Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 262: I owe you last life

"Boss, did you forget that there is Quora?" Ryze was scolded by a dog-blood sprinkler, and finally felt that he couldn\'t make the pot back, and stood up decisively, just like a pupil interrupting the teacher\'s lecture and raising his hand to report to the toilet.

Yang Cheng\'s roar stopped abruptly, like a rooster pinched by his neck, staring at Ryze without blinking, and then laughed embarrassingly, "Haha~ that~, sorry, I just opened one. A joke, um~ yes, just a joke."

Ryze slandered, "Your MMP\'s joke~" But there was still a humble smile on his face.

"What\'s the situation with that Quora now?" Yang Cheng sternly concealed his embarrassment.

"I talked to Charlie Chievo. He still hopes to keep some of the shares." Ryze Khan turned the subject off the subject sensibly, and replied sternly without mentioning the previous one.

Yang Cheng has already decided on this. "Promise him that Charlie is a technical talent in Toutiao, and after Quora is incorporated into Toutiao, apart from technology sharing, it can still operate independently and maintain financial freedom, but there must be supervision."

After understanding Yang Cheng’s thoughts, Ryze nodded and said, “Okay boss, then I’ll talk to Charlie on this condition, and I’ve already agreed with Eddie to let him leave Quora’s port in the Toutiao app. After completing the holding, you can seamlessly connect with Quora."

Yang Cheng smiled in satisfaction, but frowned and said, "Good job, but in this way, Toutiao will have no idle funds?"

"Yes, but the 500 million US dollars set aside in advance is enough to support the expansion in the next 3-4 months." Ryze\'s words gave Yang Cheng a little peace of mind, at least it will not affect the normal operation of Toutiao.

"Okay, let me figure out how to deal with money. You have worked hard during my absence. After Tesla\'s empty orders are closed, you will have to set aside some funds for year-end rewards. You and the specific distribution plan Eddie discussed it and executed it after showing it to me for confirmation."

In a blink of an eye, 2014 is about to pass. Looking back at the changes in the past six months, Yang Cheng is deeply moved. Of course, these wonderful memories should be kept in the free time and slowly realized. The most important thing now is to make money, and financing is not. Possibly, the two rounds of financing of 7 billion US dollars in half a year are sensational enough. The truth that Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it is a truth that every Chinese understands.

Fortunately, the acquisition of the Brooklyn Nets is not too anxious. After all, the NBA new season has begun, and the league may not allow equity exchanges during the season, which means that he has enough time to double the $800 million.

What project should I choose? The fastest to come to the money must be the financial market, but unfortunately, he did not work in the financial profession in his previous life. He knew nothing about market changes except for a few times that had a particularly large impact.

In fact, he doesn’t really have a penny. He still holds a lot of high-quality shares in his hands. For example, Amazon. Allen used to take care of him. Now it is also under the name of 4D Space. If urgently needed, these shares will be transferred. Selling can also cash out a lot of money.

However, no one knows better than him how far Amazon will expand in the future. With this, Bezos kicked the throne of the richest man who ruled for nearly 20 years and stabilized his net worth above 100 billion. Now the cash out compensation is big, so he is not ready to move these shares before the critical moment. He thinks pessimistically that once there is an unexpected future, holding Amazon\'s shares can guarantee his life in good condition for the rest of his life.

. . .

After 3 pm, Yang Cheng was still fighting among the piles of files. Ryze had already gone back to work on his work. In the spacious office stained red by the setting sun in the afternoon, only Yang Cheng was left with the pen tip on the white paper. Swiping up a little bit of sound, time passed by every minute and every second, Yang Cheng was completely immersed in the atmosphere of work, so that the phone rang for nearly a minute before he picked it up and answered, "Hello, here it is. Jason Yang."

"Oppa, are you busy?"

Yang Cheng glanced at the caller ID. It was sunny. He chuckled and leaned on the boss’ chair, with his feet raised on the table, talking on the phone in an extremely lazy posture, “It’s not busy. File, just heard the phone ring."

"Oh, I received your gift. I like it very much. Thank you oppa." Hearing Yang Cheng\'s words, knowing that he hadn\'t bothered Yang Cheng, Sunny\'s voice also became bright and light.

"It\'s fine if you like it. It seems that my vision is good." Yang Cheng said with a smile on his face.

"Well, it\'s really good, but oppa, I have to remind you that Xiaoxian and I arrived together." Sunny suddenly changed her tone of mischief, typically watching the excitement and not afraid of big things.

Who knows that Yang Cheng doesn\'t care at all. Instead, the expression on her face is very wonderful. A scene of one dragon and two phoenixes automatically appeared in her mind, and she joked playfully, "Oh, so you wanted to hide her from her at first?"

Sunny laughed angrily, "Ah, oppa, you are not afraid that Xiaoxian will misunderstand that the original thing was that we two deliberately tried to harm her?"

Yang Cheng curled her lips and smiled indifferently, "Hehe, don\'t be afraid, after so many things, I think Xu Xian has learned to know the current affairs and won\'t be too entangled in that matter, let alone you didn\'t take it seriously. ?"

Sunny was silent for a while, and sighed, "oppa, I made a mistake with you. If possible, I still hope you can treat Xiaoxian better. She is different from me. Xiaoxian is a good girl, very simple."

Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows and wondered, "Why are you different? You\'re not a good girl? What do you think your little head is always thinking about? Why? Want to cut off the relationship with me? Do you think I will agree?"

"That\'s not true. What I\'m talking about is not the same as the family I have already said that there are two sisters above. Even if I\'m single all my life, my family can\'t do anything about me. I will be your lover for life. What\'s wrong? But Xiaoxian is the only child in the family. Do you think their family will keep her from marrying forever? Once your affairs are exposed, how will you let her face her family?" Sunny asked seriously.

After a pause, he continued, "Also, with the gift we received today, I can feel the sadness and complexity in Xiaoxian\'s eyes when he discovered that I had the same gift. I don\'t know you two. How did you get along, but as a woman, there is no doubt that Xiaoxian has an affection for you, so I hope you can think about it carefully, if you can\'t give Xiaoxian the future, let it go as soon as possible."

Yang Cheng was very entangled with Sunny’s persuasion. This is not the first time Sunny has persuaded him to let Xu Xian go. In truth, he is more possessive towards Xu Xian, not to mention love, even The feelings are not deep, even Sunny has a higher weight in his heart than Xu Xian, but really just let it go? It seems very unwilling!

Instead of answering Sunny’s question head-on, she asked, "What about you?"

Sunny froze for a moment, "Me? I said, this will be the case in this life, it\'s not bad to be your lover, anyway, I am used to the single life."

Yang Cheng smiled again, "Don\'t you feel wronged?"

"Wrong! But who made me owe you in my last life?" Sunny replied decisively, but the tone was extremely soft, which made Yang Cheng\'s depressed mood instantly smooth, and laughed and said, "Okay, I promise you Will seriously consider Xu Xian\'s question, then, you must call more than just to talk about Xu Xian, right? What else? Let\'s talk!"