Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 233: Leisure weekend (1)

On the last day of October, Yang Cheng returned to Los Angeles from Country Z for almost a week. He was not idle during this week. In addition to meeting with the newly formed acquisition team every day to discuss plans and track information from various parties, he also had to from time to time. He pays attention to the progress of shorting Tesla, and he has to spend 2 hours every day to browse the company briefing. There is no time for leisure and entertainment in a day, and I have lived a life of nine to nine.

No, I spent another day in Tianwu Pictures today. I had a detailed exchange with the team that acquired DreamWorks. After determining the details of each step of the negotiation, the meeting will be concluded before dinner. Today is Friday. I have been busy for a week, let alone him, the employees also need to relax, spend a relaxing weekend, and prepare for the formal negotiation with DreamWorks next week.

We waved goodbye to the members of the team one by one. Yang Cheng stayed at the end and simply sorted out the thick documents on the large conference table, stretched tiredly, and stretched her stiff muscles.

"How about? Can you hold it?" David Ellison pushed open the door of the meeting room, and threw a can of energy drink over, caring.

Yang Cheng took it and took a sharp sip, feeling the refreshing taste of the bubbles bursting in his mouth, and burped comfortably, shaking his head and said, "It\'s okay, the body is not tired, but the mental burden is too great."

David Ellison untied and pulled off his tie, and nodded in understanding, "After all, it is a multi-billion acquisition. The competition is so fierce. It is not normal for you to have no pressure. Today\'s work ends here. Good evening Find an entertainment show and talk about it next week."

This is a typical Western-style thinking. Never bring work to the weekend. You must take a thorough rest when you should rest. The poor people in the United States, from the president to the late night, will take a vacation when they need it. Of course, there is no shortage of workaholics. They only sleep 3 or 4 hours a day and they are full of energy. For this kind of talent, Yang Cheng can only clasp his hands and clasp his fists in admiration.

Anyway, Yang Cheng worked continuously for a week, and every day when he still had enough sleep time, he would be so miserable. If he was boring to face the computer files every day, and had no personal time to drink and entertain, he would even have to make an appointment with a woman. It\'s better to die.

"You have to relax, what do you suggest?" Yang Cheng leaned back and put his legs on the conference table, asking a little sleepily.

"Why don\'t you go to the NBA? The regular season of the new season has just started, but today is the Los Angeles Derby, and the Staples Center is going crazy again." David Ellison opened his hands and made a move around the corner.

Yang Cheng thought for a second, and just about to agree, the phone rang, looked at the name of the caller ID, raised his brows in surprise, and motioned to David Ellison to pick up the channel, "Good evening, Emma, ​​today Is it my lucky day? Someone actually called me."

"Hehe~ Good evening jason, your mouth is so sweet." Emma Watson was teased by Yang Cheng\'s words.

Yang Cheng raised his **** at David Ellison, who was winking and trying to eavesdrop on the phone, and continued his sweet offensive, "It is a great honor to receive such praise from the beautiful Princess Emma."

"Hey, would you like to invite a beautiful woman to dinner?" Emma Watson was very playful, and said in an elegant tone.

"Of course, no one can refuse Emma\'s invitation. You are in Los Angeles? Then I will pick you up for dinner, and then how about we go to watch the NBA game? By the way, I have a brother with me. I want to be kind to Ai Princess Ma won\'t refuse, will she?" Yang Cheng also changed to an authentic and elegant Oxford accent, and what he said made David Ellison nauseous.

Emma Watson on the other side of the phone pretended to hesitate, then agreed, and after arranging the meeting place and time with Yang Cheng, he hung up the phone.

David Ellison imitated Yang Cheng\'s British accent, "Oh, my dear baby, Princess Emma! Fuck, Jason, your success is disgusting to me."

Yang Cheng didn\'t care about David Ellison\'s ridicule, and said humbly, "You care about me? Anyway, I have a beautiful woman to accompany me tonight, how about you? A bachelor?"

David Ellison was overwhelmed and covered his face with exaggerated hands, "Are you kidding Jason? The famous and suave Prince Ellison will be a bachelor? I have a call and a woman who wants to get on my ship can go all the way from West Hollywood. Arrange to Staples Center."

Seeing Yang Cheng’s contemptuous expression without saying anything, David Ellison excitedly took out his mobile phone and prepared to call others, he didn’t forget to yell at Yang Cheng, “Damn it, when my female companion appears, Jason will definitely shock your chin. Believe it or not, we bet? 1 Benjamin ($100)!"

"Deal (deal), I would like to see who you can call to startle my jaw? Isn\'t it Audrey Hepburn? Hahaha~" Yang Cheng deliberately took David Ellison\'s dream lover. Hepburn, who had long since passed away, came to stimulate him, in fact, to express his disdain.

"Let\'s wait and see, huh~" David Ellison went to contact his female partner aggressively. At that time, Yang Cheng could only arrange the tickets for dinner and the ball game.

He whispered at David Ellison the chicken thief, this guy ran out to make a phone call absolutely to save money.

Through the telephone assistant of Citibank, it took less than 3 minutes to solve the Staples front volleyball ticket that most people can\'t buy with money, and I ordered 4 tickets at once, and also booked one in Beverly Hills by the way. In the Japanese restaurant, the Ellisons are all Japanese iron noodles. Yangcheng has not been eaten for a long time. It is a bit greedy for the wonderful combination of top sashimi and sake.

