Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 244: Use waste heat


"Jesus Christ, this is crazy!"

"We succeeded?"

. . .

Yang Cheng’s negotiating team seemed to have won the right to host the Olympics. They all rose up and cheered. The DreamWorks team on the opposite side was also showing off their demeanor and giving them blessings and applause. After all, his company is about to change its name. It is also reasonable to show his best side in front of the new owner.

In contrast, Yang Cheng and David Ellison appeared to be much calmer. They only smiled, and then whispered to discuss in a low voice. Now everything has not settled. Once their final offer can not let Jeff Rikasenborg is satisfied, and negotiations may break down at any time and fall short.

"Jason, how fit do you think?" David Ellison asked with a cautious expression while smiling.

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I don\'t know. Jeffery, the old fox, will show us together. Once the price does not meet his psychological expectations, he has a reason to terminate the negotiation. At the same time, he can also use this price. Go and negotiate with Comcast and Disney for greater interests."

David Ellison thought it so, "Yes, so we have to solve this problem, otherwise our efforts will be a waste of our previous efforts and we will make wedding dresses for others."

Yang Cheng was unwilling to make a 3 gesture under the table, "How about 30 dollars?"

DreamWorks has a total equity of close to 86 million US dollars per share, and the final total purchase price reached 2.55 billion US dollars, a premium of nearly 50%. Don\'t forget that this is an all-cash acquisition, not an equity swap.

David Ellison struggled for a long time, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, let\'s take a gamble. I hope Jeffery, the old fox, will not be too greedy."

Yang Cheng pressed his hand and signaled everyone to be quiet. Everyone knew that this was the most critical moment. They held their breath one by one, waiting for the final result.

"Jeffrey, 30 dollars. I think this is a very sincere and reasonable price. What do you think?"

Jeffery was expressionless, and outsiders couldn\'t guess his thoughts from his expression. He pushed his glasses indifferently, and stared at Yang Cheng for a full minute, just when Yang Cheng thought the other party was gay. , A light and fluttering "deal" came, and he was still stunned. He didn\'t react until David Ellison slapped him on the back. He came back to his senses, smiled and stood up to Jeffrey Ka Senborg stretched out his hand, showing his demeanor as a winner, smiled bitterly, "I swear, this is the last time I will participate in the negotiation personally. It\'s tiring!"

Jeffery also let go of his exhaustion, put on a relaxed smile, got up and invited, "This is also my last negotiation. Okay, I will leave the rest to the employees. Let’s go out in the courtyard and enjoy the sun. Our free lunch at DreamWorks."

Yang Cheng and David Ellison looked at each other and smiled, and agreed, "It\'s a great honor."

Originally, they were ready to fight a protracted battle. They did not expect that because of Yang Cheng\'s superb performance, the battle ended in only one morning. This negotiation case was enough to be written into a textbook and included in the ranks of classics.

Of course, when the negotiation was far from over, Yang Cheng and the others just decided on the general direction and determined the final purchase price. There are countless other clauses that need to be sought one by one, but this does not require Yang Cheng and the others to participate. It\'s good for lawyers and negotiators to take charge.

I took their favorite food in the canteen, followed Jeffery to the outdoor garden, sat down at the table by the pond, and fed the koi in the sun. The comfortable and cozy environment is like a company, it’s completely self-employed The garden, this kind of working environment makes people yearn for, and there is no pressure at all. Perhaps this is also an important reason why DreamWorks creates classics time and time again.

"Jeffrey, don\'t say anything else, this landscaped garden is doing well, even I want to work in such an environment." David Ellison broke the bread crumbs and threw it into the pond, feeding the koi with praise.

There are hundreds of koi in their Japanese-style manor, which is very familiar.

Yang Cheng also nodded, "It\'s really good, but the climate in Manhattan doesn\'t allow it. Otherwise, I would buy a manor and move the company to the manor. I think the staff\'s work efficiency will be greatly improved."

Jeffery touched his bald head, ate the cheeseburger very down-to-earth, and calmly accepted the admiration of the two. "To engage in creative work, you must create a relaxed and informal working environment as much as possible, otherwise it will restrict people. The imagination, this is a taboo."

The three of them put aside their hostile relationship during negotiations, chatting casually among the flowers and plants, unknowingly ate up the food on the plate, and when they were about to go back, Yang Cheng suddenly said, "Jeffrey, you really do Ready to retire?"

Jeffery stopped serving the plate, sat down again, and asked thoughtfully, "Why do you ask?"

Yang Cheng shrugged and said sincerely, "I think you shouldn’t retire so early due to your age and physical condition, and I don’t want you, a Hollywood legend, to spend his old age with regrets. It’s better to do this. I suggest you keep it. 1% of the shares of DreamWorks, but you don’t need to take on such a pressured position as management, you can be responsible for the creative work of DreamWorks animation, such as being a creative director, while working leisurely, you can continue to大Wei Ellison was a little surprised because Yang Cheng hadn’t revealed this idea before, but after careful consideration for a moment, he thought it was a good idea. Keeping Jeffrey Kasenborg is not only beneficial to the new era media’s commitment to DreamWorks. The integration of animation can also use Jeffrey\'s talent and experience to help DreamWorks quickly get through the painful period of changing the owner, killing two birds with one stone.

Jeffery pushed the glasses, but did not directly refuse, but asked, "Then may I know your plans for DreamWorks?"

"Of course, there is nothing to hide. I am going to split DreamWorks Animation, and the technical department will be separated and regrouped into a company called DreamWorks Special Effects. This special effects company not only has to bear the responsibility of the original animation movie. , But also to undertake special effects orders from the parent company New Era Pictures.

After the split, the responsibilities of DreamWorks Animation are clearer and more independent. They are responsible for the creative development of animated films and the operation of its IP copyrights, while also taking into account part of the distribution tasks.

Both are first-level subsidiaries of New Era Pictures. They are managed separately and do not interfere with each other. They are responsible for their profits and losses and are only responsible to the parent company. "

After a pause, he added, "Oh, yes, there is one more thing to let you know. The New Era Pictures, which is formed by Lionsgate and Focus Pictures, will be CEO of Donna Lande. ."

Jeffery asked with a surprised look, "Donna Rand of Universal?"

After receiving Yang Cheng’s confirmation, Jeffrey Carsonborg’s face was extremely complicated, and he murmured after a long time, “You’ve scratched my itchy spot, okay, just do what you said, just take it for me. Have some fun in your retirement, and I also want to see how high DreamWorks can go in your hands."

Yang Cheng smiled elegantly and confidently, "We will wait and see!"