Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 260: 3 combos

Yang Cheng looked at Susu\'s pure and flawless black eyes playfully, and said amusedly, "Is that the requirement?"

How can Susu dare to look at each other, pouting her mouth and bowing her head, nodding insignificantly.

"Okay, I promise you." Yang Cheng didn\'t have this girl anymore, her face was too thin, and she would cry if she teased her.

Susu\'s face was overjoyed, "Really?"

Yang Cheng stood up lovingly, took a peck on her red lips, and messed up Susu\'s hair with her big hands, "It\'s true, I will take you everywhere in the future, don\'t worry."

"Hee hee~" Su Suxi smiled like a child, shaking his head and her big eyes flickering and flickering, so cute, but in the next second, she caught a glimpse of the time on the wall of Yang Orange, and she couldn\'t help but cover her mouth and let out a sweet cry , "Oh, bad."

"What\'s the matter?" I was immersed in the pink atmosphere, and suddenly surprised Yang Cheng with a voice.

"Before you came, a gentleman named Oli Allen called to make an appointment. He said there was an urgent matter. As you know, I made arrangements. Now it has been more than 10 minutes." Susu has always been responsible for his work. Now that this kind of omission appears, I naturally feel a little guilty in my heart.

Yang Cheng didn\'t care, anyway, she wanted to warn the other party. It would be too late, and comforted, "If something is serious, go and bring people up."

Seeing Susu\'s staggering back, he couldn\'t help but smiled, "Slow down, don\'t worry."

After a while, Susu, who had recovered her capable manner, led Oli Allen back to the office. After serving the coffee, she ignored Yang Cheng’s winking eyes, her face was flushed, and she made a mischievous face and left the office. , Go busy with work.

Yang Cheng did not get up to greet him, but his thoughtful eyes rolled on Oli Allen, who was completely different from Quora CEO Charlie Chievo. Although both were computer engineers, they had achieved good results in the field of search technology. But Charlie Chievo is a technical madman who has no social experience and is devoted to research and development;

And Ollie Allen looks more in line with the style of a businessman, tailored tailored suits, meticulously combed blonde hair, and exudes the atmosphere of a successful person, unlike Charlie Chievo\'s unshaven style.

The two were looking at each other, and after a moment of silence, Yang Cheng still stretched out his hand as the master and said, "Please sit down, can I call you Ollie?"

Ollie Allen elegantly gave a gentleman\'s ceremony, and a standard smile appeared on his face, "Of course, Mr. Yang."

In just one short contact, Yang Cheng labelled this person hypocritical. It really wasn\'t that he could marry such a arrogant and domineering wife without entering the house. He himself was not a good thing, but it was a pity that he was talented. .

There was an appraisal in my heart, on the surface it was still a kind attitude, erected his body, looked at the opposite side with piercing eyes, knowingly asked, "Oli, is there anything important to come to our company early in the morning?"

Olly Allen took a sip of coffee, squinted his eyes and felt the mellow fragrance in his mouth, said hello, and chuckled, "I think Mr. Yang should be more clear about my intentions?"

Yang Cheng himself likes to play dumb puzzles, it does not mean that he can accept others to play routines with him, "Hehe, in that case, we might as well explain things straight to the point. If you want to know what Mrs. Allen has done, you know what you did. Originally, this matter has nothing to do with me. , But we Chinese pay attention to filial piety first, Mrs. Allen does not follow the rules first, and then the wicked complain first. This makes my mother very annoyed. Then, as a son, I can’t stand idly by. If you want to come, you can understand?"

Ollie Allen smiled unchanged, raised his chin, and counterattacked, "Of course, I can understand it, but as a husband, I can\'t let my wife suffer. You can understand it too? Why don\'t you let me talk to Mr. Yang Sen directly? Want to be the same husband, he can feel more empathetic, right?"

Yang Cheng\'s pupils shrank, her eyes narrowed, her tone became cold, and she smirked, "Oli, you mean I am not qualified to talk to you?"

Ollie waved his hand and laughed exaggeratedly in Yang Cheng\'s eyes. It was arrogant, "No, no, but I have some objections to Jason\'s handling of the arbitrary termination of the contract. How do you say it? Doesn\'t it feel naive?"

This guy not only satirized Yang Cheng\'s young and ignorant, but also changed his name from Mr. Yang\'s honorific name to his first name, but he didn\'t get Yang Cheng\'s consent.

A stern look flashed on Yang Cheng\'s face, and she sneered without a smile, "Very well, I like your uprightness. I still have a job here, so I won\'t send you off."

Press the calling machine on the table, "Susu, come in and see off the guests."

Ollie Allen didn\'t get up, but frowned, "I think you didn\'t understand what I meant. Private affairs are private affairs. You should not make jokes about official affairs."

Yang Cheng did not lift his head, and wrote something on the blank post-it note, "Who made me the rich second generation? The rich second generation has capricious and naive capital. You can leave. I believe we will soon. See you again."

Susu pushed the door in, and noticed the strange atmosphere. She, who had already had enough understanding with Yang Cheng, also put her smile away and said, "Mr. Allen, please follow me, please don\'t interfere with boss work."

Oli Allen obviously hadn\'t expected the current situation, and a tangled color flashed across his face, but he still pretended to be a tough snorted, shook his face and left.

Yang Cheng looked up at Oli Allen\'s leaving back with disdain, and muttered, "A stern guy."

At this time, Yang Cheng\'s doubts arose, "Can such a person develop a search technology that Google values?"

Susu conscientiously stared at Oli Allen as he went up the elevator and went downstairs, and told the front desk on the first floor to watch him leave the company building before returning to report, "People are gone."

Yang Orange nodded and said, "Let Hansen come over."

Susu didn\'t ask much, stepping on high heels and twisting the waist of the water snake to bring Hansen over.

"Boss." Hansen couldn\'t help but reminded Yang Cheng when he came in.

Yang Cheng recovered, tearing off the post-it note with Oli Allen\'s name and handing it over, "Check this person. He has sold technology to Google and Twitter twice. You will focus on the inside story of these two transactions. , I suspect that this person is not a technical genius."

"Good boss, I will do it now." Hansen responded loudly.

"Also, the other name on the post-it note is his wife. Send someone to stare at her. It is best to dig out some black material, and send someone anonymously to the New York media newspaper." Yang Cheng is ready to make a noise. You don\'t want to use it. Is the media suing? I will make your reputation worse, so that even if you go to court, you will leave a bad impression on the jury.

This was not over yet, Yang Cheng picked up the phone and called Peterson, strongly ordering him to spread the rumors that Yuanshan Real Estate Agency had completely suspended its cooperation with Compass, and announced that he was ready to find a new partner.

Yang Cheng has been doing too much lately, and he is so battered that he doesn\'t bother to waste time on this mess. One shot is a three-shot combo. If you can kill with a stick, you never need to cut the meat with a blunt knife. I hate someone pretending to be 13 in front of him!