Yang Cheng and David Ellison agreed to meet at the entrance of the restaurant, then left Tianwu Pictures to pick up their female partners.

At this time, the night fell quietly, and the city of angels was lit by the bustling lights. Under the beautiful night sky and stars, the romantic night had just begun. . .

Yang Cheng drove his coquettish Rafa, all the way like white lightning, pulling the wind around a small villa in Beverly Hills, opened the butterfly door, suspiciously trying to find the house number and sent it from Emma Watson on the phone For comparison.

Well, I have to admit that Yang Cheng\'s actions at this moment are so awkward, just like an idiot chasing a beautiful girl home, trying to find loopholes and break in.

After searching for a long time but did not find the house number, he gave up to continue searching, directly dialed Emma\'s number, and quietly leaned against the front of the car and lit a thin cigar to wait.

The night breeze is cool, and the natural scent of the forest and the sea is refreshing.

After waiting for 10 minutes, the iron door of the villa was opened, and I saw Emma Watson with her hair curled up, wearing a beige suit-collared coat, white jumpsuit with wide-leg pants, and simple pointed high heels of the same color as the coat. Holding the silver sequined dinner bag in hand, the perfect side face when looking down at the road is simply beautiful.

This fashionable dress is fresh and capable without losing sexiness, but the most beautiful on the whole body is the pearly red lips.

Stepping on high heels, Gada Gada came to Yang Cheng, tilted his head slightly, and raised one corner of his mouth. Zhu\'s lips lightly opened, and he said in a charming voice, "Hello, Jason, waited a long time."

Yang Cheng recovered from Emma’s stunning look tonight, leaning forward to hug her seductive body, and sending a close kiss. The perfume smell on Emma seemed to have a refreshing effect, and her belly rose instantly. It was fiery.

When Yang Cheng and Emma’s cheeks were pressed against their cheeks, there seemed to be a continuous shutter sound from behind the coconut tree not far away, but neither of them cared. The most famous person in Beverly Hills is not celebrities, but Ru Xiaoqiang Paparazzi who exist in general.

"You are so beautiful Emma tonight, maybe Kobe Bryant needs to worry about his protagonist being robbed tonight." Yang Cheng gently embraced his waist and gave praise without hesitation.

Emma Watson leaned on Yang Cheng\'s powerful hand on her waist, tilted her head back slightly, and smiled charmingly, "Thank you, you are also very handsome."

The gentleman sent Emma into the car, Yang Cheng snapped his fingers to the navigator behind and started the car. With the roar of the engine, Beverly made a U-turn and headed down the mountain.

The Japanese restaurant ordered by Yang Cheng is Urasawa, which has won two Michelin stars, and is also the most expensive restaurant in Los Angeles.

Urasawa is also named after its own chef. It is a top Japanese food that mixes Hokkaido and Kyoto flavors. However, it is highly sought after by Hollywood celebrities. The per capita consumption is nearly US$300. It is not possible to order food. All dishes are set meals carefully studied by the chef for many years. , Especially the freshly ground wasabi and premium abalone delivered by air from Japan every day, supplemented by the chef’s exclusive and secret crafting soy sauce and wonderfully crafted dishes, always bring endless surprises to every diner .

The restaurant is located in the shopping area of ​​North Rodeo Avenue. The front of the restaurant is also decorated like a luxury store. Even the parking lot is like a five-star hotel. If you book through normal channels, please wait for 3 months. To prepare, you also have to face the risk of having to get listed, but you missed the time for reply confirmation because of your own mistakes.

In a capitalist society, people who master capital can more or less enjoy the convenience brought by capital, such as Yang Cheng.

Park the car. Because Emma Watson is a big star, it is not convenient to wait outside, so Yang Cheng called David Ellison and then took Emma first. Go up to the restaurant located on the second floor.

In fact, this store is not big. Many Michelin-starred restaurants are also small workshops. Only in this way can we maintain the perfect pursuit of food quality as much as possible.

Opening the blue door curtain, you can see that a huge sushi table occupies most of the area of ​​the store. Ten people can sit around the sushi table. Naturally, it is already full at this time, and Yang Cheng has reserved the only small restaurant in the store. Private room.

The chef’s assistant greeted him, and after confirming the name and phone number with Yang Cheng, the diners led the two into the private room with the surprise gaze of the diners. Two young people who often paid attention to entertainment gossip looked at Yang. The backs of Cheng and Emma showed regret and frustration. The great opportunity to take pictures was not grasped. You must know that the scandal between Yang Cheng and Emma is hot, and the clear date photos of the two can definitely sell for a good price. Here is The most indispensable thing in Hollywood is the gossip spirit.

Yang Cheng, who had been to this restaurant, went into the private room and helped Emma to take off her trench coat while introducing this inconspicuous restaurant. For example, the huge sushi table is made up of a whole piece. Made of cedar, this smooth and beautiful wood gives a simple and natural dining experience, and the master’s cutting board is made of a large piece of Canadian maple logs, which is replaced every once in a while, which is very elegant.

Emma picked up the red carved crystal glass for sake with great interest, and couldn\'t help asking, "I thought you were going to invite me to Z meal?"

Yang Cheng was taken aback, hung up Emma\'s windbreaker, loosened his tie and smiled lightly, "I have the opportunity to take you to Country Z to eat the most authentic and authentic Z meal. In my opinion, there is no Chinese restaurant in the United States. The taste pleases me."

Emma pursed her red lips and smiled charmingly, "You are really demanding, but I am even more looking forward to it."