Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 23: Jin Jingdao was arrested

"Jason, how long will you stay in Korea?"

   Yang Cheng finished the phone call and returned to the restaurant. Hannah and Tony’s female companions are studying the platinum bag. Women’s favorites are always diamonds and bags.

   After he took his seat, Tony handed over a glass of red wine and asked.

   "It\'s still a while, some things are not done." Yang Cheng replied, taking the wine glass and shaking it, sniffed in front of his nostrils, sipped his mouth, and nodded unexpectedly.

   "This is Mouton in 1989?" Yang Cheng asked with some uncertainty.

   This time it was Tony\'s turn to be surprised, "Unexpectedly, Jason, you are still a good taster."

   In fact, wine tasting is a compulsory course for people like Yang Cheng. In this regard, Yang Cheng is still weak. After all, he has no interest in wine, so he is just drinking.

   "It\'s nothing, compared to those of my friends, I don\'t show up at my half level."

Indeed, Mouton is one of the few Bordeaux wineries that use oak barrels for fermentation, and the twisted and rooted vines of Mouton winery deepen underground, forming a unique character in the gravelly soil, and because of its proximity to the coast, Often subjected to the baptism of storms from the Atlantic Ocean, brewing excellent dark red, rich aroma, strong and strong taste, and male charm man wine. It is this distinctive feature that leaves a deep impression on Yangcheng.

   Feeling the heritage of the big family, Hannah, who is next to her, can\'t even bother to look at the bag. She leans in close and intimately puts the dishes on Yang Cheng\'s plate.

   may be to take care of Yangcheng, the Z national dish specially ordered, but unfortunately this improved taste makes Yangcheng very uncomfortable, sour and sweet.

Hannah has changed back to that tight dress and high heels. After sitting down, her white and smooth thighs are sticking to Yang Cheng\'s body. Naturally, Yang Cheng is not sitting still and waving under the willow, holding chopsticks in one hand. , The other hand slid back and forth under the table.

When the two of them were getting tired, the phone rang suddenly, and glanced at the call from Liu Jianjun. He thought there was something urgent and did not dare to delay. Liu Jianjun got off the car halfway after receiving Yang Cheng’s task. Busy registering a company.


   "Young Shao, something happened?"

   "Don\'t worry, speak slowly, what happened?"

   "Jin Jingdao was arrested."

   The Chinese spoken by the two of them could not be understood by others, but watching Yang Cheng\'s serious expression, she consciously put down the dishes and chopsticks so as not to disturb him.

   And Yang Cheng\'s funny hand on her thigh also stopped.

But as soon as Liu Jianjun said that Jin Jingdao had an accident, he immediately let go of his holding heart. Asshole, he ran out to play with the big event. Now what happened to Yang Cheng, if it weren\'t for Liu Jianjun to mention it again, he would have forgotten. This person exists.

   "Oh, who caught it?" Yang Cheng gave Hannah a relieved look, and squeezed her weak boneless hand.

   "Um... Casino." I\'m afraid Liu Jianjun feels embarrassed too.

"Hehe, that\'s not what deserves it. He takes the blame. Okay, I\'m eating here. It\'s fine to hang up. I remind you, don\'t be nosy." Yang Cheng coldly warned Liu Jianjun, who Jin Jingdao was with him It doesn\'t matter, but Liu Jianjun is his person. If Liu Jianjun is involved himself, it will definitely involve Yang Cheng. No one knows what the casino is better than Yang Cheng. Think about the Las Vegas desert. In order for green vegetation to grow in the desert, it needs sufficient water and fertilizer.

   "Sorry, Shao Yang, I\'m already on the flight to Jeju Island. I will take off right away. After all, Xiaojin was brought out by me. I can\'t just watch him accidentally. Don\'t worry, I won\'t hurt you."

"Fart, who made you do your own thing? It doesn’t hurt me, I’m a little bit brainy, just look it up, who doesn’t know you are my person, you calm me down, I’m over 40 years old, don’t engage in hot-blooded young people. That set, what kind of society it is now, tell me which casino it is like this? Let me see if there is a way to get people out."

Yang Cheng was furious. He hated the disobedience of the people under him most. He was really afraid of what would come. Then he thought about it. After Liu Jianjun was busy with him during this period, he looked in his eyes and prepared to train his confidants. Now Liu Jianjun cares about people. If something goes wrong, if he ignores it, it is easy to chill.

   "Sorry, Shao Yang, it should be Lotte\'s casino." The voice on the other end of the phone calmed down obviously.

"Lotte\'s casino? Zhengchou couldn\'t get online with them, so this opportunity came. It really didn\'t take much effort to break through the iron shoes and find no place to find it. Looking at Jin Jingdao, this kid is also considered a good thing." Yang Orange thought to himself.

"Hmm... I got off the plane and rented a commercial vehicle to wait for me at the airport. Don\'t act privately. I will try my best to catch the next plane. Don\'t worry, the casino will not hurt before the relatives of the kid Jin Jingdao arrive. His, at best, make him suffer a little bit, understand?" Yang Cheng thought, and told Liu Jianjun.

"Yes...Yang Shao, I don\'t know what to say. In short, I will be yours for Liu Jianjun\'s old bone in the future." It seems that Liu Jianjun really regarded Jin Jingdao as a son, and even said that he would kill his life. come out.

