Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 211: To and from Vancouver

, Provide you with wonderful novel reading. At noon on October 17, the weather in Los Angeles suddenly got windy. At this time, the body surface temperature was definitely over 30 degrees. Yang Cheng was wearing a sao pink shirt, sky blue casual shorts and holding a cup of cold Coke sat under a sun umbrella outside the door of a cafe and sucked angrily. The air collided with the ice and made a gurgling sound. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

"David, can\'t I go to the office and blow on the air conditioner if I have something to say? I have to face the big sun and be dazzling. I\'m so hot." Yang Cheng swallowed the coke and complained.

David Ellison didn\'t care either, with a wretched smile, looking at Yang Cheng with ambiguous eyes, or he thought that this guy was in trouble.

"Jason, are we brothers?"

When Yang Cheng heard the greasy breath, she immediately took a breath. This grandson was absolutely fine. He leaned back and looked disgusted, "What do you want? Now is the critical moment for the acquisition of DreamWorks. Don\'t mess with me."

"No, no, rest assured, I\'m staring at DreamWorks, there can be no mistakes, that fifty shades of gray was made by your company, right?" David Ellison first said with a righteous expression that he could not delay the business, and then he changed back to flattery. Asked the way.

Yang Cheng was stunned, and nodded in a daze, "Yes."

"That\'s good, you see that your boss didn\'t do the job well, so you didn\'t even go to visit the class once?" David Ellison deliberately accused.

Yang Cheng was about to nod, but she reacted right away, and was almost surrounded by the grandson. He slapped the table and shouted, "Damn, how do you know if I\'m going to visit the class?"

David Ellison waved his hand and said with an intoxicated look, "This is not the point, but the point is that you have such a beautiful girl under your control and you don\'t share it with your brother. It\'s too interesting."

"Can you tell the whole story? What do you mean?" Yang Cheng was completely confused, what is this grandson going to say? Visiting the class for a while and beautiful women.

"Ok, that\'s the case. Yesterday, I was at a party and met a girl who was shocked. When I asked, it turned out to be the heroine of the movie shot by your company. It was a violent thing." David Ellison saw Yang Cheng had to look anxious and hurriedly tell the cause and effect.

"I\'m going to your uncle, just for such a mess, did you call Lao Tzu out to bask in the sun?" Not to say it\'s okay, as soon as Yang Cheng said that Yang Cheng was angry.

"Quite your anger, how about? Do you want to go to the squad together?" David Ellison waved his hand at the onlookers, indicating that it was all right here.

"Look at your sister?" Yang Cheng said excitedly in Chinese.

"English!" David Ellison reminded.

Yang Cheng made a face-covering emoticon, and was so speechless by this joke. If you want to find a problem that can be solved by a phone call in the class, do you still use such a lot of water?

. . .

More than 3 hours later, Yang Cheng and David Ellison, two sons, appeared lightly at Vancouver International Airport, but the emotions on their faces were two extremes. One was full of joy, the other was bad. Engrave the word unhappy on his face as if someone owed him 20 billion.

"David, the cost of picking up girls is not low? It\'s a private jet and a yacht." After Yang Cheng finished speaking, a cool breeze brought goose bumps on his body. He was still wearing short-sleeved shorts from Los Angeles. This is undoubtedly a different kind of Vancouver, where the average temperature of this season is only 10 degrees.

"Haha, this is nothing, but I didn\'t expect the shooting location to be in Vancouver." David Ellison also felt very sorry, after all, it was a bit unnatural to take Yang Cheng to fly over from Los Angeles to pick up girls for him.

This is indeed a misstep. The two discussed at noon to visit the troupe. Yang Cheng called and asked that the crew was in Vancouver. David Ellison was on his head, and he took Yang Cheng straight to the airport.

Yang Cheng really doesn’t understand the aesthetics of the old beauty. He also faced Dakota Johnson in his previous life, but that’s because the movie scenes were very attractive, which does not mean that the girl is beautiful, and he was not surprised by David Ellison. The degree of heaven and humanity, when he first acquired Focus Films, he also thought about this girl and wanted to play with some unspoken rules. As a result, he had forgotten this a long time ago, and now it is cheaper for David Ellison.

"Don\'t talk nonsense for now, find a store to buy me clothes and freeze me to death." Yang Cheng shivered and said angrily.

David Ellison is also very cool, but fortunately the long-sleeved trousers are not so special.

I found a house in the airport nearby and looked good, but changed into a spring and autumn outfit from a brand store that I had never heard of before I got in the nanny car sent by the crew to pick up the plane and drove to the shooting location.

The city of Vancouver as a whole is relatively modern, but it also retains a neighborhood with many historical buildings like Gastown, which naturally becomes Vancouver’s treasure. The city’s features during the colonial period are well protected here. The size of the lane is small and there are many tourists. The crowded atmosphere formed in this way has a unique attraction for people in low-density countries. It is also one of the few attractions that Yangcheng has a more impressive impression of Vancouver.

Of course, Yang Cheng didn\'t come for tourism this time, so naturally he would not go to North Vancouver specially.

It is said that Canada is the country of maple leaves. It is natural to be curious about maple leaves when you come here, but it may be because Vancouver is not as cold as Toronto. Maple leaves are not so red, but they are better than the rich variety, yellow orange red purple, in the gray and gray sky of Vancouver. , It looks particularly beautiful.

According to the driver who was sent to pick up the airport, the crew was filming in Stanley Park. Originally, Yang Cheng wanted to find a hotel to rest and rest. He couldn\'t stand David Ellison\'s hard work and had to agree to go directly to the scene.

