Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 358: God's sinkhole

After having a full lunch at noon, Yang Cheng said that she didn’t want to move, she just wanted to "sleep". It was just that the two "pillows" went out shopping very shamelessly. Thinking about it, she was also drunk, and there was heavy snow drifting outside. The two women wore fashionable winter clothes that couldn\'t keep warm at all. They killed off in spite of the severe cold. They called them to exercise to consume the calories brought by the greasy lunch at noon.

Isn\'t *exercise a sport? Can it also burn calories? It is really incomprehensible. It is not only interesting for the three people to exercise together, but also helps to generate a sense of competition. In his opinion, this is an excuse for the two girls to be afraid of being attacked.

Anyway, Yang Cheng was slumped on the sofa in a very impersonal way. Feather-like white snowflakes were flying out of the French windows behind him. Justin Timberlake’s Christmas concert was replayed on the TV, and Yang Cheng was lost in thoughts of making money.

After all, the impact of the change in the Swiss franc\'s exchange rate is not only reflected in the financial market, but the joint response is very powerful. This is an opportunity to make money.

First and foremost is the tourism industry:

Switzerland is one of the most expensive ski resorts in Europe. It is the peak winter sports season. This move by the Swiss National Bank will inevitably lead to a soaring cost of vacationing in Switzerland.

Moreover, the Davos Forum, where global companies and political elites gather, will also be held in the small town of Davos in January. Global financial media attending the World Economic Forum will find hotels priced in US dollars, Euros or Japanese yen. And entertainment costs have risen sharply.

Of course, both politicians and businessmen and media reporters can certainly afford it, but other ordinary tourists at their own expense are likely to cancel or reduce their travel plans to Switzerland, and foreign companies may shrink their assets in Switzerland and reduce their scale. However, even in Switzerland Before the central bank regulated the Swiss franc, Switzerland\'s Zurich, Geneva, Basel, and Bern were among the top ten cities with the highest cost of living and working for expats in the world.

For Yang Cheng, this is a good opportunity to buy the bottom. Podir Bank is a private bank, and its main customers are foreign funds besides locals. The sudden increase in the exchange rate of the Swiss franc against the euro is bound to cause storage. For the flight of funds, Podir Bank, which lacks new deposit-taking channels, may be difficult to escape this wave of disaster.

Followed by manufacturing:

Switzerland’s signature export industry targets the top luxury consumers in the global market. From watches to chocolate and cheese, these products will become more expensive. On the contrary, imports from other parts of the European Union will become cheaper.

The resulting plunge in the Swiss SMI index is completely predictable. The stock prices of Swiss watch manufacturers and related parts factories, luxury brands, and manufacturing brands are also inevitable. This is the key to Yang Cheng\'s use. Point, earn your money first, and then use your money to buy at the bottom. Don\'t play this routine too lightly.

Thinking of this, I couldn\'t restrain the excitement in my heart, picked up the phone and called Ryze Khan who was sitting in New York.

"Boss, this is Ryze." The call was quickly connected.

"Ryze, listen carefully, now immediately set up a fund for me to spread the news on Wall Street. The threshold is 100 million U.S. dollars. We collect 70% of the net profit. The period is one month. From now on, we will expand our four-dimensional space. In addition, all the funds that New Times Media can mobilize are put into the fund, short against the exchange rate of the euro, the yen, and the US dollar against the Swiss franc, and apply for 50 times leverage from Citigroup and MG Chase. We are going to make a lot of Ritz. "

Ryze Khan, who was far away in the 4D Space Office in New York, listened to the arrangement of his own boss with a **** look on his face, and stammered, "Boss, have you received any news?"

Yang Cheng laughed, "Does this still use news? Analysis and analysis will know..."

In one breath, he told Ryze Khan about his analysis and the news he saw in his previous life. As a result, his always calm CEO couldn’t help but said excitedly, “Boss, if you’re right, then This time God can\'t stop 4D space from becoming famous on Wall Street."

"You are right, Ryze, we must speed up the layout. I expect the Swiss National Bank to release this blockbuster soon. Then let the group of people with no vision follow us and eat the dirt." Yang Cheng stood up, pacing excitedly in the living room of the suite.

"Good boss, I will arrange this, but should we contact a few helpers? Our funds are easy to be targeted by the Swiss National Bank. As far as I know, the Swiss National Bank holds at least 500 billion foreign exchange reserves. Can crush us into slag." Ryze calmed down quickly, suggesting with worry.

