Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 357: News from Jerry

(Thanks for the rewards of "Zhou Na FLY" and everyone\'s monthly pass. I am grateful, if I didn\'t say anything, continue to add more! It\'s worth it to die! ~\\(≧▽≦)/~)

"Jason, I knew you would refuse."

Yang Cheng dismissed Jerry\'s inexplicable self-confidence, "Then you should be conscious, no matter what you say, I won\'t agree to it. After all, the "New York Observer" newspaper is my current asset."

Jerry chuckled, "Jason, then you should also be aware that the so-called handle in your hand does not pose a substantive threat to me. I will divorce Ivan in the big deal. The Chuan~Pu family affairs have nothing to do with me."

"Really? Then you should hurry up and go through the procedures with Ivan. Thank you for your contribution to the sales of my newspaper." Yang Cheng is a typical oil and salt who doesn\'t buy in. He doesn\'t care what the other party says. The Observer reported this article, biting and not letting go.

"Comeonjason, this is a negotiation, not a child\'s grudge." Jerry was also helpless, so he had to say in a weak tone.

Yang Cheng laughed, "Jerry, you don\'t know me at all. Or you can give me a reason to give up the "New York Observer" now, or stop wasting time. I don\'t want to get the benefits at my fingertips. I will let go."

Jerry said frustratedly, "OK, you won. "The New York Observer" is equally important to me. It is not for sale in the absolute sense, but for the sake of our friendship, I am willing to provide you with a message for free."

Yang Orange gestured calmly, "I\'m listening."

"The Swiss National Bank is trying to make a fuss about the exchange rate between the Swiss franc and the euro. You know what that means."

Yang Cheng\'s heart moved. He had seen the news in his previous life, but the impression was not deep. After all, it had little relationship with Country Z. If he hadn\'t reminded him, he might have forgotten to miss it.

Seeing what Georgina and Ivan were talking about arm in arm over there, the corners of her mouth curled up, and she immediately thought, "That\'s it? You really let me down Jerry, I will do the news you think you can get. can not receive?"

Jerry cried out, "Impossible, this news is me... In short, you can\'t know."

Yang Cheng narrowed his eyes. He felt that Jerry almost missed some important information, but he immediately realized that he shut up, and would not say anything if he wanted to ask the other party.

"Why not? The reason for the Swiss National Bank\'s increase in the exchange rate against the euro is simple. Think tanks on Wall Street can guess a little bit after a little analysis. Do you think there is only one smart person in the world?" Jerry was silent and said with a chuckle.

"You are also in investment business, and you naturally understand that the high degree of uncertainty in the financial market and the massive release of liquidity by central banks after the financial crisis have led to high gold prices. Switzerland, as a country with sufficient gold reserves and a permanent neutrality, will inevitably be subject to global "haven" "The favor of funds, especially hot money from Russia and the United States, has caused a sharp appreciation of the Swiss franc.

In addition, Switzerland is a country that is highly dependent on exports. The sharp appreciation of the Swiss franc has had a significant impact on foreign trade. Switzerland’s largest trading partner is the European Union. As early as 2011, when the global financial crisis just eased, Switzerland In order to reduce the impact of the appreciation of the Swiss franc on domestic trade, the central bank decided to intervene in the foreign exchange market. This kind of intelligence can be analyzed by graduates with a little financial knowledge. Jerry, I have to say, you Has constituted a motive for fraud. "

Yang Cheng didn’t know what effect the last joke had on Jerry Kushler on the other end of the phone, but Georgina and Ivanco were right in front of him. The two women looked like twins and looked at Yang Cheng’s shock. The expression reached 99% similarity.

Shrugged to the second girl, the meaning was obvious, this is just a basic operation, don\'t be surprised.

Of course, the joke that undergraduates can analyze is purely to anger Jerry Kushler. If even students who have studied financial knowledge can do top-level finance and economist jobs, why do they need experts and think tanks? So? Not to mention ordinary undergraduates, they are Yang Cheng’s IQ. If there is no information advantage in the previous life, there is no way to analyze it. Interference in the exchange rate, which involves a country’s economy, is the central bank’s top secret, and there are only a handful of people who know it. Outsiders can\'t even think about it, let alone predict it in advance.

But in any case, Jerry did remind Yang Cheng that if the operation is done well, he can definitely grab a big piece of cake from the EU. As for whether the EU will be dissatisfied or not, it is not in Yang Cheng’s consideration. The US ZF’s Hegemonism has done a very good job in protecting his own wallet. As long as Yang Cheng gets the money back to the United States and put it in his own pocket, for the sake of huge taxes, no matter what the EU is upset, the US ZF will take it all. ,what? Not satisfied? Do you want to be increased import tariffs? The issue of tariffs is the usual weapon used by the United States to bully its little brothers, and it has been tried and tested.

