Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 251: Your circle is really messy

The blood of Yang Cheng\'s whole body is concentrated in the lower body, and the blood supply to the brain is severely insufficient. There is no time to guess whether Lindsay Ellison is unspeakable, but unilaterally thinks this woman may be playing tricks with him, to be precise, she wants to play routines with him .

If he changes time and place, he may play with this woman, but he is now on the string. If he is not allowed to launch, his body will be corroded by the reaction force and hurt.

Not only that, when playing games before, Lindsay Allison\'s performance was like a fierce horse, arrogant and unconstrained, and it seemed that he needed the bravest knight in the world to conquer. However, now Lindsay Allison suddenly changed his style and played. With tenderness, Yang Cheng, who has experienced many battles, couldn\'t figure out the doorway, as if he was in the two heavens of ice and fire.

Lindsay’s big darlings fluctuated violently because of the force they had just fallen, and the jade rabbit trembled. Yang Cheng didn’t dare to look down. For fear that he couldn’t help it, he could only focus his eyes on the eyes that were less than 10 cm away from him. Come on, as long as it is not excessive, I will promise you."

"My Victoria\'s Secret contract expires at the end of this year. I learned from the top that Victoria\'s Secret may not renew my contract because they don\'t want to pay a higher annual salary and would rather train new people." Lindsay Allison did not Dare to delay, staring at Yang Chengxu and said.

Yang Cheng raised his eyebrows, stood up, looked down at Lindsay\'s curvaceous body, and tentatively said, "Do you want me to help you win the contract extension of Victoria\'s Secret?"

Lindsay also sat upright, with her Barbie doll face facing his little brother, she raised her head and looked up from the bottom up. Her azure blue eyes looked like stares from the Mediterranean, which made it hard for her to extricate herself, "Yes, otherwise I Nor would he come out to attend this party just three months after being married."

Yang Cheng didn\'t agree too quickly, but sneered and teased, "Your husband is really big-hearted, and he dares to marry a supermodel as his wife, so he dare to let you out to the party?"

Without the imaginary anger and anger, Lindsay just smiled bitterly and followed the blonde, "He is a good person, and he didn\'t know that I was coming to the party, just thinking that we were in closed training."

Nodding clearly, Yang Cheng reached out and raised Lindsay\'s round chin, "I still have one more question, why don\'t you go directly to the executives of Victoria\'s Secret?"

Lindsay did not resist, letting Yang Cheng play with her pretty face, "It was not easy for me to go all the way. I have made unimaginable efforts to get on the runway. If I have good luck, I will be appreciated by the nobles and have achieved good results. Achievements, but no one understands the darkness and sordidness of this circle better than I, especially the group of directors of Victoria’s Secret, who are completely old bustards dressed in glamorous coats. If I look for them, I won’t want to run away in my life, I just I want to be as clean as possible."

Yang Cheng will naturally not give sympathy for a few words that provoke people to tears. Never trust a beautiful woman\'s words, and ask rather coldly, "You don\'t think that you will only accompany me once, it can be worthy of a piece of Victoria\'s Secret. Contract?"

Lindsay knew very well how determined and ruthless this group of big men with huge social resources was, and did not expect to succeed with a few words of her own. Wearing a slender jade hand that doesn\'t know how many carats of shining diamond ring, she dragged Yang Cheng\'s beach. Pulling the trousers down gently, raising his head and glancing at Yang Cheng charmingly, he touched the little brother Yang Cheng, and said charmingly, "I will be there on call for the next year."

Yang Cheng stretched out her tongue and licked her dry lips, took a step forward, and said with a smirk, "Then I have to inspect the goods, come~ take a bath for him first."

The drama was slightly rejected at the beginning, and the tenderness had been secreted.

The low 鬟 cicada shadow moved, returning to the jade dust.

Turn around and flow flowers and snow, get on the bed and hug Qi Cong.

Chinese mandarin ducks cross-neck dance, emerald acacia cage.

The brows and daisies gathered in shame, and the lips were warmer.

Qi Qing Lan Rui Fu, skin and jade plump.

I can\'t move my wrists, and I bow down more lovingly.

A little bit of sweat, messy and green.

. . . . . .

In the early morning of the next day, when the thick fog of the night cleared and the shadows left the sky, the rising sun in Tampa Bay brought the first rays of sunshine. The beautiful and peaceful sunrise made people involuntarily grateful for God\'s blessing and thanks to the gift of nature.

In the early morning of last night, the entire Florida ushered in a sudden heavy rain, accompanied by squally winds, without warning, but the rain came and went quickly, and it stopped before dawn.

This heavy rain digs out thousands of potholes on the sandy beach and the calm sea, washes everything away, and takes on a new look. It is full of vitality like the arrival of spring. The air is more like it has been filtered countless times, fresh and intoxicating.

At 7 o\'clock, Yang Cheng got up from Gentle Township, changed into new clothes and walked out of the room quietly after washing, carefully locked the door, he didn’t want a drunkard to enter the wrong room on the wrong chuang’s dog blood. On his body, the woman inside brought him endless joy last night. The creator created Lindsay this kind of stunner, probably specifically to conquer men, thinking of those straight long legs sandwiched between the waist, Yang Orange was just a moment. The chicken is frozen, he hasn\'t enjoyed enough yet.

Going downstairs to the restaurant, Xiao Lizi sat at the top of the long table with a tired face, his eyes were sunken, his face turned blue, and the hands of slicing fried eggs looked abnormally weak, typical of the sequelae of overdose, Yang Cheng walked over to look for it amused. I sat down in a chair and joked to Xiao Li, "Good morning Leon, were you so big last night?"

