Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 361: The coming of the mysterious man

(Thank you for the reward of "June FLY" and everyone\'s monthly pass. Thank you very much! I\'m going on a business trip again. I can only maintain the normal pace of two shifts these days. I will return on Thursday and Friday and add more! \(≧▽≦)/~)

This is interesting, what makes Zheng Jiaxuan so low profile? Looking at the minister\'s familiar attitude towards him, it is obviously not an ordinary person, there is no need to surrender his status, right?

Seeing that Yang Cheng was still silent, Zheng Jiaxuan spoke again, "Mr. Yang..."

"Jason, my friends call me that." Yang Cheng corrected.

Zheng Jiaxuan opened his hands, "Well, Jason, I hope you don\'t mind, the joke about Minister Wu."

Yang Cheng put down the wine glass and shook his head, "Of course I don\'t mind. I just don\'t know what business you are in. Let\'s see if we have a place for cooperation."

"Venture investment, I have a small investment company in Xiangjiang. I have had good luck in the past few years and have invested in several companies that have successfully gone public." Zheng Jiaxuan pushed Jinsi glasses and gave a brief introduction to his company.

However, Yang Cheng didn’t get any useful information either. There are countless venture capital companies in HeungKong. One stop at Central and a yell at the neck can call out a bunch of people engaged in the venture capital industry. Specific purpose.

"It turns out that since you are in the United States, you will definitely have many opportunities to meet in the future. I wish you a lot of money in the United States." Yang Cheng could only say beautiful things, and was about to leave. Zheng Jiaxuan asked him to let go Steps out.

"Of course, but there is a good investment opportunity right now. If you are interested in Jason, you can make an appointment to have a chat about Chinese TV stations in the United States."

Yang Cheng stopped abruptly, looked at Zheng Jiaxuan with a blank face, and then turned to look at Minister Wu who was not surprised at all. He felt a little clear, and began to search for the Z national family surnamed Zheng in his mind. All of them have some background, but they are definitely not deep. As for the Xiangjiang Zheng family, there should be no such person in front of them, right? Is it illegitimate? No, it\'s impossible. It shouldn\'t be from Xiangjiang Zheng\'s family either. That\'s weird, saying that Zheng Jiaxuan\'s no background is better than believing that Chang\'e lives on the moon.

"Chinese TV station? I don\'t know it very well. After all, I have never set foot in the TV field." Yang Cheng tactfully expressed that he did not want to participate.

As a result, Minister Wu further persuaded, "Let’s talk about it. Overseas Chinese are a family and encounter difficulties. If you don’t help yourself, don’t you let foreigners read a joke?"

As a minister, saying this is actually out of bounds, and Yang Cheng muttered in his heart, "I knew there was no good feast for a long time."

Forget it, since it\'s here, let\'s just listen. After all, he is also curious about Zheng Jiaxuan, who seems to have drilled out of a rock, and what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd.

With the help of Minister Wu, the two asked for a small reception room, soaked in a cup of red robes, and sat opposite each other. His daughter Zheng Yuhan has Minister Wu to help take care of, so there is no need to worry about getting lost.

The two of them each tasted the tea, and it took a long while for Zheng Jiaxuan to speak, "Jason, to be honest, I didn\'t want to tell me so soon, but just through a brief communication with you, I found that you are a very character, and you do things simply and neatly. Young man, if this is the case, I won’t go around the corners. I hope you can help me with my acquisition of the Chinese TV station. Don’t worry, there will be good results afterwards."

Yang Cheng\'s hand was rotating back and forth on the warm teacup, her elbow resting on the armrest of the sofa, she also asked bluntly, "Do you represent yourself or?"

After talking halfway through, Zheng Jiaxuan can make up for the rest of the word, "Myself."

"Then I don\'t know what is your relationship with Minister Wu?" Yang Cheng frowned slightly, not satisfied with the answer.

"My friend, we have known each other for more than ten years. This time I was invited to the embassy to attend a dinner, and I was proud of Minister Wu." Zheng Jiaxuan said sincerely.

Yang Cheng has no way of judging whether what the other party said is true or false, but when it comes to this, there is no need to go deeper. After all, Zheng Jiaxuan killed him and asked Yang Cheng for help in his personal capacity, so he would deal with it in his personal capacity. It\'s just a matter of selling the minister, but he is more inclined to his own guess in his heart, this Zheng Jiaxuan definitely has an invisible secret.

"So, which TV station do you want to buy? What do you need me to help you?" Yang Cheng made up his mind and no longer hesitated.

"I don\'t know Jason, have you heard of Bon TV?"

Yang Cheng frowned, "bon? It\'s Blue Ocean, right? I\'ve heard that you want to buy Blue Ocean TV? I\'m afraid you have found the wrong person? With the complex background of Blue Ocean, Minister Wu is more suitable than me."

Zheng Jiaxuan waved his hand again and again, "No, no, you misunderstood, I want to imitate the bon model to build my own Chinese TV station, and my goal is the Chinese TV in Greater New York, where is Jason your site, so I took the liberty Come here."

Yang Cheng waved his hands repeatedly, but this big top hat could not be picked up, "Mr. Zheng, you value me too much."

Zheng Jiaxuan interrupted, "If you don\'t mind, can you call me Big Brother?"

