Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 255: Atlantic Yard Project

"Jason, in that case, just do as you said. We will join hands to take no more than 3% of the shares. I hope we can work together." Conrad joined the project and seemed to suddenly replace Abu\'s dominant position. No wonder, as the heir of the Koch family, Koch Industries has already penetrated many industrial fields such as crude oil extraction, refining, trading, pipeline transportation, road asphalt, etc., and is the world’s most important oil trader and the largest LPG in North America. The processing group, without his participation, the crude oil mined by Abu and the others, I don\'t know how long it would take to be converted into refined oil for sale.

Yang Cheng nodded, and toasted with a triumphant smile, "Remember to give me a discount at that time."

After the three chatted for a short time, Abu left to be with his family, while Yang Cheng stayed in Koch Manor and had lunch with Conrad.

The lunch is still being prepared. Conrad invited Yang Cheng to visit the garden. "Jason, I think our two families need to deepen the communication and contact with each other."

Yang Cheng glanced at Conrad in surprise. Of course he would not think that Conrad was talking about ordinary family relations, but the business cooperation between the two families. "The Koch family is like the party’s most steadfast sponsor. It is also the most traditional conservative, why suddenly want to unite our Chinese family?"

Conrad’s meaningful smile made Yang Cheng a little uneasy. "But our two families have something in common. The Koch family has always maintained a pure bloodline. Outsiders are not allowed to get involved. The Yang family has been in New York for so many years and has always insisted on neutrality. The posture has continued for many years, but the pressure has been increasing recently. Am I right?"

Yang Cheng frowned and said, "Obviously, this is not a secret." In recent months, Yang\'s dominance in Yuanshan Capital has been challenged by the board of directors. This is on Wall Street. It was not a secret long ago. Thanks to Yang Sen\'s toughness, he sent several executives and directors into the prison cell in succession, only to reluctantly suppress the unrest.

"So the Yang family needs help, and they need to use external forces to counter the opponents who are forcing Yuanshan Capital to go public." Conrad stopped in the shade and patted the trunk.

"Hehe, to be honest, the pressure on the Koch family itself is not small, right? After all, the cake of Koch Industries is much larger than Yuanshan Capital." Yang Cheng avoided talking, fiddling with his hairstyle in the breeze.

"But we have enough resistance to pressure, otherwise our investment in ZZ for so many years will not be in vain?" Conrad was dismissive of Yang Cheng\'s teasing, and said proudly.

"That\'s true, but you haven\'t answered me yet, why do you want to unite with the Yang family?" Yang Cheng put his hand back in his pocket and solemnly pointed out the core question.

"Because we are all aliens in this country." Conrad\'s eyes flashed, and he blurted out without hesitation.

Yang Cheng was stunned for a moment, and raised her eyebrows in confusion, "The Koch family has always admired white people."

"That\'s the old calendar. My grandfather formed such a narrow thinking because of certain things. Although my father and uncle inherited this idea, under the impact of the trend of the new era, the thinking slowly changed. In my generation, conservative is no longer synonymous with the Koch family.” Conrad explained patiently, letting Yang Cheng understand it, it seems that the steel beast of the Koch family is finally ready to set sail.

"So, how do you want to deepen cooperation? Cross-shareholding? Excuse me for a nasty thing, unless your father and your uncle are dead, they won\'t agree." Yang Cheng pursed his lips and shook his head with a smile, obviously The prospect of cross-holding is not promising.

Conrad agreed with a smile, "It is true, so I think we can start with cooperation in personal name."

"For example?" Yang Cheng said.

"For example, you and me, buy a sports club to play?" Conrad looked into the distance, don\'t say intently.

"Sports club? This~" Yang Cheng couldn\'t laugh or cry, a little bit like a cannon hitting mosquitoes, and there were so many bedding in front, just for a club? Moreover, it is only a personal acquisition, how can it help Yuanshan Capital?

The wonderful expression on Yang Cheng\'s face was naturally seen by Conrad. He laughed and patted Yang Cheng on the shoulder and walked forward. Yang Cheng followed closely and listened to Conrad with a smile, "jason, you Do you think I will lie to you with this kind of thing?"

Seeing Yang Cheng showing confusion again, Conrad shook his head and asked, "Brooklyn Nets, you know?"

Yang Orange nodded, "Of course, Mikhail\'s team, someone asked me to jointly acquire the Nets."

"So, what do you know about the Barclays Center?" Conrad asked again.

"Um, to be honest, I only know that the Barclays Center is currently the most luxurious multi-purpose venue in the NBA and even in the United States. It is said that it costs 1 billion US dollars." Yang Orange replied sly after thinking about it.

"Yes, but what you don\'t know is that around the Barclays Center, the New York City Hall has a package of overall planning ~ The internal project code is Atlantic Courtyard! A large-scale mixed living area covering an area of ​​600,000 square meters , Separated from Manhattan by a bridge, the goal is to build this area into New York’s second Central Park. This plan was first proposed by a country Z real estate company, but now it is suppressed by New York City ZF."

Yang Cheng became more excited as he listened, everything else is nonsense. New York’s 600,000 square meters of living real estate development is in Brooklyn, a populous area in New York. Besides, after so many years of efforts by New York City ZF, Brooklyn has long been It\'s not the old slum area, it has great economic vitality and great development potential.

Yang Cheng\'s reaction is not slow. Since Conrad has mentioned the project, coupled with the previously proposed cooperation tendency, he naturally intends to win this project for Yuanshan Capital. Don\'t forget that Yuanshan started as a real estate company. If it is won This super project that involves tens of billions of dollars in revenue and can become a symbol, Yuanshan’s influence in New York will rise sharply, and the entire living area involves many businesses and partners. If you seize the opportunity, it is entirely possible to transfer these Merchants have become long-term partners in distant places, greatly increasing the bargaining chips for confrontation.

But what good is this for the Koch family? Cooperation must be profitable, otherwise the Koch family will make wedding dresses for others for no reason?

However, no matter what the Koch family wants, Yuanshan must win this project, because in the end it must be Yuanshan Capital that will make the most profit. Yang Cheng still has this confidence. Thinking of this, his breathing can\'t help but rush.

Licking his face flattering, "Uncle Conrad, let\'s discuss how to take the Brooklyn Nets and the ownership of the Barclays Center?"

Conrad silently clicked on Yang Cheng, and he didn\'t know whether it was a boast or a derogatory smile, "Cunning little fox~"