Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2108: Sponsor 1 then 1

"America indulge in life (


The operation of Coca-Cola and Mak Kee directly affected the representatives of other brands, especially the representatives of the same type of Heineken beer. Seeing that they could still operate like this, they quickly called back to the parent company. After some urgent communication, they immediately contacted Iraq. Enair signed a supplementary agreement-in addition to the sideline billboard sponsorship, following the Coca-Cola model, signed a three-year 48 million pounds contract, and in the future drinking at Anfield, he can only choose Heineken , Others are not allowed to sell!

Why is Heineken 48 million? Because they are the main sponsors of Liverpool, for old friends, a little discount is still necessary.

By the way, the representatives of Coca-Cola also specially invited Yang Cheng outside the office and chatted for 5 minutes alone. They wanted to ask Yang Cheng for a favor. The wealthy Coca-Cola is ready to join Nike, TAG Heuer, EA games, Carlin beer, Confectionery producer Cadbury and Barclays Bank have become the seventh and last league partner of the Premier League.

Just last year, the Premier League ended its 13-year league naming agreement with Barclays Bank and switched to a multi-party sponsorship model. This business system has become more complete due to the addition of multiple brands.

The cooperation with the Premier League is not Coca-Cola’s first involvement in football or even sports. The company’s previous sports marketing projects include major events such as the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games; combined with the previous cooperation with the English Football League (EFL), the Premier League management has sufficient reasons. Optimistic about the cooperation between the two parties.

In their view, Coca-Cola and the Premier League have similar brand ambitions. For Coca-Cola, cooperation with the most popular football league in the world means that the brand can integrate its different products for the first time, especially the current brand’s main promotion. Sugar-free products.

Yang Cheng is naturally happy to see its success. The Premier League is rich, and the benefits to the club will be more talented. Besides, as one of the new main sponsors of Liverpool, Coca-Cola is also one of the individual major shareholders of Coca-Cola stock. These reasons were added, and Yang Cheng agreed to the other party\'s request without saying a word.

Yang Cheng is still very optimistic about the cooperation between the Premier League and Coca-Cola. The two well-known names are in the leading ranks in their respective fields. Therefore, the cooperation between two truly global brands will eventually have a broader influence. This is undoubtedly .

At present, Coca-Cola has operations in 206 countries around the world except Cuba and North Korea. Once the contract is signed, many regions will definitely hope to participate in this cooperation.

For the Premier League, through cooperation with Coca-Cola manufacturers in other regions, it is possible to in-depth local promotion of the league.

For a considerable number of people who choose to drink Coca-Cola products, football and the Premier League are their first hobbies.

As the best football league in the world, Premier League broadcasts cover 1 billion households in 189 countries.

Therefore, the cooperation with the Premier League allows Coca-Cola to customize a series of marketing activities around core events, thereby further narrowing the distance with fans and increasing brand awareness. This is particularly important for Coca-Cola.

In other words, the cooperation with the Premier League allows Coca-Cola to conduct brand marketing in a highly integrated manner.

As a result, not only the core products of Coca-Cola can be effectively activated, but also many other brands under its brand, such as lighter flavored varieties such as Sprite, and low-sugar products.

Low-sugar and sugar-free series account for a very large proportion of Coca-Cola\'s current products, reaching about 70%. The main products sold in Anfield in the future will also be sugar-free or low-sugar series. For this series of marketing, Coca-Cola is also under It took a lot of effort.

Speaking of the types of sponsored brands earlier, the second is brand localization.

What does that mean?

Nowadays, the process of globalization has made more and more companies go abroad. When a company comes to a new market, how can it quickly increase the brand’s local reputation and market share? Sponsoring the sports industry can be a quick way.

Take Warwick, a mobile phone brand in Country Z, as an example. In 2014, Warwick became the sponsor of Paris Saint-Germain, the French giants. With Paris\'s triumphant triumph at home and abroad, Warwick also opened the French market step by step.

At the end of 2015, Warwick had a 5% market share in the French market, and it is expected that the market share will reach 10% by the end of this year.

In Argentina, Warwick has also become a sponsor of the two traditional South American giants, Boca Youth and River Plate. The purpose is also to quickly open the market through the strong appeal of these two teams in South America.

Another typical example is the South Korean car brand Hyundai-Kia. From the 2004 European Cup in Portugal until last year\'s European Cup in France, Hyundai-Kia has been an important partner of UEFA.

In the past 10 years, with its high appearance rate in European competitions, the company\'s sales figures have also been steadily rising. Sales have increased by 11% compared with the same period last year. You must know that the European automotive market is very mature and relatively saturated. It is not easy for to achieve this performance in the big-name European market.

The company chooses a very influential team or event in the country or region, through sponsorship, quickly gains popularity and attention, and then combines the country or region\'s unique cultural traditions and consumption habits to develop its own unique sales strategy And advertising, to convey a brand localized message, to narrow the psychological distance with consumers in the country, make the brand image and corporate values ​​deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, only in this way can it be widely recognized by the local market.

Warwick has always wanted to conquer the core battlefield in Europe, the UK, but they have not been able to do so. They have also had contact with Yang Cheng before, but that is the US market. Although the cooperation has not been successful, they don\'t mind trying again in the UK. .

And it\'s just a sponsorship, not a core technology transfer, Yang Cheng has no reason to refuse the three-year £30 million contract.

As for car sponsorship, it’s nothing Korean. The Volkswagen Group behind Audi has never hesitated to invest in sports events. Of course, Audi’s sponsorship is mainly to send cars. They rarely pay cash, including Real Madrid, Barcelona, The same goes for the sponsorship of Bayern and other giants.

The sponsorship of Liverpool is also the car. Every year, Audi\'s car launch ceremony is also the target of the media.

But this time with Liverpool winning the championship, Ian Ayre also won Audi\'s car sponsorship for the team staff. Of course, the value is definitely not as good as the luxury cars of the players and coaches, but it is also a B-class car and a C-class car. The staff is already very good, after all, it is free.

This time, Audi will sponsor a total of 47 cars for Liverpool with a total value of more than £5 million. This is only an indirect sponsorship contract, not a main sponsor. . .