Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 256: New York in November

"The Brooklyn Nets part is very cheap. Even if you include the premium part, $800 to 900 million should be enough. Mikhail is anxious to cash out and should not be too entangled in the team\'s transaction amount. Instead, it is Buck. Lay Center is more troublesome, we have to prepare at least 1.2 to 1.5 billion US dollars."

Conrad settled accounts with Yang Orange by the fountain, which means that if they want to take all the shares of the Brooklyn Nets and the Barclays Center, both Yang Orange and Conrad must prepare at least US$2 to 2.4 billion. .

Yang Cheng nodded thoughtfully. He was calculating in his mind how much he could get from Tesla\'s stock. Adding 4D space\'s activity funds, it should be no problem to collect 1 billion yuan. The final purchase price depends on him. How much equity can be obtained.

"Uncle Conrad, how much money are you going to put out?" Yang Cheng blinked, twitching his lips.

"I declare in advance that I don\'t have time to participate in management, so I don\'t mind if you take a controlling stake." Conrad\'s focus will always be on Koch Industries, so it is reasonable to give up the controlling stake. Yang Cheng does not doubt it.

"Then send someone to talk first, and finally invest in the proportion of 51% and 49%." Yang Cheng gritted his teeth and said, squeezing out a little more money now to avoid trouble in the future. Once he has dirty interests with Conrad, he Can also take the lead.

"Yes, but you have to hurry up. After we take the Barclays Center, we have a reason to let Yuanshan join the Atlantic Yard plan." Conrad very simply agreed to the equity distribution plan.

At this time, the butler came to inform the two that the lunch was ready, and invited them to have a meal. On the way to the restaurant, Yang Cheng finally couldn\'t help but ask, "Uncle Conrad, help Yuanshan get such a big benefit. , What good are you or the Koch family? The pie in the sky will never happen."

Conrad Zhizhu was holding the expression, no longer squeezing toothpaste, and said his overall plan in one breath, "Of course, don’t forget what Koch Industries does, decorative building materials, road asphalt, underground pipeline laying, power supply, Natural gas transmission, as well as gas stations, these projects must be entrusted to Koch Industries. In fact, this is also an exploration. If this cooperation can be successfully completed, Koch Industries and Yuanshan Capital will jointly develop large-scale projects in North America and around the world. In the comprehensive living area, the two companies have joined forces to help each other and jointly resist foreign invasion."

When Yang Cheng was shocked by Conrad\'s ambitions, the alarm bell sounded in her heart, standing still and staring at Conrad with stern eyes, and sneered, "Are you still trying to annex the distant mountains?"

He is not talking nonsense. According to Conrad, this kind of service-to-home cooperation can be done by countless real estate developers across the United States. Why bother looking for Yuanshan Capital?

Of course, Yuanshan’s own advantages are obvious. For example, it has a large number of hard-working Chinese labor resources. While ensuring the quality of construction, the labor cost of developing real estate is the lowest in the United States, but the efficiency is the highest. Cooperation with Yuanshan has greater profit margins. This cannot be the only reason Conrad chose Yuanshan.

Only Yang Cheng\'s seemingly unreasonable worries are in line with the fact that Koch Industries will give out most of the benefits in the early stage! Because once the Yuanshan is annexed, Koch Industries will most likely form an ecological chain, opening up the upstream and downstream links from energy development to people’s livelihood applications, and has nothing to expect from the outside world. You can play and play in your own independent kingdom. There is no room for others to intervene. This is the biggest ambition of Koch Industries or the Koch family.

Conrad did not deny as much as expected, but frankly said, "I will not deny this idea, but the right of choice lies with Yuanshan. Cooperation is inherently risky. If Yuanshan Capital itself has problems, even the company will not be able to keep it. You deserve to fall to the end of being annexed, and vice versa. If Yuanshan Capital keeps on advancing from beginning to end, we can\'t say anything about annexation, right?"

Yang Cheng coldly hummed and turned his head away, and had to admit that Conrad\'s words were at the point. He had to be hard to hit the iron without a whip. Yuanshan himself killed himself, even if he was finally eaten. Make your own way, and not blame others.

But even so, Yang Cheng still felt aggrieved by his own weakness, so that he didn\'t even have the mood to eat, and he didn\'t even bother to stay in Palm Beach to have fun. After calling Xiaoli and David to say goodbye, I took an emergency flight back to New York, which saw the benefits of a private jet, so I just left.

After flying for more than three hours and returning to New York after nearly a month, Yang Cheng was still somewhat uncomfortable. The warm sunshine in California made Yang Cheng feel very low temperature.

The temperature in New York today is only about 6 degrees. The harsh sea breeze from the Atlantic directly pierced the clothes and penetrated into the body. Yang Cheng shuddered as soon as she got off the plane, and her teeth trembled even after she changed her autumn outfit.

Fortunately, I greeted my home with a satellite phone on the plane in advance. The family driver drove his Maybach Zeppelin and waited in the hangar. He got off the gangway and got directly into the carriage. He was wrapped in warm air and said happily. , "Comfortable."

