Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 238: Good is always short

Lake Tahoe is known for its clear water and clean air. The writer Mark Twain once said, "If you want to breathe the air like an angel, you must come to Lake Tahoe."

In November, Lake Tahoe ushered in the annual ski season. From November to April of the following year, there will be a wave of peaks in the flow of people. Haohu vacation, skiing and wild trips are the same, enjoying the good time of close contact with nature.

Of course, there are still relatively few tourists today. Yang Cheng and the others can see the golden mountains and plains in this autumn, and occasionally they can also see the interesting scene of brown bears fishing in the water on the opposite side of the lake, enjoying a piece of it in the bustling world. peaceful.

It\'s around 2 pm, and the autumn sun is extremely hot, but Yang Cheng and the others did not dare to take off their coats. It is located between the high mountains. The temperature difference between day and night is large. The sun was shining in the first second, and the next second might be cold. It was windy, but they came out in a good mood, and didn\'t want to catch a cold because of it.

David Ellison played with the two female stars by the lake, mainly as a photographer taking pictures of the two women, while Yang Cheng worked hard as a sitter, directing the bodyguards to burn charcoal and prepare ingredients for the evening Prepare for an outdoor barbecue party.

After more than half an hour, while the sky was still bright, the group decided to go around and give up the ride. Instead, they followed the guide’s guidance and hiked up the mountain. Not far from the villa where they settled, it was a lake in Tahoe. Hidden gem-Wixingholm Castle.

This majestic historical building on the shore of Emerald Bay in Lake Tahoe is considered to be the pinnacle of Scandinavian architecture in the United States and one of the best examples. Along the way up the mountain, the castle with lush green grass and vegetation growing on the roof is looming among the pine and cypresses. When you get closer, the carved wooden exterior walls and metal fixtures are amazing. The hinges and latches are all Forged by hand, every stone brick has left traces of time.

Yang Cheng and David Ellison were very interested in paying for a private commentator, and they learned about the wonderful history of Vikingsholm Castle while visiting.

And the two female stars are not interested in this. Don\'t think Emma Watson is a schoolmaster, but her enthusiasm for these humanities and history can\'t keep up with Xing Ai, so she ran to the high point of the castle and watched Emerald Bay. Such as radiant gems and crystal clear beauty, continue women\'s great career of taking pictures.

After staying in the castle for almost 2 hours, Yang Cheng and Ellison discussed going back to the house. After all, it takes some effort to barbecue.

As dusk approached, four people set up a barbecue grill by the lake and sat around the bonfire without feeling cold. On the beautiful lakeside, watching the orange-red sun slowly set on the horizon, and there are full fans on the grill. Honey pork ribs and freshly caught lake fish in the afternoon were marinated and delivered by the chef of a nearby hotel. They were grilled by the hands of Yang Orange. The fire was just right, and the fresh and delicious grilled fish became everyone that night. His favorite, even the bodyguards of David Ellison are full of praise for this delicious dish.

Sailing boats and cruise ships on the lake not far away accompany the setting sun across the lake. The cool air is filled with the fresh breath of pine and cypress, mixed with the oily aroma of roasted ribs. If time is still at this moment, it seems that there is no regret. .

The honey-sweet pork ribs were roasted and crispy. Yang Cheng effortlessly tore apart the ribs and put them on the baking tray to keep them warm. Those who wanted to eat it by themselves, the beer soaked in the lake water from the afternoon was also taken out. The refreshing taste of ice, the aroma of pure malt and barbecue is a perfect match. The two men and women drank and ate meat, each talking about their life experiences and interesting things, sometimes laughing wildly, sometimes sobbing softly, and forgetting for a while. In order to gain fame and fortune, I am immersed in a pure and peaceful atmosphere.

The barbecue party lasted until late at night. After returning to their rooms, they did not rush to sleep. Instead, they went to the balcony to soak in the hot spring spa. Looking up is the dazzling starry sky, and the breeze is accompanied by the sound of the lake. Can it make people comfortable and intoxicated?

After soaking in the hot spring, the drunkenness brought by alcohol is relieved, and there is another water and ru blend of physical and mental harmony, and life can be completed.

. . . . . .

In the morning of the next day, Yang Cheng did not sleep in bed. She got up by herself and changed into sportswear for a morning run in the mountains. The pure air made every pore on her body bubble beautifully, and she continued to take deep breaths, as if she could wash the soul. People become clear.

For some reason, I ran to the Wixingholm Castle that I visited yesterday. Maybe because it was yesterday afternoon, I was in a hurry and didn\'t calm down to watch the full view of the castle.

At this time, Vickingholm Castle stands proudly in the green hills and verdant valleys under the rising sun, but it also blends perfectly with the golden red woods, with a sense of solemnity and a hint of innocent and pure romance. With a solitude of lonely self-admiration, combined with the history that Yang Cheng heard yesterday, at this moment, Yang Cheng seems to be able to understand the mood of the designer of the castle at that time, escape from reality, walk alone, and fall into the fairy tale world and drama he created. The story seems to be similar to Tao Yuanming\'s spirit of seeing Nanshan leisurely under the chrysanthemum-picking hedge.

When returning to the villa after the exercise, Emma Watson also woke up a long time ago, but she refused to get up on the bed. Yang Cheng took off her clothes and threatened with force before Shi Shiran got out of the bed, bare white dong. Somewhere Yang Cheng changed unconsciously.

Seeing this, Emma Watson, who has been overwhelmed by food these days, would dare to continue teasing Sao? Putting away his small expression, he quickly drew a bath towel to cover the seductive scenery, leaving a charming white eye, and went to the bathroom to wash.

4 people simply ate breakfast. According to the guide’s suggestion, we directly chartered a cruise ship to go deep into the lake hinterland, and experienced the purity and tranquility of Lake Tahoe at close However, there is always a good time. It was short-lived. After the lake tour, the four people didn\'t have time to stay here, so they packed up and prepared to return.

When the plane landed at Los Angeles International Airport, it was already past 3 pm. The temporary tourist team parted ways here. Dakota Johnson made a direct transfer to Vancouver and continued filming movies to make money for Yang Cheng.

Emma Watson was picked up by her agent, and there was an interview talk show that needed to be filmed.

David Ellison got the call from the family and returned to Malibu to attend the family gathering.

Only Yang Cheng, the ‘idle’, got into the car going home alone.

However, God is fair, so how could Yang Cheng really let Yang Cheng relax?

Not long after sitting on Gust, before he lay down on his seat, the cell phone ringing suddenly sounded, giving Yang Cheng a hint of anxiety. This call is definitely not a good thing!

Looking at the yelling mobile phone on the central armrest in the back row, he hesitated for a long time before accepting his fate. He lifted it up like a heavy load, and pressed the answer icon heavily and slid down.

"Yang Shao, you finally answered the phone. It is not a coincidence that the charity organizations that came to ask for money before are definitely instigated by someone behind them. Megabox cinemas have received notices of potential safety hazards from relevant departments one after another, asking us to suspend business for rectification, not only that, In the past few days, our film studio has also been frequently disturbed by the unknown group.

I sent someone to catch a few fish that slipped through the net. After forced questioning, I learned that this group of sao~ who disturbed our set and the person who sent Quan Ning Yi into the hospital were the same group, bastard, who was so blatantly provocative. It\'s really deceiving! Shao Yang, your instructions, as long as a word, I will immediately kill these biao children. "