Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2107: Crazy sponsorship

"America indulge in life (

Diplomatically, Britain and polar bears have long been at odds with each other, but in reality, the capital of polar bears has already penetrated all corners of Britain.

You know that 20% of the British luxury homes are owned by the polar bears. The highest transaction records in the history of London real estate are basically the names of polar bears. This is even done by the local tyrants in the Middle East who don’t treat money as money. Less than.

The United Kingdom has a high level of education, and London is one of the centers of the world economy. Therefore, a large number of polar bears are willing to send their children to study in the UK, and they are also willing to invest in the UK.

In addition, the UK has a strong historical and cultural heritage. For the polar bear rich, investing in the UK can quickly integrate into the upper class of the West and get rid of their "NewMoney" status.

Similarly, the football world is also full of the bitter air of Siberia. In addition to Abramovich, Alischer Osmanov owns 30% of Arsenal; Bournemouth was acquired by petrochemical tycoon Maxim Jemin in 2011; Portsmouth in the low-level league also has a polar bear gold master.

Behind many sponsorship agreements, there are also polar bear oligarchs. Usmanov and Everton boss Mosili have been close, the former USM company named the Toffee training ground.

Polar Bear Air is the official airline of Manchester United, while Polar Bear Gas is the sponsor of Chelsea and the Champions League.

Therefore, under the multiple pressures of athletics, athletics and ZZ, Abramovich is likely to die and make a decision to sell Chelsea.

The decision of this oligarch is bound to have a demonstration effect. Not long ago, news came out that Usmanov, another rich polar bear, planned to sell all his Arsenal shares to Kroenke.

What is visible to the naked eye is that sponsorship and investment from polar bears will also wither.

Fifteen years ago, Abramovich came with a lot of rubles, which changed the pattern of the Premier League and even European football; and 15 years later, the departure of the rich man also meant an earthquake that would shake the entire football world.

The cake left at that time will cause the entire European football to be wildly robbed.

How could Yang Cheng not plan for this? Besides, based on his relationship with Abu, it is normal to start in advance, and the fat water does not flow into the outsiders\' fields.

So he said, "Roman, if you make up your mind to sell the team, remember to tell me in advance."

The meaning is self-evident, and Abu knows, "Don\'t worry, I will tell you in advance. By the way, Chelsea\'s aviation sponsorship contract is about to expire. Remember to sign a five-year contract in advance."

Yang Cheng laughed and gave a thumbs up, "meaningful~"

The benefits of airline sponsoring teams will not be mentioned. As mentioned earlier, because of Yang Orange, Delta Air Lines has a natural advantage in this respect. Using Yang Orange’s network, Delta Air Lines has Successively won the airline sponsorship contracts of many clubs, and competed with the United Arab Emirates and Qatar Airways.

American airlines represent the setting sun to a certain extent, but as Yang Cheng settled in, gradually put on the cloak of local tyrants.

Closer to home, it is not difficult to hear from Abu\'s words that the team is definitely going to be sold, sooner or later, Yang Cheng suddenly feels sad.

To some extent, his position is the same as that of Abramovich. What is stronger than Abramovich is that there will never be any accidental figures in the United States, not to mention that the US consortium does not allow it, nor does the public allow it, Dai A mask can make them feel restricted freedom, what else can they say?

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The celebration lasted until the early hours of the morning. The banquet was held in Ritz London. Naturally, there is no shortage of places to rest. When you are tired, you can go upstairs to rest. If you don’t mind being discovered by your wife, you can also have a secret model with a young model. The collision of Devil May Cry is shocking, but this is not realistic. European and American players get married very early. Few are not married at this age. Many children can get soy sauce.

With family members present, they certainly won\'t let go.

Early the next morning, the players who had hangovers last night just got up, one by one, like walking dead, they were helped on the plane, and they slept all the way to Liverpool. There is no other way. There is a grand championship parade today. They are all protagonists, they are indispensable, even if they die, they have to be dragged up, let alone just a hangover.

The players are going to parade, Yang Cheng will not go out to grab the limelight. He has to stay at Anfield to receive congratulations from sponsor representatives, and also talk about winning prizes and contract renewals.

Although most of the sponsors’ new contracts have only been fulfilled for one year, they all can’t wait to renew their contracts.

Nonsense, fools all look at Liverpool’s momentum in recent years. With the regain of the Champions League, this momentum will definitely continue. At this time, if you don’t lock a sponsorship seat in advance, wait a few years and spend more money. Liverpool\'s sprint speed has also slowed down, and the effect must be worse.

