Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 363: 0 billion confidence

(Thank you for the reward of "Zhou Na FLY", there are various tickets, thank you, the number of words in the past few days is pitiful, and there is no time to think about the plot. I can only think about it after going home after a business trip. , Please forgive me!)

Ryze smiled and replied first, pushing the frame of the glasses, "Boss, I have 120% confidence, but in actual operation, there will be all kinds of troubles, but for this operation, we contacted dozens of Wall Street funds. , Coupled with leveraging hundreds of billions of dollars to hit the Swiss National Bank, even if God comes, they cannot be saved. Of course, the premise is that your analysis by the boss comes true!"

Allen also echoed, "Not only that, I heard that Damien Louise also smells blood. With the addition of this shit-chucking stick, our odds of winning are a little bigger."

Damien Lewis, whom Allen called, is one of the top traders on Wall Street. Although the amount of funds he personally trades is less than 5 billion US dollars, the weight level is less than a fraction of Berkshire, but it can’t stand it. This guy is not too hard, and the daily transaction volume is scary. It can be said that he and his men have maintained their peak state all the time.

However, the reason why Allen called Damien Louise a shit-chucking stick is because both of them are geniuses. The interview reported that Damien Louise would watch the game when he was ten years old. Allen sneered at this because he did not believe that he was ten years old. The kid who wets the bed, can read the candlestick diagrams, but he was not convinced that he questioned in public at a party, preventing Damien Louise from coming to the stage, and the two of them also settled their grievances. In the following few years There was a big fight in the market, and so far there is no one to die for.

But in Yang Cheng’s view, the two are more sympathetic to each other. Think about it, in the world of geniuses, they are facing the dilemma of lonely begs for defeat, and the predicament of being overcome by the cold at heights. There can be a comparable and firm-willed equivalent. Genius is a great blessing in life.

In any case, Damien Louis’s trader strength is equal to Ellen’s, and he is good at winning in chaos. It’s not outrageous that Ellen gave him the name of a shit-cutter. His addition can really improve. Your own winning percentage.

"Then I will wait to see your good show, I will not assign tasks for you, anyway, the more is better, I can grab as much as I can grab, after this battle, I want to make 4D Space no longer worry about funding issues." Yang Orange hit the table with a punch, showing his determination to win.

"Ryze, let\'s go ahead and talk to Alan about something."

Yang Cheng sent Ryze Khan away, and went to the rest area with Alan, each poured a glass of whiskey, and asked casually, "How are you doing with your girlfriend?"

Allen\'s face suddenly showed a "disgusting" smile, "Very good, waiting for you to send my yacht in place, ready to go on a trip to the East Coast, by the way, the marriage is settled."

"Haha, that\'s good, don\'t worry, haven\'t you already placed an order for the yacht? You can realize your dream when you withdraw the funds from the stock market." Yang Cheng was also happy for his good brother and clinked glasses with him. Drink up.

"Don\'t make fun of me, just talk about business? Why do you keep me? I have to go back and watch the pan." I don\'t know if Yang Cheng\'s eyes are dazzled, and he actually saw Alan\'s big fat face. A shy expression, hell!

Rolled his eyes, poured himself wine, and talked about business, "I am going to buy a private bank in Switzerland, so I need you to hide as much as possible in this operation. Don’t be caught by the Swiss National Bank. It’s troublesome to give me a refusal to buy."

Allen stared, "You want to buy a bank?"

Yang Cheng spread his hands, "To be precise, our family wants to buy a bank."

"Oh, it\'s not easy to handle this way. After all, this operation is led by us. Everyone is waiting for our signal. If we want to hide the funds, it will easily affect the overall situation." Allen bit his nails Babbled.

Although Yang Cheng has good abilities and talents in the financial field, he is by no means a professional trader like Allen. He also has a black eye on some details.

"Is there no way to get the best of both worlds?" Yang Cheng asked with a sigh.

Allen pondered for a while, "The main reason is that we can\'t accurately estimate the time when the Swiss National Bank will announce the news. If there is hope for a week\'s time layout, if it is released these days, then I can\'t help it."

Since Jerry Kushler reminded him of the Swiss franc exchange rate control, Yang Cheng carefully recalled the news he had read in his previous life, but it took too long and he didn’t take it seriously at the time. When I think about it, the announcement date is undoubtedly at the beginning of January, but I can\'t remember exactly when.

Gritting his teeth, "I don\'t think it will be more than the first week. The Swiss National Bank will definitely catch the whole world by surprise. Hide it as much as possible. It really doesn\'t work. If it is a big deal, I will give up the original goal and choose another start."

"Well, then I\'ll go back and step up the layout. In addition, I can find ways to stimulate Damien Louise and let him start the shot. This guy is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and he has a very perverted obsession with flashing lights. Unfortunately, this is great. It’s a pity that the opportunity to be famous will be handed over."

Alan shook his head with regret and said Yang Cheng patted Alan on the shoulder funny, and comforted, "When your yacht arrives, you can drive to Damien. I was mad at him. I met him once when I went out to sea. His small yacht was less than 15 meters long. It was simply a broken sampan. Your Riva yacht passed by and could be driven by the waves. The broken ship overturned."

Regarding Yang Cheng\'s bad idea, Alan was full of eyes, still his brother knew himself and he had an appetite!

The motivated Allen, just like a child receiving a favorite toy, can’t be excited by himself. He dragged a body of several hundred kilograms, ran out of the 100-meter sprint speed, and rushed out of the office. Yang Cheng was there in embarrassment, and there was still something to say.

He shook his head helplessly and called Susu in, "Someone will come up with a contract these days. Regarding the transfer of shares of Sky TV, please pay attention and don\'t be thrown away as a prank."

Susu is very eye-catching today, with a short strapless black sweater with cropped trousers and red stiletto heels. She wore a sense of autumn fashion in the winter, with her black hair draped over her shoulders like a waterfall. The black eyes under the air bangs are smart and cute.

Yang Cheng also raised her head to look at Susu\'s dress after the order, and beckoned her to come over with satisfaction. He pinched the delicate little Qiong\'s nose and asked, "Is this deliberately dressed up for me today?"

Susu pouted her mouth, with a slightly aggrieved appearance that did not dare to look at Yang Cheng, and asked softly, "Isn\'t it pretty?"

Yang Cheng pecked at her pink cheek with affection, picked up her feather-like body, and while walking to the lounge, she molested, "It looks good, our family is the most beautiful, but I have to give it to you. Do an individual check to see if you have eaten on time obediently."


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