Stanley Park is very promising to beat New York’s Central Park and win the title of the best city park in the world. The park is not far from the city center, but it retains the appearance of virgin forest. The old trees in the central highlands are towering and the northwest and northeast sides are about 10 kilometers away. The waterfront slow road, its ecological environment is difficult to describe in words, especially the park after autumn is full of maple trees.

The babysitter car did not drive in after arriving in the park, because the sky was drizzling at this time, and Yang Cheng suddenly became literate. After asking for an umbrella to ask the location of the crew, she got out of the car and played along the park path. After a stroll in the rain, romance is romantic enough, but unfortunately there is a beautiful woman around.

After walking along the waterfront for a long time, I realized the unusual beauty of silence, and also deliberately went to the northernmost point, where is the iconic Lions Gate Bridge in Vancouver. It is the sister bridge of the Golden Gate Bridge and now belongs to the Lions of New Times Media. Gate Pictures uses this bridge as a sign.

. . .

After walking around for more than half an hour, I looked for the crew and looked at the crew’s guns and guns from afar. When he leaned in, a dark gray Audi r8 parked in the middle of the trail, and the director-like character was leaning on the car door. He gave a speech to the hero and the heroine, and David Ellison’s second person was also in the crowd, staring at the heroine Dakota Johnson with pitiful eyes, but it was a pity that it appeared on the big masters. See how awkward.

Yang Cheng shuddered subconsciously, and found the staff who had brought them into the crew before, and asked about the progress of the filming. Knowing that this was the last scene of the day, he pulled David Ellison out and said angrily. "I said you\'re a little good, can\'t you? That woman isn\'t that pretty, right?"

David Ellison is also a veteran of Huajian. He rolled his eyes and said, "What do you know! What I like is the bambi-like elf temperament of Bambi."

The goose bumps that Yang Cheng had just fallen for a few minutes later came out again. If Bambi knew that a wolf was staring at him, he would definitely run away without a trace, waiting for the wolf to start a hunting offensive?

"Fuck off, you have seen people, now it’s okay with me? I’m going to find a hotel to sleep, and you can play slowly with Bambi." Yang Cheng didn’t want to stay with this, this drizzle weather It’s the best place to sleep, let’s not forget that people will be in the right place for a while, do you still keep here as a light bulb?

"Ok, remember to book a room for me." David Ellison was eager for Yang Cheng to leave early, as if Yang Cheng would delay his picking up girls.

Yang Cheng raised her **** as she walked, "There is no **** with the opposite sex!"

I left Stanley Park alone, took a taxi to find a nearby star hotel, opened a suite, fell on the bed, and started to fall asleep.

I don\'t know how long I slept, anyway, it was pitch black outside the window, only the street lights were flashing, and the pattering sound proved that the rain had not stopped.

Yang Cheng rubbed her messy hair and got out of the bed to turn on the light. She sat on the head of the bed and returned a few messages. When she was about to go downstairs to search for food, the phone rang.


"Oppa, good evening, where are you?" Sunny\'s crisp voice came out.

"I\'m in Vancouver, wait, good evening? It should be daytime on your side?" Yang Cheng got up and said, taking out a glass of mineral water from the refrigerator and drank it, wiping the water stains on the corners of his mouth.

"I\'m in Los Angeles, I want something to do with you." Sunny\'s tone was disappointed.

"Um, what\'s the matter? Are you in a hurry?" Yang Cheng was stunned and asked when he checked the phone.

"It\'s okay, it\'s not too rush." ​​Sunny thought about it and wanted to give an ambiguous answer.

Yang Cheng laughed. Generally speaking, it is an urgent matter, "Okay, it\'s only 6 o\'clock, I will fly back, you can wait for me at home, the address is Beverly Hills*, I will be home before 10 o\'clock. "

"Oppa, are you busy with things over there? Don\'t delay business." Sunny still cares about Yang Cheng.

"Don\'t worry, there was nothing serious, wait for me."

Yang Cheng hung up the phone, left a message for David Ellison, took a taxi to the airport, and bought the fastest flight back to Los Angeles.

It was about 10 o\'clock at night when I got home, and Beverly Hills was still brightly lit. On the way up the mountain, there were several luxury houses hosting parties, and deafening DJ music rang through the valley.

"Jason, good evening, is the road going smoothly?" After getting out of the car, White greeted Yang Cheng and opened the door, expressing his concern.

"Thank you White, it went well, are the guests here?" Yang Cheng nodded and thanked.

"Yes, Miss Sunny has arrived. I asked her to go to the guest room to rest, but she insisted on waiting for you in the living room. UU Reading" White carefully handed over the bath towel to let Yang Cheng wipe her wet hair.

"This girl, it\'s okay, nothing is going to happen tonight, you go and rest." Yang Cheng muttered, and told White to go back to rest. The butler is also a human and cannot provide services 24 hours a day.

"Okay, just greet the servant on duty if you have anything to do, good night, Jason."

"good night."

White went down to rest, and Yang Cheng came to the living room. Sunny little was curled up in the corner of the sofa playing with his mobile phone, her focused expression even before Yang Cheng came back.

"Sunny, why don\'t you go to the guest room to rest?" Yang Cheng rubbed Sunny\'s head with his big hands, and said softly with eyes full of dozing.

"Ah, oppa, you\'re back? You must help Sika this time!" Sunny was surprised at first, then threw away her phone and threw herself into Yang Cheng\'s arms, shouting anxiously. Mobile phone users browse and read, a better reading experience. More after this, pay attention to the WeChat public account. Newly enter the homepage. A lot of exciting waiting for you