Yang Cheng hesitated, "Brother Zheng, Chinese TV has a history of more than 20 years now. Although it is a wholly-owned private TV station, its founder family has been committed to providing voice channels for the Chinese living in New York and has a broad mass base. Before the TV station has suffered a business loss or corrupted the reputation of the Chinese, if you force a purchase, it will have unexpected counterproductive effects."

After a pause, drank a sip of tea, facing the black pupils hidden under the golden glasses, solemnly warned, "So I still suggest you change your target!"

"Don\'t you listen to my offer first?" Zheng Jiaxuan asked confidently.

However, he did not give Yang Cheng time to say no, and immediately offered his offer, "I know your people are moving around in Europe, trying to find enough scattered shares of Sky TV. It happens that I have roughly the total About 4% of the share capital is only part of the listing on the German market."

Sky TV has issued shares in several countries, but it doesn’t matter. As long as 4% of the total share capital is enough for Yang Cheng, Yang Cheng is satisfied, but he still feels cold. What is the origin of this person? What is his activities in Europe? , There are definitely not many people who know, at least it is impossible to know if someone deliberately investigates it. It seems that he has been targeted long ago.

Yang Cheng, who realized this, did not panic. He didn\'t break the law or did anything harmful to the motherland. What\'s terrible, but being stared at by mysterious people makes him very upset. He just wants to do business in peace and stability. Making money and enjoying life, ZZ is too annoying, he doesn\'t want to mix it up at all, but sometimes it is like this, the more you avoid things, the faster you will come to your door.

Of course, the 4% of Sky TV’s shares were not given to him for nothing. They need to spend real money to buy it. But this is enough for Yang Chengle for a while. After all, it’s hard to get even 1% of the shares now. Typical The market is priceless, and this 4% is enough to relieve him of his urgent need, and all he has to pay is to introduce a business to the other party, whether it can be negotiated with him.

It seems that this business is worth doing, Yang Cheng comforted herself in her heart.

"Yes, but I declare in advance that I can only help you introduce it. I don\'t care how you negotiate. Success or failure has nothing to do with me." Yang Cheng surfaced his position very seriously. Sometimes this shame must be said. In the first place, as to whether the other party feels at a loss, that is not an issue that Yang Cheng needs to consider. Regardless of his job of matching and bridging is very simple, but if you can\'t find the right way, you can\'t make a relationship, it will become an obstacle to your acquisition. Yang Cheng didn\'t feel that the work he had done was sorry for Zheng Jiaxuan\'s offer.

Zheng Jiaxuan\'s expression was slightly happy and promised, "Of course. Although I have just arrived, I know the rules, please rest assured."

Yang Cheng immediately got up, "Well, I will be in New York during this time. You can come to me at any time, and remember to bring the contract for the transfer of Sky TV shares."

What it means is that there is no contract, and you don’t need to use it.

After speaking, he left the reception room. Just in time he met Minister Wu leading Zheng Yuhan back. Yang Cheng stood still and said without a word, "Envoy Wu, you owe the favor this time."

In the embarrassing and inexplicable expressions of the two ladies, the young and the young, they shook their steps back to the banquet hall and greeted the ambassador to leave. As Yang Cheng expected, the ambassador did not make a reservation, as if Yang Cheng was called today. Just because of Zheng Jiaxuan\'s affairs, this felt a little uncomfortable for Yang Cheng.

On the night of leaving the embassy, ​​Yang Cheng picked up Georgina and flew back to New York on the Jason together. What also puzzled Yang Cheng was that Georgina had been following herself for the past few days, and she hadn’t seen any mysterious big figures with her. The intention mentioned before was completely inconsistent, but Yang Cheng did not go into it deeply, but cast a shadow in her heart. This trip to DC left too many questions to be answered, and it also brought a lot of good news to Yang Cheng. .

For example, the cooperation with Richard Debin the money-making opportunity "blackmailed" from Ivan and the newspaper "The New York Observer", and finally at a very small price in exchange for valuable shares and The favor of the Minister in the United States, in general, Yang Cheng has drawn a perfect end to his 2014, and he has a lot of expectations for the upcoming 2015. After all, in his plan, next year will be him. When the industry under his name fully exploded, it is not good to wait for 2016, he will squeeze into the top 20 of the global rich list.

Of course, the ranking on the list is not what Yang Cheng values ​​most. Relatively speaking, how much hidden power he can bring to himself after the establishment of his media empire is the more important thing. The capital has expanded to a certain extent. In the eyes of people who are truly at the peak of power, they are just fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered. Before you have enough self-protection ability, it is better to keep a low profile as much as possible.

His actions like buying a bank and liaison with Chad Debin are all acts of constructing a moat for his own city. When the moat is wide and deep enough, you don’t have to worry about the enemy’s attacks from time to time. You can even rely on the moat. With an effective counterattack, in a world of deep waters, Yang Cheng couldn\'t help but relax. This is reality.

When the Jason flew to New York, the countdown to the New Year’s Eve in Times Square was over. This made the plan to go to the New Year’s Eve site for a hot dog and man and woman to be disappointed. Georgina was rarely upset with a little emotion. He kept complaining about Yang Cheng on the way to the hotel.

In this regard, Yang Cheng really couldn\'t refute anything except to shut up. When a woman is a little temperament, it is better to coax honestly, don\'t make noise, anyway, it is the man who loses.

No, when Yang Cheng threw this woman to the hotel’s hotel, all the complaints turned into smoke, and some were just endless. . .