Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 235: Good spirits

Dakota Johnson\'s complaint immediately aroused the interest of the three listeners, both men and women in the diet. With alcohol, certain needs and impulses were infinitely amplified, and the topic of xing also resonated particularly well.

Even Emma Watson, who was full of disdain for Dakota before, had a pair of beautiful eyes, waiting for the next step.

"When I first started shooting, my body* was infinitely magnified, but because of the needs of the movie, I had to find the most beautiful and artistic lens. It was a simple foreplay to shoot 10 times over and over again, and it was miserable." Dakota Johnson is also a yu girl, and her innocent appearance can be described as two extremes. On some foreign websites, her yan photos are regarded as guns by countless idiots.

To talk about the understanding of the movie, I am afraid that the heroine Dakota is not as deep as Yang Cheng, who has watched the film several times, especially the SM lens in it. The deep Maotou guy, even the old driver can\'t control the body\'s instinctive reaction when he appreciates those clips.

"I\'m really curious, how do actresses take protective measures when filming exciting scenes? Or do they rely entirely on the self-control of the actors?" David Ellison showed no scruples and showed seriousness. The serious expression seemed to be doing some kind of academic discussion, but the eyes that kept rolling on the two female stars of Emma and Dakota betrayed him.

Yang Cheng first glanced at David Ellison playfully, with a slap in the mouth, "Don\'t worry about this guy, he is drunk, you don\'t need to answer this question."

Emma Watson shrugged, not embarrassed by the scale of the topic at all, smiled and said, "I have never filmed a scene with too much scale. In addition to kissing, the strokes are just borrowings. Of course, I\'ve heard many rumors that actors and actresses can\'t help but fight the real army."

After speaking, he turned his eyes to Dakota, as if waiting for her answer.

Dakota Johnson raised his mouth slightly, raised a nice arc, and blinked his eyes wittyly, "You also know that there is a kind of underwear called C-shorts, plus a specific shooting angle, the picture is like I didn’t wear it. I’m fine, but those actors with sensitive bodies are more unlucky.”

Emma lightly tweeted a scheming bitch, and said some unnutritious nonsense to hang people\'s appetite. Who doesn\'t know the C font?

Yang Cheng was okay. Although she didn\'t write disappointment on her face like David Ellison, she also gave this woman a sao~ label in her heart.

. . .

Adjacent to the Los Angeles Convention and Exhibition Center, the Staples Center in the downtown area has become the jewel of the City of Angels since the day it was built. It hosts more than 250 large-scale cultural and sports events every year and is a mecca for sports and entertainment in the hearts of Los Angeles residents.

The Staples Center at night is extremely sci-fi, exuding blue light like buildings in outer space, and the night sky of Los Angeles always gives the arena a Hollywood mark.

Yang Cheng and their two supercars, one behind the other, moved slowly to the arena under the protection of a team of bodyguards. There was no way. Every match day or large-scale event, such as the Grammy, would cause traffic jams. Regarding how to ease the problem of poor traffic at the Staples Center, members of the Los Angeles City Hall held countless meetings, but they still could not find a solution.

It’s also these old beauties who are thinking about it, don’t they know how to develop underground if there is no expanded area on the ground? The old school rival, Madison Square Garden, was built directly on top of the railway station, and the flow of people was diverted to the extreme.

The Staples Center also has an exclusive VIP channel. The first volleyball ticket booked by Yang Cheng naturally belongs to the category of VIP. What\'s more, because of the vehicles they drive, the parking brothers who are a little bit dare not to go to the public parking lot. Therefore, the four people and their bodyguards parked their cars and entered the arena without delaying the start of the game.

Today is the home court of the Los Angeles Lakers. A huge "GoLakers!" banner is hung at every entrance of the Staples Arena, and the electronic display board is constantly flipping the Lakers\' history of winning championships and entering the finals. The glorious history of the Lakers and the introduction to the current Lakers players, of course, the most eye-catching among them is naturally Kobe Bryant, the owner of Staples Castle. This man who has finally been loyal to basketball in his life is the City of Angels. The king.

Most of the tourists who came to the Staples Center came with a pilgrimage mentality and came specifically for Kobe. Before Yang Cheng entered the passage, he found many yellow-skinned compatriots, speaking familiar words. Dressed in the Lakers uniform, holding aids excitedly waiting for admission.

There are also four statues about the Los Angeles Lakers standing outside the arena, namely Magic Johnson, Jerry West, Karim Abdul-Jabbar and legendary commentator Zike Hearn. They He is also a legend who has witnessed the history of the Lakers. In the future, Kobe will enjoy the same treatment when he retires. It is just that living people are sculptured, which always feels unlucky. Of course, Americans do not have this consciousness, but feel that they are supremely honorable.

The ticket location is on the right side of the commentary table, next to the home team Lakers bench. When Yang Cheng and the others entered the arena, the lights in the arena were already dimmed and they were preparing for the player entrance ceremony. The fans shouted cheering for the team. The six super-large TV screens hung on the top of the stadium continuously roll over the players. The clear and huge screen ensures that everything on the stadium can be clearly seen from any angle of the three-story stands.