Step back and say that even if the US ZF does not come forward, Yang Cheng will not care about the EU. Anyway, he does not have much investment in Europa. Although the investment in the UK is not small, the UK is not happy that the EU allocates his own Dividends are not a day or two. To a top rich man who can bring tens of billions of investment to his country, the EU’s dissatisfaction is nothing.

In short, Yang Cheng made up his mind to play a rogue. Jerry reminded him not to admit it. The big deal is to increase the purchase price of the "New York Observer" by 5 million US dollars. It can\'t be more. Just treat it as Jerry reminding himself not to Forget about the reward for making money, the information fee of 5 million US dollars is not low. Buying news at McKinsey is not as expensive as 5 million US dollars. Thinking about this, Yang Cheng’s guilt that was not much in his heart was wiped out in an instant, and only the money was left. The joy of making money fills my mind.

By the way, in order to thank Jerry for his "kindness", Yang Cheng decided to serve his daughter-in-law * for him, and instantly felt that he became stalwart. Is there a good person like him in this world? Giving money and helping each other to serve the old woman who is like a wolf and a tiger is a great person who moved the world.

"I will let New Times Media send someone to contact you. You only need to sign the transfer agreement and the purchase price will be called to you within 24 hours. You don\'t need to worry about the rest of the change procedures. Then Jerry, that’s the end of the call, looking forward to our next meeting."

After talking to himself, he hung up the phone and threw the phone back to Ivan. "It seems that you don\'t have a high position in Jerry\'s heart."

Ivan took the phone and didn\'t answer, and there was no change in a poker face.

"I heard you say on the phone that the Swiss National Bank regulates the exchange rate. What\'s the matter?" Georgina patted Ivan\'s hand to show her comfort, then turned her head and asked Yang Cheng, she noticed a business opportunity.

Yang Cheng glanced at Ivan, and when she saw her, she was quite curious and stared at herself from the corner of her eye, and said amusedly, "I can\'t tell you what the specific situation is. This is a trade secret, but I can play with you."

Georgina glared at Yang Cheng with a charming look, "How to play?"

Yang Cheng shrugged and didn\'t mind, nonsense, why would you just share money-making things with others? If Georgina is the only one, he would not mind giving PY more benefits, but there are still "outsiders" now, although the so-called "outsiders" are also his scheduled companions.

"For example, if I set up a fund, you put money in, the bottom line of subscription is 100 million U.S. dollars, and the fund draws 70% of the net profit afterwards."

Ivan took a cold breath and looked at Yang Cheng incredulously, "70%? Did you say a zero?"

"I dare to ask for this achievement to prove that I have the confidence to make money. In addition, this is still a friendly price. If it is someone else, I dare to ask for 85%. This is a project that can bring 100% benefits in one month." Yang Cheng said. It seems as it should be. Didn\'t feel greedy at all, more than 70%? When the old stock gods are the most ruthless, they have to pass 95%. Is this a problem?

In fact, if it weren\'t for the lack of 4D Space\'s own funds, he would not even be prepared to take others to play.

It’s not surprising that Ivan has doubts about Yang Cheng. Georgina trusts Yang Cheng. Besides, the 8% stake in New Times Media alone has brought Georgina several times the return on investment. After Orange had a close relationship, her fortune also so that her father was envious. Even if she did not inherit Bloomberg News, Georgina\'s current wealth was enough to rank among the rich women.

Therefore, after being surprised at the beginning, Georgina also became natural to say, "I only have more than 200 million in my hand. I leave it to you. You won\'t have any restrictions on me?"

Seeing Georgina\'s "fierce" look, Yang Cheng said, "Of course there is no limit. Don\'t worry, I have confidence. Don\'t you want to expand the racecourse? Give me one month and the funds for the expansion will be enough. Can earn it."

Georgina put on an expression that counts you, "Of course I have confidence in you, otherwise I will give you all the funds?"

Ivan said that this wave of dog food couldn’t be eaten. Thinking of the hapless husband’s attitude towards her, he didn’t fight it out. He gritted his teeth and said, "I also voted for 200 million, but you must ensure that at least one month’s time Give it back to me."

"There is no guarantee that Ivan, the financial market is not owned by my family, are you trying to move the company\'s funds?" Yang Cheng was a little surprised, or "kindly" persuaded. After all, although he has confidence, he can\'t It is 100% guaranteed that the power of the butterfly effect should not be underestimated as the river crab god.

Ivan was bitter, but her dry smile didn\'t affect her charm, "Forget it, when I didn\'t say anything, I would transfer the funds to the 4D space account when I returned to New York."

As Yang Cheng guessed, only tens of millions of Ivan’s 200 million are her own funds, and the rest she intends to embezzle the group’s project funds, it is estimated that Jerry stimulated her and plans to rely on Yang Cheng to make money for herself. A little money, no matter how bad, can be a guarantee for her life. As for whether her big-mouthed father will find out, Ivan is not worried at all. Now the daily affairs of the group are handled by her alone, except for the elderly on the board. She is the only one in the group.