Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 315: Edmond's anomaly

At 19:00, the dinner was held on time in the restaurant on the west side of the first floor of Kensington Palace. It was not so much a dinner, but rather a family gathering among friends. The William couple, Edmunds, Yang Cheng and Emma were full of resentment. , Harry vented angrily at the steak.

Just now, when Yang Cheng took Emma and his wife to greet Edmunds, Edmond suddenly talked about something that attracted Yang Cheng’s attention. The new round of Premier League live broadcast copyright is under intense negotiation, and of course the current negotiation The process is still in secret, and the outside world is unknown.

After reaching a preliminary intention, the chairman of the Premier League, Richard Skodamore, will call the owners and CEOs of the various Premier League clubs to meet. After all, the total contract value signed by the TV station and the Premier League will be allocated to the clubs. , Whether to distribute evenly or according to the number of live broadcasts still needs to be discussed in detail.

However, the current general view is that the money is evenly distributed. This money is not too much for the rich, but it is a life-saving straw for the small club. In order to maintain the competitiveness of the Premier League, the soft power of the small club must be strengthened, otherwise No one is willing to spend money on subscriptions in a one-sided league. It is unlikely that the live broadcast rights will sell at sky-high prices in the future.

Half of the contract currently being implemented has passed. The broadcast rights for the entire season from 2013/14 to 2015/16 are worth £3.018 billion, and the total value of the next three-year contract currently under negotiation is expected to hit another sky-high price, even if it is Sky TV is also hard to eat alone.

"Earl Edmond, do you mean you want to wait until the end of the new round of Premier League broadcast copyright contract negotiations before you trade with me?" After using the main dish, Yang Cheng wiped his mouth and took a sip of red wine and asked .

"No, on the contrary, I want to trade with you now, provided that the price you give is satisfactory to me." Edmond denied it, he didn\'t seem to mean to sit on the floor and raise the price.

Originally, according to Yang Cheng’s idea, Edmond would use the opportunity of this broadcast rights negotiation to increase the value of his shares. After all, everyone knows how important the Premier League live broadcast copyright is to Sky TV. Almost every time he wins a new one. Contract, Sky TV’s stock price will usher in a surge. Edmond has no reason to put higher profits without making money. Even if this transaction is matched by Prince William from it, it is useless. The prince’s face cannot be compared with the pound.

Yang Cheng was puzzled, but he wouldn’t rush to ask why. That’s not important. He heard an answer that was more in line with his own interests. That’s enough. “In that case, I offer 10 pounds per share. This price should be able to Show my sincerity?"

Sky TV is listed on the London Stock Exchange in the name of the British Sky Broadcasting Corporation. The current stock price is hovering at 8.5 pounds. The total market value of the company is about 14.5 billion pounds. That is to say, the value of Edmond’s shares is about 630 million pounds. Orange\'s purchase price of 10 pounds is really not low, the total purchase price is about 750 million pounds.

Edmond was unmoved, "The price is sincere, but not enough."

Yang Cheng frowned, this style of painting has become a bit quicker. Just now, he looked like Long Live Friendship doesn\'t care about the price, but now it\'s another set, extremely hypocritical!

Taking a sip of the red wine to suppress my dissatisfaction, he said solemnly, "Then what is the psychological price of Earl Edmond?"

Edmond smiled triumphantly. He is now a typical seller\'s market. As long as he let the wind go, some people are rushing to buy his shares, especially Murdoch, "11 pounds US stocks, but it depends on the Duke’s face. On, I only need 800 million yuan, no bargaining."

"Fuck you!" Yang Cheng scolded Edmond as shameless in his heart. 800 million pounds sounded not much different from 750 million pounds. However, once he agreed, the extra payment was not only as simple as 50 million pounds, because Yang Orange will not only buy Edmond’s shares. If other minority shareholders learn of the purchase price and all ask for a sale at a price of £11 per share, then Yang Orange will be more than budgeted if it wants to get the entire 38% share. It is hundreds of millions more, in pounds sterling, and even more when converted into US dollars.

Of course, William understands the twists and turns here, and his complexion is not very good-looking. In his opinion, this Edmond is asking for high prices under the guise of his name. If the transaction is successful, will the outside world think he William is helping My relatives cheated others? After the rumors are true, who would dare to ask William for help? How to make money without asking him for help? This is no less than cutting off his money.

Looking at Edmond unkindly, with a cold tone, and earnestly persuading, "Edmond, I think we still need to be cautious. 750 million pounds is a very good number, and I believe that Jason will trade in cash. With this cash, your family’s crisis will be resolved. This is a good thing that has the best of both worlds and should not be missed easily."

Yang Cheng said with a sullen face, he wanted to see how Edmond would answer. If he was not satisfied, it would fall apart. The shares of Sky TV were not only owned by his family. It would be a big deal to get from the secondary market. Sweeping, 4.4% is almost 74 million shares, is that a lot?

Who would have thought that Edmond was determined to treat Yang Cheng as a triumphant, ready to kill him, shook his head very firmly, "800 million pounds, no counter-offer, this is the last and only offer, if you don’t, I will sell it to News Corp."

William was completely angry. He was also a Duke anyhow, and did he still have a ritual king? Sneered, "Downing Street will not agree to News Corp.\'s increase in Sky Broadcasting."

Edmond shrugged nonchalantly, "Then sell it to Comcast. This is a media giant not inferior to News Corp. Downing Street will never even stop Comcast, right? They made no mistakes, and They are salivating for Sky TV. I think they don’t mind spending more money to buy an admission ticket."

Yang Cheng was taken aback, he suddenly realized that something was was the heir to the earl anyway. After inheriting the title, he must pledge allegiance to the queen, which means that the queen has the right to deprive them of the title. Yes, although it is almost impossible to do this with the Queen’s current power, because once the gate is opened, it will cause fierce resistance from the entire aristocratic class. A careless queen will lose the support of the nobles, and then her queen name will The title is left.

However, is it really good for Edmond to hard-top William the heir to the throne like this?

Lovely Demon just did this. Even in private, he openly contradicted the Duke. He was not an ordinary canonized Duke, but the Royal Duke. Obviously there was a reason, and this reason should come from Comcast.

Perhaps the Edmond family has encountered an unprecedented crisis, like being exposed to fire and water. At this time, he can\'t take care of the royal family\'s face. The straw for life is more important, and Comcast can provide this straw. If so If so, Edmond can explain the strangeness just now.

However, in order to confirm his guess, Yang Cheng cautiously said, "800 million pounds? If you insist on this price, I agree."

After listening to the thunder in the silent place, everyone\'s astonished eyes focused on Yang Cheng for a while. Everyone did not expect Yang Cheng to compromise so quickly, but Yang Cheng ignored other people\'s opinions and watched without delay. Edmond\'s reaction.

Suddenly, Yang Cheng\'s pupils shrank, and he noticed a hint of surprise in Edmond\'s eyes, followed by a panic. It was obvious that Yang Cheng\'s answer disrupted Edmond\'s plan and caught him somewhat by surprise.

"Sure enough," Yang Cheng said in his heart. He confirmed his guess, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and further persecuted, "What? Does Earl Edmond have other conditions?"

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