Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 213: Morning chat

The next morning, everything was silent, and a ray of light shone from the east horizon, carefully soaking the light blue sky, the sky just revealed the whiteness of the fish, everything was pure and refreshing, like a light ink painting, in the ink painting , Filled with a good smell of green grass.

Yang Cheng rubbed his eyes and struggled out of the bed, her eyes were still blurred. The cool mountain breeze came in along the balcony glass door, causing him to sneeze.

I scratched my scalp, and recalled having a big drink with Sunny last night, with a smile on the corners of her mouth. Maybe the girl was too depressed recently and couldn\'t stand the stimulation. She had to fight with Yang Cheng, but she forgot that she was there. It’s easy to get drunk when you are in a bad mood. After a few drinks, you can’t walk in a straight line. Yang Cheng still hugged him and sent it to the guest room. It took a lot of effort to coax him to sleep. Of course, he didn’t have any blood. They slept together, but returned to their big bed and slept beautifully all night.

I stretched out my arm and picked up the phone on the bedside to look at the time. It was just after 6 o’clock. I wanted to get back to sleep, but I couldn’t fall asleep. I had to get up and simply wash myself, change into lightweight sportswear and go underground. The gym on the first floor began to exercise.

It took 1 hour to do all the equipment in the gym, swim in the pool, and finally ran around the manor twice. After the physical exhaustion was almost exhausted, he dragged his slightly tired body back to the bathroom. I took a shower, closed the curtains and glass curtain wall remotely, yawned and got back into the bed to sleep.

It wasn\'t until 10 o\'clock in the morning that Yang Cheng, who had recovered from sleep, walked out of the bedroom refreshedly and came to the guest room not far from the master bedroom. He knocked gently on the door and listened for a long time with his ears, without noticing it. When there was any noise inside, he opened the door lightly and walked in cautiously.

The bedroom was very warm. Yang Cheng deliberately turned on the constant temperature system before leaving last night because she was afraid of sunny catching the cold. There was no ventilation all night, and the room temperature must rise. At the same time, there was a light fragrance in the room, not that kind of fragrance, but very natural. It comes from the unique fragrance of girls wearing makeup and perfume all year round.

He sniffed his nose, looked at the little sunny one hiding under the bed, chuckled forward and sat down on the edge of the bed, slowly pulling up the corner of the bed, revealing a delicate face, so that the makeup of Sunny yesterday doesn’t count. It\'s thick, just a light layer. Yang Cheng doesn\'t know how to remove makeup. She only wiped her face with a hot towel a few times. Now it seems that the skin is still shiny and moist, without the sequelae of sleeping overnight with makeup.

She mischievously pinched a strand of Sunny\'s hair and gently scratched it with the tips of her nostrils. After a while, Sunny subconsciously frowned in her sleep, her face twisted, and with the sound of "Ha Qiu", slowly Opened one eye.

"Ah, oppa, what are you doing?" staring at Yang Cheng blankly with one eye open, it took a long time to react, and the sticky and waxy sound when he woke up was strange.

Yang Cheng picked up the head of the bed and pressed it against the ceiling. The curtains and windows were opened at the same time, and soft natural light poured into the bedroom. Her big hands rubbed and petted her tender face, "Get up, the sun is basking," Go wash first, then go downstairs for brunch."

"Yeah" Sunny uttered a nasty nasal sound, and lazily pulled out a white arm. She was still wearing yesterday\'s shirt. Yang Cheng originally wanted to change her clothes, but she hesitated for a long time last night and finally didn\'t change it.

After meeting on the bed, I kept tossing like silkworm chrysalis on the bed in front of Yang Cheng for a while, suddenly remembering something, lifted the quilt and probed in, looked at Yang Cheng again and said meaningfully, "Ah, oppa, Did you do anything bad to me last night?"

Yang Cheng gave her an angry look, and used her index finger to touch the door of this girl\'s head, "What were you drunk like last night, what do you think I can bring up?"

"Yeah, oppa means you can do whatever you want without getting drunk?" Sunny suddenly exploded, got out of the bed, and jumped into Yang Cheng\'s arms and grabbed his ears.

"Oh, let go, it hurts." Yang Cheng exclaimed aloud with a grinning expression.

Sunny was also joking, let go of her hand, and her little hand climbed on Yang Cheng\'s face, constantly squeezing and kneading, playing with a teddy bear, deliberately putting on a vicious expression, "Say quickly"

Yang Cheng didn’t break free. She let Sunny play with her hands around her slender waist. She wanted to make a joke, but she suddenly said with a serious expression, "Sunny, you know I’m not a good person, especially for women. Beautiful women can’t hold them at all, but I have always regarded you as my sister, but then again, we are adults after all, and it’s normal for men and women to wipe out guns. I want to ask you if we really What happened, what would you do?"

Sunny’s original intention was of course not to question Yang Cheng, but just to get up early in the morning to make jokes with Yang Cheng, but when Yang Cheng asked so seriously, her still-bright little head was also stunned for a while, and she was hesitant. Never thought about this problem.

I don’t know when, as if unknowingly, the relationship with Yang Cheng has grown by leaps and bounds, and the intimate actions between each other are natural and casual, and no one deliberately avoids it, just like now, very casual Sitting in Yang Cheng\'s arms, her lower body was tightly attached to each other, and the man\'s special organ could be clearly felt by two thin layers of cloth.

