Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 24: Tensions

After the car arrived at the hotel, Yang Cheng knew that Liu Jianjun was anxious and did not want to rest in the room, so he directly asked him to contact the people in the casino.

On the way here, he called a few friends and got roughly the same answer. They all said that Korean casinos have inherited the tricks and petty style of sticks, and can only deceive small businesses. Really powerful big customers rarely come. Korea play.

And Liu Jianjun also said that although Jin Jingdao loves gambling, he is very measured. Generally, he will stop in time if he is bad luck. If Liu Jianjun didn’t lie, or Jin Jingdao didn’t lie to him, then this time he was probably caught by the casino. .

The man in the casino quickly came out of the side door. He was a bald head, not tall, wearing a black vest, tattoos almost covering his whole body, looking at Yang Cheng several people, the obscene eyes stayed on Hannah for a few seconds, making Hanna very very Uncomfortably hiding behind Yang Cheng, the bald thief smiled, "Are you friends with the kid surnamed Jin?"

   "Are you the person in charge of the casino?" Liu Jianjun was urged by Yang Cheng countless times. At this moment, he did not dare to speak first, and Yang Cheng was in charge of the negotiations.

   Yang Cheng lightly patted Hannah on the shoulder and asked her to help translate. An image of a bohemian and slutty noble boy, shaking his phone cynically, without putting the fierce Ma Zi in his eyes.

"Boy, I\'m asking you now." The bald head took two steps forward with dissatisfaction. Hansen remembered his responsibilities and didn\'t dare to neglect, bypassing Yang Cheng and blocking the front, staring at bald head murderously, Hansen But crawling out of the dead in the Iraqi battlefield, this kind of uninfluenced **** is still unattractive.

"Well, it seems that you are not the person in charge, so please call the chief, you are not qualified to talk to me." Yang Cheng was very relieved to Hansen. With him, the bald head couldn\'t get in at all, her tone was light and fluttering. In the bald ear, it was blatant contempt.

   But the bald head is not stupid, Yang Cheng speaks American English, and Hansen is a killer in the army as a bodyguard, holding a beautiful girl in a calm and relaxed style.

Yang Cheng came up to find the person in charge. First, he was too lazy to follow the people who could not be the master. Second, he quickly went out from this smoky place. Regardless of the magnificent decoration of the hotel, it was very filthy in Yang Cheng\'s eyes. It would be a crime to stay here for one more minute. Wouldn\'t it be better to have this time to go out to sea with a beautiful woman in your arms. Sen gave two ruthless words at a glance and went back to call someone.

   The casino is opened to make money, and it is not guilty to offend big people for trivial things. It is not advisable to do it until Yang Cheng\'s identity is known.

   Of course, the more important thing is that Yang Cheng is afraid that he will be blocked by the "river crab" if he stays in the casino for a long time.

After a while, in a suit and leather shoes, wearing gold glasses, it looked like the Svendor came with a security guard and asked Yang Cheng in English, "Hello, I am the manager of this casino. What do you call your husband? ?"

   "My name is Yang, let\'s talk to another place." Yang Orange pointed to the tourists in the lobby and said.

   The casino manager readily accepted Yang Cheng’s proposal, led the way and entered the casino through the side door. Without staying too much in the lobby on the first floor, he went directly to the VIP room on the second floor.

   The casino manager waved away some of the security guards, and then asked the bald head to lift Jin Jingdao up, and smiled and greeted Yang Cheng and the others to sit down on the sofa area.

   "Mr. Yang, I don\'t know who is this little brother Jin?" The casino manager pushed the gold-wire glasses, pouring coffee for Yang Cheng, and tentatively asked.

   "You think too much, just a disobedient little brother, which is causing trouble to your casino." Yang Cheng tilted Erlang\'s legs and didn\'t touch the coffee, playing with Hannah\'s little hand.

   Since entering the door, Hannah firmly glued herself to Yang Cheng, as if only in this way could she feel at ease. She experienced this kind of occasion for the first time, and her slightly trembling body showed her nervousness.

   Fortunately, she doesn\'t need an interpreter now, or I can\'t even hear the words.

   "Mr. Yang is serious."

   A few words from the ideal courtesy, but Yang Cheng interrupted, bluntly, "Are you from the Xin family?"

   Yang Cheng noticed the name of the opponent\'s badge, Xin Zhengyi, shouldn\'t it be a coincidence?

  Xin Zhengyi was taken aback, noticed Yang Cheng\'s gaze, and smiled lightly, "Is that right? Mr. Yang knows something about our Xin family?"

   "That\'s not true, but it\'s a coincidence that I just met you from the Xin family when I wanted to find your Xin family to cooperate." Yang Cheng helped Hannah take a cup of coffee and replied casually.

  Xin Zhengyi didn\'t doubt it, because Yang Cheng\'s tone clearly puts himself on an equal footing with the Xin family, not a low voice asking for help.

   "It\'s a coincidence. I don\'t know what Mr. Yang wants to cooperate with? If it is about Jeju Island, you can talk to me directly." Xin Zhengyi asked with interest.

   was about to answer, the heavy door of the VIP room was pushed open, and the previous bald head led two men and walked in with Jin Jingdao in between.

   Looking at Jin Jing with swollen nose and swollen nose, there is no such arrogance as when he first saw Yang Cheng, his head and brain are like the eggplant that Shuang beats.

   slightly frowned, Void pointed at Jin Jing and said, "Manager Xin, is it too much to beat people like this?"

   Liu Jianjun even rushed to push away the bald men, concerned about Jin Jingdao\'s injury.

