Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 243: Hard work is worth winning

Yang Cheng seems to have opened up a new way, and the writing is like a fountain, and he talks about his understanding of the animation industry. "At present, most of the world\'s major special effects orders are concentrated on the six major bodies, which means that the animation special effects studios If you want to ensure your vitality, the best way is to take the six major orders, the construction period is long enough, the profit is high enough, and one order is enough for the entire studio for one year."

As Yang Cheng said, although the Big Six have their own production companies, most of the special effects and animations are open to bidding for animation studios around the world.

For the Big Six, special effects and animation production is a highly replaceable link that does not constitute a barrier to content, which is why their focus has always been on IP development, marketing and derivative planning.

The six major media groups occupies more than 80% of the global animation industry market, and the right to speak and the bargaining chips are tightly held in hands. At the same time, the animation production industry is fiercely competitive. Oversupply constitutes a buyer\'s market. It is a fixed unit price. If the Big Six is ​​not satisfied with the special effects and proposes to rework, then all the costs of rework must be borne by the studio itself, and if the studio delays the delivery deadline, there will be a heavy fine. There is no human rights at all, but Do you dare to revolt?

Absolutely not! This is the same reason that the four big families headed by Chang Kaishen controlled more than 90% of the economic lifeline of country Z during the Republic of China. Are the people suffering? It\'s too bitter. The average life expectancy is less than 35 years. It\'s either disease or starvation. Didn\'t they think of overthrowing the ruling class? Thought about it! But they don\'t even have the strength to take weapons, so what uprising?

The same is true in the animation market. The veins are held tightly by the six major players. If you want to live, you can only obediently obey. There is no second possibility.

Of course, it’s not that no one has said that winning an Oscar will save you all your life. However, what makes you face-slapped is that in the "Rhythm Special Effects Studio" that won the Oscar Special Effects Award, you are giving awards. A week before the ceremony began, the company declared bankruptcy, and the company had already won an Oscar special effects award for this work in 1992. Holding two Oscar statuettes in their hands, they did not let the company escape bankruptcy.

This is a fundamental flaw in the business model, coupled with fierce industry competition worldwide, leading to an animation studio on the verge of bankruptcy.

"Jason, your analysis and cognition of the animation industry is impressive, but you also know that DreamWorks has always taken the original route. We have taken a good path on this road. DreamWorks Animation has also achieved a market value of several billion US dollars. The industry giants in China, now only because of several failures, the capital chain is cut off. As long as there is capital to make up, coupled with good ideas, DreamWorks animation can be brought back to life, so we think the price of 40 US dollars is worth it. "

Following Yang Cheng\'s speech, Jeffrey Kasenborg gradually calmed down, grasping the so-called superior resources of DreamWorks and not letting go, and insisted to the end.

Yang Cheng shook his head and denied, "On the contrary, I think the current operating model of DreamWorks Animation is outdated. If I successfully acquire DreamWorks, I will reorganize the entire company structure, separate originality from production, and operate independently. It is more conducive to development, because in my opinion, it is difficult for the two to coexist."

Jeffery was numb to Yang Cheng\'s words, but he was calm, abandoning his identity as a businessman, and awaiting Yang Cheng\'s point of view as an animation industry worker.

"Can you tell me in detail?" Not only Jeffrey, but also several managers of DreamWorks also aroused interest. They also realized that the reason why DreamWorks Animation has come to this day is that it has encountered an unprecedented bottleneck. They are in the game, and it is difficult for them to find a way to break through the bottleneck from the inside. If Yang Cheng can come up with an effective solution, they would not mind marrying into the media of the new era. In fact, they have not even noticed their own. The balance in their hearts is already Faintly like Yang Cheng tilted.

Yang Cheng quickly sorted out her thoughts in her mind and talked freely, "In fact, when it comes to the most successful case of transformation, we must mention George Lucas.

Aside from the non-human cosmology of the Star Wars trilogy, his understanding of the film industry is far ahead of others. In 1971, Lucas Pictures began to develop his own original content. In 1975, he established Industrial Light for the first film. Magic Special Effects Company and Skywalker Sound Company.

Gradually, Lucasfilm has developed into an original and produced special effects kingdom, which is so similar to the current DreamWorks animation.

But because of the success of the Star Wars series, George Lucas quickly realized that every aspect of animation special effects should be operated independently and self-financing, because only in this way is the most business logic, so he made a At that time, everyone seemed to make a crazy decision to separate the animation, games, and derivative departments of Lucasfilm into separate subsidiaries.

Looking at it today, 40 years later, Industrial Light and Magic is already the world\'s largest and most well-known animation company, and the first in the field of special effects is well deserved.