There is no business but no precision. They are all old foxes who have been in the shopping malls for many years. They understand the principle of starting first. This is what happened today. Dozens of sponsor representatives gathered in the office of Chairman Anfield.

The originally huge office seemed very cramped at this moment, crowded with people.

Of course, Yang Cheng was also very polite, and did not show dissatisfaction because of the noisy crowd. Professional football has developed rapidly in the past 30 years, and the value of various professional leagues and major intercontinental competitions has also risen. Now it is formed. With the trinity profit model of competition copyright, commercial sponsorship and competition day income, sponsors are definitely one of the important partners of the team\'s operation, and Yang Cheng does not dare to neglect these gold owners.

Well, it may be a bit too much to talk about negligence. It is impossible to talk about who is negligent. People in today\'s society are always affected by all kinds of advertisements. Football, as the most influential and most popular sport in the world, has undoubtedly become a major sport. Advertisers are flocking to the focus.

Advertisers gain attention by sponsoring clubs, players, national teams or football associations to increase the influence of their brands, so the essence of sponsorship is advertising.

Since it is advertising, his purpose is to increase popularity and increase sales at the same time. It can be said that he stands in the same position with the team, and both sides take what they need.

However, under the general purpose, each major company has its own more specific advertising requirements. It is precisely because of these specific requirements that they choose different carriers (clubs, players, national teams, or football associations). At the same time, they The chosen sponsorship method is also different.

As the chairman of the club, Yang Cheng must allocate the interests of all parties and meet the demands of all parties. Once there is a conflict, the sponsor will not lose much, but his team is the biggest one.

The current team sponsors can be divided into several categories, one of which is the type that stimulates instant consumption, representing companies: Heineken, Coca-Cola, McDonald\'s, KFC and Lay\'s potato chips.

This model is the most common in daily life, and at the same time it is most closely connected with people\'s daily life. Heineken is a sponsor of the Champions League, and Coca-Cola, McDonald\'s and KFC also often sponsor various events and clubs.

These brands obtain consumer associations by frequently sponsoring the sports industry. What is consumer association? For example: when three or five friends gather to watch a football game, when you need to buy some food and drinks, because the above brands often sponsor some football games or clubs, your brain naturally associates these brands with sports games.

Usually there may be no effect, but once a keyword-football appears in your mind, then another keyword-the above-mentioned brand will appear.

Then you naturally become a consumer of the brand. Data surveys also show that on a football match day, within an hour before the start of the game, the sales figures of this brand will rise sharply.

There is also a special case of this kind of sponsorship, that is, betting companies. Since TV advertising for football betting is prohibited in most countries, these companies choose to sponsor some football clubs through the chest advertisements on the team uniforms or the advertisements on the side of the stadium. Affect fans to go to the site to bet.

This season, many clubs in the Premier League’s chest advertisers are betting companies, such as West Ham, Swansea and Stoke City. Since the majority of football betting customers are fans, the customer conversion rate of this type of advertising Amazingly high. UU reading

Generally speaking, such sponsors establish the connection between the brand and football in the subconscious mind through frequent commercial sponsorship or stadium advertisements, and stimulate consumers to consume for the brand before or during the game.

In other words, this type of sponsorship model only applies to products that can be consumed during the game. The Anfield home billboard was previously sponsored by bookmakers and Heineken. Others include Lay’s Potato Chips, Coca-Cola, Mai Kee and K Kee. The big brands did not seek sponsorship, but as Liverpool got the Champions League back, they naturally couldn\'t turn a blind eye to them and sought sponsorship.

Of course, brands of the same type can only choose one, but it does not prevent them from bidding against each other.

As a result, several small temporary auctions were held in Yang Cheng’s office. The person in charge of the auction was Ian Al. Seeing his mouth that he didn’t close from the beginning, he knew how gratifying the results were. .

In the end, Coca-Cola and McGee were slightly better, with 50 million pounds and 55 million pounds, respectively, to win the power to sell at Anfield. To watch football, you can only choose Coca-Cola if you want a drink, and you can only choose McDonald\'s if you want fast food.

Don\'t worry, they won\'t be able to earn back from the sales alone, but the influence is beyond doubt. It\'s nothing to monopolize the sale of a stadium. What if you take the opportunity to monopolize the city?

You must know that Liverpool is actually a small city, but more than 70% of the people in this city are Liverpool or the family of Liverpool fans. When they are used to the taste of Coca-Cola and Mak Kee at Anfield, they will want to eat outside in the future. The first time I think of Coca-Cola and Mak Kee.

Therefore, regardless of these two spending huge sums of money, they seem to have made a loss-making business, but they make more.