"Go to the LV flagship store." Andrew was sent by Yang Cheng to perform a mission in South Korea. Now the driver is replaced by another bodyguard. Hansen still sits in the co-pilot for thousands of years, staring at the front and back. about.

. . . . . .

The LV flagship store in New York at 1 57th Street in Manhattan may be due to the gloomy weather. The lights inside and outside the flagship store are all turned on. Under the frosted matte glass, the designer specially uses the bright powder and turmeric that are common in Indian spices. The spice color makes the LV logo more lively.

Yang Cheng stood at the door for a while after getting off the bus. He still remembered the scene when he came here on the first day after he was reborn. There was no change in the store, and there would never be a crowded scene in LV. He watched a few people dressed. In the skirt, the lady with bare calves walked in and out of the shop arm in arm, couldn\'t help but shook her head with a smile, and said in her heart, "Women, you really want demeanor and not temperature."

He was terribly cold, and sighed for less than 1 minute. His hands and feet became cold in the wind, he took a breath, quickly raised his collar, and walked into the store with his long, strong legs.

When you enter the door, you will see the familiar double-storey entrance hall, decorated with caramel-colored plates and stones, bright rusty orange carpets and red flowers. Every guest who enters the store seems to have opened an incredible foreign land. Traveling, old-fashioned LV suitcases and brass chandeliers designed by Italian designers are displayed in the outer glass window, and the middle staircase leads directly to all floors in the store.

LV’s carefully trained shopping guides are equipped with iPads and iPhones, greet them one by one in the order of customers entering the store, and send cordial and warm greetings. They are not in a hurry to sell products to you. In fact, LV has never bothered to sell and can afford it. Naturally, you won’t ask for the price. It doesn’t matter if you can’t afford it. If you can’t afford it now, it doesn’t mean you can’t afford it in the future. The shopping guide will politely show you around the flagship store, which is to popularize the brand culture. When you have enough money in your pocket one day Naturally, LV will be regarded as the first choice for shopping.

The customized floor-standing large screen in the store displays the seasonal products to customers. When renovating the store that year, the designer tried to avoid using too many high-tech products, because it takes a year from the refurbishment design to the formal operation of the store, and the fast-changing high-tech products Will face elimination at any time, only LouisVuitton\'s classic products will never go out of style.

Therefore, every customer who enters the store will not be discouraged by the seemingly sci-fi technology products, but because of the designer\'s caring design, there is a feeling of visiting the cloakroom at home.

Yang Cheng did not rush upstairs, but walked around the store casually with a shopping guide. The first floor sells female leather goods, accessories, watches and high-end jewelry, and the first and second floors sell male leather goods and travel products. There is also a store. Personalized studio and brand new watch counters.

While walking, he lit a certain product and asked the shopping guide to record it in the iPad shopping cart. This is all he wants to buy. The bag and jewelry are for his women who have been in love with dew, and the watch is to fill him. The watch cabinet in Jason Manor, of course, LV watches are naturally inferior to those century-old Swiss brands, but they are distinguished by their novel styles and designs, which are in line with the appetite of young people. In other words, they are compelling. It looks good in the cabinet, and you don\'t usually wear it.

In the menswear area on the second floor and the women’s clothing area on the third floor, Yang Cheng spent more than half an hour shopping The eyelids didn\'t blink a few times, and they brushed off close to $1 million. Don\'t feel exaggerated. , The price is as high as 50,000 US dollars, others need to order to buy limited edition STEAMER handbags, he bought 7 in one breath, plus various wallets, card holders, jewelry and other accessories, 1 million Not much.

It may be that when the new little beauty shopping guide handed the bill to Yang Cheng for signing, his eyes were about to drip. From the first day of work, the manager had spread several legends about Fifth Avenue to her, and Yang Cheng was naturally on the list. Among them, it is the top name of the LV flagship store. There is no way. Who made Yang Cheng’s mother sit on the fourth floor, but when she saw this maddening way of shopping with her own eyes, she still felt like pang times. It was damp, wishing she herself was the owner of those limited edition bags.

On the contrary, after signing the bill, Yang Cheng asked the staff to make gift packages and send them to addresses in different countries. They still complained with an unhappy expression, "Donkey brand is indeed an entry-level luxury, far from Hermes. "I don\'t know if Liu Yun will pull his ears off when he hears this.

The fourth floor is the high-level VIP salon and customer service area. Walking up the stairs, LV\'s on-duty designer is helping a lady to cut the evening dress. He looked back at the footsteps, and saw that it was Yang Cheng. He greeted, just nodded and smiled, and then resumed his work.

When he was about to go to the office to find his mother, a worried male employee walked out of the corridor in high heels. Yang Cheng subconsciously stopped him and asked casually, "What\'s in such a hurry? Is my mom in the office?"

The male employee was taken aback and saw that it was Yang Cheng. He suppressed his anger and replied with a bitter smile, "Ms. Liu is getting angry, so let go. I have to copy the documents. If it\'s late, I\'ll get scolded again."