Xiao Lizi looked over with empty eyes, slowly nodded, and threw down his fork and complained, "I was irritated by the two **** last night. It won\'t be troublesome without adding anything."

Yang Cheng raised his head and laughed. Fortunately, there was no one else in the restaurant. "It deserves it. See how comfortable I am. I have a good night with the best products and I am refreshed now."

Less than a second after he finished, he frowned, leaned over and whispered, "I almost forgot, I said Leon, why did you get everyone married?"

Xiao Lizi’s brain is still in the state of restarting standby. After waiting for a long time, he reacted and said disdainfully, “It’s okay Jason, you can play with it without worry. They signed the agreement before they came, and they are responsible for everything. Besides, wouldn’t it be more enjoyable to play with RQ?"

"Your uncle, in short, I will do less of this thing in the future. This Lindsay is not a nameless person. It is really difficult to end up with a moth. By the way, you are so familiar with Victoria\'s Secret. You can do anything about Lindsay’s contract. Is it?" Yang Cheng felt like a mirror in his heart. He knew very well that he was purely working as a biaozi torii.

Of course, Yang Cheng is such a person who cherishes feathers. He never denies his hypocrisy. He doesn\'t mind his reputation as a playboy. What\'s wrong with him? But if the media stabbed RQ out, his reputation would be unfavorable, especially if he is still planning to use the new era media to go public to make money. How can he have a good reputation before the people are willing to hand the money to you? Everything still has to be in line with money!

Leon stared at Yang Cheng dumbfounded, and asked with a sniff, "Are you serious?"

Yang Cheng shrugged and didn\'t hide, "I have reached a deal with her. Helping her to successfully renew the Victoria\'s Secret is a condition. Can you help me? If I\'m not sure, I will arrange it myself."

Little Lizi pondered for a while, then nodded in response, "This matter is difficult and difficult to say, not difficult and not difficult to say, but I advise you to think carefully, I feel that you have been pitted by that bitch."

Yang Cheng broke a piece of long stick from the bread box and smeared with butter in surprise, "How do you say? There is a hidden feeling?"

Little Lizi put down his knife and fork, took a sip of milk and said to Yang Cheng, "I also heard that the truthfulness of the information is not guaranteed. That Lindsay Ellison, I also caught her attention, but I have not waited to pay. During all actions, someone reminded me that this woman should not be touched. She followed a big man. You know that I ate with one face in the past few years. I can only stay away from the big man, so I put down my thoughts."

He took a sigh of relief and pushed the jam to Yang Cheng’s plate. Yang Cheng thanked him, and he continued, “After a while, I learned about Lindsay’s engagement, and the man is not a big entertainment guy. , But an ordinary sales executive with an annual salary of only 100,000 U.S. dollars. To be honest, my first reaction to the news at the time was anger. I thought I was fooled. I checked..."

Yang Cheng didn’t wait for the little plum to finish, she bit the bread covered with jam, and added, “Did Lindsay fall out with the big man, or that she fell in love with the poor boy and was taken by the big man? Knowing that she wanted to block her in a fit of anger, but because of Lindsay’s reputation and poor contract constraints, she could only take revenge without renewing the contract after the contract expires. As long as there is no Victoria’s Secret contract, Lin It is impossible for Sai to maintain its high popularity as before, so it is possible to knead it with that big man."

Little Plum gave a thumbs up, "All in!"

Yang Cheng recalled the pitiful appearance of Lindsay last night in *chuchu, UU reading www. uukanshu. com gave a cold snort, but fortunately he was not fooled, "This **** is a good calculation."

"Do you know who that big man is?" Yang Cheng naturally couldn\'t get any good feelings for those who dared to calculate himself, let alone sympathize.

Xiao Lizi rubbed his messy blonde hair and shook his head, "I don\'t know, I didn\'t dare to investigate further for fear of offending the big man, so I said that there is no guarantee of authenticity."

Yang Cheng was stunned, "Can she make up a big man?"

Xiao Lizi sneered, "No, no, you have misunderstood. Although things like fabricating backgrounds are common in the entertainment industry, it is understandable that female artists can\'t do anything to protect themselves? But Lindsay is the signing angel of Victoria\'s Secret, no one It is impossible to cover behind, but I doubt that the great man’s ability is as great as I imagined, do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand, it\'s possible that the so-called big man is just an ordinary executive of Victoria\'s Secret? It doesn\'t matter even if it\'s an ordinary director. Forget it, wait until I look it up and make a decision. Thanks Leon, I was very satisfied last night!" Smacking back the taste.

"Haha, come on! Brother, I\'m optimistic about you, then you eat slowly. If it doesn\'t suit the taste, let the chef make it for you. I\'ll go up and get some sleep." Xiao Lizi yawned, patted Yang Cheng on the shoulder and left the restaurant. .

But when he walked halfway, he suddenly remembered what he turned around and said, "By the way, Mr. Koch asked me to tell you, don\'t rush to go today, you can go to his house if you have time."

Yang Cheng asked the chef for a hot soup and nodded when he heard the words, knowing that Conrad was going to talk about cooperating with Abu, "I know, I didn\'t plan to go so fast. I have discussed it with David. Play for a few days and then go back to Los Angeles."

"This decision is great brother, then I\'ll go to replenish my strength first, and then I will be hi at night!"