Yang Cheng considered it for a while. Such a big piece of cake would definitely not be enough for himself. It is better to bring in a few more helpers to accept a bunch of favors and reduce the risk of being swallowed by the Swiss National Bank.

"You are very comprehensive, so I will say hello to Mr. Buffett and see if he has any intentions."

Ryze replied, "I know the boss, then I will arrange it first."

"Well, leave it to you."

Hanging up Ryze\'s call, he hesitated for a moment, organized a language in his mind, and dialed a call directly to the old Gushen\'s personal mobile phone.

"Good afternoon, Jason." Buffett\'s unhurried voice sounded.

Yang Cheng sat on the sofa holding his mobile phone, smiling, "Good afternoon Warren, if you are not busy, I want to discuss something with you."

"Of course, I\'m having afternoon tea, just say anything."

Retell what he said to Ryze Khan to Warren Buffett, "So, Warren, would you like to join us?"

"Jason, you know I never fry foreign exchange." Compared with Yang Cheng and the others, Buffett seemed calmer when faced with the opportunity to make money.

Yang Cheng rolled his eyes. If this old guy is in front of him, he will definitely pluck out the few white hairs left on his head. "Comeon, Warren, use these words to fool those believers who see you as an investment god. That’s it, you want to fool me? Would you like me to give you a few examples of Berkshire’s making waves in the speculative market?"

The old stock **** has a thick-skinned face, and he refuses to admit it, "You know Jason, that was done by his investment manager, and it has nothing to do with me."

Yang Cheng took a few deep breaths and told herself not to be angry or not. He has experience dealing with old urchins. There are two old men in his family who live well.

Others don’t know the routines of the old stock gods, he still doesn’t know. If Yang Cheng is asked to select the top ten psychologists in the world, he will definitely rank the old stock gods first. This old guy sees through the hearts of the people. , You can listen to what he says but you can’t believe it, let alone do what he says, otherwise you will sooner or later become a member of the jumping army.

As we all know, the old stock **** said the most pretending sentence: "Fear when others are greedy, and greedy when others are afraid."

Wow, at first glance, this sentence is simply the ultimate in simplicity. A sentence that sounds particularly simple contains countless philosophies. However, Yang Cheng feels that this sentence is a Buffett to the world. A pit dug by investors, a sinkhole that cannot be seen!

First of all, stockholders are not Buffett. Although this sentence is nonsense, it is particularly important. It is not a stockholder of Buffett. If you follow Buffett\'s ideas, I am afraid that you will usually only get two results, and you can\'t do it.

This is why Buffett\'s various investment ideas have been analyzed badly, but so far there is only one reason for Buffett.

"Be greedy when others are fearful." When thinking about Buffett\'s famous saying, we need to figure out several definitions: First, who are the others? Second, what is the manifestation of fear?

This is like a theorem that everyone learned in junior high school: the sum of the two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side. First, you have to find the triangle, even if it’s a zongzi, before you can verify and execute this theorem, right?

When investors followed this line of thought to learn Buffett, they finally discovered a core problem. The "other people" that Buffett originally said was usually the sum of this group of ignorant investors!

Think about when Buffett sold two barrels of oil in Country was that "other"? Ordinary investors! Therefore, when ordinary investors treat other people as "others", they have become the "others" in Buffett\'s eyes, and investors have also achieved Buffett\'s success again and again. This seems a bit confusing, but Think about it, is it true?

When a person admits to the huge difference with "others" in his heart, his mentality will be adjusted to be more peaceful. When he understands that he can only be the "other" and not Buffett, his thinking will be a little clearer instead. This may be the beginning of ordinary investors can make money!

Then there was "fear". Common stockholders watched the stocks that are falling day by day. Even the old man who swept the door knew that he was in "fear". But who knows where the bottom of the stock market is? Shouldn\'t it be greedy now? When encountering such problems, investors can’t ask Buffett. It’s not ordinary people who can ask questions. Even the lions on the savannah in Kenya know that it costs tens of millions to have lunch with Buffett. The unit is also US dollars.

Those who followed Buffett’s thinking these years are almost dead, but where did the warehouse they exploded? At least 30% of them have entered the hands of Berkshire-based investment companies. Visually, the pit of old Buffett is about to be filled. It is time to come out and install the next 13!

Don’t talk anymore, Yang Cheng changed his hand and held the phone, using a very unpromising aggressive technique, and said, "Warren, I can tell you about such a good opportunity. I will take care of whether you are willing to accept this favor. No, anyway, New Era Media absolutely does not welcome partners who have lost their spirit to join. I look forward to seeing Berkshire in the Swiss franc exchange market."