   Xin Zhengyi sneered, this is not a problem at first, anyone who owes money to the casino will inevitably be beaten up, but the dog depends on the owner.

   The dog was disobedient and broke away from the leash and ran out into the wild. The owner was not optimistic. It is understandable to find a lesson. But this does not mean that anyone on the road can go up and kick.

   Before Yang Cheng, the host, did not come and clearly stated that he would not pay back the money, it was indeed unreasonable to beat people like this.

   "Let\'s do it, Mr. Yang, I\'m in charge, Brother Jin\'s arrears don\'t need to be repaid, a sum is written off, how about we talk about cooperation?" After pondering for a long time, Xin Zhengyi took the initiative to sell it and prepared to turn the story over.

   But Yang Cheng did not speak, but stood up in front of Jin Jingdao with her pocket in her pocket, Hannah held Yang Cheng\'s arm and followed closely.

   kicked Jin Jing and said, "I\'m not dead, right?"

   Jin Jingdao weakly shook his head with the **** who had lost the fight.

Yang Cheng said again, "Give you two choices. First, according to Manager Xin’s plan, you don’t have to pay back the money you owe to the casino. Of course, you’ll end up in vain. Second, I’ll help you repay $800,000. , Get up by yourself and beat the person who beat you, think clearly and tell me your choice."

As soon as the words came out, someone on the bald man\'s side understood him, and he immediately rushed to teach Yang Cheng to be a human being, but was stopped by Hansen for the first time, with one hand in his arms, ready to shoot a gun at any time. Hansen and Andrew were all in country Z. In any other place, the weapon is inseparable for 24 hours. With the gun in hand, these people in the room are not enough for him to make a spoonful.

And Xin Zhengyi’s face was not so good-looking. Before he could figure out Yang Cheng’s true identity, he had already looked at Yang Cheng high enough and offered him a step, but Yang Cheng’s words obviously did not care about him. Although Xin Zhengyi was The side branch of the Xin family, but it also represents the face of the Xin family outside. Isn\'t the big family living a face? Now that it is not clear to hit the face of the Xin family, he is already thinking about how to teach Yang Cheng a lesson.

The scene was tense and the depressive atmosphere made it difficult to breathe. In fact, only Hannah felt this way. She had seen such a big scene before, and her beautiful little face suddenly turned pale and her legs were not at her disposal. The high-heeled shoes that made her look full have also become a burden at this time. If she hadn\'t been holding Yang Cheng all the time, it would be hard to say on the floor now.

   Liu Jianjun was not afraid. He was anxious to choose the second option for Jin Jingdao at this time, but he opened his mouth and did not dare to speak out.

   In the VIP room where the needle can be heard, seven or eight pairs of eyes stared at Jin Jingdao, his choice will determine the next room trend.

   I don\'t know how long it has passed. It may be tens of seconds or more than 10 minutes. In this oppressive environment, everyone has no idea of ​​time, and Jin Jingdao finally speaks.

  . . .

When everyone was in an atmosphere of oppression, Yang Cheng was wandering away from the sky. He thought that in less than two years, this lotte was a fat sheep to be slaughtered. He had to prepare a wave of wool and eat some lamb by the way. .

The memory of his previous life tells him that as the conflict between the father and son of the Xin family rose to its peak, although Xin Dongbin won a tragic victory in the family struggle through a trick, but the position of the first person in the lotte was not hot yet, Xin Dongbin met. In trouble.

   Because of this protracted and highly anticipated family feud, the South Korean prosecutor’s attention has attracted the attention of South Korean prosecutors.

The Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office has conducted investigations on the headquarters of Lotte Group and many branches of South Korea for nearly half a year, and decided to formally prosecute members of the Xin family such as Singh Ho, Sing Dongbin and Sing Dongzhu for embezzlement of public funds and tax evasion without arrest. As well as the former or current senior executives of Lotte Group, the amount involved is about 1 billion Dongbin made a decisive decision and abandoned the car to protect his commander. Li Renyuan, the vice chairman of Lotte, who has worked in Korea for more than 40 years and is also the "second in command" During the investigation, he committed suicide.

   The handwriting left before he died: "I am loyal to the Xin family! Lotte has no small vault problem."

   As for whether he committed suicide, it is a matter of opinion, but there are really not so many coincidences in this world. There are many coincidences, which must be the result of human intervention.

   Xin Dongbin, who had just been enthroned by the "Second Prince" and became the emperor, burned his **** and burnt his head. He could only tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall. The aggressive offensive of the South Korean prosecutors and the struggle within the family have not yet subsided, all of which made Xin Dongbin take care of himself.

Don’t think that Lotte’s doing this is a patriotic act. The rich place in the eyes of capitalists is paradise. The country is a fart. Look at the United States. Don’t think that the US Congress is making a lot of trouble. The one who loves country Z the most, because country Z can make them rich. On the contrary, most of the workers don’t like country Z because the industrious people from country Z have taken their jobs. This is a fact.

Everything has a cause and effect. The United States advocates freedom. These workers hold a large number of votes. In order to win the favor of the workers, the congressmen, to put it bluntly, are for the votes in their hands. Naturally, they will help scold country Z together, and they will scold them. The harder the worker, the happier.

   So everyone can find that when the U.S. election comes, all kinds of scandals and swear words about Country Z fly all over the sky. When the dust is settled, one by one will seize every opportunity to show good to Country Z. Why? The capitalists wielded green knives to put pressure on them, telling them that they would shut up Lao Tzu quickly, and then curse that Lao Tzu is going to go bankrupt. If Lao Tzu goes bankrupt, go eat shit. . .