Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 239: The plane is built

(MMP, Chapter 237 has written tuo, just revised it! Depressed!)

"The bastard, such a blatant provocation has bullied us. With your word, Young Shao, I will immediately kill these biaozi."

Yang Cheng has a black line. According to Liu Jianjun\'s words, this book is basically 404.

"Lao Liu, if you are going to develop the she~ group, I won\'t stop it, but don\'t call me by my name, I haven\'t lived enough yet." Yang Cheng\'s plain tone concealed thunder, but she turned the phone over. Liu Jianjun was scared and sweated straight out of his back. He was just as passionate as he was, and he didn\'t control his temper.

"Don\'t don\'t don\'t, Young Master, I will follow you in this life, and I will never dare..." Liu Jianjun habitually flattered, and Yang Cheng could make up for it without looking at it.

"Stop talking nonsense, find out who is behind it?" Yang Orange interrupted impatiently.

"Under investigation, I believe there will be results within 3 days at the slowest." Liu Jianjun replied.

Yang Cheng frowned and tapped his fingers on the armrest rhythmically. "I believe in the causal cycle. It should not be unrelated characters that are causing us trouble. First, set the target range among the people who have offended before, and then identify those who have the ability. We are screened out for retaliation and compared one by one."

"Yang Shao, what should we do now? The extra day on the set is money. The movie theater can\'t really shut down behind closed doors, right?" Liu Jianjun said bitterly.

Yang Cheng thought about the same thing. After thinking about it, he wanted to calm down and said, "Calm down, I\'ll figure out a solution here on the theater line, but I can\'t do it on the set, so I can only rely on you, but the other party is looking for a club~ Will you look for it too? Wouldn\'t you pay to hire thugs? If you come again, you can just fight back hard."

"Shao Yang, who I think too, is mainly worried about reputation damage."

"You still care about your reputation if you have no money?"

"Yes, Shao Yang, I know what to do."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng didn’t worry much. After all, in South Korea, a small place with a population of more than 50 million across the country, there are definitely no more than 50 people who really can make Yang Cheng jealous, and Yang Cheng knows it well. He has never offended any of these 50 people, so why should he worry? The trick is that the big deal is that he doesn\'t want the Korean industry, and he doesn\'t have any worries about how to get revenge.

It\'s one thing not to be afraid, it\'s another thing to be provoked to come home. If you don\'t respond to this, it really makes Bangzi think that Yang Cheng is a bully.

Eyeballs rolled around, with an idea in mind, he picked up the phone again, turned to a number, and dialed out.

"Jason? Why do you think of calling Nu Na?" Samsung eldest princess Li Fuzhen sounded in a gentle and surprised voice.

Yang Cheng didn\'t feel very embarrassed either. Normally he didn\'t have anything to do and didn\'t make a phone call to greet him. Only when something happened did he think of looking for someone. It wasn\'t something that was done by the scene.

It\'s not easy to talk straight to the point, so I had to talk awkwardly, "Um~, Fu is really angry, so you are pretty good lately?"

As smart as Li Fuzhen, how could he not understand Yang Cheng\'s thoughts, and said softly, "I\'m pretty good, you, just say anything if you have anything, and be polite to me?"

Yang Cheng\'s face blushed, and now she feels a little embarrassed, "Isn\'t this embarrassing."

Li Fuzhen seemed to have heard some shocking anecdote, "You jason is still embarrassed one day? This is the funniest joke I have heard this year."

Yang Cheng lowered his head and said nothing, but Li Fuzhen said empathetically after smiling, "I heard that the limited edition of Aquamarine Mystery is very popular this year? It is not convenient for me to buy it in Korea."

Just kidding, there are still things Li Fuzhen can\'t buy? Yang Cheng understood that this sister was giving him a step down, and hurriedly replied, "No problem, I will pack your skin care products in the future. I will let people buy them and send them to Korea. No, no, I will buy them myself. "

A set of limited edition Hailan Mysteries is less than 10,000 US dollars. Neither Yang Cheng nor Li Fuzhen will take this money. It is purely an excuse for the two to draw closer to each other.

"Okay, then I can save a lot of money every year, you don\'t know, I spent hundreds of thousands on skin care products last year... U.S. dollars." Li Fuzhen was also mischievous and said deliberately.

Yang Cheng\'s face turned green when he heard that, uncle, what skin care products are so expensive? Can this woman just put gold on her face? But he said all the big talk, and he will lose face when he wants to regret it, not just a few hundred thousand dollars!

"Okay, as long as there is a need, buy it!" replied, biting his molars, MMP, hundreds of thousands, enough for him to buy a Ferrari in a year.

"Haha, you guys have a conscience. I\'m joking. If I have something to say, I don\'t need to say that I have to go to the spa." Li Fuzhen sneered.

The green on Yang Cheng\'s face was more intense, and he asked in a daze, "Um~ anger, then you don\'t wear clothes?"

"how do you know?"

"Damn, Xiaoye just need to ask, rich women can still play hard!" Yang Cheng said inwardly.

