Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 314: Is it his own?

In a small living room on the second floor of Kensington Palace, the aroma of Earl Grey tea was wafting, and Yang Cheng still had a nostalgia for the Leonardo’s legacy.

William said silently, "Please, Jason, if I can be the master, I will sell it to you. The key is that most of the antiques and paintings in Kensington Palace do not belong to me. They belong to the Royal Asset Management Committee. Kill me. Don\'t dare to move, don\'t embarrass me."

Yang Cheng’s face was full of disbelief, “Don’t be kidding William, this is your home, and your property is your private property. Besides, your majestic Prince and His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge will not be the master of a painting. ?"

Kate smiled and watched the two talking, seeing her husband embarrassed, she had to help, "Jason, William really didn\'t tell lies. I remember that painting is one of Queen Elizabeth\'s favorites. Every time I visit Kensington When George, I always missed a moment before painting."

The little Prince George is the son of William and his wife and the third in line heir to the throne. A little guy who has enjoyed the world\'s favorite since he was born, even Yang Cheng is a bit jealous, and he can\'t help wondering if this kid hasn\'t done it in his previous life Others, just do good deeds.

Speaking of this, the queen was moved out, Yang Cheng could only do it temporarily, "Well, it seems that Leonardo da Vinci has no relationship with me. Let\'s talk about business, William, have you talked with Edmond? About his shares in Sky TV."

Seeing that Yang Cheng finally gave up the entanglement, William heaved a sigh of relief, "After a few brief talks, I invited him to visit Kensington Palace on the phone. At that time, I mentioned that you would also be there, so he guessed the trip. Purpose, the tone is hopeful, but he should want to sell for a good price. Recently, the Edmond family has a serious financial problem and urgently needs cash for blood."

Yang Cheng finally had some joy on her face, "That’s good, I hope he won’t open up his mouth, after taking down Edmond’s shares, the next step is other small shareholders. I don’t know any of these people, and I still need William. You help with the referral, of course I will pay a consultant fee for this, how about 1 million pounds?"

William laughed. He liked friends like Yang Cheng. While they could bring him rich rewards, he would also put himself in his position, set his name and legitimize the source of the money. No one could pick it out, listen. , Consultant fees, who would dare to criticize Prince William for accepting bribes? This is normal salary compensation!

Yang Cheng is not clear about William\'s thoughts. If he knows, he will laugh. Is this still a problem? To study and study the Oriental officialdom philosophy, all kinds of strange and appalling methods, can scare his jaw off and even doubt life.

"One million is too much." William was about to push and pull, and it seemed that he didn\'t love money so much, but Yang Cheng interrupted him directly, "The rest is to buy milk powder for George."

Yes, Yang Cheng is so simple and neat, William is too polite.

At this moment, there was a sudden vibration on the originally soft cashmere carpet, and the frequency was getting faster and faster. Before Yang Cheng and the others waited for their doubts, some people couldn\'t wait to solve the answer, "William, I heard Miss Watson is coming to you. Home is a guest?"

Needless to say, who can go in and out of Kensington Palace at will and yell at the prince\'s house, except for the Prince Harry who is incompatible with the royal family and is known as the kind of affection?

Yang Cheng is also drunk and heir to the throne anyway. It\'s fine to go to Africa to visit refugee camps and experience the suffering of the people in Africa. After all, it is for charity, but dare you to be a little more serious? When I see a pretty girl, I can’t bear to be chun-hearted. Do I really consider myself a Prince Charming?

Harry didn\'t know how Yang Cheng complained about him in his heart. After rushing into the living room, Harry didn\'t say hello to anyone. He stared straight at Emma without turning his attention away.

Yang Cheng couldn\'t bear to look directly at this guy\'s anxious look, turned his head to look at William, and looked like he was covering his face and didn\'t want to say more. Obviously, it was similar to Yang Cheng\'s thoughts, which was too shameful.

Emma was stared at by Harry and she leaned on Yang Cheng unconsciously.

"Miss Watson, how are you? We met at William\'s party before, do you remember?" Harry said to Emma affectionately without any vision.

"Damn it, Harry, you are too rude, why don\'t you say hello to the guest?" At any rate, it was his own brother. William couldn\'t bear to be harsh, but he reminded him with a stronger tone.

Harry waved his hand nonchalantly, "It\'s not an outsider, why are you polite with Jason?"

"Harry, it\'s been a long time since the two of us have seen each other, so are you treating me like this?" Yang Cheng pretended to be sad.

"Jason, let\'s not talk about this. What does Miss Watson have to do with you?" Harry put all his thoughts on Emma, ​​and was not in the mood to talk to Yang Cheng, especially when he found that Emma was holding Yang Cheng intimately. The jealousy of his arm, yin and yang asked strangely.

Yang Cheng wanted to laugh, pouring her mouth to hold back, and looking at each other with William. William told him that it was time with his eyes, nodded vaguely, and said to Harry in an indifferent tone, "The relationship as you see."

