Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 252: Conrad and Abramovich

A few hours later, in the guest room where Yang Cheng stayed last night, Yang Cheng, who was soaked with sweat, was lying on the big bed, breathing fresh air greedily, as if he had gone through a life-and-death crisis before and had escaped from death.

Yang Cheng exhaled, regaining the physical strength consumed by strenuous exercise, and turned his head to look at the fascinating curves around him, and said in admiration, "Lin Sai, your body has amazing magic power. It makes people unable to extricate themselves, my God, I\'m really reluctant to let you go."

Lindsay Ellison was like a cooked lobster, her delicate snow-white skin glowed with red clouds, her wet hair tips stuck to her skin, her eyelids were weakly opened, her blue pupils slowly recovered, and her mouth was drawn up laboriously. With a wry smile, "Stop, we said it last night."

After Yang Cheng ate and drank enough in the morning, she couldn\'t exert any energy, and didn\'t want to consume her energy on the cold fitness equipment, so she had to do some simple exercises, and he did not intend to pierce Lindsay\'s careful thoughts. The discussion between him and Xiao Lizi is temporarily hidden in his mind. How to deal with this woman has to wait for investigation before making a final conclusion, anyway, purely from the perspective of PY, Lindsay is perfect.

Watching the lazy charm of a woman after being satisfied, Yang Cheng’s sense of accomplishment is bursting in her heart. For men, the greatest sense of accomplishment comes from two aspects, one is the control brought by the position of power and money, and the other is bringing women to the peak of their souls. A truly successful man who can do both of his conquests is a winner in life.

"If you want me to say, you just divorced your marriage and concentrate on being my lover. You are indispensable for luxury houses, sports cars, and beautiful knives." Yang Cheng thought, turned around, stroking Lindsay\'s smooth and flat belly, temptation Tao.

Lindsay was stunned, then smiled coquettishly, and blinked playfully, "Don\'t try to get me down, I\'m not fooled, God tells us that people can\'t be too greedy, right?"

Yang Cheng sneered in her heart, moved her body, and stretched out the dragon\'s grasping hand to slowly move upwards, "This is not greed, but choice. Smart people know to choose the path that is best for them. I think you are a smart girl, yours. Hasn\'t God taught you that choice is often greater than effort?"

Seeing those moving pupils became dull, Yang Cheng grasped the soft and vigorously kneaded it, "And your husband who is a salesman can\'t give you a gorgeous life."

Lindsay screamed from the pain, patted Yang Cheng\'s messy big hands, chuckled and jumped off the big chuang, lit her feet, picked up the hair rope from the ground, and randomly bunched the blonde hair, ran to the bathroom, in the bathroom. At the door, poked his head out and smiled and responded, "My husband is really a good man, I can\'t let him down."

Yang Cheng slandered in his heart, "MMP, good people are really poor, and Pan Xia Quan tm is an honest person."

Listening to the sound of water from the bathroom, Yang Cheng jumped off the bed and rushed in following Lindsay\'s footprint.

Only heard a scream in the bathroom, Lindsay\'s half-pushing voice, "Oh my God, jason, I have to go back to Miami to train, can\'t you rest?"

"Hey, my brother hasn\'t eaten enough yet, you have to satisfy him before he can leave."

"Ah~ you are a bastard~ a livestock!"

"just got it?"


. . . . . .

At noon, the sun became more energetic after the rain, and the roasted earth was hot. Yang Cheng walked under the palm trees and complained, "Damn, I borrowed a car if I knew it. Is it really November? ?"

On the way to Koch Manor, he raised his head at the endless straight road with a pergola, and sighed again, "Hansen, you should insist on driving out."

Hansen is a tough guy. Yang Cheng can also dress coolly in tank tops and shorts, but Hansen and the two bodyguards must wear suits and uniforms. Although they are all custom-made high-end fabrics, they are breathable and thin, but they are close to the body. At a temperature of 30 degrees, I feel hot without wearing it.

He explained with aggrieved expression, "Boss, I have suggested it twice."

Yang Cheng looked back and glared, and said with a smile, "fuck, Hansen, you have a temper, so dare to talk back?"

"Haha~" The other two bodyguards laughed gleefully when seeing the boss deflated.

After walking for a full 10 minutes, I came to a unique manor. Through the gaps in the forest, a Sicilian-style Mediterranean villa stood quietly among the green trees. The welcoming Caribbean-style villa is completely different.

Here is the official Koch family manor. He tried his chin and asked Hansen to call the door. Yang Cheng was wearing sunglasses with his hands in his pockets, kicking the pebbles under his feet, guessing what Konrad Koch was going to tell him. topic.

He didn\'t give him much time to think. After the manor\'s guard notified the housekeeper, he opened the manor\'s gate and invited Yang Cheng to ride the environmentally friendly battery car and meander through the tree-lined path.

When I arrived at the main building of the villa, the housekeeper was waiting here. After greeting Yang Cheng, he led Yang Cheng through the atrium to the living room. Unexpectedly, not only was Conrad in the living room, but Abu was there.

"Uncle, good day, sorry to keep you waiting." Yang Cheng first greeted respectfully, and then sat on the single sofa near the bookshelf.

This living room is actually a sun room. The custom-made glass attenuates the heat of the sun, and the light becomes soft and the light is poured in. On the blue velvet carpet, there are a few simple sofas, and the tall bookcases on both sides directly to the ceiling add A hint of scrolling breath.

"It\'s not too late, Roman is just here. Tell the housekeeper what to drink." They are all acquaintances, and Conrad did not stand up politely to welcome him, smoking a cigar comfortably.

"It\'s too hot, just have an ice drink." Yang Cheng took the magazine and fanned it, baring his teeth.

"Give him a glass of Long Island Iced Tea and order more ice cubes." Conrad told the butler with a smile.

"Okay sir, please wait a moment." The butler left the meeting room in response, leaving space for three people.

"Roman, when did you come to Palm Beach?" Yang Cheng shook the magazine vigorously and asked with his head tilted to Roman in a casual dress.

"I\'ve been here for less than a week, and now London is too cold and wet, I can only hide here to avoid the cold." Abu also replied casually with a cigar in between.

"Comeon, you are from Russia, isn\'t it colder than London?" Yang Cheng asked with a look of astonishment.

"Haha, Jason is right, Roman, you just have a good life for a long time." Conrad joked.

Abu stretched out his hands helplessly, "Perhaps, but I have the ability to spend the winter in a warm place. Why do I have to endure in a cold place?"

Yang Cheng smiled in cooperation, leaned forward from the exquisitely crafted thermostat cigar box, picked one out, put it in front of his nose and sniffed the smell, nodded in satisfaction, "Montanier Torpedo II, I like it. The fragrance of this one."