Yang Cheng shook his head and deleted the scene that had been patched up. He cleared his throat and said seriously, "Nu Na, that\'s it. I was on the movie theater line in South Korea. In recent days, I was warned by various departments of ZF for unknown reasons. If you want to ask me, you can check to see if there is something tricky. I don’t know that I have any friends in Korea, so I can only trouble you.”

Li Fuzhen also put aside a laugh, and asked, "Did you offend someone? Under normal circumstances, the ZF department will not intervene in the normal operation of the enterprise."

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly, "If it\'s okay to offend people, I at least know who caused me to stumble, but we are also at a loss. Since entering the Korean market, CY Entertainment has been abiding by the law and has repeatedly reported to charity organizations. To provide assistance, let alone conflict with whom, and to be investigated inexplicably just like this, makes me have to question the business environment in Korea."

Li Fuzhen chuckled and joked, "Okay, I don\'t know who is your kid? Don\'t pretend to be pitiful with me, you can tell the reporter this way."

Yang Cheng sneered, "I\'ll just say that. In short, this matter has to be troublesome to you."

"Well~, I see, I can help you ask questions, wait for my call." Li Fuzhen is not a messy person, and immediately agreed.

Throwing the phone on the seat next to him, he mumbled casually, "Fuck, there are so many bad things!"

Tomorrow will start the formal negotiation with DreamWorks Animation, Yang Cheng has to follow up the whole process, can\'t get away at all, hope that the matter is not serious, otherwise the two things are entangled into a mess, and Yang Cheng has a headache for a long time.

I closed my eyes for a while, then suddenly opened my eyes, rummaged through the card bag and pulled out a gold card, and said to Hansen, the co-pilot, "Hansen, after taking me home in a while, you go down the mountain again. A trip to lamer (seablue mystery), take this card to buy a set of skin care products, remember to order a limited edition, and then send it to this address."

Use your mobile phone to send Li Fuzhen’s address to Hansen, and pass the gold card to Liu Yun. This is the identity certificate similar to the top VIP card sent by Estee Lauder to Liu Yun. With this card, you can attend various activities of Estee Lauder and enjoy Any of the products under its pre-emptive rights, once asked Yang Cheng to buy things for his mother, and then forgot to return it. It was useless for a long time, and I don’t know if it worked. Anyway, Liu Yun has countless cards of this kind. There is enough to play poker, but Liu Yun usually just swipes his face directly, and those cards can only be put in the storage box to fall ashes.

After returning to the manor, Yang Cheng put on comfortable home clothes and was thinking about strolling in the garden. Who knows that there was a clear sky just now, suddenly dark clouds were covered, and the drizzle of drizzle fell silently.

The rain gradually strengthened, the crystal clear raindrops hit the ground and burst into pieces, the mist was steaming, misty and rainy, the rain was soft and elegant, the courtyard was wet and the pool water was clear and transparent, and a few golden leaves floated in it, and the autumn rain was hazy Lingering, like a painting with splashing ink, but with regrets in front of the beauty, Yang Cheng inexplicably remembered the lyrics, "The most beautiful thing is not a rainy day, but the eaves that have avoided the rain with you." (Wen Qing is not for me)

White\'s rhythmic footsteps sounded behind Yang Cheng, "Jason, do you need a cup of coffee?"

Yang Cheng remotely closed the glass curtain wall. It rained and windy, and the indoor temperature began to drop. He turned his shoulders and said, "Let’s have a cup of hot chocolate."

"Okay, besides, Dassault Company called, your aircraft has been built ~ ~ waiting for your acceptance to complete the final delivery work."

Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows, "So fast? Didn\'t it take three months?"

"Because we paid the full amount in advance, Dassault Company worked overtime to complete the internal renovation. It is estimated that it wants to attract heavyweight customers." White answered truthfully.

Yang Cheng nodded clearly. He also didn\'t believe that Dassault would cut corners in the project. This is a major event involving brand reputation, and no one dares to make a joke.

"That\'s OK, have you seen the actual photos? Is there a big difference from the renderings?"

White had already prepared, and took out the IPAD to call up the email and handed it to Yang Cheng, "There is almost no difference between the real shot and the rendering."

Yang Cheng took it and took a few casual glances, and then returned, "Okay, then arrange to fly the plane to Los Angeles. I don\'t have the time to fly to France. It\'s a test flight."

White replied respectfully, "Okay, how will the crew arrange?"

Yang Cheng curled her lips. This was really a problem. She couldn\'t help but look at White and asked, "Do you have any good suggestions?"

White replied without hesitation, "We can transfer a group of crew members with experience in flying Dassault business jets from Yuanshan, and we can ask Dassault to retrain a group of captains and return it to Yuanshan."

Of course Yang Cheng has no objection. This is the best solution. "Just do what you said, but the flight attendants don\'t need to arrange it. I have someone to choose."

White went to prepare hot chocolate for Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng was silly and happy for a while, and finally had his own plane. Although Yuanshan is also owned by his family, it is completely different from taking the plane under his own name. No matter what, he will no longer have to suffer from the dilemma of no planes available in an emergency situation anymore, especially since he still has 4 bodyguards, every time he booked a flight ticket for civil aviation, he had to make trouble. He had had enough.