   "Okay, stop disgusting me, keep your old life for yourself, hang up, I will remind you again, when I arrive, don\'t act privately." Yang Cheng said with disgust.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng quickly took a few bites of rice to fill his stomach, and said to Tony, "Sorry Tony, the subordinate has caused some trouble and needs to deal with it. Let\'s stop here today. By the way, you can order the fastest for me. Flights to Jeju Island?"

   Tony saw that the matter was urgent, and didn\'t ask any more, he nodded immediately, "No problem, leave it to me, how many tickets?"

Yang Cheng originally wanted to say two photos, but felt the warmth in his hands, "Hannah, are you okay? Do you want to go to Jeju Island with me, and we can play there for a few days after we are done." He is not anxious, but I thought that after I got there, I might need a translator. It’s too late to find a translator temporarily, and it’s not good to drag people in. Although Hannah is not a professional, she speaks good English in the previous communication. Translate some simple dialogue It shouldn\'t be a problem.

Hannah blinked happily. Although it was the first time she came out to do it, she quickly grasped the essentials. It is more important to serve a good benefactor than work, especially Yang Cheng\'s faint demeanor, which is not the ordinary second person in her country. On behalf of all, Tony\'s identity is very clear to her, and it is so common for the president of Citibank Korea to treat him differently.

   "I have time, I\'ll go with you." Hannah nodded without hesitation.

   "Then 3..." Yang Cheng gave Tony a 4 gesture.

   then took Hannah and hurriedly left the club.

   On the road, Hansen drove the Mercedes-Benz to fly, and Andrew was sent by Yang Cheng to stare at Park Donghai, and Hansen was the only bodyguard beside him.

   More than an hour later, the three Yang Cheng arrived at Gimpo Airport and quickly passed the security check and boarded the plane.

Sit down and fasten the seat belts. At this time, Yang Cheng and Hannah breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at each other, "Thank you, Hannah." It is indeed not easy to trot all the way while wearing high heels at the airport. .

   Hannah took off her high heels, rubbed her delicate and beautiful feet like shelled eggs, and smiled sweetly, "It\'s okay, I\'m used to running with high heels a lot."

   "By the way, what\'s your professional? You speak good English." Gentleman Yang Cheng took off his suit and put it on Hannah\'s thigh to avoid running out, and asked curiously.

   "I am in the English department, and my teacher is a foreign teacher, and I often communicate with each other." Hannah\'s answer surprised Yang Cheng, which is no wonder.

  The distance from Seoul to Jeju Island is not far, and it is just over an hour\'s flight, including the delay in air traffic control, and it took a total of 2 and a half hours to show up at Jeju Airport. Modern transportation is really convenient.

   "Young Shao, here." Liu Jianjun looked at the VIP passageway, and Yang Cheng waved and yelled impatiently as soon as he appeared.

  Without time to feel the warm climate of Jeju Island, Yang Cheng and the three of them got on the business car rented by Liu Jianjun.

   "Tell me about the specific situation." Liu Jianjun looked anxious, and Yang Cheng didn\'t irritate him anymore, so he got into the car and asked.

   "I don\'t know the specific situation. The people from the casino called and only said that Xiaojin owed them 800,000 US dollars from the casino and asked me to take the money, otherwise he would be killed. Other than that, I didn\'t say a word."

   I ignored the look of Liu Jianjun\'s expectation in the rearview mirror, Yang Cheng said to Hannah, UU reading www.uukanshu. com "Hannah, don\'t be afraid of whatever happens for a while. I\'m here. In addition, you may need your help to translate. Don\'t be nervous, you know?"

Hannah glanced at Liu Jianjun dumbfounded. She also couldn\'t understand Chinese and didn\'t know the specifics. Listening to Yang Cheng\'s words seemed to be dangerous, and she couldn\'t help getting nervous, so she could comfort him by Yang Cheng\'s words, and nodded her head in an obedient way. "I see, Mr. Yang."

Yang Cheng smiled and hugged Hannah\'s shoulders, and gently soothed, "Don\'t worry, it\'s just a small matter, it will be resolved soon, and then we will book a sea view villa for two days of fun, and we can rent a yacht to go out to sea. Fishing, whatever you like."

He said lightly, but he hated Jin Jingdao in his heart, "MD, really dare to play, I lost 800,000 US dollars, even Lao Tzu rarely played such a large amount." It\'s not that he can\'t afford to play, but that he is right. I have self-knowledge, and I also know better the truth of ten gambles and nine loses. The winner is always the casino. Unless you have golden fingers and a clairvoyance eye or the like, otherwise, even if you are the top thousand, you will not escape the cost of the casino. A modern technology surveillance system built with huge funds.

The tour groups waving small red flags one after another on the road attracted Yang Cheng’s attention. In the past two years, South Korea has accounted for the light of the economic rise of country Z. Especially the tourism industry has made a lot of money. Yang Cheng wants to be excited. Knowing the future situation, he quickly suppressed his throbbing.

Jeju Island is not small, almost two Hong Kong, but it has a population of less than one million and is full of tourists. More than 60% of them are national Z people. One is close, and the other is visa-free, eliminating the need for visas. It is tedious and reduces the cost of traveling abroad. There are also a large number of duty-free shops here to satisfy the appetites of those with excess vanity. Before the relationship between Z and South Korea is not bad, this is indeed the best choice for Z people to travel, but it is a good scene. Not long anymore.