Harry couldn\'t believe it, clutching his conspicuous red hair, "Miss Watson, Jason is the famous Prince of Flowers, you won\'t be happy with him."

Three black lines hung on Yang Cheng’s forehead, and she kept slandering in her heart, "Damn, you dare to say I\'m bothered? Look at your sao~sao red hair, maybe your dad is really Huey. Special."

You can think about this in your heart. Otherwise, once you say it, you will have a death feud with the Windsor family. This is a shame to the royal family. Of course, you know all you need to know. After all, it is indisputable for the Princess to cuckold Prince Charles. In fact, her lover Hewitt personally confirmed that this Hewitt was not the one who played tennis, but the British Royal Army Major Hewitt, but compared to the Green Hat incident, Harry’s life experience is well documented. It becomes confusing and can basically be included in the ten unsolved mysteries of the new world.

In fact, the famous Green Hat incident, many years ago, has been exposed by the British unscrupulous media many times to the inside story of the love history between Princess Di and Hewitt, and it also set off when the old account of Princess Di and Hewitt\'s extramarital affairs was reopened. Speculation about whether Prince Harry\'s biological father is Charles or Hewitt.

The British Channel 5 TV station once aired a special episode of Hewitt\'s hypnosis. According to the "Mirror" report, Hewitt, under the hypnotism of professional hypnotist Rael, revealed a tortuous love history between him and Princess Di.

What is shocking is that what Hewitt said under hypnosis is totally inconsistent with what he said in the past that he did not have an extramarital affair with Princess Diwa until 1985. Prince Harry was born on September 15, 1984. Hugh It has repeatedly insisted in the past that it was after Harry was born that he had an affair with Princess Di.

However, Hewitt said after hypnosis, "In 1981 or 1982", Princess Di was at a friend\'s house and kissed him for the first time on the sofa. The two soon became hot and lingering*. Since that time Hewitt felt that he had "fallen in love" with Princess Di.

When the hypnotherapist Rael asked about the bitter love with Princess Di, Hewitt lost control of his emotions and cried bitterly. Hewitt told Rael that he used to talk about where the love affair with Princess Di began. At that time, she "always tried to protect" her beloved Princess Di, not wanting her family to be harmed.

As for Prince Harry, because he obviously does not look like Charles, he is completely different from his "pro" brother, and he is the only person in the family who has red hair, but hewitt’s pale red hair Similar, so that the conjecture about whether his biological father is Charles or Hewitt has been the focus of the media for many years. Nothing is more eye-catching than royal gossip. For the benefit of shameless media, would they still care about the royal family\'s face?

Hewitt said that with regard to Prince Harry\'s biological father, he did not want to "rekindle any embers". He said, "I don\'t want to talk about it anymore, I think it is unreasonable."

Hewitt, who was an army major at the time, said in detail that he had many wonderful moments with Princess Dai. The most enjoyable time for the two was when they were together in Devon.

Hewitt revealed to Rael that he and Di Fei had longed to "settle down" together; Di Fei also said that she recognized herself as a good wife to be a soldier. However, Hewitt said that was impossible. I think it will only be a dream"

Hewitt believes that their relationship will deteriorate later, all because Princess Di often feels "lonely" and "sorrowful."

Diana\'s affair with Hewitt even became the target of British agents\' tracking and investigation. Hewitt also revealed that some agents threatened him and stop being with Princess Diana.

As for why the royal family didn’t let Charles and Harry do DNA the reason is simpler, face! The royal family can\'t lose this face. Once they realize that Harry\'s blood is impure, it will lose not only the face of the Windsor family, but also the face of the entire United Kingdom.

However, Yang Cheng, who has a big brain, thinks of Prince Harry’s later wedding, and he was aggrieved living in a Nottingham villa with only two bedrooms and a living room. You can see the clues from it. Obviously, the royal family is not waiting to see him. Isn\'t it a disguised recognition? Was it his own life, Charles didn\'t know what to do?

Pulling away, looking back to the living room in Kensington Palace, Emma is a little tired of Harry\'s "nosy", she knows the other person likes herself, but what about it? She is the princess loved by others, so why bother to marry the prince?

He said in a cold tone, "Prince Harry, who I am with is my freedom. You seem to have no right to restrict."

Harry opened his mouth but couldn\'t speak. He collapsed on the sofa decadently and mumbled softly, "It\'s a pity, no good girl likes me."

The corners of Yang Cheng\'s mouth twitched, Harry\'s performance was not at all sad, more like a show, MMP, you are a majestic prince, standing up is the right way!

"Okay, don\'t play any tricks. Go and see how the dinner is prepared? Edmond should be here too." William said grimly, helping Harry to divert his attention. His brother is still competent.

Four people and eight eyes watched Harry disappear at the end of the corridor, and William let out a long sigh of relief, "This kid is so unbelievable, it makes you laugh."

Yang Cheng knew it. He knew that one of his tasks tonight had been completed. He squeezed Emma\'s little hand. Emma, ​​who didn\'t know why, gave Yang Cheng a fierce look and motioned not to make trouble. This was in someone else\'s house. .

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