Like other studios, it was born from the project of Star Wars, but since 1975 it has never stopped the crazy order mode. So far, it has provided visual effects production services for more than 300 films, and Oscar special effects awards. Get soft, almost exist as a god.

But at the same time, as a subsidiary of Lucasfilm, it has never delayed the development of its own films. Almost half of the well-known blockbusters in the industry are produced by their family, and the industry has no influence. Out of it.

In my opinion, DreamWorks Animation has unparalleled technical advantages, as well as an animation creative with a great brain and countless fantastic ideas. Together they stepped to the peak of glory, but in more than 10 years Today is still the small studio curled up in Glendale. This is Jeffery\'s dereliction of duty as a leader and a complete failure in your career! "

Yang Cheng ruthlessly blamed Jeffrey Kasenborg for the responsibility of DreamWorks Animation’s falling into the predicament of today. He is not aimless. If you want to convince a proud person, you must be in the field of pride. Shattered his confidence head-on.

But is DreamWorks animation really worthless as Yang Cheng said?

actually not!

In 2012, Disney spent US$4 billion to acquire Lucasfilm. The treatment is very different from the previous studios that went bankrupt and closed down and were bought cheaply.

However, we carefully analyze and analyze, how much of the 4 billion US dollars is occupied by Industrial Light and Magic Studio? Some insiders assert that most of the $4 billion was spent on the copyright of Lucasfilm, because the box office and peripheral revenue of a Star Wars movie is billions of dollars. In this way, the world’s first, An animation special effects studio with thousands of employees shouldn\'t be worth too much money.

The same applies to DreamWorks Animation. As Jeffrey said, DreamWorks Animation has an IP library worth 2 billion U.S. dollars and huge resources, but Yang Orange, as the purchaser, must of course consider his own interests. How can you buy it at a lower price if you don\'t belittle you? Saving $10 million is also money.

David Ellison has always been a bystander. When he was surprised by Yang Cheng’s eloquence, he did not forget to observe the reaction of the other side. With sharp eyes, he saw Jeffrey’s piercing eyes in the past, and his pupils became dilated at this moment. Yixi, pushed Yang Cheng\'s thigh with her knee under the table, and waited for Yang Cheng to turn her head and look over, and made a slap in the face.

Yang Cheng tacitly said, and continued to add weight to the already tilted balance, "If the example of George Lucas can\'t move you, what about Apple? Steve Jobs made the apple, but he did not choose to raise it himself. An important part of the industrial chain-Foxconn.

The further subdivision of animation and production is the general trend. Large studios have too many people. After each large studio closed down, a bunch of small studios established by old employees were born, and the division of labor became more professional.

As computer animation technology has become the mainstream of Hollywood, the division of labor has become easier and easier. From modeling materials, lighting rendering, special effects synthesis, post-processing, editing and other more professional and flexible small studios may be the future The development trend of the development trend, the professionalism of various segments will become stronger and stronger, so that the business difficulties of any small company will not cause the delay of the entire film or the turmoil of the and short and lean are more suitable The spirit of sharing and division of labor in the Internet age will greatly improve efficiency.

Of course, as the division of labor in the industry becomes more and more detailed, the requirements for production management become more and more professional, and the production management team needs to coordinate more departments. This requires the use of the valuable experience of DreamWorks and a comprehensive treasure house of technical resources. If you seize this opportunity to complete internal reforms as quickly as possible, you will have an absolute advantage in the future, and return to the top is just around the corner. "

So far, Yang Cheng had to say everything. David Ellison gave an unabashed thumbs up and praised Yang Cheng. The DreamWorks team on the opposite side was also moved by the concept Yang Cheng described. Most of these people are technicians from DreamWorks. They don’t know much about business matters and are not very interested in how much money they can sell. They are the only ones who propose to subdivide professional fields for Yang Cheng, which can integrate the technology in their hands. Carry forward and generate strong expectations.

Jeffrey Carsonborg looked around at his subordinates, with a bitter smile on his face. He knew that the overall situation was settled, and no matter how hard it was to defend, it would be useless. "Jason, your eloquence should go to run for president. It’s not good for America. The first Chinese president in history is you."

Yang Cheng could hear the compliment in the words, and there was no irony meaning, but at this time he didn\'t know how to answer the conversation, and only responded with a smile.

Jeffery took a sip of coffee and fell into deep thought. After an unknown period of time, he said in a heavy sigh, "Well, Jason, you have put in 120% of your efforts. It is worth the victory of this negotiation. Congratulations. Now, give us a reasonable offer, DreamWorks Animation is yours!"