Is this kind of intimacy that only couples can have, can normal brothers and sisters or friends of the opposite **** be able to do it? Absolutely not, does it mean that the two have a feeling for each other? Not at all.

Sunny is a girl with high emotional intelligence. Coupled with a woman\'s keen intuition, she clearly knows that Yang Cheng has no love for her. That kind of petting words and deeds is true as Yang Cheng said, treating her as a younger sister, but two After all, people are not blood-related brothers and sisters, and they are not even childhood sweethearts. It would be strange if a pair of young men and women get together if they don\'t stimulate hormones.

And sunny asked herself, does she like Yang Cheng? It doesn’t seem to be there, but an inexplicable sense of dependence. It seems that Yang Cheng is the biggest backer outside of her parents. No matter how difficult things are, just looking for Yang Cheng can help her solve problems. For such a man, her heart is also not. Do not exclude a relationship with it.

The relationship between people is so wonderful that it is completely impossible to use common sense or the so-called secularity to give shackles.

The two people maintained an intimate posture, each lost in thought, for a long while, or sunny raised their heads, cheeks flushed, big eyes staring at Yang Cheng blankly, biting their lips and whispering, "oppa, if, I mean if one day We really have a relationship. I hope it will be natural. You can\'t force me like you did to Xiaoxian, can you?"

Yang Cheng was taken aback. He never expected Sunny to give such an answer. As a man, is he necessary to refuse dissatisfaction? A faint smile and nodding is a positive answer. The reason why he didn\'t speak was because he was afraid that when he made a noise, this girl would die in shame, didn\'t he see that her face was bleeding? Usually, no matter how carelessly they are, they are also girls. As long as they are not normal girls with particularly strong needs in that area, few can calmly talk about the relationship between men and women.

Sure enough, the moment Yang Cheng nodded, Sunny followed a wind-up bunny. She bounced off the ground, rushed into the bathroom with her short legs, and closed the door with a bang, and soon there was a shower sound. The sound of water.

Yang Cheng shook his head amused and went out, and came back 5 minutes later, put a whole new set of unlabeled clothes on the bed, and shouted in the direction of the bathroom, "Sunny, I prepared new clothes for you. Come out and change them. Go up and down to the restaurant for breakfast, did you hear?"

"Got it." Sunny also yelled in reply.

After Yang Cheng moved in, she specially arranged for White to go to the foot of the mountain to buy a group of ladies\' clothes. They have all kinds of styles and sizes in all seasons. They are prepared to bring women back in the future. They are all brands under the brand, and they are made for his mother. Contributed.

. . .

When Sunny changed into a one-shoulder lantern sleeve shirt with denim shorts, with a refreshing light makeup style painted on her face, she came to the restaurant and had a good breakfast, which became lunch. Yang Cheng was already hungry to wait for Sunny. The chest sticks to the back.

After eating a typical Western-style lunch of steak and salad, Yang Cheng went back to the bedroom and changed into business attire, carrying a tie, and while tying his shirt buttons, he asked Sunny, "I\'m going out to do something, you and me still Waiting for me at home?"

Sunny hesitated for a moment and asked, "Oppa, are you busy with business or private business? Will I be interrupted if I go?"

Yang Cheng tied his neckline and handed the tie to Sunny. He bent down and motioned to Sunny to help him tie his tie. After thinking about it, he replied, "Semi-public and half-private, let\'s go out with me. I have an appointment with someone at the coffee shop. Let’s talk about something in the museum, then you can go shopping around, and when I’m done talking, find a place to play and have dinner together, how about?"

Sunny took the tie, stroked the soft material, and put it around Yang Cheng\'s neck carefully. Hearing that Yang Cheng was about to talk to someone, he paused, loosened the half-tie tie, and readjusted it. With the length of the two sections, his hands moved slightly jerky.

Within a few tens of seconds, a slightly complicated Prince Albert knot was born from Sunny. With a focused expression, he set Yang Cheng\'s shirt, stepped back and raised his head, and looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction. Yang Cheng wore a blue British style suit customized by Burberry, wearing a fine-textured silk tie of the same color, coupled with a high-necked shirt collar, in a smooth Prince Albert knot, and aristocratic temperament emerged spontaneously.

Yang Cheng walked to a mirror and looked at herself from a different narcissistically snapped his fingers, and looked back to Sunny in surprise, "You will still tie Prince Albert\'s knot? Where did you learn it?"

Sunny spit out her pink tongue, stepped forward and padd her feet to shave off the fluff on her cheeks for Yang Cheng, explaining, "My sister used to be bored, so she had to take me to learn how to dress up her husband. She learned a little knowledge, but I graduated with a perfect score, but after finishing school, I didn\'t have the opportunity to practice and I didn\'t play well."

Yang Cheng turned around again, straightened her bow tie in the mirror and smiled and encouraged, "It\'s pretty good, at least I can\'t do it by myself. In the future, as long as we are together, I will give you my tie. Yeah, it was such a happy decision."

"Then let\'s go?" Yang Cheng bent his arms and waited for Sunny to pull up. He had an afternoon tea with Donna Lande, president of Universal Pictures, and was about to dig the corner of Universal. For such talents, we must give 100 respects. , Can\'t be late.

"Wait oppa, you dress like this, my body is not suitable, let me go up and change a skirt, wait a moment." Although Sunny came in a hurry, she also brought luggage, but Yang Cheng didn\'t know.

"Okay, hurry up." Yang Cheng reluctantly urged, this girl was quite interested.