"

Jack Ma hesitated, "I want to ask if it is possible for DreamWorks Pictures and DreamWorks Animation to merge again."

Yang Cheng didn\'t understand for a while, "What do you mean? DreamWorks Pictures has long been acquired by Disney, and their cooperation now is very happy."

"The news I received is that Spielberg is going to take the original DreamWorks Pictures to separate from Disney. If I can join in with DreamWorks Animation, I hope to get the company\'s highest voice."

Jack Ma’s abacus clinked, but he was not so friendly to Yang Cheng. This is stealing money from his pocket, "What a joke Jack, you know I took the DreamWorks animation from Carsonborg How much effort did it take? And DreamWorks Animation is an important part of the new era of film industry is essential, don\'t even think about it."

Yang Cheng’s resolute attitude was what Jack Ma expected. He also knew that he was a little bit whimsical. "Well, I just asked. Although it’s impossible, I always don’t give up. It seems I can only ask A board seat is now."

"Jack, I suddenly found out that dealing with you is a very torturous thing, or I will give you 20 million dollars to sell me the scam of the search engine, and then we will go on the other side of the road, how about? If you go down, you will even worry about three points of my core assets." Yang Cheng complained full of complaints.

"Yes, just treat me as a joke, but Spielberg\'s new company that has not yet been formed, are you not going to join a share? By then, we will join forces and we will have two seats on the board of directors. It\'s not small."

"I\'m not interested. My new era film industry is enough for me to play. Apart from connections and influence, Spielberg has nothing else worthy of my attention."

. . .

After chatting with Jack Ma for more than an hour, after confirming the cooperation intention of Alipay and the future Yang Family Private Bank, he left the hotel.

Yang Cheng drove non-stop to Hearst Mansion again. The mad woman Amanda didn’t know what she had committed. As early as a few days ago, she kept torturing him with a series of deadly calls and insisted on pulling him out. Dating, no, for the sake of her eardrums, Yang Cheng is going to follow this crazy woman\'s wish and give her a perfect date. For this reason, he booked a place at the Michelin three-star perse restaurant and bought a Broadway one. Amanda laughed at the front row tickets for the musical "Beauty and the Beast".

why? Isn\'t it because she is a beauty and treats Yang Cheng as a beast?