With the appearance of a player from the home and away team, the cheers of the fans gradually climbed to the peak. When the new season\'s injury returned, the 36-year-old "old" Kobe Bryant trot out of the line of teammates, and the atmosphere instantly exploded. The deafening cheers almost overturned the entire arena. This shocking scene of 20,000 people shouting\'MVP\' in unison is something ordinary entertainment stars will never feel. This is the charm of sports.

After the entrance ceremony, a small singer who was invited sang the American national anthem "The Stars and Stripes Never Fall" in the middle of the venue.

And when the last sentence "The Stars and Stripes are still flying on the land of freedom and the hometown of warriors in the horn of victory" was sung, the audience once again cheered, and the poor American people were always immersed in the pride of the country\'s freedom and strength.

The game started quickly. Kobe Bryant seemed to be particularly active at the beginning of the game because of his long absence from the battlefield. He kept asking for the ball from the Chinese point guard Jeremy Lin and was addicted to singles performances. The Lakers fans were also used to Kobe\'s Intermittent convulsions. Of course, now Kobe has matured a lot. He is no longer obsessed with feeding his hand with constant shots. After trying a few long shots, after feeling that his hand is not going well tonight, he gave the ball to his juniors. We play, and he plays the role of the pinnacle of the sea, helping the ball holder to get the defensive attention.

The Clippers over there did the show this summer. Former owner Donald Sterling was boycotted by the league due to racial discrimination and was banned from the NBA for life. He had no choice but to sell the team. There are many Internet giants who intend to take over. Figure.

On the court, the Los Angeles Clippers under the control of Chris Paul are like warships in the ocean, launching a powerful charge against the enemy. It is also because of the arrival of the league’s first point guard that the Clippers have completely transformed into a city of air-receiving. , Throwing orange basketballs into the air time and time again, the spring people of the team did not live up to the talent bestowed by God, taking off one after another and dunking the ball into the basket with great momentum.

Yang Cheng graciously applauded the wonderful performances of the two teams, and asked David Ellison next to him, "I remember Uncle Larry meant to buy the Clippers in the summer? How did he withdraw halfway in the end?"

When David Ellison heard the words, he casually slapped his head and replied, "Don\'t mention it, Steve Ballmer yelled out a price of 2 billion yuan, scared Larry, worried that if the fight continues, the price will be high. The gain is not worth the loss. He is just on a whim, wanting to buy a team to play with, and by the way, disgusting Microsoft\'s rival."

Yang Cheng smiled clearly, Larry Ellison and Microsoft’s grudges needless to say, and that Steve Ballmer is the former CEO of Microsoft, I don’t know how much he fought with Larry Ellison. In the last talk, they were all tens of billions of dollars in wealth, and none of them were friendly.

The first quarter ended quickly. The Clippers temporarily took the lead with a score of 31:22, and the main lineup was adjusted to rest. Kobe took advantage of the emptiness of the opponent\'s interior, and at the beginning of the second quarter, he repeatedly attacked the interior and succeeded. He scored 8 points with a penalty to bring the score closer, but he was old after all. He could maintain his youthful demeanor in the explosive power of scoring, but his stamina dropped a lot. It didn’t take long for Yang Cheng to see Kobe panting and biting. The bloodthirsty look in the jersey.

Before seeing such a scene, the fans may be crazy to cheer, everyone knows how terrible it is to fight the bleeding black mamba, but now, I can only lament and lament that the years have made people old.

However, driven by Kobe, the team also played very tough, and scored a score of 31:34 in the second quarter. Although it was still 5 points behind, it ultimately retained suspense for the second half of the ~ Staples Stadium is like the epitome of the entire Los Angeles. Entertainment is the unchanging truth. The intermission performance and the fiery atmosphere of various games can hardly lose the game itself.

The cameraman was not idle for a moment while carrying the camera. The fans also enjoyed it. The performance of yu was extremely strong. The little boy who danced mechanical dance, the little sister who did cheerleading, everyone tried their best to get into the eyes of the cameraman. Can appear on the big screen.

The most funny thing is that a little blonde girl was scared to tears after seeing herself on the screen. Her pink cheek was covered with ice cream, tears rolled in her eyes, and the cute little girl hiding in her mother\'s arms made the stadium. Stained with a warm atmosphere;

The naughty cameraman also found a black kid who looked like Kobe in the audience, and the tacit editor directly sent the comparison photos of the two on the big screen, making the audience roar with laughter.

Of course, in the NBA and even the national sports games, the essential program kisscam is also staged as scheduled. The photographer will randomly grab a pair of fans on the spot. It may be a man and a woman, or both men or women, and It may be the old and the young, and the celebrities in the front row will receive the focus of the cameraman\'s attention. In short, for the audience rating and the greatest possible arousal of the audience\'s enthusiasm, the cameraman has already thrown morality into the Pacific Ocean. .

Yang Cheng, who originally wanted to go to the bathroom while resting, was also pressed on the seat by the eager David Ellison, causing Yang Cheng to roll his eyes and scolded with a smile, "Fuck, you want to kiss Fangze yourself. What are you doing holding Lao Tzu? What if we are photographed later?"

I don\'t know the truth! It\'s a good spirit, but bad things happen every year. This year there are so many!